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because of the 'special network environment' in some areas, the links for downloading bts wallets provided by I3 are difficult to download. Here we provide a way to download latest (yes, the source will automatically detect new versions released from I3 download it to share) wallet installers through p2p network, and through this you can help dowloading for friends even they don't have good connection .

There are 4 steps in this article, and these steps are once and for all except step 3, which requires you to check the SHA1 checksum manually:
1. Install and use bittorrent sync
2. Use bittorrent sync to download latest wallets
3. Manually check SHA1 checksum of wallet installers (you have to get it from i3 github page), and once confirmed you can use it and help sharing
4. The list of downloading keys of wallets for different platforms

1. Install and use bittorrent sync
Bittorrent Sync is a private cloud software developed by original bittorrent team. Basically, it is on top of bittorrent protocol, and plus the greatly simplified user experiences. For details, please search google. Here we only use it as a way to establish a p2p network for users to download latest bts wallets and help downloading.

Firstly, please link to its official website to downlaod the software:
press the button in the middle to start downloading.

Start installation after the download is finished.

No options are need to be changed, just press install.

Installation will be finished soon, and check the box to agree the lisence.

Its UI is simpler than most softwares

Firstly we can make some simple configuration. Press the wheel on the right side

the device name will be shown in the peer list (not IP, IP is not going to be revealed), so you can change it to any name you want.
You can check "progress" and "peers" or anything for details you wanna see, and change the UI language to yours

In advanced tab you can check“show copy key”. Restart the software to make changes take effect.

After restart, the configurations have been applied. Now you can use it to download latest bts wallet installers.

2. Use bittorrent sync to download latest wallets
It is even more easier to downlaod wallets. Select enter a key inside the wheel on the right side.

Please enter”BA6GORJOFDD6QXPV3OOIXJZAWWFHI7HCO”. People with experience can easily understand that means an 'address'. The key used here is to download BTSX wallets (32bit).

You will be asked for a folder to sync with. Please note that this folder is used for syncing, so please create a new folder woth nothing in it. e.g., I created a folder called ”BTSX钱包 32位 最新版分流” under "文件"

After a while the download will be started. After it is finished, the installer will be in the folder you designated.

3. Manually check SHA1 checksum of wallet installers (you have to get it from i3 github page), and once confirmed you can use it and help sharing
When download is finished, please don't be in a rush. You can firstly check whether this file is the same as the installer provided by I3. Please visit the github page of I3 to fetch the SHA1 checksum of it(

SHA1 checksum is just like the fingerprint of a file, so it will be different if the checked file is modified, From the github page of I3, you can see the SHA1 checksum of windows 32bit installer is”1468c2b529aecbd4bdaf52e6b64ba532e9f27d0a”

Please use any Checksum calculating software you like to do this. Here we use HashMyFiles. The downloading url for it is:
There are 3 links in the bottom part of this page, including 32bit version, 64bit version, and win98 compatible version. Here we press the first one to download.

After extraction, there are 3 files. Execute the .exe file.

You can calculate checksums of any file by simply drag it in its window. Here we can see the SHA1 checksum of installer we downloaded is”1468c2b529aecbd4bdaf52e6b64ba532e9f27d0a”, which is the same as the checksum provided by I3. So you can be sure that this file is not modified (e.g., virus, trojans, etc), nor incompleted.

After confirming the file is correct, it can be used to install, and you can help sharing by just keep bittorrent sync open. BTW, if you modify this file, it won't be accepted nor affect other users. Because it is a read-only key.

4. The list of downloading keys of wallets for different platforms

Windows 32bit

Windows 64bit


(注: 由于原本的发文消失了, 所以重发一次)

由于一些地方网络环境特殊, 钱包安装档难以下载. 这里提供一种方式, 通过p2p网络下载最新版钱包 (一次设定, 有新版会自动下载新版安装档), 并加入分流.

本篇文章的流程有三, 除了第三步以外都是只要作一次, 以后有新版时只需要作3来手动确认:
1. 安装并使用bittorrent sync
2. 使用bittorrent sync下载最新版钱包
3. 手动检查钱包安装档sha1 检查码 (从i3官网获取), 若正确则可使用并帮助分流
4. 各版本安装程序唯读密钥

1. 安装并使用bittorrent sync
Bittorrent Sync是由bittorrent原始团队推出的私有云端软件, 基本上网络的底层就是bittorrent, 上层则是大幅简化, 并加上各种客制化的能力. 详细的介绍请自己上网找. 这里我们只把它当成这样的用途: 让用户透过p2p网络下载最新版钱包并加入分流.

首先请先到以下网址下载bittorrent sync软件:
点击中间的download sync beta就会开始下载.


