Author Topic: Raise your hand if you would like to be an initial Delegate  (Read 43344 times)

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Offline amencon

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Daniel, what does this require?  If it's about bearing trust, I'm happy to step up.  If it's about being able to monitor technically and maintain upkeep I am probably not a good candidate.

Happy to participate if it makes sense.
Excellent question.  I don't have extensive amounts of time for technical details however If it's something I can throw a few hours a week at then I am a technical user and have my own VPS and would love to help where I can.

My current host is US based.

Also any idea, ballpark, how much disk space this will take up?


Edit: On second thought count me in whatever it takes.
« Last Edit: June 01, 2014, 11:13:16 pm by amencon »


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I would like to be one please!

I am in Northern California. Amazon EC2, softlayer depending on what is needed is most likely is what I would use for a VPS.

I am thinking that, depending on what is generated for running a node that I would return a majority of profits back to the community. That is of course after any cost to run the node has been filled. I will consider weekly "drawings" if a way to prove fair, charity, or kick backs would be in line. I will let the users who vote decide what they would like. And by no means would any one idea have to be "set in stone" should the voters change their minds. I am of course open to any suggestion should I be fortunate enough to be granted a delegate position.
« Last Edit: June 02, 2014, 07:03:51 am by GregGozzo »

Offline testz

Offline JoeyD

For helping the testnet then I'm up for it, also for the initial phase of getting the system up and running I'd also be happy to help out until enough people show up who want to do this as their jobs.

So I also raise my hand, vps located in the Netherlands.

Offline sfinder

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I am interested. Amazon servers in canada and nw ,ne of usa
« Last Edit: June 01, 2014, 09:07:25 pm by sfinder »
微博:星在飘我在找|BTS X 受托人delegate ID:baidu
Cooperating with China Education Bookstore and will donate 20% of delegate income to the poor students


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Im interested.

Up the road a bit, in Virginia.

Offline pgbit

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Offline AdamBLevine

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Daniel, what does this require?  If it's about bearing trust, I'm happy to step up.  If it's about being able to monitor technically and maintain upkeep I am probably not a good candidate.

Happy to participate if it makes sense.
Email me at

Offline bitmeat

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Interested as well. Most likely Amazon EC2.
« Last Edit: June 02, 2014, 09:46:20 am by asenski »

Offline jae208

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I volunteer

Location: Western USA, Idaho
Hosting: Digital Ocean, Azure, Leftover Mining Hardware at Home

Since having delegates that span the globe would be preferable I am able to host
in North America and South/Latin America.

« Last Edit: June 02, 2014, 11:12:46 pm by jae208 » A work in progress
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Offline emski

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Node name: MavenFrog
Server Hardware: i7 3770, 32GB ram, 240GB SSD + 4x1TB HDD + hardware RAID
Location: Sofia, Bulgaria
Backup power generator planned.
Internet via 2 different ISP(s).
Dedicated Domain(s): <DACNAME>
Ability to quickly allocate more hardware and/or increase the bandwidth if needed.

I've been software developer for many years -
I believe I have the ability to maintain a delegate node (And I'm not alone in this. Details will follow.).

Initially 100% of the earnings will be used to ensure maximum performance, reliability and fault tolerance of the node(s).
All earnings/spendings records will be publicly available.
The users will be able to vote and discuss on how to spend the earnings.
« Last Edit: June 02, 2014, 07:09:15 pm by emski »

Offline denkhaus

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I'm in. Will host it from Germany.
Please post some instructions, what to do.

Offline xeroc

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updating post tomorrow when non-mobile

Location: Germany
Machine: XEN DomU (VPS) on my own dedicated machine
« Last Edit: June 02, 2014, 06:46:25 am by xeroc »

Offline bytemaster

We are looking for volunteers to be one of the initial delegates... we will be providing instructions on how to sign up in this thread.     If you are interested, post here and explain what you will be doing.

  1) Participate on the test network with each new revision. 
  2) Run full nodes on the test network and enable your delegate.

Things to post:
  1) Geographic Region where you will be hosting.

The server only requires a basic VPS right now, but you should be prepared to grow with the DAC.

I am sure others will have some feedback for you.

Instructions for how to be an initial delegate are here:

You must participate in the next test network to be an initial delegate.
« Last Edit: June 07, 2014, 07:10:39 pm by bytemaster »
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