I would like to put it here that I don't like Stellar. They started with giving 6000, and dropped it sharply. The aim seemed to be to garner hype, but then try to keep the maximum to themself.
That said, if it benefits us then good luck.
I haven't looked into Stellar in the last week or so but I didn't like them when I did.
They severely crushed their share-drop from 6000 to 125 for most users in the week I studied them. Yet according to coinmarketcap they released 500 million odd Stellar that week, which is circa 4 million users, even take into account multi-accounting/a higher average number than 125, that would either make them as well distributed as Bitcoin in a week or they didn't really release 500 million Stellar. Their avg. daily volume was also consistently dropping over that period which wouldn't have been the case if they'd really just share-dropped a 100% extra Stellar onto the market in a 1/2 week period.
They also had a convoluted grouping and invite system plus a caveat that said they may choose to sharedrop based on specific demographics/geographic locations as required. The entire process made it very hard to track where this supposedly share-dropped Stellar was going.
It seemed they were going to claim to be share-dropping stellar without actually doing so, thereby giving them the illusion of a rising CAP, despite declining/low volumes - the same kind of give-away of false circulation as Ripple.
As I say I haven't looked into it in the last two weeks and they seemed to have paused at the 1 Billion released mark on CMC, so that looks better...
Edit: But whatever partnerships assist BitShares I'm all for. Just not personally a fan or investor in Stellar given what I looked into at the time.
Edit 2: I forgot - They also claim Stripe had given them $3 Million for 2% of Stellar which would mean they were either paying a valuation of $150 million for a brand new company. (Which is ludicrous) or their Stellar was released immediately and they were really paying $3 million for a very high percentage of initial circulating supply and hoping to profit that way. Either way incredibly sketchy to me the way it was presented. (Oh and they have like 10 000% inflation still to come...)