Author Topic: So, whichpeople who worked on bitshares projects ended up NOT being scammers?  (Read 29779 times)

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Offline SolomonSollarsNSense

Does your platform profit BTS shareholders?
Or only Sollars holders?

You say 'this will no longer be tied to the BitShares DEX.'
Will your asset still be traded+secured by the BTS blockchain?

I would say both. In the same way that the PeerPlays UIA benefits both to some extent.

But its a little premature to have a precise conversation on how tied or not tied Sollar Bonds will be to the Bitshares DEX. I honestly don't know and its a conversation that will be had amongst top Bitshares/SoLCert holders who care about the project, understand the Entertainment opportunity and want to see it succeed in the larger market.

If you have written the project off then there is no point in following it. Its true. We suck, this project is a SCAM, there is no value in Hollywood, or Millennials. Besides there are plenty of blockchain projects that already appeal to regular consumers and have them use it everyday so why bother. Also the top blockchain projects all have multi-million dollar market caps because of millions of daily active users that are mostly young hip people and grandmas... Those market caps ARE NOT because of pure speculation AT ALL. Its REAL value...

Just trying to make Alternative Facts Great Again.  ::) #ThisIsNotARace

It's very difficult and damn near impossible to explain anything "entertainment" related to most of this bitshares community... Just like Solly, I too have the entertainment background and Hollywood experience.. developing and producing content alone can be a pain in the ass but we do it because we are passionate about our craft and we brought that to bitshares. Only to be overlooked, ignored and have our ideas blasted or called a "scam?" Then watch other members complain about the lack of marketing, social media presence and videos... Most of you are so worried about projects being "tied to the bitshares DEX" and not realizing you have valuable assets such as Solly and myself trying to "open a gateway to Hollywood" and tie bitshares with mainstream entertainment.

The content we continue to produce and update everyone with is plenty enough to show that the Sollywood and WANGCHANGE are great projects that will eventually be rewarding token holders, very generously, if they aren't already.
Do your thing Solly...

@MrWang hang in there buddy. The Bitshares community tries its best, but resources are tight. Trying to return to our former glory is proving difficult and like you I believe we are not focused on executing the right holistic marketing plan to get us to where we need to be. Hollywood is still the biggest opportunity but most here are stuck in their ways of pure Financial products and Institutions. Its really all they know. They would rather compete in a heavily saturated and competitive financial market that is overly mature. Than one that is fresh, wide open and not even thought about at all. The mainstream.

I don't fault them for this. We all cling to what we know. Most here do not know how to engage with everyday people. Its harder than it looks... In the end I have to be somewhat grateful that many fine individuals in this community donated to the cause last year. Its because of them that there is even a Sollywood TV gateway MVP right now. For you I think its just a case of bad timing. If you and I were here in 2014... Let's see how things play out in the coming months. We may be able to get them on this Hollywood train after all  ;D
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Offline SolomonSollarsNSense

Hey I'm not trying to call this project a scam, I'm trying to get information that is important to shareholders out in the open.
There isn't much info on anything crypto, I'm just trying to get more info out there by asking questions. :)

I have one simple question:
How will holders of your sollars UIA receive their profits if you become successful?

This is also why Sollywood TV as a start up/gateway to the Smart Money Tree (blockchain) will raise Institutional money along side the second round ICO. It will take millions of dollars to gain mainstream adoption by the masses.
So you're going to become a fiat gateway? Therefore enabling easy access to all cryptocurrencies, such as bts? That would be great!
Become a fiat gateway, market yourself to the Hollywood crowd (which you know lots about), and get people interested in crypto via your User Interface and your Sollars product.

Fantastic! :D


Oh I see. Great question. There are two primary ways this can happen.

1. Dividends/Buy Backs scheme: Part of the Sollars made from the cut of content creators showcasing through our gateway gets distributed to all Sollar bond holders. This would be a burn scheme though where Sollars the UIA are burned and the blockchain creates a bitUSD/SBD type token to holders (for us our token is SSENSE (pronounced: Essence)). This way we can avoid any regulatory issues. This is still being thought out though.
2. Inflation/Sollar Bond Payouts: The primary token of the blockchain would be the Sollar Bond which is simply a future Sollar (SSENSE) paid out by the blockchain. This is the token holders will be purchasing through the ICO. (This is also the token that will be rewarded to SoLCert holders.) Individuals will have to lock this bond in the system to receive the payout.

Bottom line is the way our crypto economics work in who gets paid what by the blockchain will be configured to encourage the adoption of our stable token Sollars and Sense: Smart Money. And by a mainstream audience. We start in Hollywood because there is sufficient demand for a product/gateway like Sollywood TV for the mainstream. But obviously we can go where ever we want. But first we must prove ourselves here, build demand, and then venture other places. This is no different than what any start up in Silicon Valley does.

Yes Sollywood TV will technically look to become a Fiat gateway for the mainstream. There is really no other way to circumvent the shadow of Bitcoin and beat it with everyday people. The experience of Bitcoin as an in-between is horrendous. Plain and simple it will not work for everyday people. And yes as you have alluded to this is perfect for BTS. We have to do what Circle and 21 did and raise the necessary capital to do this the right way. We will win in the end if we do. Im glad you understand the opportunity  :D

People are unfortunately too short-sighted. Most start ups do not even return an investment to shareholders for 3-5 or even 7 years. Look at Uber, Facebook, Blue Apron, Plated, Groupon and the likes. If their investors could trade on the open market from day one you would see high and low dips and illiquid markets too. This is why those rules were created in the first place. Anyways I digress. Thanks for the questions.
« Last Edit: March 20, 2017, 02:30:06 am by SolomonSollarsNSense »
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Offline MrWang

Does your platform profit BTS shareholders?
Or only Sollars holders?