选项不需要修改, 点选安装

安装很快完成, 勾选同意授权

界面比多数下载软件都简单, 使用起来也是

首先先作简单设定, 点击右边的齿轮,

上面的device name是你会显示出来的名称 (无关ip), 你可以按edit修改成任何名称. 按照图上勾选”progress”以及”peers”等你想要看的细节. 把最下方的language选择你要的界面语言.

Advanced分页中可以勾选show “show copy key”. 完成后重启软件

重启之后就套用了刚刚选择的语言以及设定. 接下来就可以下载钱包

2. 使用bittorrent sync下载最新版钱包
下载钱包非常简单, 在右边齿轮的分页选”输入密钥”

请在这里输入”BA6GORJOFDD6QXPV3OOIXJZAWWFHI7HCO”. 用过数字货币的人们应该很好理解, 这个密钥就代表着某个地址. 这里的地址是最新版的BTSX钱包 (32位).

输入密钥之后它会问你要用哪个文件夹来同步. 请注意, 这个文件夹是要拿来同步的, 因此请新建一个. 例如这里我在”文件”底下新建了”BTSX钱包 32位 最新版分流”资料夹.

好了之后过一会儿就会开始下载. 下载完成安装档就会在文件夹里面出现.

3. 手动检查钱包安装档sha1 检查码 (从i3官网获取), 若正确则可使用并帮助分流
下载完成之后不要急着安装, 你可以验证这个档案跟官方提供的是否一致. 请到i3的github观看钱包的sha1 checksum (

检查码就像是档案的指纹, 只要档案有被窜改, 检查码就会不同. 从网页中可以看到: windows 32位的sha1 检查码是”1468c2b529aecbd4bdaf52e6b64ba532e9f27d0a”

请使用任何你习惯的检查码计算软件. 这里我使用HashMyFiles. 下载网址是:
拉到下方有三个连接, 分别是32位版, 64位版, 以及兼容win98版. 这边点第一个下载.

下载解压之后其实就是个免安装的执行档. 执行中间那个.

程序打开之后, 把你下载的安装档拉进去, 它就会计算各种检查码. 这里可以看到它算出的sha1检查码是”1468c2b529aecbd4bdaf52e6b64ba532e9f27d0a”. 与官网提供的检查码相符合. 因此可以放心没有经过窜改 (木马 病毒等等), 也没有下载不完全.

确认档案无误之后, 就可以用来安装, 或者保持开启可以帮助分流. 另外, 如果你对档案进行修改, 并不会被采纳, 因为这里提供的密钥是唯独密钥, 其他用户不会受到影响.

4. 各版本安装程序唯读密钥

Windows 32位版

Windows 64位版



中文 (Chinese) / 英文区情报数则
« on: November 07, 2014, 11:11:10 am »
回复: 提议: 让受托人的任务保持简单 - 签署区块

bytemaster: 我倾向让当选的受托人合资雇用工人. 这样一来受托人可以避免多数的直接工作, 并只资助人们喜欢或者说愿意投入资金的计划/工人.  我想有一个提案系统对于像是硬分岔等事情是好主意.

toast: 在合并完成之后有一些我感兴趣的事项. 不幸地是我想我们必须先进行轻量客户端几个礼拜的时间...
回复: 目前我作为财务顾问的经验

(译注: 文章一開始38PTSWarrior說自己一年来是一名街友, 在街头提供娱乐或提供财务建议. 其中就包含了讲述比特股)

bytemaster: 我个人强烈支持你, 但我不能用持股人资金支持你. 我将会个人资助你25BitUSD.
浪费量证明 (Proof of Waste)

bytemaster: 我想要建议我们的社区成员: 开始在各种关于比特币的谈话中将POW称为浪费量证明 (proof of waste).  然后我会建议各位将我们的系统称为"真正的工作量证明"系统, 因为所有的持股人是藉由有价值的工作获取股份. 

这一切的贡献应该归功于:  Sun Microsystems Australia前任CEO John Underwood在过去两天造访了在VA的我们.

bytemaster: John (Sun Microsystems Australia前任CEO)已经和我们一起工作, 并追踪我们的进度将近一年了. 我们正在准备能够一起工作来支持汇款的产业.

在过去两天下来, 我预期能够从这段关系中有好事发生.

bytemaster: 我们面对的最大阻碍之一是让新用户注册, 但也不能让网络充斥垃圾账户.  注册账户的成本大约是0.01美金, 而要获取新用户我们需要透过第三方中心化的服务来帮助人们注册账户. 这就会伤害了整个体验.  我想要提议我们允许新用户透过相当于0.01美金的"浪费量证明"来注册账号. 一个CPU消耗100W一个小时, 以电费0.10美金/KWH来算就可以了.

从用户的观点来说, 这会看来十分"缓慢", 因为相较之下中心化的服务只需要在五分钟之内验证你的email信箱就可以了...但是中心化的服务将会让网络必须花费超过0.01美金来运营. 这样一来就必须从受托人的报酬中掏钱来支付.

