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Messages - bdnoble

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Stakeholder Proposals / Re: The Big List of Delegates
« on: July 24, 2014, 07:33:28 pm »
It would be nice if you added an extra column:   Version  that indicates what version the delegate is running.
Indeed as I just upgraded now to 0.2.3

General Discussion / Re: Total number of shares
« on: July 24, 2014, 05:22:13 pm »

There was never a promise of 5% dividends on shares.
There was originally a plan to pay 5% *interest* on *BitAssets*.

There's no way you could possibly "promise" a 5% return from the DAC itself.

Oh okay. That was the key thing I was missing. I get it now.

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General Discussion / Total number of shares
« on: July 24, 2014, 02:51:33 pm »
Is that part of the market functionality that will come later? I thought I remember hearing that somewhere.

New shares are not created, the market function allows you to issue different TYPES of shares and trade among them.

So I know there isn't any guarantee of 5% dividends but 5% has been mentioned. So is it okay that 5% of the supply is destroyed every year with no increase ever? I really don't know that much about economics. If the supply gets too low in 30 years would it require a stock split or something like that?
Obviously the burn rate will be increasing as transactions increase.

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General Discussion / Re: Total number of shares
« on: July 24, 2014, 02:35:06 pm »
Is that part of the market functionality that will come later? I thought I remember hearing that somewhere.

General Discussion / Total number of shares
« on: July 24, 2014, 02:33:07 pm »
So every delegate that doesn't have 100% pay rate destroys some BTSX. Is there anything that ever creates it back? I realize that with 2B shares and at the current rate of destruction it will be a long time before it matters at all, but I was just wondering.

Stakeholder Proposals / Re: The Big List of Delegates
« on: July 24, 2014, 02:12:57 pm »
Thanks for putting me on the list.  :) I did miss a couple of blocks this morning while upgrading to 0.2.2 but still 99% reliability. And now on the latest version with bug fixes.

Stakeholder Proposals / Re: Delegate list?
« on: July 23, 2014, 05:53:18 pm »
Can we get a list of delegates in a post here and make it sticky?
Yes! One post stickied here will help everyone find who the delegates are that are actively part of this forum. Adding links to vote using toasts redirect would be nice too!  :D

General Discussion / Re: PROPOSAL: Fair and Distributed Delegates
« on: July 23, 2014, 02:13:43 pm »
Automatically setting up initial votes is good but really only if the votes automatically change. Because a bad delegate could get in early and then a bunch of new people keep voting them in without realizing it. But with both of those it would be really good.

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General Discussion / Re: PROPOSAL: Fair and Distributed Delegates
« on: July 23, 2014, 01:01:21 pm »
Bytemaster himself actually suggested as much. This is probably the best solution I've heard yet. We just have to get people voting and the big fish problem will be largely gone.

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General Discussion / Re: How many connections should a delegate have?
« on: July 22, 2014, 08:34:38 pm »
I have mine set to 50 desired and I have been hovering around 30 connections and I haven't missed a block yet. My connection speed is 100Mbit though.

General Discussion / Re: Voting does NOT suck!
« on: July 22, 2014, 08:11:59 pm »
Even better would be some kind of HTML code link that could be added to websites or forums that works a lot like the Facebook thumbs up.

We have support for it in the client already!
We just can't do it in the forum because the SMF software always prepends "http://" to the links and the mod that is supposed to fix it was last updated in 2008... We'll ask someone else to figure this out

Try putting this on an external page:

<a href="btsx://daslab/approve">Approve me!</a>
That is really awesome!

Still though I think we need a dedicated section of for delegate promoting.

General Discussion / Re: PROPOSAL: Fair and Distributed Delegates
« on: July 22, 2014, 08:06:40 pm »
Ok. How about this:

Self correcting system. Based on a delegate % of missed blocks, you let in a random potential candidate for a block.

So a delegate drops down to 80% of reliability. In the future with a 20% chance you give their block to a delegate waiting in line.

That will motivate delegates to be 100% and also self correct if they are down for some reason.

That is a little better. But:
Problem 1: 80% reliability doesn't account for last 100 blocks missed of 100000 which would work out to 99.9% reliable but still bad.
Problem 2: You can't guarantee that the new delegates will be able to produce blocks so it could be bad to let in new delegates all the time.

It sounds to me like you just want the ability to punish delegates for missing blocks. Negative voting?!  ;D Plus automatic voting actually.

General Discussion / Re: Delegate child board for campaigning?
« on: July 22, 2014, 07:50:58 pm »
Having a forum section is nice and all but I really don't think it is enough. How about this?

General Discussion / Re: PROPOSAL: Fair and Distributed Delegates
« on: July 22, 2014, 07:48:12 pm »
I'm trying to make sure that if a delegate has 5% of the votes, they get to produce 5% of the blocks. Some services run a good cause and pay for a node regardless this can help them offset that cost even if it doesn't fully pay it.

I understand the concern of running 1000 nodes instead of 100. But come one $50k/mo is nothing when the network grows.

Also as far as voting goes these numbers should be votes by the community and not hard coded let the market decide how many delegates we need.

No no no, that just can't be. All of the potentially good delegates with 5% will be right alongside the crappy/evil delegates that were good long enough to get more votes and havent gone back down to 0% yet. It may be okay to adjust the number of delegates but that needs to not allow for all potential delegates to get a chance. Bad idea! And it also can't screw over the really awesome delegates with 90% of the vote but can randomly not get to produce blocks and not be able to predict the income that they need in order to be such an awesome delegate.

General Discussion / Voting does NOT suck!
« on: July 22, 2014, 07:31:54 pm »
So I've heard a lot of people complaining lately that they think the current voting structure is not fair. We don't want the "elites" getting to choose who all the delegates are because they happen to have fat stacks of cash. Or maybe we want to see the little guys get a chance to jump in the mix and prove themselves from time to time. Well that is why we have voting in the first place! If 75% of the masses agree that there is a good candidate for being a delegate then no "whale" can do anything about it except try to promote against them a lobby for votes (or in this case votes against) just like everyone else. We could even form parties/groups that believe in a particular set of delegates and the masses that don't want to think about it too much could just vote the same way as their affiliation.

Ultimately if what you want is just to give more people a chance to try to be a delegate then what if we stop trying to say that voting is broken and start giving people a chance to prove themselves? There could be a "delegate proving grounds" test net that is a clone of the current release so that other people could have a chance to show that they are good at producing blocks. Having tons of shares wouldn't matter as much because the shares have no value and you could just ask for some.  Oh wait... That sounds a lot like the test nets that we already have!


We can just live with the fact that voting is voting and just give people a good place to promote themselves. I REALLY THINK THIS WOULD SOLVE ALL THE PROBLEMS. People who deserve to be delegates should be able to explain exactly why they deserve to be a delegate. Not just "plz plz plz vote for me! ;P " The problem is that we need to have 1 place where everyone knows and can easily find, where potential delegates can promote themselves. It really should be a part of the main website for .  And what would be REALLY awesome would be if there could be something as simple as a Facebook thumbs up that the masses could click on if they like what they see. And it would automatically sync up to the thumbs up link in the delegate page of the GUI wallet. Heck it could even set up a transaction of all your BTSX to yourself and ask you to verify that. Even better would be some kind of HTML code link that could be added to websites or forums that works a lot like the Facebook thumbs up.

All people want is a chance. And everyone wants to see the best delegates get the job. So we just need to let people (active delegates or not) get a legitimate chance to prove themselves and I think all these "voting sux!" problems will go away.

Any thoughts?

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