Author Topic: 5% Annual inactivity fee applied to unclaimed stake?  (Read 12988 times)

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Offline Empirical1.1

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Bytemaster has said you could easily spend/need $10 million a year to keep BTSX competitive for the next 10 years. Unfortunately this is unlikely to be able to be derived from fees alone.

(Currently 36% of BTSX remains unclaimed) However if we assume that 5% of all BTSX is never claimed then a 5% annual inactivity fee would provide 0.25% of BTSX a year to fund development.

At a $2 Billion CAP this would be $5 million a year.

So I'm open to an inactivity fee as it could provide a significant funding source once BTSX got a reasonable CAP even if it was only applied to stake that was never claimed.

« Last Edit: October 12, 2014, 03:37:11 pm by Empirical1.1 »