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Messages - triox

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General Discussion / Re: Maker sharedrop on the BitShares community
« on: August 13, 2015, 09:06:37 am »
That's a good point. The Brownie story only makes sense if they are non-transferable.
I myself have some Brownies, even though:
a) Bytemaster never gave any to me and probably doesn't "appreciate" me at all at this point
b) my "contributions" mainly consist of bitching on the forum
How does that fit the bill of most active and valuable demographic. As long as Brownies are tradeable they're a direct competition to BTS.
- You payed BTS to someone that BM appreciates
- you can not use BROWNIES as collateral (even though I like the sound if this idea) - hence, no competition to BTS .. just a different "community"/"use base"

It clearly IS competing against BTS as a sharedrop target and against BTS market value.

General Discussion / Re: Maker sharedrop on the BitShares community
« on: August 13, 2015, 07:55:21 am »
I could maybe understand targeting some true community token, if we had anything like that, a'la LTBcoin - at least LTB has strict and known rules on it's releasing. But this "Brownie" nonsense is a centralized private monstrosity doled out by one capricious guy who can recall them from anyone at any point or assign 99% extra supply to himself.

Now this joke of a coin gets a sharedrop from Underwood's project and the gullible idiots are cheering because they feel they're part of the inside club. All this talk about openness and inclusivity and community values  goes out the window when there's a glimmer of chance for some extra cream from some hypothetical vapour of a project.
I've been here for over a year and it's like every step of the way this community is begging to both get themselves fleeced and further tank the project's perception and price.

Agree completely. Dan talked so much of freedom and decentralization... This brownie distribution that he has 100% control of flies in the face of much of what he has preached.

Brownies may have a place for dans or cryptonomex projects, but they should not be considered as a viable target for outside projects.

I think everyone's tune would be much different if bts cap was around the highs.  Some people are so underwater on their bts investment that they would cut off their left ear to get back to even.  These deals represent a light of hope for ill timed investors.  That light seems to be blinding many of their original Bitshares principles.

Since Underwood desires to give extra recognition to boost the enthusiasm of active contributors
And Dan's thank you note ledger is the most comprehensive quantitative documentation of such people that exists
Then it makes total sense for John to make use of that demographic mailing list.

I can't think of a better criteria for who should get a share than those who helped build the ecosystem.
The challenge is in determining how helpful each someone has been to the cause.
This is inherently subjective in any application where there is a wide range of ways in which supporters contribute.
There is no pre-defined formula that is sufficiently complete.

Managers seeking to acknowledge contributors to their mission always have this problem.
The brownie method is more open and quantitative than most performance reviews I have had in my career.

In the end, such things don't have to meet any criteria other than what suits the giver of the gift.
In this case, Underwood decided that Bytemaster's thank you note system was as good a metric as any.

Parable of the Generous Employer

I believe that anybody ought to be able to create whatever token of appreciation they like, and distribute it however they like, as a target for their own gifts or rewards. However, unless such tokens are non-tradeable and non-transferable, it seems that rewards dropped on such a token might spill over to those that have simply bought their way in rather than having made any genuine contribution or even offering any expected future contribution. Ultimately it could just become like any tradeable token as re-distribution in the secondary market over time dominates any initial or primary distribution. However its only early days for BROWNIES yet, so at this stage the distribution is probably very close to initial.

That's a good point. The Brownie story only makes sense if they are non-transferable.
I myself have some Brownies, even though:
a) Bytemaster never gave any to me and probably doesn't "appreciate" me at all at this point
b) my "contributions" mainly consist of bitching on the forum
How does that fit the bill of most active and valuable demographic. As long as Brownies are tradeable they're a direct competition to BTS.

General Discussion / Re: Maker sharedrop on the BitShares community
« on: August 13, 2015, 01:14:52 am »
To put this in the nicest terms possible: have you people completely lost your fucking minds? Suggesting a sharedrop on ancient "AGS/PTS" that's supposed to be abandoned and worthless, and on BM's stupid toy that he has absolute control over ??

And how does that even make any logical sense? PTS is the demographic of random Chinese miners, and AGS are people who once invested in something two years ago, woo-hoo. How does sharedroping on them accomplish anything from Rune's POV?

I could maybe understand targeting some true community token, if we had anything like that, a'la LTBcoin - at least LTB has strict and known rules on it's releasing. But this "Brownie" nonsense is a centralized private monstrosity doled out by one capricious guy who can recall them from anyone at any point or assign 99% extra supply to himself.