一个坚实的获取用户的计划将会轻易地处理用户注册的问题, 而这笔0.01美金的交易费相较之下微不足道. 因此或许整个POW ("浪费量证明", proof of waste)没有实际价值产出.
回复: 新的BTS客户端弄好了吗?

bytemaster: 代码已经完工, 快照已经就位, 发布候选版本希望能够明天释出, 而下周会排定一次硬分岔.
回复: Rand Paul Coin想要使用DPoS

bytemaster: 我第一个支持复制人战争...对我们来说恰恰是免费的宣传:)

toast:哈哈, 太棒了. 这是第一个bts纯山寨币.

bytemaster: 我弄成了一份PDF...CASS跟Brian正准备调校, 并提供影像/色彩/等等...想法在于将将信息放在bitshares.org的页面正中.

在最后将会有个"下载App"以及"存款"的连接, 让一步步带领用户获取资金.


toast: 我正计划要在一个长周末拜访纽约, 来拜访一些正对这个领域感到兴趣的朋友. 我可以在这几天之内参与一个meetup.

回复: Shopify现在可以使用狗币莱特币, 那BitUSD呢?

Mktdirector:大家好, 我们需要这个. 我没有直接涉入APIs. 就那些我们所确知的部份来说, 我们会将它列在近期完成的清单. b
回复: 比特股X一天只有28名新用户 - 证明的时刻

Mktdirector: 大家好, 我们已经几乎完成了市场营销通道, 只待全新的比特股品牌重新启动, 并进行新的快照 (就是今天).  没有新账户的注册是因为我们这几周的努力还没有被发布.  在完成目前的比特股大规模结构变化完成之前, 这些东西不能够发布 - 因为这个变化包含了我们产品中的每一个项目, 从品牌到软件.  我不会为自己辩护, 但是会说我们并没有尸位素餐, 我们每日都在工作.
如果这对你来说还是不够迅速, 我不知道还能够说什么.
我可以向你保证, 我们正在前进.
如果你想要直接联系我, 我的email是   

BitShares ASP.NET Web API

amencon: 上个周末我有一些闲暇时间, 最后我决定要建立.NET API给比特股客户端. 这对我来说是一石两鸟, 因为我一直想要用.NET Web API建立一些东西, 也想要弄明白怎么跟比特股客户端沟通.

API URL 结构是 **<command>?paramString=<parameterString?>**
(或者你可以连到info页面, 并在文字框填入信息以在弹出窗口看一些范例).

所以这有什么用呢? 或许没用, 但如果你相信我, 这应该可以作为一种远程快速获取比特股客户端信息的方式. 其实这比较大的成份是为了自我训练, 并且未来我可能会用它来架设网站, 而客户端则不在同一台机器跑, 不过如过有人有在用.NET, 并觉的这份代码可能会有用, 我把计划的相关档案放在这里:



中文 (Chinese) / 1107 本周mumble會議問題收集
« on: November 06, 2014, 01:15:28 pm »
並請簡單扼要, 或者附上簡單的說明

1. mumble負責人 fuznuts(義工)會在開會的前一天 (星期四)在reddit上面開當周的問題帖子
2. 大家自由在上面提出自己要問的問題 (英文)
3. 由於開會時間有限, reddit上面可以對每個問題投票, 票數高的才有機會被問到

上面的機制目前運作良好, 唯一的問題是語言的障礙
因此為了解決這個問題, 我們想要採取以下的方式:

1. 如果有想提出的問題, 覺得無法透過論壇發文獲得解答
2. 可以請你在這個討論串當中回文提出, 同時也可以進行後續的討論, 我們會整理在一起, 並翻譯成英文發到reddit上面
3. 因此每個人的問題會一起公平競爭, 票數較高的就有機會被問到
4. 針對有被問到的問題, 會在會後將回應整理到這個帖子上面


2014.1105 星期三--比特股每日简报--在Windows系统下的KeyID用户赶快升级!


一些KeyID的用户在旧版的0.0.4 Windows版执行文件下难以进行转账,就算快照时间还没到。在社区一些成员与吐司的沟通努力下,他编译了一个0.0.5版本的可执行文件(exe)。比特时代BTC38已经升级到这个0.0.5版本了,旧的0.0.4版本现在应该是不能用了。所以,谁仍然在Windows系统下使用KeyID0.0.4的人,请尽快升级到0.0.5版本。否则,你不能在快照时网络停止之前从钱包接收或者发送DNS,( 如果你在其他渠道获取的执行文件,请先跟官方帖子提供的SHA1码对比确认没有被篡改 ) 。提示一下,比特时代BTC38说这个新版本还是有点BUG的,所以他们是手动处理提现和充值DNS,请不要在最后一刻才做这些操作,否则就可能要错过失效了。

