Author Topic: [Poll] BAIP6: BTS-DEX economic model  (Read 20031 times)

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would be better to focus on getting real price feed back which would automaticly increase the trading on bitassets and non custodial trading.

THIS ^^^

Offline bench

Your proposal is not valid for a BAIP voting

This and the destruction BSIP has already a higher voting power:
Be part of the change and vote for the bitshares-vision proxy!

Offline Thul3

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BAIP6 is not approved

Your proposal is not valid for a BAIP voting

BAIP defenition voted in by consensus :

BAIP stands for BitAssets Improvement Proposal but can also seen as an improvement consensus. BitAssets are smartcoins technically owned by the "committee-account" on the BitShares blockchain. A BAIP is a design document providing information to the BitShares community, or describing a new feature for BitAssets or change its parameters or price feed formula, logic and source. In short, this repository is for the community to discuss and organize votings for things about bitCNY, bitUSD

Your proposal is clearly not fitting into that defenition.
Your proposal is a normal worker not important how you name it.
« Last Edit: June 06, 2020, 04:11:49 pm by Thul3 »

Offline bitcrab

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Mark ATM:

1.14.260   Poll-BAIP6-Implement BTS-DEX economic model.               488,629,650   
1.14.236   BAIP-Threshold                                                                485,310,353
1.14.261   Poll-BAIP6-Do Not Implement BTS-DEX economic model.    140,189,259

Mark ATM:

1.14.260   Poll-BAIP6-Implement BTS-DEX economic model.               488,086,297   
1.14.236   BAIP-Threshold                                                                480,309,611
1.14.261   Poll-BAIP6-Do Not Implement BTS-DEX economic model.    140,573,705

The BAIP6 is approved, it will be implemented.

Offline Thul3

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I see bitshares falling more and more in CMC so where do you make money ?
Or is taking funds from reserve pool making you money ?
« Last Edit: June 05, 2020, 08:18:38 am by Thul3 »

Offline binggo

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« Last Edit: June 05, 2020, 04:30:37 am by binggo »

Offline btstodamoon

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in these guys' eyes, everything which make them unhappy is dirty.

every voter has freedom to vote.
the voting power that voted BAIP-Threshold increased comparing to the beginning of this poll.
"then what? it's dirty as I do not like it."

Dirty is dirty, you can't make it clean.

When the committee design a cheating BAIP/BSIP threshold, not want to correct it,but love to play it,especially a group of committees,not dirty?so ridiculous.

Black is black, white is white!

Please thinking problems with your brain,not mouth.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2020, 03:32:49 am by binggo »

Offline bitcrab

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in these guys' eyes, everything which make them unhappy is dirty.

every voter has freedom to vote.
the voting power that voted BAIP-Threshold increased comparing to the beginning of this poll.
"then what? it's dirty as I do not like it."

Offline R

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As usual dirty tactics utilized to force through trash policies.

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1. GDEX很长时间以来没有任何活动,GDP也已然失败,既然这次经济模型这么好,为什么GDEX在年前不在GDEX上实行?没人关心他吃不吃独食,上次交易大赛吃的独食也不想管。


2. 上次的MM的投票通过的提案在哪里?

3. 理事账户是社区的托管账户,资金是托管资金,什么时候成了理事会可以随意处置的资产了? 哪一个权限表里有?

4. 到底多少,报个数,这是理事会与大赛组织者最基本的操作!

5. 不能新增用户,要一个交易大赛干什么?什么叫流动性?制造流动性与深度的目的是吸引与增加有效用户数,没有有效用户数的增加还要市商干什么?







9. 巨蟹睡觉,abit约炮没人管,这不属于社区事务,但是属于社区事务的必须要投票,不然要投票系统与规则干什么?

10. 屁股上坐着一个喂价剥离的炸药包不去先处理,却要在上面开始烧烤了,这是干什么?

« Last Edit: June 04, 2020, 12:08:09 am by binggo »

Offline btstodamoon

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V2Ray 这几天频繁更新,是事出有因。
由开发者 p4gefau1t 在对 v2ray-core 源码的安全审计和分析后发现几处缺陷并提交了 issue 及 PoC,经过社区的不断讨论和开发,找到原因并及时修复。





1. The fund of last MM comes from committee account, so who gave the right to committee to spend it?where is the BSIP for vote? if the bts holders agreed the last MM?


2. How much cost?


3. How much income?


4. How many new users?


5. How many daily users?


Where is the fund of the last OMO?what did the committee want to deal with it?








« Last Edit: June 03, 2020, 11:26:57 pm by binggo »

Offline btstodamoon

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V2Ray 这几天频繁更新,是事出有因。
由开发者 p4gefau1t 在对 v2ray-core 源码的安全审计和分析后发现几处缺陷并提交了 issue 及 PoC,经过社区的不断讨论和开发,找到原因并及时修复。

Offline binggo

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I suggest everyone to remove the vote from BAIP-Threshold.