You say 'this will no longer be tied to the BitShares DEX.'
Will your asset still be traded+secured by the BTS blockchain?

I would say both. In the same way that the PeerPlays UIA benefits both to some extent.

But its a little premature to have a precise conversation on how tied or not tied Sollar Bonds will be to the Bitshares DEX. I honestly don't know and its a conversation that will be had amongst top Bitshares/SoLCert holders who care about the project, understand the Entertainment opportunity and want to see it succeed in the larger market.

If you have written the project off then there is no point in following it. Its true. We suck, this project is a SCAM, there is no value in Hollywood, or Millennials. Besides there are plenty of blockchain projects that already appeal to regular consumers and have them use it everyday so why bother. Also the top blockchain projects all have multi-million dollar market caps because of millions of daily active users that are mostly young hip people and grandmas... Those market caps ARE NOT because of pure speculation AT ALL. Its REAL value...

Just trying to make Alternative Facts Great Again.  ::) #ThisIsNotARace

It's very difficult and damn near impossible to explain anything "entertainment" related to most of this bitshares community... Just like Solly, I too have the entertainment background and Hollywood experience.. developing and producing content alone can be a pain in the ass but we do it because we are passionate about our craft and we brought that to bitshares. Only to be overlooked, ignored and have our ideas blasted or called a "scam?" Then watch other members complain about the lack of marketing, social media presence and videos... Most of you are so worried about projects being "tied to the bitshares DEX" and not realizing you have valuable assets such as Solly and myself trying to "open a gateway to Hollywood" and tie bitshares with mainstream entertainment.

The content we continue to produce and update everyone with is plenty enough to show that the Sollywood and WANGCHANGE are great projects that will eventually be rewarding token holders, very generously, if they aren't already.
Do your thing Solly...

Offline Permie

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Hey I'm not trying to call this project a scam, I'm trying to get information that is important to shareholders out in the open.
There isn't much info on anything crypto, I'm just trying to get more info out there by asking questions. :)

I have one simple question:
How will holders of your sollars UIA receive their profits if you become successful?

This is also why Sollywood TV as a start up/gateway to the Smart Money Tree (blockchain) will raise Institutional money along side the second round ICO. It will take millions of dollars to gain mainstream adoption by the masses.
So you're going to become a fiat gateway? Therefore enabling easy access to all cryptocurrencies, such as bts? That would be great!
Become a fiat gateway, market yourself to the Hollywood crowd (which you know lots about), and get people interested in crypto via your User Interface and your Sollars product.

Fantastic! :D
JonnyBitcoin votes for liquidity and simplicity. Make him your proxy?

Offline SolomonSollarsNSense

I want to be a part of the Q and A.  I have a PC and a iPhone.

@SolomonSollarsNSense I am sorry if offended you but I don't even remember since when it was when you raised funds with Solcert ICO and all I hear from you is "the time is now" within 1-2 months etc etc and all this reminds me Muse..We all know how great this has developed..

In addition I remember well that at he time of donation I have donated more than 0.5 btc equivalent and now my solcerts are worth less than 0.1 btc, if they even worth that, and I was from the early birds that donated in the small tiers..I think that I am -5 times in btc terms and -3 in $ terms but anyway..

Since then there is absolutely no value to solcert token.There is no trading activity whatsoever, no updates and you don't seem to realize that all these are problems..No you are talking about Dash, about 2nd round of ICO in the wide crypto community without even bothering to explain if holders of Solcert will have any benefit what so ever compared to the tokens of the 2nd ICO round..If all this doesn't look scam then what is?

Anyway...I am not going to argue with you and maybe I shouldn't have accused you of scam since indeed time will tell. Anyone can make his investment decisions so I blame mostly myself for having invested in Solcert vs.Peerplays..

Fair enough. I take no offense to what you have said as I get where you are coming from. I would rather keep building than arguing as typically when people see a product and other elements that make a project valuable they begin to believe again. And all of a sudden market cap is revived trading begins again, everyone starts scrambling to find their said token they forgot about long ago... and vuala. Happened countless times to Bitcoin, and PeerCoin is the latest. DarkCoin/Dash was used as just an extreme example where perfect marketing techniques was done. But this story is typical. Its a marathon not a race.

It will be one year to the date in about a week that we started gathering donations for this project. Most SERIOUS blockchain projects take on average of about 1-2 years to launch something useful. And even then none have launched a product in which regular everyday consumers actually use it.

No one has yet (besides Steemit) to build a platform that aims DIRECTLY at consumers or even Millennials. We have built one. And we will raise further funds to decentralize it on its own blockchain with its own unique crypto economics. That is still a wide open market and the only one that really matters. Has not changed.

@mf-tzo  We have 2-4 more weeks of development. If you would like to participate in the final weeks of Q and A on the MVP/POC development to see how things work and give feedback let me know. You will need an iPhone and desktop computer. We were going to invite some SoLCert holders to do this anyways. Hope this info helps.

Perfect. Sounds good.
If you like the content I make consider tipping me. Helps me keep those bitshare content babies popping like popcorn! Send tips to: solomonsollarsnsense

Offline Pairmike

I want to be a part of the Q and A.  I have a PC and a iPhone.

@SolomonSollarsNSense I am sorry if offended you but I don't even remember since when it was when you raised funds with Solcert ICO and all I hear from you is "the time is now" within 1-2 months etc etc and all this reminds me Muse..We all know how great this has developed..

In addition I remember well that at he time of donation I have donated more than 0.5 btc equivalent and now my solcerts are worth less than 0.1 btc, if they even worth that, and I was from the early birds that donated in the small tiers..I think that I am -5 times in btc terms and -3 in $ terms but anyway..

