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Messages - nomoreheroes7

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General Discussion / Re: How high can she go?
« on: September 30, 2014, 01:25:03 pm »
Yea I'm talking about getting there.

Road won't seem as rough if you're an iron clad hodler. I'm 100% BitShares right now, so I will either prosper immensely or go down with the ship, no in between.

General Discussion / Re: How high can she go?
« on: September 30, 2014, 01:07:10 pm »
is a trillion dollar market cap reasonable say even 20 years into the future, considering the vast sums of wealth contained in these markets??

Am I delusional??
No, you are too conservative.

lol tony I never know if you're being serious or just trolling...for my own amusement I'm going to assume you're serious.  :D

General Discussion / How high can she go?
« on: September 30, 2014, 12:55:58 pm »
Alright, so I'm thinking to myself that Bitcoin aims to be the world's currency, while BitShares' approach is much broader: to be the world's investment (more or less). Based on this alone, isn't the market BitShares is trying to grab much greater than Bitcoin's, and thus the potential future market cap much, much higher? As in, BitShares seeks to take down banks, stock exchanges, forex, gold markets, USD, etc etc a trillion dollar market cap reasonable say even 20 years into the future, considering the vast sums of wealth contained in these markets??

Am I delusional??

General Discussion / Re: the name of 'bitGLD' should be reconsidered
« on: September 29, 2014, 04:09:14 pm »
XAU is correct, however, nearly impossible to market to average folks.

bitGOLD and bitSILVER should be implemented before a mainstream marketing push.


Wow, that's....disturbing. This needs to be brought to light.

Maybe someone needs to make a thread in the meta section about this over there?

Muse/SoundDAC / Re: BitShares Music non-technical paper. Updated.
« on: September 28, 2014, 05:07:59 pm »
Glad I grabbed a small chunk of AGS 2 days prior to close. Just in case something like this were to come along...


General Discussion / Re: Different fees for different short holding periods
« on: September 27, 2014, 12:51:05 am »
I would say I'm taking a fairly big risk right now as it is. I have no guarantee that BTSX will be as successful as I think it will, and also no guarantee the price won't dip below the margin call before it rises greatly. Also by keeping my BTSX tied as collateral for the shorts, I'm risking opportunity cost from being able to trade elsewhere and in other coins. Based on that, I definitely wouldn't call a long-term short a "free lunch".

General Discussion / Re: Different fees for different short holding periods
« on: September 26, 2014, 11:37:15 pm »
I expected the price to rise sometime in probably the next few months, not necessarily real soon...
the goal of the proposal is to avoid such free lunch an incentive traders to make more short/medium term predictions.

Almost feels like there should be a "grandfathering" clause or something then, I would've never opened the shorts if I would have known that. I've already lost some BTSX getting margin called in the BitCNY market (due to the low liquidity, not the actual price on the exchange) and I wouldn't have risked more of my balance if I didn't think I could hold it until BTSX really took off.


General Discussion / Re: Different fees for different short holding periods
« on: September 26, 2014, 11:17:10 pm »
Really? Not sure I like the idea of having to cover once a month...I have a bunch of shorts open now, because I expected the price to rise sometime in probably the next few months, not necessarily real soon...

General Discussion / Re: Who let the DOGEs Out?
« on: September 26, 2014, 05:14:00 pm »
BTSX looks to me like its just starting another parabolic move.  It looks just like the DOGE chart a week ago when DOGE was in the 60s.    I just panic bought as much as I could! 

Yea, the BTC38 BTSX/CNY price is rising considerably. Pretty intense right now.

Looking more in depth, both DOGE and BTSX have a majority of their volume traded against CNY. Is China just on a buying frenzy right now or what??

General Discussion / Re: An open letter to Tonyk
« on: September 26, 2014, 03:08:29 pm »
I hate to say it...but  +5%

Perception is everything, and if people come here and see name-calling etc, that perception is forever tainted...

We have a strategy for getting there that no coin, not even Bitcoin, can compete with.... it is still secret though :)


I have no idea how I can help.  One thing that I think would help would be rewriting the entire wikipage to get rid of all the superfulous terminology and recast the idea in terms that people are already familiar with.  And then redesign the client UI to hide nearly everything behind an "advanced user" interface (e.g. the typical user definitely does not need to see options for shorting, market depth charts, etc).  But I doubt the community wants either of those, which is unfortunate since they are major stumbling blocks.

Uhh...the "advanced user" interface is already in the client as of 0.4.17. Saw it this morning, and does exactly what you're proposing. And looks beautiful.

General Discussion / Re: Who let the DOGEs Out?
« on: September 26, 2014, 02:26:31 pm »
Doge clearly has the superior tech.


I'm trying to conceive a scenario in which some entity scoops BitsharesX, releases a knock-off and screws AGS/PTS/Community.

Can't come up with one that is viable.

At this point in time I can't see another group of devs jumping in and doing a better job at developing/marketing the platform, ie. winning the race.

In the future, once the platform is mature, I can't see another group of devs copying and adding enough gee-whiz to lure the community while simultaneously screwing the community.

In between, I can't see an attack or flaw that the devs/delegates could not fix/fork themselves.

Unless I'm missing something obvious this risk seems to be an armchair issue rather than something investors (myself included) need to worry about.

And finally... if someone rips off the code, what could they possibly call their knock-off that would compete with the Bitshares branding (CitiBank? Wells Fargo? BOA?).

I'm becoming convinced.  Is it true that the community would view any new DAC designed to function as a currency as a competitor to BitShares X and thus will not launch such a DAC (at least not with broad community support)?

I can't imagine they would. These are some of the smartest minds on the planet; I can't imagine they would cannibalize their major product with a knock-off competitor version for no good just wouldn't make sense.

  It makes it sound like bitsharesX is just a one particular set of DACs, but that the core developers and perhaps the community are not committed to working towards bitsharesX becoming the main way of moving money around, making mobile retail payments, etc.

I am curious how did you get to that conclusion?
-Was it from the fact that the whole dev team is working well more than 8h a day on it, and in my observation 6 (and quite likely 7) days a week.
-Was it from to fact that some of that team have promising DAC's of their own, that are left for later, while BTSX is rapidly developed.
-Is it due to versions coming every 2 to 4 days.
-was it due to the fact that new features (and significantly new) are coming at least once a week.

I understand where he's coming from. A team entirely committed to making one thing great (BTSX) is better than a team diluted to many different projects. I personally have seen more commitment to the BTSX DAC and feel it has greater potential, so that is where I'm mostly invested. I did grab around $150 worth of AGS a couple months back, though, just in case some really nice DACs come along...but mostly I'm sticking to BTSX.

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