Author Topic: Graphene GUI testing and feedback  (Read 137202 times)

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On OpenLedger, I clicked on "Explore", then "Trade". "Explore" is still highlighted as if I was still on that menu, when I'm on the "Trade" menu | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads

Offline tbone

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@tbone why would you not want buy/sell just below the price chart? btc-e, bittrex, poloniex, yobit, bleutrade etc. does this.. esp for people who have low res, you'd have to scroll down to find the button. makes sense to me both intuitively and to get people to click the buy and sell button.

@CLains: Ideally everything would be visible without scrolling.  But that's pretty difficulty, so decisions have to be made.  And a trader doesn't need to see the buy/sell boxes 99% of the time.  Most of the time they need to be monitoring the live action data, which comes from the order book, ticker ("history"), and price chart.  They might also be switching between various markets, scanning the data for each.  Imagine having to scroll up and down each time to get a good snapshot of each market.  And imagine while looking at a single market having to constantly scroll up and down, up and down, up and down, until you're finally ready to make a trade.  I'm sorry, but that just makes no sense whatsoever. 

Not to mention, to make a trade you really need to see the orderbook.  So if the buy/sell boxes are on the top row (just beneath the chart) and nothing below it is visible without scrolling, then you'll have to scroll to make a trade anyway.  So with that configuration we gain nothing and lose a lot, ending up with the worst of all worlds.  Is that really what we want?  If so, I don't know what to say anymore.  I've spent a LOT of time that I simply don't have in an effort to help us get this right.  I really can't do much more.

By the way, overall I like Poloniex, but having to constantly scroll up and down due to their unfortunate placement of the buy/sell boxes is one of the most maddening things I've encountered.  As for btc-e, their interface is extremely weak.  I don't think they've upgraded it since the beginning, although I'm pretty sure any serious trader using btc-e is trading via MetaTrader4.  As for Bittrex, their UI is a total horror show on so many levels and I'm NOT surprised they can't get any traction whatsoever despite having so many different coins trading on their site.  Bleautrade, while their UI is better than Bittrex, they still get way too much wrong. 

I hadn't seen Yobit before now.  But it does seem that their UI is much better than the others.  Notice that the most important elements (orderbook, ticker, and chart) are all visible without scrolling.  Amazingly, they have also managed to make the buy/sell boxes, markets "watchlist", balances, and even a troll box, all visible without scrolling.  That's some feat!  Although I do have to say that their chart is very weak, and that's partly what enables them to pack everything else onto the screen.  In any event, Bitstamp is another one that gets much more right than the others.  Same with  It would be nice if if we could too. 

Offline CLains

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@tbone why would you not want buy/sell just below the price chart? btc-e, bittrex, poloniex, yobit, bleutrade etc. does this.. esp for people who have low res, you'd have to scroll down to find the button. makes sense to me both intuitively and to get people to click the buy and sell button.

Offline tbone

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The only complaints regarding the buy/sell windows have been that they are now separated from the order book.  That's definitely a big problem and it should be corrected, but it's really not necessary to throw the baby out with the bathwater.  This is where we can be better than Poloniex rather than just copying them. 

Please see my mock-up below in which I reclaimed some of the wasted space, making it possible to put the ticker on the top row alongside the order book.  As you can see there is still plenty of spacing between the columns.  My resolution is 1600 x 900.  Considering all of the extra space that still remains, I am sure it will be fine with 1366 x 768.  For any lower resolutions causing it to not quite fit, it's easy enough to hit ctrl + "-".  So I really don't  think it's necessary for you to go through the trouble of detecting resolution.

« Last Edit: March 01, 2016, 04:25:00 pm by tbone »

Offline svk

@tbone what's the resolution of your screen? You have to remember most users have very small screens or small resolutions, 1366x768 is the most common resolution out there. And while I agree with you that the buy/sell forms aren't terribly useful and necessary to have at the top at all times, I'm not so sure everyone else agrees. There seems to be a lot of people wanting them up top and center.

That being said, I could add some screensize detection in javascript to add the market history to the first row for users that do have big enough screens.
Worker: dev.bitsharesblocks

Offline Louis

Is There a mobile version yet?

Offline tbone

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I have a 17" laptop and as you can see from my screenshot, only 1 row is visible below the chart.  In fact the ticker is even getting a little cut off at the bottom.  If you put the much less often needed buy/sell windows above the ticker, then the ticker will be completely off the screen, or in the best case scenario (with the buy/sell windows collapsed), the ticker will be cut off even more than it is now.  And what is gained to justify diminishing the critical ticker?  I would argue that there is zero need for the buy/sell windows to be at the top.  They just need to border the order book, which currently they do not (at least not in the horizontal layout) and that is a problem that can be solved without creating other problems. 

Also, despite being very constrained vertically as discussed above, you can see that there is a HUGE amount of extra (i.e. wasted) horizontal space within both the order book and the ticker/history in the horizontal layout, enough to place the order book and ticker on the same row (with room to spare).  This layout would be extremely advantageous, offering the best of all worlds.

Vertictal layout:

Horizontal layout:

Offline svk

By the way, looking at your screenshot, I don't see the ticker (history).  Are you not placing it alongside the order book on the first row beneath the chart?  That was the whole reason for all of this to begin with.  I can't stress enough how critical the ticker is.  It is arguably THE most important live data element when it comes to understanding what is going on in a particular market.

And I'll just stress again that the vast majority of time is spent watching the live data i.e. chart, order book and ticker.  Those elements need to be visible at the same time.  By contrast, you only spend a tiny amount of time actually placing an order.  So the buy/sell windows really only need to be visible when you need to place an order. Beyond that, the only consideration for the buy/sell windows is that they should not be separated from the order book.  They should be placed directly below.