Since then there is absolutely no value to solcert token.There is no trading activity whatsoever, no updates and you don't seem to realize that all these are problems..No you are talking about Dash, about 2nd round of ICO in the wide crypto community without even bothering to explain if holders of Solcert will have any benefit what so ever compared to the tokens of the 2nd ICO round..If all this doesn't look scam then what is?

Anyway...I am not going to argue with you and maybe I shouldn't have accused you of scam since indeed time will tell. Anyone can make his investment decisions so I blame mostly myself for having invested in Solcert vs.Peerplays..

Fair enough. I take no offense to what you have said as I get where you are coming from. I would rather keep building than arguing as typically when people see a product and other elements that make a project valuable they begin to believe again. And all of a sudden market cap is revived trading begins again, everyone starts scrambling to find their said token they forgot about long ago... and vuala. Happened countless times to Bitcoin, and PeerCoin is the latest. DarkCoin/Dash was used as just an extreme example where perfect marketing techniques was done. But this story is typical. Its a marathon not a race.

It will be one year to the date in about a week that we started gathering donations for this project. Most SERIOUS blockchain projects take on average of about 1-2 years to launch something useful. And even then none have launched a product in which regular everyday consumers actually use it.

No one has yet (besides Steemit) to build a platform that aims DIRECTLY at consumers or even Millennials. We have built one. And we will raise further funds to decentralize it on its own blockchain with its own unique crypto economics. That is still a wide open market and the only one that really matters. Has not changed.

@mf-tzo  We have 2-4 more weeks of development. If you would like to participate in the final weeks of Q and A on the MVP/POC development to see how things work and give feedback let me know. You will need an iPhone and desktop computer. We were going to invite some SoLCert holders to do this anyways. Hope this info helps. | The Social Media Network that Pays

Offline SolomonSollarsNSense

We plan to pull a Darkcoin/Dash and re-invent ourselves when it comes time for marketing our second round ICO to the larger crypto world. We will not be staying in Bitshares. This will give us a fresh start and show the Bitshares community what holistic marketing can look like if done right. We have the funds this time around. Remember when DarkCoin was "dead" and had a $5 Million marketcap? Right. No one does because its DASH now with a $500 Million market cap. This is a marathon not a race. Build something people actually need and dont ignore holistic marketing. That is what we are still doing.

Please clarify. You won't be staying in bitshares?

He made it totally clear from the beginning that he was going to make his own  Graphene blockchain. @SolomonSollarsNSense did you hire Cryptonomexto to build it. And is this Dan's next big project after leaving Steemit?

What you say is true.

It is true Dan was interested in helping out but we never quite got to a level where Cryptonomex worked out. We went with another development team for this MVP/POC but moving forward there may be opportunities in round 2. Only @Stan knows what Dan is up to. But his next project is currently not ours. I don't know if he has a next project yet.

Hollywood is still the real opportunity. At least here in America. Cant talk about the rest of the world.
If you like the content I make consider tipping me. Helps me keep those bitshare content babies popping like popcorn! Send tips to: solomonsollarsnsense

Offline konelectric

We plan to pull a Darkcoin/Dash and re-invent ourselves when it comes time for marketing our second round ICO to the larger crypto world. We will not be staying in Bitshares. This will give us a fresh start and show the Bitshares community what holistic marketing can look like if done right. We have the funds this time around. Remember when DarkCoin was "dead" and had a $5 Million marketcap? Right. No one does because its DASH now with a $500 Million market cap. This is a marathon not a race. Build something people actually need and dont ignore holistic marketing. That is what we are still doing.

Please clarify. You won't be staying in bitshares?

He made it totally clear from the beginning that he was going to make his own  Graphene blockchain. @SolomonSollarsNSense did you hire Cryptonomexto to build it? And is this Dan's next big project after leaving Steemit?
« Last Edit: March 16, 2017, 12:02:52 am by konelectric »
Tweeter: Konelectric. Steemit: Konelectric. Youtube: Patrick Konshak. Success Council: Yourship. Mumble: Yourship or Konelectric.

Offline SolomonSollarsNSense

. We will be on Desktop and iOS.

Has the iOS APP  been Apple approved?

Great question. We were already approved for testing but not launch. Approval of our app WITH direct purchase of Sollars by consumers (no Bitcoin in between) will be part of our round 2 ICO. That process is more legal than technical and we will need the proper legal structure in place to get approved.

We want consumers to be able to purchase Sollars without needing Bitcoin. Right now the larger crypto world does not realize they are doing themselves a huge disservice in adoption of their toke by tying its exchange to Bitcoin. The UI/UX is a nightmare to the average person.

This is also why Sollywood TV as a start up/gateway to the Smart Money Tree (blockchain) will raise Institutional money along side the second round ICO. It will take millions of dollars to gain mainstream adoption by the masses. The blockchain bootstrapping of the last couple of years is non$ense. The last seven years has bore that out. One needs to treat this like a serious start up like Uber and raise the necessary rounds of funding to build real adoption. They have raised $10 Billion. Thats Taxis and this is money. You are fooling yourself if you think mass adoption of a new digital currency can be "bootstrapped" in one round with one ICO. Not gonna happen.

@konelectric let me know if you would also like to participate in a couple of weeks. Thanks.
If you like the content I make consider tipping me. Helps me keep those bitshare content babies popping like popcorn! Send tips to: solomonsollarsnsense

Offline konelectric

Tweeter: Konelectric. Steemit: Konelectric. Youtube: Patrick Konshak. Success Council: Yourship. Mumble: Yourship or Konelectric.

