Author Topic: MaidSafe IPO on Mastercoin  (Read 148728 times)

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The question was always "will there be a MAIDSAFE network in 3 months, 6 months or never?"

The market right now is pricing for never, so if you agree with that assessment it's a good time to sell and if you disagree it's a good time to buy

In 3-6 months we'll know the answer.

If you know the answer tell me please.
Which ever is the answer, we have loosed allready money with this redicoulous IPO that has taking place with the "help" of mastercoin (lol) ...
Even if you think it is a good time to buy we have lost the half of "our" potential profits because if we wouldn't participate in the IPO we could get a least the double maidsafecoins than we have right And that is the best scenario or am I missing something !

Did you buy Maidsafe coins during the fundraiser and sell them already?  Based on your behavior here I assumed you as a buy-and-hold, although I guess you might have been scared out by the confusion.   You should expect to see this pattern with crowdsales of products people don't understand.  Hopefully, eventually, they'll stop buying ones they don't understand.  But probably not.

No you should expect this phenomena with the crowdsale of products that havent come out yet. People don't understand the products because they don't exist yet. This is what happened with I3. They hyped up their product before they had it implemented and delays have substantially reduced the price of pts and ags. In this case I believe that both pts and ags are undervalued, but with maidsafe I think the market has realized  that safecoins have been overhyped and serve no value outside of the maidsafe system and serve very little value within it. David Irvine knows very little about the cryptocurrency space and even less about sound economics. Price fixing of any sort leads to inefficient markets. The price people payed for maidsafecoin was not due to market demand but pure speculation. If you own maidsafecoin sell them, although I would imagine that the market isn't even liquid enough to sell them. If you believe that maidsafe has potential buy  safecoin once it launches. People don't realize that safecoins are going to be increasingly cheaper as farmers dump their safecoin.

Offline AdamBLevine

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The question was always "will there be a MAIDSAFE network in 3 months, 6 months or never?"

The market right now is pricing for never, so if you agree with that assessment it's a good time to sell and if you disagree it's a good time to buy

In 3-6 months we'll know the answer.

If you know the answer tell me please.
Which ever is the answer, we have loosed allready money with this redicoulous IPO that has taking place with the "help" of mastercoin (lol) ...
Even if you think it is a good time to buy we have lost the half of "our" potential profits because if we wouldn't participate in the IPO we could get a least the double maidsafecoins than we have right And that is the best scenario or am I missing something !

Did you buy Maidsafe coins during the fundraiser and sell them already?  Based on your behavior here I assumed you as a buy-and-hold, although I guess you might have been scared out by the confusion.   You should expect to see this pattern with crowdsales of products people don't understand.  Hopefully, eventually, they'll stop buying ones they don't understand.  But probably not.
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Offline liondani

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The question was always "will there be a MAIDSAFE network in 3 months, 6 months or never?"

The market right now is pricing for never, so if you agree with that assessment it's a good time to sell and if you disagree it's a good time to buy

In 3-6 months we'll know the answer.

If you know the answer tell me please.
Which ever is the answer, we have loosed allready money with this redicoulous IPO that has taking place with the "help" of mastercoin (lol) ...
Even if you think it is a good time to buy we have lost the half of "our" potential profits because if we wouldn't participate in the IPO we could get a least the double maidsafecoins than we have right And that is the best scenario or am I missing something !
« Last Edit: May 22, 2014, 02:35:19 pm by liondani »

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The question was always "will there be a MAIDSAFE network in 3 months, 6 months or never?"

The market right now is pricing for never, so if you agree with that assessment it's a good time to sell and if you disagree it's a good time to buy

In 3-6 months we'll know the answer.

Consider the network neutrality issue at stake here and a lot of political forces probably don't want something like MaidSafe to succeed. I think we have to take a wait and see approach but do everything we can to encourage success if we believe in the principles behind MaidSafe.
  +5% Investors and ideologues (like myself) will hold and/or buy into the dip, traders will be traders, it takes all kinds and their sell orders are always welcome by someone.

When the net neutrality storm hits, it'd be good to know we have a safe port (no pun intended).  :)
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Offline luckybit

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The question was always "will there be a MAIDSAFE network in 3 months, 6 months or never?"