Why not? They think they can control the BAIP-Threshold, ok., let they control it by themselves, they can do what they like from now.

I remove my vote from BAIP/BSIP Threshold from now.
« Last Edit: June 03, 2020, 09:09:25 pm by binggo »

Offline Thul3

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BAIP threshold can't be considered any significant with all the manipulations happening.There is no threshold at all.

CN-Vote not removing their vote for BAIP threshold directly as it would put the threshold on 200 million votes which would clearly show bitassets are a clear joke now in the hands of a single entity.

I just waited to see that happening to show how they destroyed any valid voting system and trust into bitassets
You are just destroying more and more confidence into bitassets.

@Abit you support it ?

You keeping destroying bitassets confidence this way ?
Funny you claim in telegram something else but support these kind of cheats.
You really belive the MM will bring bitshares more benefit than the damage you are creating with endless cheating to bitassets ?
Who is going to hold bitassets with such a BAIP threshold joke

« Last Edit: June 03, 2020, 09:34:55 pm by Thul3 »

Offline binggo

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« Last Edit: June 03, 2020, 03:26:31 pm by binggo »

Offline btstodamoon

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Mark ATM:

1.14.260   Poll-BAIP6-Implement BTS-DEX economic model.               488,629,650   
1.14.236   BAIP-Threshold                                                                485,310,353
1.14.261   Poll-BAIP6-Do Not Implement BTS-DEX economic model.    140,189,259


so, this is the your and cn-vote's little trick?

Why cn-vote didn't remove the vote from the BAIP-Threshold directly?

So rediculous mechanism of this BAIP-Threshold!








« Last Edit: June 03, 2020, 02:08:41 pm by binggo »

Offline bitcrab

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Mark ATM:

1.14.260   Poll-BAIP6-Implement BTS-DEX economic model.               488,629,650   
1.14.236   BAIP-Threshold                                                                485,310,353
1.14.261   Poll-BAIP6-Do Not Implement BTS-DEX economic model.    140,189,259

Offline Thul3

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Mark ATM:

1.14.236   BAIP-Threshold                                                               488,436,685
1.14.260   Poll-BAIP6-Implement BTS-DEX economic model               488,273,693

Offline bitcrab

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Mark ATM:

1.14.260   Poll-BAIP6-Implement BTS-DEX economic model               488,278,404
1.14.236   BAIP-Threshold                                                               488,269,458

Offline Thul3

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Mark ATM:

1.14.236   BAIP-Threshold                                                                489,243,582
1.14.260   Poll-BAIP6-Implement BTS-DEX economic model                488,422,933

Offline blockchained

Mark ATM:

1.14.260   Poll-BAIP6-Implement BTS-DEX economic model                483,504,455
1.14.236   BAIP-Threshold                                                              483,019,167
1.14.261   Poll-BAIP6-Do Not Implement BTS-DEX economic model     136,235,999

bitCNY, [01.06.20 10:17] in telegram
What is the purpose on a threshold on bitshares if you just lower the threshold when wanting to get something getting voted in.
It makes the threshold irrelevant and doubling the votes from proxies who want to get a BAIP voted in.

bitCNY, [01.06.20 10:17] in telegram
That voting system makes no sense as it doesn't have a real threshold it is basicly desinged in favour of big proxies

that's why we need to reconsider this system at least count negative vote when we look for threshold

for example

if X less than threshold baip/bsip didn't pas 

somehow even if we have a negative vote but we count only positive ones
« Last Edit: June 01, 2020, 04:45:58 pm by blockchained »

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Mark ATM:

1.14.260   Poll-BAIP6-Implement BTS-DEX economic model                483,504,455
1.14.236   BAIP-Threshold                                                              483,019,167
1.14.261   Poll-BAIP6-Do Not Implement BTS-DEX economic model     136,235,999

Offline blockchained

blockchained mistakenly wrote alt instead of abit.
Yes, I was mistaken

Offline Thul3

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So basically it's just the money for the gdex MM/fees from a reserve pool. Rejected

it's designed for all qualified gateways.

it's designed to grab money from reserve pool as I see it

You should vote for this BAIP 1.14.236 (BAIP-Threshold) to against BAIP6.

Anybody think the money belong to the community should vote for BAIP-Threshold.

And i think BAIP6 didn't belong to BAIP, it should be a BSIP, the fund didn't only come from bitasset.

and only one gateway participate in, no competitor, any committees vote for this involve transfer of benifits.


alt use the bot to mute admins in bitshares chat so only way community see it if they come to this forum,
in chat, alt abuse his admin power to silence those who against his agenda

blockchained mistakenly wrote alt instead of abit.
But i fully agree.
This voting can't be seen serious when Abit muted on chat people who were against it.
There is no possibility for them to inform that community about the voting requesting to vote against it or even discuss about it.
Even Abit didn't informed there about that voting knowing there is no support for it.
The only one who is left being allowed to talk there is Abit.