Offline konelectric

Tweeter: Konelectric. Steemit: Konelectric. Youtube: Patrick Konshak. Success Council: Yourship. Mumble: Yourship or Konelectric.

Offline SolomonSollarsNSense

Does your platform profit BTS shareholders?
Or only Sollars holders?

You say 'this will no longer be tied to the BitShares DEX.'
Will your asset still be traded+secured by the BTS blockchain?

I would say both. In the same way that the PeerPlays UIA benefits both to some extent.

But its a little premature to have a precise conversation on how tied or not tied Sollar Bonds will be to the Bitshares DEX. I honestly don't know and its a conversation that will be had amongst top Bitshares/SoLCert holders who care about the project, understand the Entertainment opportunity and want to see it succeed in the larger market.

If you have written the project off then there is no point in following it. Its true. We suck, this project is a SCAM, there is no value in Hollywood, or Millennials. Besides there are plenty of blockchain projects that already appeal to regular consumers and have them use it everyday so why bother. Also the top blockchain projects all have multi-million dollar market caps because of millions of daily active users that are mostly young hip people and grandmas... Those market caps ARE NOT because of pure speculation AT ALL. Its REAL value...

Just trying to make Alternative Facts Great Again.  ::) #ThisIsNotARace
If you like the content I make consider tipping me. Helps me keep those bitshare content babies popping like popcorn! Send tips to: solomonsollarsnsense

Offline SolomonSollarsNSense

@SolomonSollarsNSense I am sorry if offended you but I don't even remember since when it was when you raised funds with Solcert ICO and all I hear from you is "the time is now" within 1-2 months etc etc and all this reminds me Muse..We all know how great this has developed..

In addition I remember well that at he time of donation I have donated more than 0.5 btc equivalent and now my solcerts are worth less than 0.1 btc, if they even worth that, and I was from the early birds that donated in the small tiers..I think that I am -5 times in btc terms and -3 in $ terms but anyway..

Since then there is absolutely no value to solcert token.There is no trading activity whatsoever, no updates and you don't seem to realize that all these are problems..No you are talking about Dash, about 2nd round of ICO in the wide crypto community without even bothering to explain if holders of Solcert will have any benefit what so ever compared to the tokens of the 2nd ICO round..If all this doesn't look scam then what is?

Anyway...I am not going to argue with you and maybe I shouldn't have accused you of scam since indeed time will tell. Anyone can make his investment decisions so I blame mostly myself for having invested in Solcert vs.Peerplays..

Fair enough. I take no offense to what you have said as I get where you are coming from. I would rather keep building than arguing as typically when people see a product and other elements that make a project valuable they begin to believe again. And all of a sudden market cap is revived trading begins again, everyone starts scrambling to find their said token they forgot about long ago... and vuala. Happened countless times to Bitcoin, and PeerCoin is the latest. DarkCoin/Dash was used as just an extreme example where perfect marketing techniques was done. But this story is typical. Its a marathon not a race.

It will be one year to the date in about a week that we started gathering donations for this project. Most SERIOUS blockchain projects take on average of about 1-2 years to launch something useful. And even then none have launched a product in which regular everyday consumers actually use it.

No one has yet (besides Steemit) to build a platform that aims DIRECTLY at consumers or even Millennials. We have built one. And we will raise further funds to decentralize it on its own blockchain with its own unique crypto economics. That is still a wide open market and the only one that really matters. Has not changed.

@mf-tzo  We have 2-4 more weeks of development. If you would like to participate in the final weeks of Q and A on the MVP/POC development to see how things work and give feedback let me know. You will need an iPhone and desktop computer. We were going to invite some SoLCert holders to do this anyways. Hope this info helps.
If you like the content I make consider tipping me. Helps me keep those bitshare content babies popping like popcorn! Send tips to: solomonsollarsnsense

Offline mf-tzo

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@SolomonSollarsNSense I am sorry if offended you but I don't even remember since when it was when you raised funds with Solcert ICO and all I hear from you is "the time is now" within 1-2 months etc etc and all this reminds me Muse..We all know how great this has developed..

In addition I remember well that at he time of donation I have donated more than 0.5 btc equivalent and now my solcerts are worth less than 0.1 btc, if they even worth that, and I was from the early birds that donated in the small tiers..I think that I am -5 times in btc terms and -3 in $ terms but anyway..

Since then there is absolutely no value to solcert token.There is no trading activity whatsoever, no updates and you don't seem to realize that all these are problems..No you are talking about Dash, about 2nd round of ICO in the wide crypto community without even bothering to explain if holders of Solcert will have any benefit what so ever compared to the tokens of the 2nd ICO round..If all this doesn't look scam then what is?

Anyway...I am not going to argue with you and maybe I shouldn't have accused you of scam since indeed time will tell. Anyone can make his investment decisions so I blame mostly myself for having invested in Solcert vs.Peerplays.. 

Offline Permie

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Does your platform profit BTS shareholders?
Or only Sollars holders?

You say 'this will no longer be tied to the BitShares DEX.'
Will your asset still be traded+secured by the BTS blockchain?
JonnyBitcoin votes for liquidity and simplicity. Make him your proxy?

Offline SolomonSollarsNSense

We plan to pull a Darkcoin/Dash and re-invent ourselves when it comes time for marketing our second round ICO to the larger crypto world. We will not be staying in Bitshares. This will give us a fresh start and show the Bitshares community what holistic marketing can look like if done right. We have the funds this time around. Remember when DarkCoin was "dead" and had a $5 Million marketcap? Right. No one does because its DASH now with a $500 Million market cap. This is a marathon not a race. Build something people actually need and dont ignore holistic marketing. That is what we are still doing.

