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Messages - svk

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No there isn't one.

Technical Support / Re: Help! Password not working on web wallet
« on: June 12, 2017, 03:41:07 am »
You need to use the wallet model to access your account, the password model was not available when you made your account. Try switching to wallet model in the login dialog or in the settings.

If thst doesn't work restore from your backup file.

You could just move your wallet or json backup to a new computer yes.

Have you tried importing your json backup in the new client? You may not need to sync the old chain first, it's only an issue for people that used their wallets actively and thus had a lot of keys due to how that wallet worked.

Yes either restore from a backup or create a new wallet and import your old private keys.

Technical Support / Re: Another 0.9.3c import-->export help needed
« on: June 11, 2017, 06:57:29 am »
I don't remember the commands for the old client anymore, but it looks to me you're passing it the arguments in the wrong order or something. Some arguments sometimes need to be wrapped in quotes, you could try that also.

You won't be able to create an account on the old blockchain since it's no longer live.

Technical Support / Re: Transfer to STEEM forgot the MEMO
« on: June 11, 2017, 06:52:18 am »
That  gateway has been shut down, but they can probably help you out manually.


From what I can see you already claimed all your 47691 BTS that you had in the old chain a year ago. You also got some vesting balances from the merger, a total of 5 BTS of which you've claimed 4 and now need to claim the remaining 1 BTS. Just check the checkbox, select the account to claim to and voila.

Technical Support / Re: Transfer to STEEM forgot the MEMO
« on: June 10, 2017, 07:10:01 pm »
Contact the Openledger support at

When you create a new wallet a brain key is generated for you (unless you supply one), and any accounts created with that wallet can be recovered with that brain key.
So each account has  key set derived from master brainkey (from wallet that hold accounts)? Wouldn't that mean I can register infinite number of accounts with same key or oposite: infinite number of keys from one brainkey? Finally, how brainkey "knows" all created accounts if it doesn't change?

wallet = bin backup with keys
account = nickname

Each account created with the same wallet will have a private key derived from the same brain key, with a simple index (starting at 0 and incrementing by 1 for each account) added to the seed to create individual keys.

Settings > Wallet > Lookup balances.

You already imported your wallet so you already have the keys, no need to do it again.

Restoring the backup should be enough, assuming your backup was made after importing the old keys.

Technical Support / Re: browser wallet recovery?
« on: June 06, 2017, 05:54:11 am »
The wallet is stored in a indexeddb database inside the browser, so I doubt there are specific files corresponding to it. But if you see anything database related try restoring that.

Technical Support / Re: Segmenting Account Connections?
« on: June 06, 2017, 05:50:00 am »
You would need to generate new keys (from a new seed) using the command line interface since the GUI doesn't expose that feature yet. Then you could change the keys of your accounts to those new keys. Or you could create a new wallet with a throw away account, and reuse the keys of that account for one of your sub accounts. Each new wallet you create has a new brain key.

Technical Support / Re: Help with withdrawing BTC.
« on: June 06, 2017, 05:42:47 am »
Hard to tell from that error, might be a fee issue. Do you have any BTS in your account? If not could you get some? 5 or so should be enough.

Technical Support / Re: Memo Key?
« on: June 03, 2017, 06:25:51 am »
It is used to encrypt/decrypt the optional memo that can be attached to a transfer, making it so that only yourself and the receiver can read that memo.

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