Author Topic: Committee Fund Operation Review  (Read 31775 times)

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Offline Digital Lucifer

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Never said they are. Commitee (e.g. board of directors) as operators (fund managers) are responsible for it in every possible way including legal one. Do as you wish,


Hm, i didn't get it.

Can we chat somewhere so we don't spam forums ? I'm willing to explain in details.
Milos (DL) Preocanin
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Offline binggo

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Never said they are. Commitee (e.g. board of directors) as operators (fund managers) are responsible for it in every possible way including legal one. Do as you wish,


Hm, i didn't get it.

Offline Digital Lucifer

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Committee is set of 11 different accounts that are all responsible for funds, not just 1 account with support of community.

It should be voted by committee members, not a community - since community has no legal responsibility for the actions they vote for (yet).

Can you explain the "legal responsibility"?

These fund was operated by committees
I think you didn't read carefully what i said, it doesn't mean the fund belong to the committees.
If the community decided to something with this fund,the committees should follow the result of vote.
Committe have the right to make a proposal express what he or the voters want to do, this is what he should to do.

No action then will no responsibility, this will be very sad for the community.

Never said they are. Commitee (e.g. board of directors) as operators (fund managers) are responsible for it in every possible way including legal one. Do as you wish,

« Last Edit: October 21, 2019, 12:58:25 pm by Digital Lucifer »
Milos (DL) Preocanin
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Offline binggo

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Committee is set of 11 different accounts that are all responsible for funds, not just 1 account with support of community.

It should be voted by committee members, not a community - since community has no legal responsibility for the actions they vote for (yet).

Can you explain the "legal responsibility"?

These fund was operated by committees
I think you didn't read carefully what i said, it doesn't mean the fund belong to the committees.
If the community decided to something with this fund,the committees should follow the result of vote.
Committe have the right to make a proposal express what he or the voters want to do, this is what he should to do.

No action then will no responsibility, this will be very sad for the community.

If this proposal can make more liquidity,why not try it?
Feed price has been locked,  there's no going back,the market fees still can pay back the debt slowly in the future, to buy cheap bts is more better to to buy the expensive.
« Last Edit: October 21, 2019, 12:52:29 pm by binggo »

Offline Digital Lucifer

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As in the past, I do *not* support using community funds for leverage.

Does that counts as vote/opinion of another Committee member - since you're one of them ?
Milos (DL) Preocanin
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Move Institute, Non-profit organization
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Murska Sobota, Slovenia.

Offline xeroc

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As in the past, I do *not* support using community funds for leverage.

Offline Digital Lucifer

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so that means we need another BSIP to set the threshold feed price for eternity, or it can be increased but not be lowered?

0.202 bitCNY/BTS is cheap even when the market price is 0.19, we can buy at 0.22bitCNY/BTS when market price go to 0.22 without pay additional price , but I think it's not hard to tell which price is better.

Man, I really feel compassion for you. You have become an addict to gambling and now you are trying to gamble with committee's account, under the exact same strategy that got your ass burned. It doesn't matter at this moment if your strategy works or not. You have lost any sense of ethics or truthfulness.

it is just like in 1971, President Nikson announced to give up the peg of USD on GOLD.

it is irrelevant to ethics or thuthufulness, it is relevant to the demand of economy.

if you are not able to understand, I do not have time to explain more at this moment.

Mr. Liu Jialing, If you want to take the funds, please create worker on your own name so you can take full responsibility for actions with those funds. Leave the committee owned funds out of the pitch.

This was a friendly(soft) suggestion.

This is proposed by cn-vote and Chinese investors. By the way, it is Chinese investors who are pouring money into BTS to support all sorts of spending.

Pouring money ? Some blocks with transactions that confirm that statement, please.
Milos (DL) Preocanin
Owner and manager of
Move Institute, Non-profit organization
RN: 2098555000
Murska Sobota, Slovenia.

Offline Digital Lucifer

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so that means we need another BSIP to set the threshold feed price for eternity, or it can be increased but not be lowered?

0.202 bitCNY/BTS is cheap even when the market price is 0.19, we can buy at 0.22bitCNY/BTS when market price go to 0.22 without pay additional price , but I think it's not hard to tell which price is better.

Man, I really feel compassion for you. You have become an addict to gambling and now you are trying to gamble with committee's account, under the exact same strategy that got your ass burned. It doesn't matter at this moment if your strategy works or not. You have lost any sense of ethics or truthfulness.

it is just like in 1971, President Nikson announced to give up the peg of USD on GOLD.

it is irrelevant to ethics or thuthufulness, it is relevant to the demand of economy.

if you are not able to understand, I do not have time to explain more at this moment.

Mr. Liu Jialing, If you want to take the funds, please create worker on your own name so you can take full responsibility for actions with those funds. Leave the committee owned funds out of the pitch.

This was a friendly(soft) suggestion.

Mr. Digital Lucifer,If you are still stubbornly considering the bitcrab proposal is wrong, then investigate the community members' choices, hundreds of Chinese community members support bitcrab, and hundreds of millions of votes. Please respect the community, respect the votes, and respect those who work tirelessly for the development of BTS.
This was a friendly(soft) suggestion.
Digital Lucifer先生,如果您仍然顽固地认为Bitcrab提案是错误的,请调查社区成员的选择,数百名中国社区成员还有数亿票的票仓支持bitcrab。 请尊重社区,尊重选票,并尊重为BTS的发展做出不懈努力的人们。

Votes are available to anyone, and here all votes are counted. Will see how many hundred millions of votes are left once ZB is removed from equation as consensus and world wide laws are saying.
« Last Edit: October 21, 2019, 10:53:34 am by Digital Lucifer »
Milos (DL) Preocanin
Owner and manager of
Move Institute, Non-profit organization
RN: 2098555000
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Offline Digital Lucifer

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Mr. Liu Jialing, If you want to take the funds, please create worker on your own name so you can take full responsibility for actions with those funds. Leave the committee owned funds out of the pitch.