Please clarify. You won't be staying in bitshares?

No problem. As stated in this UPDATE we will be pursuing our own lightweight (graphene based) blockchain for the second round ICO. It will no longer will be tied to the Bitshares DEX. This was always the long term plan but we are pursuing it now.

The first round was primarily marketed to Bitshares community members with insufficient interactions with the larger outside crypto-community. This time around it will be the opposite. We will primarily be marketing this ICO to the larger crypto community and will primarily accept Bitcoin and Institutional investment.

Let me know if there are any questions. Thanks!
If you like the content I make consider tipping me. Helps me keep those bitshare content babies popping like popcorn! Send tips to: solomonsollarsnsense

Offline Permie

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We plan to pull a Darkcoin/Dash and re-invent ourselves when it comes time for marketing our second round ICO to the larger crypto world. We will not be staying in Bitshares. This will give us a fresh start and show the Bitshares community what holistic marketing can look like if done right. We have the funds this time around. Remember when DarkCoin was "dead" and had a $5 Million marketcap? Right. No one does because its DASH now with a $500 Million market cap. This is a marathon not a race. Build something people actually need and dont ignore holistic marketing. That is what we are still doing.

Please clarify. You won't be staying in bitshares?
JonnyBitcoin votes for liquidity and simplicity. Make him your proxy?

Offline SolomonSollarsNSense

Solcert or Solomon and nonsense as my friend @tonyk used to call it does not look very promising either.. I hope that does not end up being a scam updates from @SolomonSollarsNSense for a while does not look good..I remember back in the days I decided to through some bts to solcert instead of stupid was that??


Sir I am not a scammer. I apologize for not being around the forum lately but again I am not a scammer. It is too early to say what will succeed and what will not. Jon has a great project with PeerPlays but it is still my belief that no greater opportunity lies with blockchain (with a wide open space) than Hollywood.

PeerPlays has a solid team and all the right bells and whistles but I would caution that it is in a heavily competitive space. Even they cautioned it. Hollywood and the opportunity to reach Millennials is wide open. Raising money is not a sign of long-term success. Adoption by mainstream people is which still til this day no blockchain (except for Steemit's early days) can claim. Look where Steemit is at today. This is a marathon not a race. Let's see how everything plays out.

If you would like to know we have two more weeks of development for our MVP/POC of the Sollywood TV marketplace. We will be on Desktop and iOS. And then a 2-4 week Q and A with the development team for bug fixes and wrapping up design. The project is still going full force. Due to the uncertainty of the Bitshares price value and other development costs we have had to be strategic in completing tasks for the project. We raised Bitshares at a certain market cap value so have to exit our position at that value to "stay in the black" so to speak.

We plan to pull a Darkcoin/Dash and re-invent ourselves when it comes time for marketing our second round ICO to the larger crypto world. We will not be staying in Bitshares. This will give us a fresh start and show the Bitshares community what holistic marketing can look like if done right. We have the funds this time around. Remember when DarkCoin was "dead" and had a $5 Million marketcap? Right. No one does because its DASH now with a $500 Million market cap. This is a marathon not a race. Build something people actually need and dont ignore holistic marketing. That is what we are still doing.

SoLCert still plays as a token similar to the PeerPlays UIA token. Actually its exactly the same. Those who hold will be rewarded as promised. For a time the BitsharesTalk forum died out so I stopped giving updates due to inactivity. As tbone pointed out I am active on Telegram. Once again I can assure you this project is still going on and this time around we have the funds to do proper marketing and an actual platform that can be tested out so we can show what we have done and explain the opportunity to the wider crypto world. You know how we do that... with video.

We are very close to completing the new explainer video for Sollywood TV. Its very good. When it is laid out as last time I will come to the community and ask for feedback so it can be perfect. Hope all this info helps. Any questions let me know. Thanks for your patience.
If you like the content I make consider tipping me. Helps me keep those bitshare content babies popping like popcorn! Send tips to: solomonsollarsnsense

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I wasn't a scammer.

I gave up on BItshares when I spend a full day trying to unlock my angelshares crap. I came away with the impression it was broken. Dan put all that effort into the merge or whatever, then no documentation on how to declare your shares. It appears to be broken. Meh, I'm too busy these days to pursue it further. Could have given the keys to xeroc but I don't even know if the balance makes it worth it.

I remember hearing Dan sounding giddy with the idea of his supply manipulation in Steem. His true colors really came out for me at that moment.

I can't figure out Dan completely, but one thing for sure is he doesn't give 1 fuck who he screws over.

There are so many stories.. before Newmine there was Adam Levine. (I think thats his name?.. he has a podcast?)  I probably was 80% of what chased him off, when he was warning us about Dan.  Unfortunately he had some bad ideas himself, so it didn't help his credibility in my eyes. I sold some crypto equities that ended up being worth 300k later, to buy into BTS (although there is a little bit momre to why I sold them). lmao @ my fanboy biases.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2017, 02:25:00 pm by gamey »
I speak for myself and only myself.

Offline Thom

Interesting comments here.

I hear you @alt, in your admonition to @Stan to use his voting clout in a more active way.

It sounds like he is recognizing the limits of his technical knowledge, and deferring to those like @xeroc who have it. I see that as applying wisdom, rather than "spraying voting gunfire" in the general direction of the enemy without effectively and accurately hitting the target.

I would rather see a reserved application of power rather than a broad, wasteful application of it.

