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Messages - mf-tzo

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Thank you Luckybit.

A couple of questions:

1) Why would someone buy Ethers if they don't expect to make money? Presumably because most people want to use it so more valuable and therefore essentially it is a "profitable business end"

2) Is Ethereum competitor to Bitshares ME or irrelevant?

Thanks again for the clarifications.

Can someone please explain what are the benefits of Bitshares against Ethereum especially if Bitcoin association becomes a DAO? Why someone would value more Bitshares than Ethereum now?

Bitshares will be a decentralised bank. But now with this DAO, Bitcoin and every alt coin will be also truly decentralised. Everyone can issue a coin there and be a bank. I know that I am missing something so please explain to a non tech guy the differences and the benefits...

General Discussion / Re: DAC Country coins
« on: April 17, 2014, 07:31:00 am »
If you notice this forum section "Alternate DACs"   is filled mostly with post with zero replies...  This section might be better served by a fuznuts mumble server channel, were ideas can be brainstormed live. Let me know if you interested, we could reach out to fuznuts together and collaborate..

Also Charles Evans and I are launching an incubator in Miami, we're always on the lookout for innovated projects with good Karma that pay dividends.

Thank you very much. Yes I would be interested! I believe that in order for my idea of a country coin to succeed it is essential to get on board a lot of Greek people who will believe in it's success and will be willing to spend much time into marketing the coin, get them out on the streets to educate and convince merchants to use it. In return these people will receive a small % of greekshares for their efforts and in the end of the day merchants will receive something for free that might gain value in the future. It is a win-win situation!

I think that the idea of a DAC with a common cause and with a profitable model will work. The difficult part is to explain to people this model. The few Greek people who deal with cryptocurrencies are stuck with the mining no mining coins. When I allocate them to AGS funding and try to explain the model all they see is a falling stock... People really don't understand DACs yet...  :(

General Discussion / Re: DAC Country coins
« on: April 16, 2014, 02:52:25 pm »

Thank you very much Stan.  :)

This is exactly how I have imagined the future:
Perhaps a custom exchange featuring some mix of BitEUR and BitDrachma would give you an edge over an ordinary coin.

General Discussion / Re: DAC Country coins
« on: April 16, 2014, 09:03:33 am »
I am wondering as to why no one has commented on this... Is my idea not going to work and I shouldn't bother to do something like this?

General Discussion / Re: 8M or 4M BTS?
« on: April 15, 2014, 12:44:27 pm »
Sorry just to double check I understood correctly:

4 mil (PTS - AGS)= 8 million BTS shares = 1 bil BIPS and therefore

20 AGS = 20 x 3.33 x 2 = 133.2 shares = 16,650 BIPS 


20 PTS = 20 x 1.33 x 2 = 53.2 shares = 6,650 BIPS

Please advise if I miss understood something...

General Discussion / Re: Airdrop - Food for thought.
« on: April 13, 2014, 05:37:05 pm »
I think that the current airdrops are failing because there are not well planned.
In order for the airdrop of a country coin to succeed I think that the devs will need to convience their investors for a long time (as Invictus is doing) that the intention is not for people to dump the coins when they receive it.
In order to do that you need to allocate i.e. x amount to investors who will fund the development like AGS style and will most likely not dump their coins and x amount to give away for free to the citizens and the merchants of the country.

I don't think there is any value if you promise to give away coins to people who have never heard of cryptocurrencies. The devs who do country coins airdrops should find one by one merchants and educate them first, help them istall any application they need give them shares of the future coin which will be able to claim at the end of the project.

I think that these kind of country DACs should be formed worldwide. It is not easy, it takes a lot of people in every country to get involved but it is not impossible...

I have imagined a future with many different country coins, that many merchants use in every country and all these coins are traded in Bitshares X. I think then we would have achieved the desired decentralisation of crypto currencies.

General Discussion / DAC Country coins
« on: April 13, 2014, 03:20:58 pm »
I have an idea and I would like your feedback.

The idea is to create the first DAC Greek coin (100% premined) which could be traded and exchanged in Bitshares X.


1.   Gather developers and marketing team, investors.

2.   X amount of Greekshares will be issued and each Greekshare will be equal to x amount of Greekcoins at Y date.

3.   X amount of Greekshares will be given away to Greek companies and Greek citizens.  A small premium will be given to each person who convinced the merchant to use it as a payment method

4.   X amount of Greekshares will be given away to PTS/AGS shareholders

5.   X amount of Greekshares will be issued to potential investors, like the AGS allocation style to raise funding for the development during the Y period

We are currently in the process of becoming a team with a common cause “to create a  coin that will help as many people in our Country as possible, people will adopt it and start using it in everyday transactions and make profit for the potential initial investors who believed in our idea”.  Opinions in the Greek community vary as to how the Greekcoin should be made. So at this stage the above is just my idea trying to convince others to join.

Any thoughts or advice will be greatly appreciated! Do you guys think that something like that could work? Anything that we should avoid?

I value very much the opinion of this community!

Thanks in advance

Thank you Stan for your reply. Really appreciate it.

I am very curious.. How much do you guys estimate that PTS will drop in $ terms (assuming BTC will remain at current levels $350 - $450) based on the numbers that you are watching? It appears to be on free fall...

It is very tempting to invest now and get as much shares that I can but so far my trading hasn't gone very well and I am starting to get really worried... I kept bying whenever I could. I was bying when first released at $2 - $20 and almost never sold even after the snapshot..And if I buy again now and falls to $1 I will have absolutely no way to recover from that...