Yea I hear what you're saying but unless you have a really big screen/high resolution there really isn't enough space to put the orderbook and the history on the same row, and in that case you can probably fit everything anyway, I know I can on my screen here. Especially if you use a vertical orderbook.. I could add the ability to hide the price chart I suppose but it's just as easy to just scroll down, so not sure it would really serve a purpose. It's already better than something like Polo for example though where you have to scroll way down to see the history, isn't it?

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Offline tbone

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By the way, looking at your screenshot, I don't see the ticker (history).  Are you not placing it alongside the order book on the first row beneath the chart?  That was the whole reason for all of this to begin with.  I can't stress enough how critical the ticker is.  It is arguably THE most important live data element when it comes to understanding what is going on in a particular market.

And I'll just stress again that the vast majority of time is spent watching the live data i.e. chart, order book and ticker.  Those elements need to be visible at the same time.  By contrast, you only spend a tiny amount of time actually placing an order.  So the buy/sell windows really only need to be visible when you need to place an order. Beyond that, the only consideration for the buy/sell windows is that they should not be separated from the order book.  They should be placed directly below. 
« Last Edit: March 01, 2016, 11:40:20 am by tbone »

Offline tbone

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Shouldn't "my orders" and "my history" be below buy and sell window in trading? In fact, shouldn't buy and sell window be right below the chart?

No, the order book and ticker (history window) should be directly beneath the chart.  The buy/sell windows should be on the next row, directly beneath the order book and ticker.  Currently, the buy/sell windows are on a third row, separated from the order book.  That is the problem that needs to be corrected.  I really hope we get this right. 

@svk, can you confirm this is what's in progress?

In the current dev build they're back up top but with an "accordeon" button that lets you collapse/expand them (open by default, setting persists between session), like this:

I like the idea of that in theory.  However, it is most critical to see the price chart, orderbook, and ticker all at the same time.  As it is, the bottom of the order book is getting cut off.  It's not the end of the world because obviously the bottom of the order book is less important than the top of it.  But still, the more you can see of it the better.  Right now on my screen I can see almost 8 of the 12 rows of the order book.  I suspect now it will drop to 4 or 5 visible rows out of 12, which is getting rough.  So we lose order book visibility in exchange for being able to click the buy/sell windows into view instead of having to scroll them into view.  Actually, come to think of it, after expanding the buy/sell window, you will still have to scroll down since you need to see the order book and buy/sell windows at the same time to place an order.  For these reasons, it really does make the most sense to place the buy/sell windows directly beneath the order book and ticker (price history). 

Ok, I just thought of a possible solution.  Considering that you really can't place an order without seeing the order book, it's inevitable that you'll have to scroll to place an order no matter where you place the buy/sell windows.  Which means you won't be able to see the chart when you place an order.  So why not make the chart collapsible, so now we can have the order book beneath the chart as it should be.  And when someone wants to place an order, they can bring the order book into view with the click of a button by collapsing the chart.  Or they can just scroll down. 

Offline svk

Shouldn't "my orders" and "my history" be below buy and sell window in trading? In fact, shouldn't buy and sell window be right below the chart?

No, the order book and ticker (history window) should be directly beneath the chart.  The buy/sell windows should be on the next row, directly beneath the order book and ticker.  Currently, the buy/sell windows are on a third row, separated from the order book.  That is the problem that needs to be corrected.  I really hope we get this right. 

@svk, can you confirm this is what's in progress?

In the current dev build they're back up top but with an "accordeon" button that lets you collapse/expand them (open by default, setting persists between session), like this:

Worker: dev.bitsharesblocks

Offline tbone

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Shouldn't "my orders" and "my history" be below buy and sell window in trading? In fact, shouldn't buy and sell window be right below the chart?

No, the order book and ticker (history window) should be directly beneath the chart.  The buy/sell windows should be on the next row, directly beneath the order book and ticker.  Currently, the buy/sell windows are on a third row, separated from the order book.  That is the problem that needs to be corrected.  I really hope we get this right. 

@svk, can you confirm this is what's in progress?

Offline svk

Shouldn't "my orders" and "my history" be below buy and sell window in trading? In fact, shouldn't buy and sell window be right below the chart?
They will be in the next update.
Worker: dev.bitsharesblocks

Offline CLains

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Shouldn't "my orders" and "my history" be below buy and sell window in trading? In fact, shouldn't buy and sell window be right below the chart?
« Last Edit: February 29, 2016, 09:53:44 pm by CLains »

Offline tonyk

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Ubuntu Chrome, trying to restore a wallet backup. Clicking on Restore (default wallet)
Code: [Select]
ConstraintError app.js:53:16847
AbortError app.js:53:16847
---- transaction error ----> DOMError { name: "ConstraintError", message: "A mutation operation in the transac…" } app.js:53:18538

abort { target: IDBTransaction, isTrusted: true, currentTarget: IDBTransaction, eventPhase: 2, bubbles: true, cancelable: false, defaultPrevented: false, timeStamp: 1455822497354740, originalTarget: IDBTransaction, explicitOriginalTarget: IDBTransaction, NONE: 0 } app.js:82:27284

Unhandled promise rejection abort { target: IDBTransaction, isTrusted: true, eventPhase: 0, bubbles: true, cancelable: false, defaultPrevented: false, timeStamp: 1455822497354740, originalTarget: IDBTransaction, explicitOriginalTarget: IDBTransaction, NONE: 0, CAPTURING_PHASE: 1 } app.js:2:1789
Lack of arbitrage is the problem, isn't it. And this 'should' solves it.