Gamey将10-31-2014 mumble会议的音频发出来了

中国社区的声音 : 我可能不用去外面的交易所了
         枪神说“看到这么艰难的日子里BitUSD的锚定还是那么稳,我好感动,我估计以后不用去时代交易了。" .
         J神 (Jerry)说”如果在0.085元买入,在0.12元卖,就有25%以上的利润了,爽死“。当然了,作为IF-THEN算法的创始人,他并没有做这样的交易。

2014.11.05 Wed.--Bitshares Daily Briefings--Windows KeyID user upgrade ASAP!

Editor's note:
      There weren't any big changes these days , and the price seems to be rising up . Although some new ideas still keep popping up in this community . The snapshot time is coming , but some KeyID user using Windows system can not transfer DNS , so they must follow the instruction below and upgrade to the new version before the snapshot time , if they still want to make transfer in the upcoming hours .

Windows KeyID user must upgrade to 0.0.5
       Some KeyID users are having difficulty making transfers with the old KeyID 0.4.0 Windows binary even before the official snapshot time . After some members' communication effort with Toast , he compiled a new version 0.0.5 Windows binary ( exe ) for KeyID . BTC38 exchange have already upgraded to this 0.0.5 version , the old version 0.0.4 seems to be useless now . So , anyone still using KeyID 0.4.0 on Windows OS , please upgrade to 0.5.0 ASAP , otherwise you wouldn't be able to accept or send any DNS out on your wallet before the network stopped at the snapshot time. ( Please check the SHA1 of the file first if you obtain it from another source ) . Little hint , BTC38 says the new version still has some bugs , so they're operating the withdraws and deposits manually , please don't do transfers at last minute .

Gamey posted 10-31-2014 mumble hangout audio
       After the BeyondBitcoin mumble hangout section on 10-31-2014 , Gamey uploaded the full audio file online , and wrote down some key point on the audio so you can choose which part you want to hear quickly . Thank you Gamey , for your great work .

Voices from China : I may not need outside exchanges
         枪神(aka.  Gun God), said " I'm touched to see how the USD peg are holding up during this difficult time , I don't think I need to use BTC38 to trade between BTSX and Fiat anytime soon " .
         J神 ( aka.   J-god ) , said " If I buy some BTSX at 0.085 BTSX , and sell then at 0.12 CNY , I can earn more than 25% , it would be awesome ! " Of course , as the founder of IF-Then algorithm , he didn't do that trade .

2014.11.3 星期一 比特股简报(中文版):Alt同意BM说的锚定有用

                                                                                                         -                ----Rita Rudner





                                                                                                                                                                  Andy Rooney


2014.11.3 Mon.-Bitshares Daily Briefings(Global Version)- Alt agrees with BM about PEG works

Editor's note:
      These days I've been unable to release a daily briefing due to a unexpected cold ,  I'm really sorry to let you guys down . The the price of BTS is even more lower than before . So , I guess telling you to calm down would not help . But , there are still some good news coming from these days . And , we're still dreaming , right ? Here's a funny quote that will let you laugh :
                             Some people get so rich they lose all respect for humanity. That's how rich I want to be.
                                                                                                         -                ----Rita Rudner

Alt repeated BM's word , "The peg works" .
    You guys remember Alt , the guy who crashed the BitsharesX dry run for multiple times couple months ago , the guy who is loved by Toast , Bytemaster and so many people in this forum , just announced in one QQ group tonight : "The USD peg really works , just like Bytemaster said , in 8 days , the peg would be more significantly accurate . "
    Wow , do you guys have more confidence in the peg now ? Coming from him , I don't think I need to tell you what it means .
    Alt also pointed out that the value of BitUSD is being emphasized during the rapid price drop of BTSX , you can see strong buy order of BitUSD in the inner-market .
    He even offered to accept BitUSD and pay for my online purchase at a 1% fee .

Stan released *Draft* October Newsletter - Halloween Edition
      Stan just released the *Draft* October Newsletter - Halloween Edition , the only reason I want to bring this up is that it was set to "sticky" on top of the forum . But I find that odd that it's actually hard for people to focus on the sticky threads , it's just like the corner of your eye , you know something might be there , but you just don't even bother to look at it .
      In the Newsletter , stan explained why the merger had to happen , and the detailed allocation plan for 11.5 snapshot.

