Author Topic: Block Explorer and Delegates Listing  (Read 53270 times)

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Offline svk

It seems you haven't updated to the latest version .. or something else went wrong .. your page displays a delegate participation of ~40% .. the network itself is at 100%!
Yea I totally missed the hard fork, was traveling yesterday and was at work all day, and didn't realize the deadline was so close. I even got my delegates voted out but asked BM to kindly vote me back in now that they're upgraded..

As for bitsharesblocks, it's reindexing and it's taking forever, but it should be ready soon now!
Worker: dev.bitsharesblocks

Offline xeroc

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It seems you haven't updated to the latest version .. or something else went wrong .. your page displays a delegate participation of ~40% .. the network itself is at 100%!

Offline svk

I've disabled updates of delegate slot records for the time being, the RPC call is simply too heavy for the client and I've identified it as the cause of the high latencies seen for several delegates. The client basically freezes for up to 10 minutes, dropping lots of connections and going out of sync until the record updates are done. Vikram has made a change to the RPC call so once that goes live I'll enable the records again.
Worker: dev.bitsharesblocks

Offline svk

I've added a new feature: Accounts! You can now easily browse through all the accounts as well as search for an account by name or id, the name search will work on partial strings. The individual accounts pages doesn't have a lot of information atm cause well, that's all there is basically.

Here's an example search query:

PS. If you don't see the accounts tab or it doesn't work for you, it's probably because the site has been cached locally. The cache expiration is 24hrs, but if you don't feel like waiting you can override it by hitting F5.
You could add the public data field.
I'm showing the website field if there is one in the public data, I looked briefly for other fields that could be interesting but didn't see any.

I'll add version though, forgot about that! Actually I hadn't forgotten about it. It's late, I'm tired... :)
« Last Edit: October 16, 2014, 09:36:35 pm by svk »
Worker: dev.bitsharesblocks

Offline emski

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I've added a new feature: Accounts! You can now easily browse through all the accounts as well as search for an account by name or id, the name search will work on partial strings. The individual accounts pages doesn't have a lot of information atm cause well, that's all there is basically.

Here's an example search query:

PS. If you don't see the accounts tab or it doesn't work for you, it's probably because the site has been cached locally. The cache expiration is 24hrs, but if you don't feel like waiting you can override it by hitting F5.
You could add the public data field.

Offline svk

I've added a new feature: Accounts! You can now easily browse through all the accounts as well as search for an account by name or id, the name search will work on partial strings. The individual accounts pages doesn't have a lot of information atm cause well, that's all there is basically.

Here's an example search query:

PS. If you don't see the accounts tab or it doesn't work for you, it's probably because the site has been cached locally. The cache expiration is 24hrs, but if you don't feel like waiting you can override it by hitting F5.

« Last Edit: October 16, 2014, 09:19:20 pm by svk »
Worker: dev.bitsharesblocks

Offline emski

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Seems to be working better - there is no feed rearrangement when toggling "show valid feeds only". The issue I experienced is still reproducible though 1 out of 3 attempts. I think it might be related to network connection. However it is so minor that it shouldn't even be looked at anymore. Good work!

Offline svk

It seems to work as expected on my phone using, your delegate is a bad example though as all your feeds are valid so they'll all be visible whatever you do.

That is the idea: The feeds are not visible first time I check "show feeds" on Mozilla 32.0.3/win8.1 . The same happens with other delegates.

UPDATE: Try to open the delegate page directly (not going to the delegates page). It seems this is related to the issue.

Opening this link directly should reproduce the issue:

I can't seem to reproduce your issue with feeds not showing when clicking on the checkbox, however I did find a bug in the sorting when showing all feeds. I've fixed it and it works fine from here at least. Check one of xeroc's delegates to test it, he's got active and non-active feeds:

I've also made a big overhaul of the backends for both sites today and yesterday, adding compression and caching to the api calls as well as the html/js/css, this should speed things up and keep server load down!
Worker: dev.bitsharesblocks

Offline emski

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It seems to work as expected on my phone using, your delegate is a bad example though as all your feeds are valid so they'll all be visible whatever you do.

That is the idea: The feeds are not visible first time I check "show feeds" on Mozilla 32.0.3/win8.1 . The same happens with other delegates.

UPDATE: Try to open the delegate page directly (not going to the delegates page). It seems this is related to the issue.

Opening this link directly should reproduce the issue:
« Last Edit: October 14, 2014, 09:30:01 pm by emski »

Offline svk

I've seen a minor issue:
When the user opens delegate profile - for example.
And clicks on "show feeds" checkbox - no feeds are displayed even though that delegate has valid feeds.
Furthermore if the user clicks "show only valid feeds" checkbox then all feeds are displayed. Regardless of how many times "show only valid feeds" checkbox is toggled all the feeds remain displayed but the order changes.

Expected behavior: Clicking on "show feeds" checkbox should display all valid feeds if "show only valid feeds" is checked.
It seems to work as expected on my phone using, your delegate is a bad example though as all your feeds are valid so they'll all be visible whatever you do.
Worker: dev.bitsharesblocks

Offline emski

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I've seen a minor issue:
When the user opens delegate profile - for example.
And clicks on "show feeds" checkbox - no feeds are displayed even though that delegate has valid feeds.
Furthermore if the user clicks "show only valid feeds" checkbox then all feeds are displayed. Regardless of how many times "show only valid feeds" checkbox is toggled all the feeds remain displayed but the order changes.

Expected behavior: Clicking on "show feeds" checkbox should display all valid feeds if "show only valid feeds" is checked.

Offline svk

hi svk

first - good work!

at the moment i can not go from X to DNS. is it not possible to integrate something to switch different blockscans from the "main" side i think it would be much better for the new chains coming.
Done! Click the icon on the right side of the nav bar, it will switch sites and also send you to the corresponding page, DNS blocks to BTSX blocks etc.
Worker: dev.bitsharesblocks

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