With great power comes great responsibility, and IMO that requires being more active, rather than passive. When it comes to making decisions and knowing the best course of action to take, often ir requires a great deal of technical understanding, and I for one am grateful for xeroc's involvement and @Stan's drawing upon his expertise.
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Offline alt

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no, a worker is a worker.
you don't want to take responsible  of the No.1 share holder
I'd rather like you dump more.
look at the top 10  share holders,
it's sadly that most of them are anonymous or can't help. we have to wait for more responsible share holders.
transres   80696661.51    belong to bitcrab, good
pr1modiaprile   24999291.42    maybe belong to an Italian, seems anonymous
bitshares-munich-wallet   22011314.03    belong to blockpay, good
btsx-bitshare   19863402.00    belong to a hacker who stolen these from BTC38
bts1998   19819797.11    seems anonymous
aboy   18886043.13    seems anonymous
stan   17134775.69    the Larimer, seems have abandon the faith for Bitshares
alohacs   16855553.92    seems anonymous
tsuratsura-3557   16764536.44    belong to a Japanese, maybe know by @gn1, but not active here
code   13763621.17    seems anonymous

xeroc is just an engineer, another worker who work for Bitshares for payment.
as a work, his target is earn money from share holders as much as possible,
he don't have the responsible to earn money for shareholders.
no payment no work.
so who is the boss?
as the NO.1 holders you give your responsible to a worker?
let me ask you, do you know what's the vote principle for xeroc? do you care about this? do you care about what the workers have done in the past year, how much payment have cash out?
this is just another joke, you are the NO.1

Xeroc is FAR more than just a worker.

You have no idea what he has contributed to the future of BitShares this past year ... for free.

I am deeply indebted to him and so are you.  (You just don't know it yet).


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xeroc is just an engineer, another worker who work for Bitshares for payment.
as a work, his target is earn money from share holders as much as possible,
he don't have the responsible to earn money for shareholders.
no payment no work.
so who is the boss?
as the NO.1 holders you give your responsible to a worker?
let me ask you, do you know what's the vote principle for xeroc? do you care about this? do you care about what the workers have done in the past year, how much payment have cash out?
this is just another joke, you are the NO.1

Xeroc is FAR more than just a worker.

You have no idea what he has contributed to the future of BitShares this past year ... for free.

I am deeply indebted to him and so are you.  (You just don't know it yet).

« Last Edit: March 10, 2017, 02:55:16 am by Stan »
Anything said on these forums does not constitute an intent to create a legal obligation or contract of any kind.   These are merely my opinions which I reserve the right to change at any time.

Offline alt

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xeroc is just an engineer, another worker who work for Bitshares for payment.
as a work, his target is earn money from share holders as much as possible,
he don't have the responsible to earn money for shareholders.
no payment no work.
so who is the boss?
as the NO.1 holders you give your responsible to a worker?
let me ask you, do you know what's the vote principle for xeroc? do you care about this? do you care about what the workers have done in the past year, how much payment have cash out?
this is just another joke, you are the NO.1

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yes you are the NO.1
but what you are doing for bitshares as NO.1 this year
seems Larimer work for Bitshares only for money.
the Larimers  are good workers for bitshares, but not a good share holders. it's OK, not good, not bad, you deserve it.

but after spent out all the money, change the code License, and bring all code which sponsor by these money to another project, this is not good.

Bottom line:  I'm still the number one private holder of BitShares... make of that whatever you will.

oh, as the NO.1,
you even don't have the ability to vote by yourself, that's really sadly

I have nothing to do with Steemit policies.  Take that up with CEO Ned Scott.

But I'm wise enough to know that xeroc is smarter than me. 

Donald Trump doesn't fly Air Force One either.

« Last Edit: March 10, 2017, 02:45:12 am by Stan »
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Offline ferter

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yes you are the NO.1
but what you are doing for bitshares as NO.1 this year
seems Larimer work for Bitshares only for money.
the Larimers  are good workers for bitshares, but not a good share holders. it's OK, not good, not bad, you deserve it.

but after spent out all the money, change the code License, and bring all code which sponsor by these money to another project, this is not good.

Bottom line:  I'm still the number one private holder of BitShares... make of that whatever you will.

oh, as the NO.1,
you even don't have the ability to vote by yourself, that's really sadly

Offline alt

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oh, as the NO.1,
you even don't have the ability to vote by yourself, that's really sadly

Offline alt

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yes you are the NO.1
but what you are doing for bitshares as NO.1 this year
seems Larimer work for Bitshares only for money.
the Larimers  are good workers for bitshares, but not a good share holders. it's OK, not good, not bad, you deserve it.

but after spent out all the money, change the code License, and bring all code which sponsor by these money to another project, this is not good.

Bottom line:  I'm still the number one private holder of BitShares... make of that whatever you will.

« Last Edit: March 10, 2017, 01:00:55 am by alt »

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Bottom line:  I'm still the number one private holder of BitShares... make of that whatever you will.


I'll make a pie. From skratch.

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Bottom line:  I'm still the number one private holder of BitShares... make of that whatever you will.

Anything said on these forums does not constitute an intent to create a legal obligation or contract of any kind.   These are merely my opinions which I reserve the right to change at any time.

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BTW, thanks for all the Monero stuff from long ago. You made me a nice sum of money with that tip. =)

Glad it helped. :)

Yeah, it made me whole again after bitshares.  Now I'm just trying to be diversified among a wider variety of crypto projects that dont seem like scams.

Got any fresh tips Andre? I could use a little boost to the ol' crypto portfolio after missing out on the Monero run.

...and the ETH run.
...and the BTC run.
...and the Dash run.

...pretty sure I'm the worst crypto-investor of all time.  :-X

but if BTS were to make a nice run...I'd be back in business baby!  :P

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Stan pumped in a video that people "would be sorry" that they didn't buy bitshares when it was under a cent, meanwhile his son and company were dumping bitshares.  Dan got on a mumble in early 2016 and spouted off about how his new years resolution was to be a better leader for bitshares.  He quit the system 4 months later.