The market right now is pricing for never, so if you agree with that assessment it's a good time to sell and if you disagree it's a good time to buy

In 3-6 months we'll know the answer.

Consider the network neutrality issue at stake here and a lot of political forces probably don't want something like MaidSafe to succeed. I think we have to take a wait and see approach but do everything we can to encourage success if we believe in the principles behind MaidSafe. | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads

Offline AdamBLevine

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The question was always "will there be a MAIDSAFE network in 3 months, 6 months or never?"

The market right now is pricing for never, so if you agree with that assessment it's a good time to sell and if you disagree it's a good time to buy

In 3-6 months we'll know the answer.
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Offline bitmeat

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Fun times. And now you can't even login on Masterxchange...

Offline liondani

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No more comments from my part ...

Tuck Fheman

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From the February 5th newsletter:
"Once we have taken the snap shot, we will take what ever time is necessary to prepare the chain for launch which we expect to be before the Ides of March.

Et tu, newmine?  ;D

Offline bytemaster

I think most are concerned about the reason for the delay. Although I am concerned more about the delay in general. Unfortunately this new industry/sector is riddled with scams and delays are a tell tail sign of a lot of  those scams. Promises are made, money is collected, delays are announced, more delays with excuses, and then the money disappears.

This is a very unfortunate reality that does make it hard to tell the difference for non-technical who cannot follow github.

Fortunately, we have an entirely transparent development process with 18 people in the development Skype group and many more all working to make this a reality. 

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Offline NewMine

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They couldn't put up a web page where people could digitally sign a transaction and it is visible publicly by everyone? Just as an interim solution until the actual BTS x is up and running. They could easily make this a bounty. Now I know that this seems like a bandaid but it is better to be liquid. Anyways, I see all these solutions and they are all possible and easy to implement. As far as being held hostage it is not rubbish. Most people here expected to be able to trade BTS X shortly after the Feb snapshot. In fact I expected end of March, end of April was my somewhat conservative estimate. Yes, some of us who would like to divest now that our confidence is lower are being held hostage. Furthermore I'm offering a solution that would not slow down Bytemaster and should be very easy to implement. Heck I might even implement it myself if there is enough interest and a good bounty.

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Can you give me the link where bytemaster and/or anyone else on the Invictus team stated that BTS would be up and running shortly after the Feb Snapshot?  I recall them playing it safe and working hard not to convey this notion.  "Most people" here also needs backing...because most of the people I know on this forum who have been around long enough to actually read through the content on the forums were well aware bm and the team were only guaranteeing they would release BTS when they felt it was sufficiently tested and running. 

You could make a website, but that doesn't change the issue with having to create a secure way of generating genesis blocks to handle that list, without any errors and needing to be part of the new toolkit being developed, which is not an afternoon of work. Also those signed transactions without something like a blockchain-timestamp-verification method will not be any more secure than the very first key and would in all practicality not solve anything. Alternatively if the Invictus team, starts to centrally screw around with the donating addresses that will open a Pandoras box of shitstorms that will make the current spring breeze of hissy-fits look insignificant in comparison.

Imo, your points about wanting to divest does not change much about the hostage-story being bs. Because all that time PTS was and is still there as a completely viable choice and I still think it strange why people chose AGS if they did not really want to and then start blaming others. AGS was never meant to be liquid and I never got the impression it was supposed to be and I always saw it as a kickstarter style fundraiser to help development of an industry and not a presale of a finished product. PTS was for the speculators and the angelshares were meant for funding the cause. Also even with the over-enthusiastic estimate, it was never anything more than that and as far as I understood it only for the first public test-chain, not the final bet your pension plus inheritance one. Even before the announced estimate there were warnings that a bug would require a new test chain to be developed, which lucky for the speculators was discovered before trading actually went live.

Thinking about it I don't understand why any PTS-holder would be whining at all, because they get the added bonus of AGS investments and things those funds are paying for, without PTS-holders needing to lift a finger. Do PTS-speculators actually think they are buying directly from the Invictus team instead of their money going to other speculators and miners?

Oh Joey, you have a way with words man.  I agree 100%...if you didn't want to invest into AngelShares (AGS), which were openly explained as  "non-liquid", then why the heck did you buy them and why are you upset?  You could have easily held PTS (or sold all of your stake in this project) if you wanted something different from the AGS form of participation.

