Author Topic: Block Explorer and Delegates Listing  (Read 58774 times)

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Offline xeroc

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feature request:
can you change the "Estimated Confirmation Time: 10s" on the frontpage into
"average confirmation time: x/2 sec" .. so 5 secs if most delegates are runing fine!?

Offline svk

Version sorting works now.
However I see immortal.bitdelegate version as 0.4.13 while it was published as v0.4.15-RC1.
I see your version is synchronized (you have the latest block), so there should be an issue with that.
My client reports correct version.

UPDATE: It seems it is still work in progress, as the site changes on each refresh. It is OK now. GJ!
Good to hear :) The delegates info on that page refreshes every two minute IIRC, so if you're patient you can just wait a little and it will update.
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Offline emski

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Version sorting works now.
However I see immortal.bitdelegate version as 0.4.13 while it was published as v0.4.15-RC1.
I see your version is synchronized (you have the latest block), so there should be an issue with that.
My client reports correct version.

UPDATE: It seems it is still work in progress, as the site changes on each refresh. It is OK now. GJ!

UPDATE2: You might want to flag those who report 0.4.15 as red as this is not correct (version is bound to be git tag name, but that is not a tag). The delegate must have used manual version update and didn't report it correctly.
« Last Edit: September 13, 2014, 08:42:50 am by emski »

Offline svk

You can now sort delegates by version :) I started working on adding missed blocks to the blocks page but it needs some more work, maybe in the next few days I'll find time.

I also added a filter to the asset shorts in the orderbook, which means "invalid" shorts that are way below the 1 hour average price will no longer be shown. This was the case for CNY, the orderbook plot looks much cleaner now.

I'd like to report a bug on this one (btw do you have any other place for that?):

Version sorting does not work for me on Firefox (v31) and Chrome (Version 37.0.2062.120) on Windows 8.1. It is clickable but no sorting occurs. Delegate reliability sorting works as expected on both browsers. After reliability sorting is performed and then the user clicks on version sorting, the listing returns to default (rank) sorting.
Thanks for letting me know, I've fixed it now. They were all flagged as the same version that was why..

You can report bugs here for sure, or by pm or to
Worker: dev.bitsharesblocks

Offline emski

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You can now sort delegates by version :) I started working on adding missed blocks to the blocks page but it needs some more work, maybe in the next few days I'll find time.

I also added a filter to the asset shorts in the orderbook, which means "invalid" shorts that are way below the 1 hour average price will no longer be shown. This was the case for CNY, the orderbook plot looks much cleaner now.

I'd like to report a bug on this one (btw do you have any other place for that?):

Version sorting does not work for me on Firefox (v31) and Chrome (Version 37.0.2062.120) on Windows 8.1. It is clickable but no sorting occurs. Delegate reliability sorting works as expected on both browsers. After reliability sorting is performed and then the user clicks on version sorting, the listing returns to default (rank) sorting.

Offline svk

I want to state again how useful is: very useful (: .

Some low priority feedback:
Show when last known block was signed (eg "8 sec ago").
Sorting delegates by version might also be useful.
In "LAST 10 BLOCKS" panel missed blocks are not indicated (even though they are visible in "LAST 10 MISSED BLOCKS").
It would be good if missed blocks are indicated also on "blocks" tab (

You can now sort delegates by version :) I started working on adding missed blocks to the blocks page but it needs some more work, maybe in the next few days I'll find time.

I also added a filter to the asset shorts in the orderbook, which means "invalid" shorts that are way below the 1 hour average price will no longer be shown. This was the case for CNY, the orderbook plot looks much cleaner now.
Worker: dev.bitsharesblocks

Offline svk

You're killing it with that site. Well done!

I've added a Charts page with some new stats, it's a work in progress but for now you'll find time plots of BTSX transaction values, BTSX transaction count, total number of accounts, and new accounts per hour.

Such an awesome site, I'm using it daily.


On suggestion from bitcoinerS I've added a breakdown of asset transactions to the charts page, you'll find the number of asks, bids and shorts per hour versus time. Will be interesting to see if the number of asset transactions picks up today following the yield implementation. For now this is for all assets, not only for USD for example, might add per asset info later.

I also fixed some bugs in the asset plots so they should update correctly now.

UPDATE: There's something strange going on with the data grouping in the column plots, highstocks appears to incorrectly add up the data making it look like more transactions took place than what really happened. Trying to figure it out, trends should be ok I think but don't trust the numbers in the columns..
Fixed, it was a sorting issue. Somehow highstocks was the treating the data as non-sorted, messing things up. Adding a sort to the data fixed it, but I can't for the life of me tell the difference between the new sorted array and the original array.. Oh well, it works at least.
« Last Edit: September 10, 2014, 10:40:28 am by svk »
Worker: dev.bitsharesblocks

Offline cygnify

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I've added a Charts page with some new stats, it's a work in progress but for now you'll find time plots of BTSX transaction values, BTSX transaction count, total number of accounts, and new accounts per hour.

Such an awesome site, I'm using it daily.

Offline pseudoscops

You're killing it with that site. Well done!

Offline svk

I've added a Charts page with some new stats, it's a work in progress but for now you'll find time plots of BTSX transaction values, BTSX transaction count, total number of accounts, and new accounts per hour.
Worker: dev.bitsharesblocks

Offline Empirical1.1

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Offline GaltReport

Yeah, this is pretty much awesome!!

Great Job.

(added you to my votes too.  ;) )
« Last Edit: September 08, 2014, 01:20:13 pm by GaltReport »

Offline xeroc

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wow .. this looks awesome ..
gonna add a link for the charity delegates this evening ..

Offline svk

Very nice site svk.

About the "shorts range" highlighted region, is that the +/- 10% median price rule ?

Thank you! It is indeed based off the 10% rule and the avg price, not sure if it should be the median rather but they're quite close anyway.

If enough delegates announce a feed (>51) than the "1hr moving average" is defined as the median of the feeds .. (which is not really correct terminology)
if less then 51 feeds are available the 'real' 1hr moving average will be calculated using the market itself.

so the +-10% should always be around the 1hr moving avr.. (which is identical to the feed if 51+ delegates announced a feed)

that's my understanding
Cool, that was my understanding as well and it's what my "short range" window is based off.

I didn't get much time to work on the site this weekend, but today I've finished reworking the individual delegate info page, the big news is a plot showing the evolution of the sum of votes for that delegate, personally I quite like it :)

FYI if you're a delegate and have a website address associated with your delegate campaign, you can add it to the "public_data" for your account and my website will pick it up and display it. Here's the syntax:

Code: [Select]
wallet_account_update_registration <account_name> <pay_from_account> {"website":""} [delegate_pay_rate]
Atm only two delegates have this info I think: agsexplorer and myself.
Worker: dev.bitsharesblocks

Offline speedy

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Very nice site svk.

About the "shorts range" highlighted region, is that the +/- 10% median price rule ?

Thank you! It is indeed based off the 10% rule and the avg price, not sure if it should be the median rather but they're quite close anyway.

If enough delegates announce a feed (>51) than the "1hr moving average" is defined as the median of the feeds .. (which is not really correct terminology)
if less then 51 feeds are available the 'real' 1hr moving average will be calculated using the market itself.

so the +-10% should always be around the 1hr moving avr.. (which is identical to the feed if 51+ delegates announced a feed)

that's my understanding

I find it hard to keep up with all the rule changes, so I really appreciate sites like yours that give visual clues as to what I need to know to trade.

Perhaps some tooltips would help to explain what the significance of the short range is? This explanation from xeroc kind of proves why this is needed.