Dan and Stan also tried to pump BTS by saying it was a sharedrop target and anyone using the tech should sharedrop on the community.  They went and create steem using bitshares tech and abandoned the sharedrop idea... I guess sharedrops should only be done if it is benefiting Dan and Stan..

Not to mention all of Stan's "business" development projects... None of these ever worked out but were used to pump the price while him and Dan dumped.  Most were just cryptic bullshit forum posts that gave most of the larimer lemmings hard ons. 

There is animosity toward Dan and Stan because they abuse shareholders... they have done it since the merger and I'm sure they will attempt to do it again.  It's usually around this time of year that they announce there next shareholder screwing idea.

Yes this.

Pretty much the sooner you got out of BTS the better, and the less you allowed Dan to ruin your life.  We should all of listened to NewMine, he was trying to save us all.

If you ruined your life over a crypto investment... you got more important issues to deal with.

Offline Ander

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Stan pumped in a video that people "would be sorry" that they didn't buy bitshares when it was under a cent, meanwhile his son and company were dumping bitshares.  Dan got on a mumble in early 2016 and spouted off about how his new years resolution was to be a better leader for bitshares.  He quit the system 4 months later.

Dan and Stan also tried to pump BTS by saying it was a sharedrop target and anyone using the tech should sharedrop on the community.  They went and create steem using bitshares tech and abandoned the sharedrop idea... I guess sharedrops should only be done if it is benefiting Dan and Stan..

Not to mention all of Stan's "business" development projects... None of these ever worked out but were used to pump the price while him and Dan dumped.  Most were just cryptic bullshit forum posts that gave most of the larimer lemmings hard ons. 

There is animosity toward Dan and Stan because they abuse shareholders... they have done it since the merger and I'm sure they will attempt to do it again.  It's usually around this time of year that they announce there next shareholder screwing idea.

Yes this.

Pretty much the sooner you got out of BTS the better, and the less you allowed Dan to ruin your life.  We should all of listened to NewMine, he was trying to save us all. | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads

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BTW, thanks for all the Monero stuff from long ago. You made me a nice sum of money with that tip. =)

Glad it helped. :)

Yeah, it made me whole again after bitshares.  Now I'm just trying to be diversified among a wider variety of crypto projects that dont seem like scams. | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads

Offline fractalnode

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I've been away for ages but since coming back I'm seeing a bit of animosity about Dan moving to work on Steemit.
I'm not looking to come in here and offend anyone, I only want to understand. :)
Everyone seems a little dejected
It's good to be back seeing the progress BitShares is making :)

son needs a father. At least to come from time to time and asked how's it going.

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JonnyBitcoin votes for liquidity and simplicity. Make him your proxy?

Offline lil_jay890

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Can't say I'm surprised by any of this. Called it in 2014 and avoided BTS. Too bad I didn't ride the pump with my Protoshares, though, or get on board with Steem. Dan is a good coder but never gave me a satisfactory answer to this basic concern (true across many areas of crypto).

HOWEVER, I'm starting to see some value here and might FINALLY jump in (decentralized apps like OL).

However, I have a simple, but important concern I was not able to resolve with a few searches around the forum.

I've seen it happen dozens or even hundreds of times now in the bitcoin ecosystem (just look at Bitfunder, or any asset exchange) - most of the "listings" turn out to be scams or fraudulently run. All BTC are somehow lost or founder disappears.

I've seen some GDoc attempts at accounting for PTS expenditures, but what really is to prevent a "DAC" founder from pulling an Enron or running with the AGS funding?

Really?  The whole team working on sweat equity and their own funds for over a year after the donations ran out to produce and deliver rock stable Graphene and BitShares 2.0 to the community for free didn't satisfy you?

I've been away for ages but since coming back I'm seeing a bit of animosity about Dan moving to work on Steemit.
I'm not looking to come in here and offend anyone, I only want to understand. :)
Everyone seems a little dejected

Bts and steem are two sides of the same coin. They can work symbiotically.
The market for censorship-free social media is about to grow massively.
Twitter, facebook and reddit are all getting caught with their hands dirty, acting against the interests of it's users in order to direct a narrative. Could BitShares have replaced a social media system?
I doubt it, which is why I assume Steemit was created.
BitShares is a financial exchange. There is PLENTY of money in that game already.

IMO, Dan and Cryptonomex built BitShares as a somewhat complete product. It's up to the users, shareholders and businesses of BitShares to use it.

Unless I am mistaken, BitShares became a stand-alone entity directed by it's shareholders on launch. What are people expecting Dan to have done since?
What am I missing?

It's good to be back seeing the progress BitShares is making :)

Stan pumped in a video that people "would be sorry" that they didn't buy bitshares when it was under a cent, meanwhile his son and company were dumping bitshares.  Dan got on a mumble in early 2016 and spouted off about how his new years resolution was to be a better leader for bitshares.  He quit the system 4 months later.

Dan and Stan also tried to pump BTS by saying it was a sharedrop target and anyone using the tech should sharedrop on the community.  They went and create steem using bitshares tech and abandoned the sharedrop idea... I guess sharedrops should only be done if it is benefiting Dan and Stan..

Not to mention all of Stan's "business" development projects... None of these ever worked out but were used to pump the price while him and Dan dumped.  Most were just cryptic bullshit forum posts that gave most of the larimer lemmings hard ons. 

There is animosity toward Dan and Stan because they abuse shareholders... they have done it since the merger and I'm sure they will attempt to do it again.  It's usually around this time of year that they announce there next shareholder screwing idea.