Chinese community: harvest chives
        These is a slang term around the crypto currency community in China ------harvest chives.
        Only people had experience with chives would know : You can harvest the same chives over and over again , and it still grows .
        In the crypto currency market , big day traders use big funds to pump and dump the market , and many people with little experience in investment would fall for this trap : When the crypto are being pumped , people rush in to buy at high price , and then the big trader dump it , the price would be down , people panic , sell at a low price ,  lost a lot of money . Is it the end ? Of couse not !
The big day trader would wait until everybody sell low , and then suddenly pump the price again ! So , the people who just lost his money on "buy high , sell low " , couldn't resist the temptation to earn back what he just lost , so he buys high again ! But you can imagine , the price would be down again shortly after he buys it . What can this poor guy do now ? He panic again ..then sell it at a low price again ...
        Yeah , after all these pumps and dumps , the big whales successfully "harvest chives" from the guy , and the guy now owns less money and less crypto coin than what he had before .
       This little story tells us :  If you don't have experience , do not try to earn from short term trading ! Otherwise , you would be a tasteful "chives" for the big traders . Why do we ordinary guys always have to be "chives" ? 
              The 50-50-90 rule: Anytime you have a 50-50 chance of getting something right, there's a 90% probability you'll get it wrong.
                                                                                                                                                                  Andy Rooney

Chinese Version of this daily briefing :

中文 (Chinese) / 公司vs 社区 vs 国家
« on: November 01, 2014, 09:43:10 am »
在我将比特股描述为去中心化自治社区的发文, 其中的讨论 让我想起了一些议题值得提出, 并提供一些背景以及动机.  首先很重要的是要知道"公司"的比喻不仅适用于比特股, 也同样适用于所有的加密货币.  这样的比喻对于设计并建立一个经济体系不可思议地有用, 并且说明了这样的体系为何势在必行.  一间公司的概念会让人想到提供服务, 赚取盈余, 和持股人分享利润, 并且这个概念已经家喻户晓.   

公司是一个很好的教学性质的比喻, 但是仅限于那些并不在乎SEC, 错误宣传, 或者是任何除了事实, 图表, 以及营利之外的任何事情.

我们面对的问题在于: 如果公司的比喻不在只是被当成一种比喻, 而是开始真的被当成是公司, 那么我们就掉进了监管的泥淖.  每当有个资本家被公司的比喻感到眼睛一亮, 不妨想想或许同时有个反对公司的自由主义者为此失望.     公司的比喻不牵涉到个人或情感层面, 而是牵涉到完全不同的层面....这个层面正是论坛上的大家喜欢藉此思索并依赖的.  我们喜欢公司比喻的原因在于, 我们当初一直使用这样的比喻来推广, 并因此让我们来到这里并成为了一个团体.

如同你们所想象的, 我走到哪里都向每个人宣传比特股, 还有公司的比喻, 以及营利, 安全, 隐私, 利润以及分红等等. 当中的许多人都是朋友, 家人以及朋友的朋友, 因此他们都相信我所说的...然后我就问他们是否愿意将100美金存成BitUSD, 或是买100美金的BTSX (这不过就是人们每周出去吃饭几次的金额).  我得到的答案几乎总是: "现在还不要"或是"不要". 而理由是很简单的: 系统尚未成熟, 而他们并不想要进行高风险投资.  思索投资的心理压力, 在coin market cap上面追踪价格, 以及担心是否投资可以回本等等对于他们太过沉重.

因此只要我们想要人们基于公司的比喻来接纳我们, 这就会唤起人们脑中错误的部份来吸引早期采用者并建立最初的网络效应. 这也会招来监管者, 就像苍蝇追逐狗屎一般.

因此, 为了要在BTS的发布维持一个清楚的信息, 我认为我们需要在现阶段避免在对外谈话时避免使用公司的比喻. 我认为唯一应该使用公司的比喻来描述比特股的时机在于: 当我们同时这样来描述比特币, 莱特币, Nxt, Ripple等虚拟公司, 并藉此比较他们的经济模式, 可行性, 以及可维持性和长期价值潜力.  我们可以在教育目的上维持公司的比喻, 但是必须要尽可能避免比特股在监管者眼中成为真正的公司.

最终来说, 比特股其实是一个社区, 其中的成员以其所认知的价值灌溉BTS, 并使用BTS作为交易媒介以及会计单位, 以认可对于社区有贡献的人们.  我们想要聚焦在人们身上, 以及这些人所作的事情以及互相提供的价值.

让我们建立一个坚实的基础, 建立一个稳定的产品, 并开始成长茁壮. 今天BTS的价格遭受重击, 但是BitUSD的持有仍然保持强劲, 钱包内市场仍然活跃地进行交易. 我们的产品奏效了...让我们牢牢记住这个关键.

原作者: bytemaster

中文 (Chinese) / 1101 Play mumble會議問題收集
« on: November 01, 2014, 07:22:53 am »
如同之前在日報當中所提的, 本週會有Play的mumble會議

1. mumble負責人 fuznuts(義工)會在開會的前一天 (今天稍晚)在reddit上面開當周的問題帖子
2. 大家自由在上面提出自己要問的問題 (英文)
3. 由於開會時間有限, reddit上面可以對每個問題投票, 票數高的才有機會被問到

1. 如果有想提出的問題, 覺得無法透過論壇發文獲得解答
2. 可以請你在這個討論串當中回文提出, 同時也可以進行後續的討論, 我們會整理在一起, 並翻譯成英文發到reddit上面
3. 因此每個人的問題會一起公平競爭, 票數較高的就有機會被問到
4. 針對有被問到的問題, 會在會後將回應整理到這個帖子上面 (會在之後的天數放上來)

2014.10.30 星期四.-比特股每日简报 (中文版)---你还好吗 ?