So anyways personly i see this voting as non conform as people can't support their point of view on the community channels if its diffrent to Abits opinion as he knows a clear majority
is against it even BEOS but why inform them about that voting when it is not in his favour so he mutes everyone even Stan so there can't be any discussion anymore between people very often disagreeing to his opinion.
« Last Edit: May 30, 2020, 03:32:46 pm by Thul3 »

Offline blockchained

So basically it's just the money for the gdex MM/fees from a reserve pool. Rejected

it's designed for all qualified gateways.

it's designed to grab money from reserve pool as I see it

You should vote for this BAIP 1.14.236 (BAIP-Threshold) to against BAIP6.

Anybody think the money belong to the community should vote for BAIP-Threshold.

And i think BAIP6 didn't belong to BAIP, it should be a BSIP, the fund didn't only come from bitasset.

and only one gateway participate in, no competitor, any committees vote for this involve transfer of benifits.


abit use the bot to mute admins in bitshares chat so only way community see it if they come to this forum,
in chat, abit abuse his admin power to silence those who against his agenda
« Last Edit: May 30, 2020, 01:08:51 pm by blockchained »

Offline blockchained

Mark at this moment:

1.14.236   BAIP-Threshold                                                                       483 518 895
1.14.260   Poll-BAIP6-Implement BTS-DEX economic model                  471,277,721
1.14.261   Poll-BAIP6-Do Not Implement BTS-DEX economic model     136,354,157

Offline bitcrab

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Mark at this moment:

1.14.260   Poll-BAIP6-Implement BTS-DEX economic model                  471,277,721
1.14.236   BAIP-Threshold                                                                  466,678,583
1.14.261   Poll-BAIP6-Do Not Implement BTS-DEX economic model     136,354,157

Offline binggo

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So basically it's just the money for the gdex MM/fees from a reserve pool. Rejected

it's designed for all qualified gateways.

it's designed to grab money from reserve pool as I see it

You should vote for this BAIP 1.14.236 (BAIP-Threshold) to against BAIP6.

Anybody think the money belong to the community should vote for BAIP-Threshold.

And i think BAIP6 didn't belong to BAIP, it should be a BSIP, the fund didn't only come from bitasset.

and only one gateway participate in, no competitor, any committees vote for this involve transfer of benifits.


« Last Edit: May 29, 2020, 09:03:46 pm by binggo »

Offline blockchained

So basically it's just the money for the gdex MM/fees from a reserve pool. Rejected

it's designed for all qualified gateways.

it's designed to grab money from reserve pool as I see it

Offline bitcrab

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voted against

would be better to focus on getting real price feed back which would automaticly increase the trading on bitassets and non custodial trading.

These are 2 problems, and I still prefer to do adjustment on price feed when the price is stablized above the threshold. otherwise there will be repeated hurting and endless debate.

gateway need to pay 20% of the market fee of the listed gateway assets pairs to committee assigned account, the reward to pairs with the gateway asset will stop if more than 1K BTS fee are not paid.
Are now voters going to decide how much gateways need to pay ?
approving the proposal means approving the parameters inside it, changes to key parameters need voting, there are descriptions inside the proposal.

Offline Thul3

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voted against

would be better to focus on getting real price feed back which would automaticly increase the trading on bitassets and non custodial trading.


gateway need to pay 20% of the market fee of the listed gateway assets pairs to committee assigned account, the reward to pairs with the gateway asset will stop if more than 1K BTS fee are not paid.
Are now voters going to decide how much gateways need to pay ?

According to BAIP procedure definition, the BAIP6 will be considered approved while below 3 criteria are met:

1.worker 1.14.260 get more voting power than 1.14.261 worker.
2.worker 1.14.260 get more voting power than BAIP-Threshold Worker 1.14.236.
3.Both No.1 & 2 above last for three consecutive days.

This is also false.
The worker 1.14.200 already says what has to be done with income from fee's .
To get active you need to surpass that worker.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2020, 08:19:26 pm by Thul3 »

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So basically it's just the money for the gdex MM/fees from a reserve pool. Rejected

it's designed for all qualified gateways.

Offline binggo

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If this economy model is so good, why GDEX didn't use it on GDEX? The GDP economy model of GDEX has been failure long long time ago, if this economy model was so good as bitcrab's description, why GDEX didn't spend money to do it in GDEX? it can't make GDEX become more better or greater?

MM spend too much but get very little. The recent MM last a long time, the organizer of MM and committee didn't give the detail data until now, how much did the MM spend totally? how many new users increase? how many daily users have in each trading pairs? how to evaluate these result?