From the February 5th newsletter:
"Once we have taken the snap shot, we will take what ever time is necessary to prepare the chain for launch which we expect to be before the Ides of March. As always, time tables are subject to change due unforeseen development challenges. If we are unable to launch a chain in March due to unexpected delays then a new snapshot date will be announced."

Before you are quick to point out the disclaimers, also notice they said another snapshot will be taken if delayed, which is not the case.

I think most are concerned about the reason for the delay. Although I am concerned more about the delay in general. Unfortunately this new industry/sector is riddled with scams and delays are a tell tail sign of a lot of  those scams. Promises are made, money is collected, delays are announced, more delays with excuses, and then the money disappears.

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Ok. I'll start a separate discussion and a poll, plus this thread seems to cover everything but MaidSafe IPO now.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
lol... so true.   +5%

In the mean time the evaporation is ...keep walking going...

« Last Edit: May 20, 2014, 12:46:13 pm by liondani »

Offline fuzzy

Ok. I'll start a separate discussion and a poll, plus this thread seems to cover everything but MaidSafe IPO now.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
lol... so true.   +5%
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Offline bitmeat

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Ok. I'll start a separate discussion and a poll, plus this thread seems to cover everything but MaidSafe IPO now.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Offline fuzzy

They couldn't put up a web page where people could digitally sign a transaction and it is visible publicly by everyone? Just as an interim solution until the actual BTS x is up and running. They could easily make this a bounty. Now I know that this seems like a bandaid but it is better to be liquid. Anyways, I see all these solutions and they are all possible and easy to implement. As far as being held hostage it is not rubbish. Most people here expected to be able to trade BTS X shortly after the Feb snapshot. In fact I expected end of March, end of April was my somewhat conservative estimate. Yes, some of us who would like to divest now that our confidence is lower are being held hostage. Furthermore I'm offering a solution that would not slow down Bytemaster and should be very easy to implement. Heck I might even implement it myself if there is enough interest and a good bounty.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Can you give me the link where bytemaster and/or anyone else on the Invictus team stated that BTS would be up and running shortly after the Feb Snapshot?  I recall them playing it safe and working hard not to convey this notion.  "Most people" here also needs backing...because most of the people I know on this forum who have been around long enough to actually read through the content on the forums were well aware bm and the team were only guaranteeing they would release BTS when they felt it was sufficiently tested and running. 

You could make a website, but that doesn't change the issue with having to create a secure way of generating genesis blocks to handle that list, without any errors and needing to be part of the new toolkit being developed, which is not an afternoon of work. Also those signed transactions without something like a blockchain-timestamp-verification method will not be any more secure than the very first key and would in all practicality not solve anything. Alternatively if the Invictus team, starts to centrally screw around with the donating addresses that will open a Pandoras box of shitstorms that will make the current spring breeze of hissy-fits look insignificant in comparison.

Imo, your points about wanting to divest does not change much about the hostage-story being bs. Because all that time PTS was and is still there as a completely viable choice and I still think it strange why people chose AGS if they did not really want to and then start blaming others. AGS was never meant to be liquid and I never got the impression it was supposed to be and I always saw it as a kickstarter style fundraiser to help development of an industry and not a presale of a finished product. PTS was for the speculators and the angelshares were meant for funding the cause. Also even with the over-enthusiastic estimate, it was never anything more than that and as far as I understood it only for the first public test-chain, not the final bet your pension plus inheritance one. Even before the announced estimate there were warnings that a bug would require a new test chain to be developed, which lucky for the speculators was discovered before trading actually went live.

Thinking about it I don't understand why any PTS-holder would be whining at all, because they get the added bonus of AGS investments and things those funds are paying for, without PTS-holders needing to lift a finger. Do PTS-speculators actually think they are buying directly from the Invictus team instead of their money going to other speculators and miners?

Oh Joey, you have a way with words man.  I agree 100%...if you didn't want to invest into AngelShares (AGS), which were openly explained as  "non-liquid", then why the heck did you buy them and why are you upset?  You could have easily held PTS (or sold all of your stake in this project) if you wanted something different from the AGS form of participation. 
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