     今天对很多人来说还是比较抑郁的,因为BTSX价格在24小时内下降得太快了。我们不能告诉你“忍忍吧” ,因为天空看上去实在太灰暗了,就算我们想试着找一点光,都很难。
     不过,喂,老实说吧,你们真以为赚钱那么容易?好多比特币的早期参与者即使在1美元的时候买入了,0.7美元割肉了,照样要亏钱。 错误的决定总是会有的 ,不管你是想买还是想卖。
     未知是让我们最害怕的 , 不过未知也是让你可以有庞大的想象力的原因。不要投入比你能够负担损失更多的金钱,不管是虚拟币、股票、教育甚至是黄金。

Bytemaster重新定义Bitshares 和 DAC
Post 1 :
Post 2 :

Bitshares Play的开发者会在星期六参加Mumble会议
      HackFisher(黑鱼人),Bitshares Play的开发者,终于被fuzzy说服了,决定每两周参加一次Mumble会议。时间将会是星期六早上10:00AM EST(美国东部时间,北京时间则是10:00PM)。第一次会议的日期将会是2014-11-1 .

我们很吃惊,有好多会员对我们的创刊号表示支持,这些会员来自中文区和英文区。其中一些人甚至提出了帮助我们准备这些每日简报的内容,这其中还包含了一个可爱的女士。 对啊,文明点,小伙子们,这论坛上是有女士的。 至于这个女士是谁?我实在没有权利去透露啊。不过长久做下去,我们肯定需要一切愿意帮助我们的人。




英文版时代公告 :


2014.10.30 Thur.-Bitshares Daily Briefings (Global Version)---How are you ?

Editor's note:
     It's kinda depressed today , for many people , because the price of BTSX dropped rapidly in the last 24 hours . We can't tell you to suck it up , because the sky seemed so grey today , we couldn't see a light even if we tried to .
     But , hey , let's be honest , do you guys really think making money was that easy ? Many early Bitcoiner lost tons of money even when they bought in Bitcoin at just 1 USD and sold it at 0.7 USD . There always will be bad decision , no matter whether you want to buy or sell it .
     It's the unknown that terrifies us , but it's also the unknown that allows you to have magnificent imaginations . Do not put in money more than you can afford to lose , no matter it's for cryptos , stocks , education or even gold .

What's new today ?
Bytemaster redefined Bitshares and DAC
   Bytemaster stated that the company metaphor for Bitshares really helped promoting in the past , but now it's become a blockage on our way forward . He redefined Bitshares as “BitShares is ultimately a community of people who imbue BTS with perceived value and use BTS as a medium of exchange and unit of account to recognize those who are contributing to the community.  ”So , the concept of DAC becomes "Decentralized Autonomous Community"
Post 1 :
Post 2 :

Developer of Bitshares Play will do Mumble hangouts on Saturdays
      HackFisher , the developer of Bitshares Play , finally convinced by fuzzy , decided to schedule hangouts on Mumble bi-weekly.The timing would be Saturday at 10 AM EST (Bejing time would be Saturday at 10 PM).The first time of these hangouts would be on 2014-11-1 .

Inaugural Issue seems to be a success
     We were amazed by how many members showed their support for our Inaugural Issue yesterday , both from the Chinese and the English speaking people . Some of them even offered to help out with the content of this daily briefing , including a lovely lady ---- Yeah , that's right , dudes , be civil , there are ladies on the forum . As for who this lady is ? Well , I'm not at liberty to discuss . But we would definitely use any help we can get in the long run .

More introduction into the Chinese community
    Well , last time we showed how the slogan "BTS is good , 500 USD each coin properly properly " evolved in the Bitshares Chinese community . Today , we would like to introduce the "milk group" culture to you .  Milk group , an QQ group hosted by exchange originally , it was supposed to discuss PTS and BTS . But when the BTS wallet delayed 6 month ago , the group suddenly lost purpose . They didn't know what to discuss daily anymore . Luckily , some people stepped up , new order was found . The administrator posted pictures of beautiful girls on a daily basis to inspired the members of the group never lost hope , there always will be beauty waiting for you. So , a new theory emerged , and that is "the young model theory" , it states that if you hold 1 BTSX that you can have three young models someday . ----A joke , of course , just to entertain the young generation in the Bitshares community .

