This is pretty tricky ground.
From a pragmatic and system life perspective this makes sense. I'll probably even support it.
From a moral perspective the very nature of the words, "Unclaimed stake", means that we know it belongs to someone else. What we're trying to do is think of a way to steal it without feeling like we're doing so.
A number of people have expressed concerns about the security of claiming by importing private keys and perhaps more people are in wait-and-see mode, secure in the knowledge that part of this supply is theirs.
What we can't know is how much of the unclaimed stake truly cannot be claimed (private keys lost, pass phrases forgotten, owner dead or otherwise unable to physically claim).
Let's discuss some conditions that need to be satisfied before reclaiming stake. These are just a starting point so we have something to talk about.
1) The management, whomever they are at the time (3I, delegates, whomever) demonstrate a budgetary need for the funds for the next fiscal year.
2) Some funds are burned on a marketing campaign to attempt to alert stake holders of what is about to happen.
3) The reclaim rate is set to the minimum required to fulfill the shortfall identified in #1 above.
4) At least 60% of delegates (or whatever the decision making structure looks like at the time) approves the tax.