And the fund of last MM didn't have a vote by bts holders, why did the committee spend thess money without the approval of bts holders, the committee should give a explanation.

The source of fund of bsip86 has legal risk, the committee didn't give a explanation to bts holders.

The last MM almost was controlled by the designer of MM,the committee almost didn't have the ability to control the MM.

This BSIP give the committee a very bid power of using fund, this is very dangerous, it will make the transfer of benifit become very easily,and it will be very easily out of control.

The committee always didn't follow the vote result of bts holders, there has a destruction proposal, the committee did not obey this proposal!





这个提案给了理事会非常大的资金权力,利益输送变得非常容易, 而且极易失控。


« Last Edit: May 26, 2020, 03:22:09 am by binggo »

Offline Mateusz

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BAIP6( is a new drafted proposal that consist of the updated Market Making contest(Ordering Mining) rule and some other parts, the purpose is to cultivate the market depth and the trading activeness in BTS-DEX through a task distribution mechanism, and to increase the system income to buy back BTS to create value for BTS stake holders.

Now 2 poll workers have been created:

1.14.260 Poll-BAIP6-Implement BTS-DEX economic model
1.14.261 Poll-BAIP6-Do Not Implement BTS-DEX economic model

According to BAIP procedure definition, the BAIP6 will be considered approved while below 3 criteria are met:

1.worker 1.14.260 get more voting power than 1.14.261 worker.
2.worker 1.14.260 get more voting power than BAIP-Threshold Worker 1.14.236.
3.Both No.1 & 2 above last for three consecutive days.

Kindly Reminder:

BTS-DEX try to make sure,but do not guarantee that the listed gateways always provide liable service and is not legally responsible for that, users need to judge the service liability of the gateways by him/herself.

As RuDEX and XBTSX claimed not to participate the subsequent Ordering Mining, at the beginning only GDEX is included in the gateway list,  however any qualified gateway is welcomed to join after the Ordering Mining begin if the gateway accept the mentioned conditions in the BAIP.

Please vote according to your opinion.

Placing additional burden on the actual value creators in the network, especially in this hard time, is irrational. This is another attempt in a series of failures at financial engineering and makes further -90% drop in the price of BTS likely. How much more money do you need to lose before you admit failure and reverse course? Rejected.

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Where the SPRING fund of 50 million BTS ?
Where >30 million BTS accumulated earlier with a trade fee of bitCNY and bitUSD ?
They disappeared under the brilliant guidance of our wise leadership...

Left crumbs.
The whole market ate margin calls...
CNY and USD prices froze .. why? Because there were manipulations as we are told. But now there is no manipulation - the prices are relevant. And why are prices frozen for quotes?

Because it was a pretext only to introduce new rules.

Offline blockchained

So basically it's just the money for the gdex MM/fees from a reserve pool. Rejected

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BAIP6( is a new drafted proposal that consist of the updated Market Making contest(Ordering Mining) rule and some other parts, the purpose is to cultivate the market depth and the trading activeness in BTS-DEX through a task distribution mechanism, and to increase the system income to buy back BTS to create value for BTS stake holders.

Now 2 poll workers have been created:

1.14.260 Poll-BAIP6-Implement BTS-DEX economic model
1.14.261 Poll-BAIP6-Do Not Implement BTS-DEX economic model

According to BAIP procedure definition, the BAIP6 will be considered approved while below 3 criteria are met:

1.worker 1.14.260 get more voting power than 1.14.261 worker.
2.worker 1.14.260 get more voting power than BAIP-Threshold Worker 1.14.236.
3.Both No.1 & 2 above last for three consecutive days.

Kindly Reminder:

BTS-DEX try to make sure,but do not guarantee that the listed gateways always provide liable service and is not legally responsible for that, users need to judge the service liability of the gateways by him/herself.

As RuDEX and XBTSX claimed not to participate the subsequent Ordering Mining, at the beginning only GDEX is included in the gateway list,  however any qualified gateway is welcomed to join after the Ordering Mining begin if the gateway accept the mentioned conditions in the BAIP.

Please vote according to your opinion.


1.14.260 Poll-BAIP6-Implement BTS-DEX economic model   ##赞同实施BAIP6
1.14.261 Poll-BAIP6-Do Not Implement BTS-DEX economic model  ## 反对实施BAIP6

1.提案 1.14.260 获得投票高于提案 1.14.261.
2.提案 1.14.260 获得投票高于提案 BAIP门槛提案 1.14.236.



因为RuDEX and XBTSX宣布不参加接下来的挂单挖矿,开始的时候挂单挖矿将只包括GDEX一家网关,但欢迎任何服务达标且接受BAIP6中描述的参加条件的网关在后续时间选择加入。

« Last Edit: May 25, 2020, 03:27:16 pm by bitcrab »