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Messages - Ben Mason

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General Discussion / Re: Benefits of Blockchain Technology
« on: November 19, 2015, 09:06:19 am »
Blythe Masters

Wow, how have I not seen this before... Great talk, and the language she uses to describe blockchain technology is... masterful. ;)
distributed ledger technology is the most widely used phrase in her talk I believe.
Thanks for sharing!
Actually, I am not a fan of the term "distributed ledger" .. simply because every kind digital data can be distributed .. git is a distributed ledger aswell just for code commits/history

I'd prefer to distinguish between:

* blockchain as an immutable database of "the past" events
* a protocol that describes how the blockchain "evolves"

The protocol may contain:

* the business model
* a finite state machine for any kind of "data transitions"
* how transactions are interpreted
* how transactions are bundled to a block
* how bundles transactions

if the last question is "decentralized" .. then the protocol also contains a

* distributed conensus finding scheme

Hence, a blockchain has nothing to do with "being decentralized" and only the
"consensus scheme" can be decentralized (assuming the blocks are broadcast
publicly, else it would be a private chain, which can also be decentralized BTW)

Thanks Xeroc.....these are really good points and food for thought.

Random Discussion / Re: Will the Federal Reserve Raise Rates in December?
« on: November 19, 2015, 09:01:23 am »
If they raise rates.....

They've decided to get underway with the destruction of what remains of the global economy..... or
They're too embarrassed not to.....and will quickly revert back to zero or negative and continue printing like crazy.

Wether they do or don't, we're all circling the drain and eventually the choice will become moot.

I agree with onceuponatime, cue false flags......camoron is itching for war too.  None of them can wait to murder more  babies, 'cause murderin' babies is worth it.'

Hey fuzzy

The three links seemed to the message tip already claimed message each time.

When I click on the Reddit link, the conversation open but that's I need to log in to Reddit at that point?

I can't check if tips reach my account yet as window migration not working and stuck on .9. Let me know you're account and memo so I can send you some BTS from my CCEDK account.

General Discussion / Re: Why we might to interview Jim Willie again...
« on: November 18, 2015, 05:43:59 pm »
powerful emotions in play
This is a crystal clear example of psychopathy.  The scale of human suffering that the death of 500,000 innocent children implies is literally beyond anybody's mind to comprehend.  One example of a remotely reasonable reaction to that question is...

"Worth it?!  Of course it wasn't worth it. What kind of sick question is that?  Are you trying to deliberately terrorize the relatives of the lost with this grotesque insensitivity?  Nothing like this can ever be allowed to happen again.  I am completely hollow from the horror of it.  My only wish now is to join those poor children in death for my part in failing to protect them."

General Discussion / Re: 1,000,000 ...
« on: November 17, 2015, 05:15:53 pm »
Yum yum.....that is tasty!

Discussed this with a friend and came up with:

PDSD - Post Democratic Stress Disorder

Very good.  How about.....


Symptoms include the 5 stages of loss & grief;

1. Denial & isolation
2. Anger
3. Bargaining
4. Depression
5. Acceptance

If you get through that and manage a reboot, you may move onto the 5 stages of awakening.....

1. Discovery - the need to discover where the lies end and truth about the world we inhabit begins
2. Rage & sorrow - the horror for what human beings do to one another for power and the monumental scale of the needless suffering of innocents
3. Blockchain worship - the realization that this tech could bring about the disintermediation of entrenched corruption the world over
4. Fellowship - the beautiful realization that you are not alone in your journey of awakening
5. Commitment - to pursuing a path of peace & hope in the name of reason, to ensure so many never have to live in the dark again

Thanx Ben :)
I've been chatting with the CEO of too and we're setting up his Exchange in Turkey. I'm helping him (with xeroc's awesome docs of course) share his orderbooks with the Bitshares network as well.
One by one guys, little by little.

That's fantastic to hear. I just love this spirit of collaboration going on.....absolutely, one partner after another!

Well done kencode!  Yes slightly early on a couple of exchanges.....they have expressed intent though!

General Discussion / Re: Why we might to interview Jim Willie again...
« on: November 16, 2015, 04:57:36 pm »
powerful emotions in play
Indeed.  Outrage is an appropriate emotion....and perhaps hope.  But those poor kids will still be lost, their families will still be devastated.  We owe it to their sacrifice, their anguish and their memory to ensure blockchain's potential to wipe out corruption is realized.   

General Discussion / Re: UI Progress
« on: November 13, 2015, 10:57:47 am »
Just brilliant! Excellent work! We need more of this kind of organisation around all products sets.

General Discussion / Re: Committee Town Halls (Poll)
« on: November 13, 2015, 08:11:04 am »
Awesome stuff fuzzy!

Very exciting tonyk! What an interesting experiment! I'd be interested in lending you some of the BTS if that works for you. i'm not sure about GreenPoints yet but I think it's great you are experimenting with UIAs.

Your spelling and grammar was almost perfect so you really shouldn't have worried  :D

General Discussion / Re: [EBM] Exchange Business Management Team
« on: November 12, 2015, 08:49:54 pm »
This is a brilliant and essential initiative, nice one Clout!

General Discussion / Re: Benefits of Blockchain Technology
« on: November 12, 2015, 08:42:26 pm »
Blockchain technology, properly applied, has the potential to establish a new global paradigm where people can trust and secure information. Allowed to mature it is difficult to imagine any aspect of society that will not be positively influenced. By swinging the balance away from pervasive systemic corruption designed purely to enrich a handful of individuals at the expense of the majority, a more civil and equitable society can be achieved.  One based on maximising individual potential, unleashing human innovation and achieving peaceful endeavour on an unimaginable scale.

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