@alt 猴哥,希望请给BTS 个机会。gbac和公会真的在努力为推动BTS做事,上线抹茶对bts宣传引流效果不言而喻,并不只是开发才是高尚的正确的,bts需要更多的关注,而此时抹茶交易所能够完成这样的任务。60万BTS的活动费用比起以前动不动几百万上千万BTS的worker提案来说,真的性价比到了极致。电报和论坛上,中文用户是弱势群体,但是你不能片面的相信thule等人的一面之词,抹茶交易所和中国社区不该被如此的妖魔化。猴哥,从你微博内容看,你是很明事理,三观正直的人,那也请你给中国社区这次机会,帮助提案顺利完成。不胜感激!
There is no support for it beside from cn-vote.Even BEOS community is against it but the leadership of BEOS being aware of it is supporting it because of a "bigger picture" which means favour votes back in return.
I always denied favour votes.Since you are a high ranked member in CN-Vote maybe you can explain to me why exectly did cn-vote voted evangelist and liondani into committee when both are inactive,not participating,voting or approving anything?
So what was the goal of CN-Vote to vote these people into committee ?
You are aware you nearly kicked out on of the few active and solid committee members like BHUZ if alt and me wouldn't have hold him up and downvoted Bunkerchainlabs.
At the same day i got contacted by chinese cn-vote members asking why i downvoted Bunkerchainlabs.
You are aware that committee by CN-Vote actions would be in full control by CN-Vote and BEOS at that time with
no neutral committee members to have a balance ?
Same goes for witnesses.
Terradac and liondani are witnesses where big active supporters of bitshares are voted out because of the lack of cn-vote support.
I always thought and read by cn-vote members that being a witness is a privelage to big supporters of bitshares.
May you show me where terradac and liondani are big supporters of bitshares which deserve more to be a witness like other people.
Refund400k worker was voted in because CN-Vote claimed workers are ineffective which i agreed with but i doubt that this worker is anything more effective like the other who have been all terminated.I would even say its result will/would be worse.
Here a reminder for CN-Vote who they support
https://bitsharestalk.org/index.php?topic=31921.msg341011;topicseen#msg341011Being upset about their actions but supporting them as committee and witness (because of vote favours ?) ?
Worst part Michael from BEOS even admitting to his own community that he knows that this exchange is a shitty one ,so what is he going to get from it for supporting in his own opinion a shitty exchange ?