Why is the price dropping ?
    The price is driving people nuts . People are speculating the reason , but I don't think you can find an answer . American FED quit QE ? Nah , way too easy for an excuse . keep in mind , this is cryptos we're talking about . You can't use reason to explain everything . The price dropped 3X , just like the price rised 6X before . There always will be good news and bad news , no matter what happened , the market always finds a reason to drive the price up and down rapidly . It's the nature of the market . No matter what the price is , there always will be someone profiting and someone losing .
    The other reason for this rapid change on price is that the value of this system is majorly coming from the whales and the big buyers , people who put 10K , 100K , even 1 million + USD into the market . These people contribute to the rapid growth in market cap , but when they leave , they tend to leave with a large amount of money as well . So , too much dependence on the big whales is what got us into this mess in the first place.

Adoption from small people will be good for Bitshares
 We have to attract more small people , small business into the Bitshares ecosystem , they might not have much money as the big whales , but they would make up in numbers . 10000 people providing 100 USD each would result in 1 million USD in total , and those money woud be more stable for the market than 1 million USD just from a single whale .  That's what the marketing direction should be if we want a stable growth , less big whales , more ordinary people . Otherwise , one sell order from a big whale would take away major value from the ecosystem , it limits the potential to grow in the long run .

BTC38 issued their annoucement on 11.5 snapshot
English BTC38 annoucement :

The Chinese version of this daily briefings is here :

中文 (Chinese) / 比特股成为去中心化自治社区
« on: October 30, 2014, 02:18:07 am »
比特股是由一群志同道合的人们组成社区, 并一起努力来让世界更好. 成为社区成员的唯一方法就是透过'工作量证明'来证明你的努力. PTS矿工的确透过工作来创造并保护我们第一个会员代币的功能. AGS捐献者将辛苦得来的资源捐献以证明他们的支持. 受托人则是持续工作来让社区成长, 并实现我们的愿景.
传统公司是契约关系的机构, 而社区则是志愿者联盟. 我们想要一起努力, 并认可每个成员的贡献, 以帮助社区成长并达到其最终目标: 世界大同. 在社区内我们的常态是每个人产生的价值比消耗得更多, 而同样的没有人必须要不成比例地自我牺牲来奉献给群体.
我们一直都很爱用公司的比喻来将比特股X描述为银行加上交易所, 并使用像是股份, 分红, 稀释, 并购, 利息等等词汇. 在即将启动的新品牌比特股 (BTS)中, 我想要正式地把这些语言都拿掉, 因为这并不合适于我们真正在做的事情, 而这些词汇除了帮助我们了解各种决策的金融效应之外, 其他的时候都是对我们不利的.
比特股将会是一个自我统御的社区, 透过选举选出受托人来为社区服务, 并强化多数持股人所传递的社区共识.

比特股社区是一个无契约 (contract-free)的地方, 不会有任何时间点任何一方对于其未来的应有作为负有法律责任. 我们应该坚守这些原则并依靠声誉以及社区协调来促成高效能低成本的商务.
为此I3所保管的开发资金将会分配在核心开发者之间, 并让他们一起作为独立团体努力工作来让社区成长.  计划的细节仍在审视当中, 但是最终的结果不会让任何一位开发者有对受托人"下圣旨"一般的权利.  有人曾经说我有"太多的权力", 但是我并不想要命令别人来将事情完成, 而是用我的能力来说服社区.  我也希望BTS的开发能够持续, 不管(译者按:像传言中的那样)SEC或是政府可能尝试指控我们什么(译者按:这是非常长远的规划,虚拟货币一直是各国政府的眼中钉,包括比特币在内的任何虚拟币都可能面对美国政府的各种监管和限制,所以BM在规划一个完善的后备计划,使得BTS的开发能够在任何外来压力下都能持续下去,这样的做法使得BTS应对风险的能力比其他没有长远计划的虚拟币更强了).  BTS比我们任何一人都站得更高, 并有潜力来让大家在一个完全志愿的社区里团结一致.
原作者: bytemaster

比特股每日简报(中文版)--创刊号-2014.10.29 星期三




MeTHoDx ,大概是来自阿根廷的,一个企业家,他正想当一个专注于市场营销的受托人。他的市场策略就是抓住那些我们经常忽略的市场——那些有很大的美元需求却没有足够的美元供应的国家,如阿根廷。我们已经将这个帖子翻译到中文社区里,而且很多中国会员认为这是一个好主意。BM看上去也很喜欢这主意,前提是不用他在AGS资金里掏钱出来。英文社区里的很多会员也喜欢这个主意。


Brian Page,市场营销主管,目标是在比特股品牌重新包装和得到开发者们简化后,使得容易推广到普通人群中的时候,再积极发动市场营销活动。我们应该能在今年年底前看到这些事。

Cob , 音乐项目的开发者,说一切事情如常,目前没有任何变化。

Toast , KeyID开发者 , 说“我想将Key Graph功能加入BTS里 , 这样你在里面会有一个KeyID但不会有一个真正的账户,只是被命名的钥匙而已。我可以在快照日从KeyID里导入这些名字。”或许,这是让那些已经将名字注册在原始的KeyID里的人在合并计划生效后依然能使用原来的名字作为身份验证应用吧?