Now this joke of a coin gets a sharedrop from Underwood's project and the gullible idiots are cheering because they feel they're part of the inside club. All this talk about openness and inclusivity and community values  goes out the window when there's a glimmer of chance for some extra cream from some hypothetical vapour of a project.
I've been here for over a year and it's like every step of the way this community is begging to both get themselves fleeced and further tank the project's perception and price.

General Discussion / Re: Maker sharedrop on the BitShares community
« on: August 11, 2015, 06:59:57 pm »
Happens to me too in some markets.

I tried to buy some NOTES last night, barely got the order placed then had the same symptoms. Then the order expired.

But I was able to trade some bitUSD for BTS with no problems at all. Maybe it's a volume related bug? I'd say that it doesn't matter, I can just wait until 2.0, but where NOTES and BROWNIE.PTS are concerned maybe I can't...

You can get NOTE on

General Discussion / Re: [ANN] LimeWallet - Beta
« on: August 11, 2015, 07:16:38 am »
Great job! LimeWallet passes the Humble Bundle test. Takes 5 seconds to spend BitUSD on any website that accepts Bitcoin. And I love how it hides the extra step of going through metaexchange.

Periscope hilariously doesn't work on my Note II. Any chance you will join the mumble server at the same time?

General Discussion / Re: The War on Cash
« on: August 05, 2015, 11:07:33 pm »
More in depth from Joe Salerno:
The world desperately needs bitGold. Better yet: bitStable.

General Discussion / Re: Economic Arguments against POS/DPOS
« on: August 05, 2015, 02:07:33 pm »
In either case, the price is determined by market demand, not your costs.

If you remove all the inefficiencies from the process,  the amount you burn on energy is exactly equivalent to value. Therefore, you are turning electricity into coins in a very real sense.

Imagine a blockchain where developers give out new coins in exchange for physically burning USD banknotes in a furnace.
The burners aren't turning anything into anything. There's no physical, financial or logical connection between the burned cash and the new coins.
Yes, the burners are making predictions about the possible value of the coins they'll receive but it's no different than a bet or a speculative trade. You wouldn't say that the forex market gives value to the fiat currencies.
People willing to exchange one thing for another aren't giving it value, they're chasing it.

General Discussion / Re: Good News from Qora!
« on: August 01, 2015, 07:45:22 pm »
what‘s qora :-[
A very promising blockchain technology, in many ways complementary to BitShares

Judging from the website, it's s generic altcoin.  What am I missing?

General Discussion / Re: Brownie on Fire
« on: July 29, 2015, 07:42:56 pm »
Brownie is being perceived as being a potential sharedrop target for Cryptonomex' shares.
BTS going down, Brownie.PTS up.
This reinforces my fears that the market will perceive CNX as potentially more profitable than Bitshares and that there's a huge conflict of interest on the Dev's side.
With one deal with a decent bank, CNX may become more valuable then the entire current Bitshares market cap.

Look at the block size debacle. Bitcoin is being held hostage by it's own security industry. Many of the developers are shareholders in huge mining operations and in firms that capitalize on Bitcoin being expensive and slow.
I see no chance of Bitcoin having it's consensus fixed, at least not until 51% attacks start routinely crippling the network.

Technical Support / Re: How to ignite a Bitshares market?
« on: July 17, 2015, 11:26:47 pm »
Hi and welcome.
You'd be well advised to wait for the release of the revised protocol later this year. You'll be able to launch private bitassets with your own parameters and earn fees from all activity on your asset as well as fees from users that you bring to the system. I highly recommend all the articles on to get a glimpse of what's to come.

General Discussion / Re: Announcing Brownie Points (BROWNIE.PTS)
« on: July 17, 2015, 11:14:37 pm »
When someone isn't afraid to be openly critical you can view their praise or support as genuine.

Thank you, Riv. That means a lot. I was worried I'm becoming too much of a cranky buzzkill.

General Discussion / Re: Why are we tanking guys!
« on: July 16, 2015, 08:46:47 am »
$12 million market-cap again and 20% down in one day? WTF?   :(

You need to file a formal complaint with the Bureau of Cryptocurrency Control. I don't think they read this message board.

Bitshares is suffering from "developer uncertainty". Devs have a terrible history of manipulating supply, splitting and joining networks, wasting crowdfunded donations, attempting to pump the price on vague, empty promises, distancing themselves legally and financially from shareholders, taking the shareholders hostage with their proprietary, closed IP. Now the lead developer launches his own coin that is rumored to potentially be a target of some kind of future value infusion from Cryptonomex, instead of BTS. I'm not even saying that all of those points are valid, but that has to be the view from the outside.

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