We Chinese are the most important supporters of 3I.
That's a somewhat egotistical opinion. Even if the majority of funding is coming from China, money does not equate to "importance".
Regardless, Bitshares is decentralized and stateless.. so why ostracize non-Chinese people? We're not only a community but we're also all shareholders in future DACs so we should be coming together not segregating ourselves.
Donating a lot of BTC and PTS for Bitshares,wating for such a long time , we still can't see the result we want!
I3 is protecting my and your investment by ensuring the network is robust. Launching the network prematurely would be akin to launching an aircraft without satisfactory testing. I don't know about you but I don't want Bitshares to launch just to crash and burn.
How can we trust your ability!?
I think you're underestimating what it is they're accomplishing. This isn't just another Bitcoin clone... they're creating something that's never been done before! Once the platform is launched (which is already functioning quite well) then new DACs will come very quicky.
Also, the best thing about DACs is that once they're launched you won't have to trust anyone because all the trust will be built into the code.

If the product can't come out ,We will use the law to protect our right or .....another ways you know :)
What laws? What rights? What ways? No need for threats.. again, we're supposed to be a community and are stockholders. The drama is exhausting.
We are not weak ,just stop treating us like poor guys who can't do anything. Alright? 
Rich guys, poor guys, it doesn't matter. Bitshares won't be successful without everyone being involved and sticking together.