Bitshares Daily Briefings (Global Version)--Inaugural issue-2014.10.29 Wed.

Editor's Note:
Bitshares has only been introduced to us for 4 months , we've seen it's ups and downs. We had excitement , we had disappointments , we still have hope. It's one hell of a ride. But as you all know , for many reasons , we're finding a hard time communicating with each other in this community . These reasons not only included language barrier , but also related to how difficult it was for people to comb though truck load of information in every aspect of this community. So , what if ,we can access to a useful daily that allows ordinary members to know "what's new today" without spending too much time ?

As the newly formed Chinese Spokesman team , we've decided to provide such tool to the community in both Chinese and English.That's what this daily briefings brings to the table . keep in mind , this is more like a daily briefing than a actual news paper , we want to keep this as simple and relax as it should.

Voices from the English Speaking community
MeTHoDx , maybe from Argentina , an entrepreneur , is offering to be a marketing delegate . His marketing strategy is to grab those markets we often missed ----- Those countries with USD need and don't have enough USD supply , like Argentina . We've translated his post to the Chinese community , and many of the Chinese thought it was a brilliant idea . Bytemaster seems to like the idea , as long as he doesn't need to pay MeTHoDx a dime from the AGS fund . ^-^ Many members from the English Speaking community liked this idea as well.

Stan said that there is no rules why marketer can't be a delegate , but the marketer would have to prove his value to the stake holders , if one can do that , even a janitor can take a bite from the delegate position if the Bitshares system need a janitor . (The janitor part was joking , of course ) .

Brian Page , marketing director of Bitshares , is aiming to launch a marketing campaign after all issue including rebranding are simplified by the developers so it will be easy to present to the ordinary folks . We should be expecting progress on this plan at the end of this year .

Cob , developer of Music project , said that business as usual , nothing changed at the moment .

Toast , developer of KeyID , said " I'd like to put the key graph onto BTS. There you will have a "keyID" but they will not be actual accounts, just named keys. I could import names from keyID at the snapshot date. "   Maybe that's for those who still want to use the names registered in the original KeyID after the merger .

Voices from the Chinese Speaking Community

BTS-Bear (BTS熊) , the founder of the slogan "BTS is good , worth 500 USD each coin properly properly" , suffered a great lost in the merger plan . He was really angry at first , maybe still does. Depite his feeling for the merger plan , he still loves this community , and he made a valid point today , and that is , this community is still very young , it needs to grow , it needs more than just I3 to have a future , and that goal can not be achieved without a strong community . We should have more options than just relying on I3 to make the right decision in the long run .

Note: "BTS is good , worth 500 USD each coin properly properly" is made before the total supply of BitsharesX was still 4 million . Since the total supply is 2 billion and more , the original meaning of this slogan would be "BTS is good ,worth 1 USD each coin properly properly" . This slogan started as a joke , has become famous in the Chinese community.

PTS-China(PTS中国) , the promotor of PTS at the early stage in China , after seeing a big dive of Bitcoin price today , he shared his deep thoughts . He use bitcoin as an example to show how a system without usefulness for real business applications would fail eventually . Money are flowing out of the Bitcoin system , and if Bitshares can't learn any lesson from this , Bitshares will suffer the same fate. He urged the community and the Bitshares developers to take this more seriously , stoping playing with concepts after the merger , and devote more effort in the real business application.

A Passer-by , with no name , stated that there are no active QQ Group communications regarding crypto currencies for days excpet QQ Groups of Bitshares . That shows the popularity of Bitshares in China still exist comparing to the other alt-coins . For those who don't know yet, one  QQ group often contains 200 and more members . If a QQ group of a crypto currency hasn't said a word in days , that means no one cares or has hope anymore in that specific crypto currency . We still have hope , but we may not have much time . We have to distant ourselves from the ones losing the battle , and fight our way out of this mud .

Jerry (J神 , J-GOD) , a god-liked person , well known in the Chinese community because of his great "if then" algorithm . He often said that "If I sell BTSX at 0.34 CNY , then buy it back at 0.13 CNY , then sell it at 0.25 CNY , and then buy it back again at 0.11 CNY, my BTSX can multiply , it would be awesome !!"  But...He didn't do one of those buy and sells , just keep holding BTSX  , and he said that "if then" sentence nearly every day. So , that was how he become a god . But he's getting serious about the development . He drew a detail improvement plan for the Bitshares today , the developer should really take a good look at it . It is a very professional advice .   go to this link and see for yourself !

Some Chinese members are happy about the newly formed spokesman team on the role of helping the effective communication between the Chinese and the rest of the community , as well as some English speaking members . We really appreciate their support . Fuzzy , gamey , JoeyD , TonyK also showed us some love .

The Chinese version of this daily briefing:

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