This was a friendly(soft) suggestion.


I don't think these words were suitable.
These fund was operated by committees, even this proposal was voted in, every committe still has the responsibility to decide how to use these fund.
As a committee, he has the right and obligation to think how to use these fund, and every stakholder has the right and obligation to think how to use these fund, give a proposal and bid for votes.

If you opposed or didn‘t like this proposal,you can just give your reasons simply,  language attack or emotional expression can't help anything.

Committee is set of 11 different accounts that are all responsible for funds, not just 1 account with support of community.

It should be voted by committee members, not a community - since community has no legal responsibility for the actions they vote for (yet).
Milos (DL) Preocanin
Owner and manager of
Move Institute, Non-profit organization
RN: 2098555000
Murska Sobota, Slovenia.

Offline binggo

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Mr. Liu Jialing, If you want to take the funds, please create worker on your own name so you can take full responsibility for actions with those funds. Leave the committee owned funds out of the pitch.

This was a friendly(soft) suggestion.


I don't think these words were suitable.
These fund was operated by committees, even this proposal was voted in, every committe still has the responsibility to decide how to use these fund.
As a committee, he has the right and obligation to think how to use these fund, and every stakholder has the right and obligation to think how to use these fund, give a proposal and bid for votes.

If you opposed or didn‘t like this proposal,you can just give your reasons simply,  language attack or emotional expression can't help anything.
« Last Edit: October 21, 2019, 09:26:05 am by binggo »

Offline ljk424

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so that means we need another BSIP to set the threshold feed price for eternity, or it can be increased but not be lowered?

0.202 bitCNY/BTS is cheap even when the market price is 0.19, we can buy at 0.22bitCNY/BTS when market price go to 0.22 without pay additional price , but I think it's not hard to tell which price is better.

Man, I really feel compassion for you. You have become an addict to gambling and now you are trying to gamble with committee's account, under the exact same strategy that got your ass burned. It doesn't matter at this moment if your strategy works or not. You have lost any sense of ethics or truthfulness.

it is just like in 1971, President Nikson announced to give up the peg of USD on GOLD.

it is irrelevant to ethics or thuthufulness, it is relevant to the demand of economy.

if you are not able to understand, I do not have time to explain more at this moment.

Mr. Liu Jialing, If you want to take the funds, please create worker on your own name so you can take full responsibility for actions with those funds. Leave the committee owned funds out of the pitch.

This was a friendly(soft) suggestion.

Mr. Digital Lucifer,If you are still stubbornly considering the bitcrab proposal is wrong, then investigate the community members' choices, hundreds of Chinese community members support bitcrab, and hundreds of millions of votes. Please respect the community, respect the votes, and respect those who work tirelessly for the development of BTS.
This was a friendly(soft) suggestion.
Digital Lucifer先生,如果您仍然顽固地认为Bitcrab提案是错误的,请调查社区成员的选择,数百名中国社区成员还有数亿票的票仓支持bitcrab。 请尊重社区,尊重选票,并尊重为BTS的发展做出不懈努力的人们。
« Last Edit: October 21, 2019, 09:28:07 am by ljk424 »

Offline finn-bts

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so that means we need another BSIP to set the threshold feed price for eternity, or it can be increased but not be lowered?

0.202 bitCNY/BTS is cheap even when the market price is 0.19, we can buy at 0.22bitCNY/BTS when market price go to 0.22 without pay additional price , but I think it's not hard to tell which price is better.

Man, I really feel compassion for you. You have become an addict to gambling and now you are trying to gamble with committee's account, under the exact same strategy that got your ass burned. It doesn't matter at this moment if your strategy works or not. You have lost any sense of ethics or truthfulness.

it is just like in 1971, President Nikson announced to give up the peg of USD on GOLD.

it is irrelevant to ethics or thuthufulness, it is relevant to the demand of economy.

if you are not able to understand, I do not have time to explain more at this moment.

Mr. Liu Jialing, If you want to take the funds, please create worker on your own name so you can take full responsibility for actions with those funds. Leave the committee owned funds out of the pitch.

This was a friendly(soft) suggestion.

This is proposed by cn-vote and Chinese investors. By the way, it is Chinese investors who are pouring money into BTS to support all sorts of spending.

Offline PTS中国

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Offline Digital Lucifer

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so that means we need another BSIP to set the threshold feed price for eternity, or it can be increased but not be lowered?

0.202 bitCNY/BTS is cheap even when the market price is 0.19, we can buy at 0.22bitCNY/BTS when market price go to 0.22 without pay additional price , but I think it's not hard to tell which price is better.

Man, I really feel compassion for you. You have become an addict to gambling and now you are trying to gamble with committee's account, under the exact same strategy that got your ass burned. It doesn't matter at this moment if your strategy works or not. You have lost any sense of ethics or truthfulness.

it is just like in 1971, President Nikson announced to give up the peg of USD on GOLD.

it is irrelevant to ethics or thuthufulness, it is relevant to the demand of economy.

if you are not able to understand, I do not have time to explain more at this moment.

Mr. Liu Jialing, If you want to take the funds, please create worker on your own name so you can take full responsibility for actions with those funds. Leave the committee owned funds out of the pitch.

This was a friendly(soft) suggestion.

Milos (DL) Preocanin
Owner and manager of
Move Institute, Non-profit organization
RN: 2098555000
Murska Sobota, Slovenia.

Offline 小宁大大

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