I undesrtand that might be a silly question but just throw me some estimated numbers please...I can't afford to lose more..  :(


General Discussion / Re: You should read this
« on: April 11, 2014, 11:05:36 am »
hahaha..Ok but...The market valued MMC in this place and has nothing to do with the 0.1% that they gave to PTS holders.

The fact that a newbie learned how to claim his coins and read about this coin which would otherwise wouldn't have done that is marketing campaign achieved! It doesn't make a difference if you give 0.1%, 1% or 5%. What you want to achieve is only to make more people aware that hey... there is that coin as well. Let's read about it... If MMC has given 10% of it's stake to PTS holders then all of us would have just sold them the minute we claimed our coins and we would have affected the price... That would have been free money "airdrop" and should be avoided... My country coin would not give to Greek people free money so they can dump them as all the current country coins... It will be a campaign that will raise confidence as AGS and the coin will get true value as most people will learn about it slowly and new business will accept it as payment before it is even launched (P.S. there are already 3 different teams of Greekcoins with no real business plan...Idiots!!!) since they will have some small amounts of "free money"... anyway I am gettting out of topic here...

Small donations never hurt!! Sometimes you only need 1 big investor to believe in what you are doing!!

I don't think it would hurt to donate some BTS a very small amount to BTC or Doge holders just in case you can get the attention of some investors.

General Discussion / Re: You should read this
« on: April 11, 2014, 10:33:41 am »
I fully agree with airdrop marketing free coins etc...
Currently I am trying to convince the Greekcoin community to create the first true country DAC coin, raise funding with "greekshares" style like AGS and honor mostly PTS holders and with a smaller portion some other coin communities a small portion just for marketing reasons (BTCs, LTCs, PPC etc..). People really underestimate some times the benefit of a small portion of free coins for marketing in an existing community. What Memory coin did was really good. The $ amount that I received was ridiculous back then but... I learned how to claim my coins and learned more about the whole procedure. I was a completely newbie and learned how to claim my coins!!! That was amazing for me! Secondly I learned about memory coin. I read about it!! and finally when i have decided to sell my memory coins i am pretty sure that i didn't affect the price  of the coin whatsoever...

DAC PLAY / Re: What games do we want to play?
« on: April 08, 2014, 11:52:28 am »
I would like to see some chess tournaments and people betting each other or even bet to another player if they wish.. :)

I am not a tech guy so I don't understand much of what you guys are talking about here but I am getting worried..

If I understand correctly, if miners stop mining PTS then the network will not be safe? Attacks can happen and I can wake up a nice morning and realise that my wallet is empty? Or I missunderstood something with the checkpoints that Barwizi was talking about?

Can someone explain me in very simple terms what does "time to retarget 14days" mean? Is there a way someone can watch that if he is not a miner?

I must be one of the very few people that didn't sell any PTS after the 28th snapshop but instead kept buying more because I believed in their long term value. Although it was well expected by everyone that PTS will devalue and was well communicated in the forum. Are we in a similar situation now? Do we expect the value of PTS to fall further? I wouldn't like to be again the guy who kept his PTS instead of selling them now and buy them again at a lower price in the future...The 28th mistake was more than enough to devalue the m2m of my portfolio in half... :(

General Discussion / Re: Charity DAC
« on: March 23, 2014, 10:46:46 pm »
I just thought of the idea of a Charity coin but I see this has somehow been covered.
However I don't see why something like that could not work:

X amount of charity coins are created pre-mined (maybe issue a contract in Counterparty? I don't know how that works just throwing ideas here. I am not following counterparty. It is too hackish for me).

x% of coins are distributed to PTS/AGS shareholders.

The remaining to be distibuted to charities. x% of coins each year at random days generated by a program so there is no speculation and manupulation of the price just before or after the charity date.

Initially PTS/AGS shareholders will do the trading of the x% amount distributed to them. Some will sell and just receive their free money from day one.  Others will believe in the social benefit of the coin, will believe that it will gain value from the publicity it will receive from it's good purpose and will want to buy it or not sell it to someone at low price.

The worst that could happen is that nobody cares about any charities and these coins have no value. Everyone wants to sell their coins, nobody wants to buy and when the day of the charity comes the chosen charity receives nothing and the whole project fails.

But what if some believe that they should hold to this coin? What if we decide that the x amount that we should give for the first charity should not be less than y and that we decide as a community not to sell those coins until someone who wants to do some charity pays not less than x amount to obtain our free coin and so on...What if out of thin air we create charity value?

The question is that when the charity day come someone will have to buy these coins to be transformed in whatever currency and be given to the charity. There must be a central authority that does the trading and sells these coins, receives the relevant fiat currency to give to the charity. I am not sure if we can do something centralised like that since we want to promote decentralisation.
People who would want to do some charity will want to obtain more coins beacuse they will believe their concept. People who want to make more profits will want to keep their coins as they believe that people out there care about charities and in the future their coin will get more value. In the end of the day people who don't believe in charities should not buy any of these coins.

In the end of the day maybe we could burn those coins? We create a charity coin that everyone who wants to do some charity obtain this coin which is then destroyed. And the procceeds from the sale of the coins are all placed in a bucket used for charities? And we only link this coin to AGS/PTS shareholders just as a mean of good publicity to PTS and cryptocurrencies in general?

If we can pull something like this, we will make worldwide known that cryptocurrencies are not bad. They raise money for something good as well. Governments will have more difficulties to ban bitcoin and cryptocurrencies. More people will start looking at PTS/AGS, Invictus and what cryptocurrencies can really do!

Probably all these have been analysed before. It would be nice though if through cryptocurrencies we can make a charity DAC so I just thought to share my thoughts anyway in case someone can think something out of all this and make it happen.

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