There's a simple reason I enforce wss: browser's don't let you connect to a non-secure (ws) url from a secure domain (https). So if you're using the hosted wallet on openledger, you can only use wss apis. If you're running the GUI locally, you can use wss or ws.
I wanted to tell @valzav to exclude the ws apis from the openledger build but forgot to mention it.
So is there a way to connect the OpenLedger GUI with a locally run witness node?
If so, what parameters should I use for the witness node?
I've tried:
witness_node --rpc-tls-endpoint
hoping this one would be compatible with "wss" but it does not work.
There used to be, when the OL client was initially launched, but I have noticed for a week or 2 now that when I try to point the OL client to my local witness node (under settings, API connection) it won't accept the change, at least on my dev box which I change fairly frequently in one way or another.
However, right now I am using the same browser that I used in October, and the OL client on that system is cached, so I am able to get current info from my local node (wss://
I find this interesting. How long with my cache stay "stale", and if I refresh it will I loose my wallet (it is backed up of course)?