Offline Permie

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Can't say I'm surprised by any of this. Called it in 2014 and avoided BTS. Too bad I didn't ride the pump with my Protoshares, though, or get on board with Steem. Dan is a good coder but never gave me a satisfactory answer to this basic concern (true across many areas of crypto).

HOWEVER, I'm starting to see some value here and might FINALLY jump in (decentralized apps like OL).

However, I have a simple, but important concern I was not able to resolve with a few searches around the forum.

I've seen it happen dozens or even hundreds of times now in the bitcoin ecosystem (just look at Bitfunder, or any asset exchange) - most of the "listings" turn out to be scams or fraudulently run. All BTC are somehow lost or founder disappears.

I've seen some GDoc attempts at accounting for PTS expenditures, but what really is to prevent a "DAC" founder from pulling an Enron or running with the AGS funding?

Really?  The whole team working on sweat equity and their own funds for over a year after the donations ran out to produce and deliver rock stable Graphene and BitShares 2.0 to the community for free didn't satisfy you?

I've been away for ages but since coming back I'm seeing a bit of animosity about Dan moving to work on Steemit.
I'm not looking to come in here and offend anyone, I only want to understand. :)
Everyone seems a little dejected

Bts and steem are two sides of the same coin. They can work symbiotically.
The market for censorship-free social media is about to grow massively.
Twitter, facebook and reddit are all getting caught with their hands dirty, acting against the interests of it's users in order to direct a narrative. Could BitShares have replaced a social media system?
I doubt it, which is why I assume Steemit was created.
BitShares is a financial exchange. There is PLENTY of money in that game already.

IMO, Dan and Cryptonomex built BitShares as a somewhat complete product. It's up to the users, shareholders and businesses of BitShares to use it.

Unless I am mistaken, BitShares became a stand-alone entity directed by it's shareholders on launch. What are people expecting Dan to have done since?
What am I missing?

It's good to be back seeing the progress BitShares is making :)
JonnyBitcoin votes for liquidity and simplicity. Make him your proxy?

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Can't say I'm surprised by any of this. Called it in 2014 and avoided BTS. Too bad I didn't ride the pump with my Protoshares, though, or get on board with Steem. Dan is a good coder but never gave me a satisfactory answer to this basic concern (true across many areas of crypto).

HOWEVER, I'm starting to see some value here and might FINALLY jump in (decentralized apps like OL).

However, I have a simple, but important concern I was not able to resolve with a few searches around the forum.

I've seen it happen dozens or even hundreds of times now in the bitcoin ecosystem (just look at Bitfunder, or any asset exchange) - most of the "listings" turn out to be scams or fraudulently run. All BTC are somehow lost or founder disappears.

I've seen some GDoc attempts at accounting for PTS expenditures, but what really is to prevent a "DAC" founder from pulling an Enron or running with the AGS funding?

Really?  The whole team working on sweat equity and their own funds for over a year after the donations ran out to produce and deliver rock stable Graphene and BitShares 2.0 to the community for free didn't satisfy you?

« Last Edit: March 07, 2017, 07:22:27 pm by Stan »
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« Last Edit: March 06, 2017, 08:42:04 pm by Permie »
JonnyBitcoin votes for liquidity and simplicity. Make him your proxy?

Offline renkcub

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Can't say I'm surprised by any of this. Called it in 2014 and avoided BTS. Too bad I didn't ride the pump with my Protoshares, though, or get on board with Steem. Dan is a good coder but never gave me a satisfactory answer to this basic concern (true across many areas of crypto).

HOWEVER, I'm starting to see some value here and might FINALLY jump in (decentralized apps like OL).

However, I have a simple, but important concern I was not able to resolve with a few searches around the forum.

I've seen it happen dozens or even hundreds of times now in the bitcoin ecosystem (just look at Bitfunder, or any asset exchange) - most of the "listings" turn out to be scams or fraudulently run. All BTC are somehow lost or founder disappears.

I've seen some GDoc attempts at accounting for PTS expenditures, but what really is to prevent a "DAC" founder from pulling an Enron or running with the AGS funding?

Offline mf-tzo

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@fav good to know he is active there.maybe someone should tell him that it is important to be active in this forum as well.

@tbone I do not expect all projects to work but projects that don't work out as planed and do not compensate or at least make an effort to compensate the investors are scams..They should have at least the dignity to say they failed and not keep in the dark.

By the way..donating in my CONSTRUCTION token you guys have more probability receive a good least I am honest and do not bullshit other people.
« Last Edit: March 05, 2017, 12:27:34 pm by mf-tzo »

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Solcert or Solomon and nonsense as my friend @tonyk used to call it does not look very promising either.. I hope that does not end up being a scam updates from @SolomonSollarsNSense for a while does not look good..I remember back in the days I decided to through some bts to solcert instead of stupid was that??

You should expect most projects to not work out.  That doesn't make them scams. 

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why so many scammers here?
I think the reason is very clear.
this community like the kindly word, like beauty word, can't accept strict word.
Bytemaster give 50K USD to a random person, support him for a GOLD gateway. he know this person only several days.
bitcrab, who run the most success CNY gateway, get nothing from here, many people even told the worst word to him.
James Gong, Shenbo, Gulu,  ever run several business based Bitshares, was left becsuse of Bytemaster's merge. they go to Etherum, and they are very success now.
and many others who talk something strict to Bitshares, they are not welcome here, and left finally.

many project/workers, they said beauty word here, they give a shit, but they get money easy.
this is why so many scammer come here. because of the stupid community.

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Solcert or Solomon and nonsense as my friend @tonyk used to call it does not look very promising either.. I hope that does not end up being a scam updates from @SolomonSollarsNSense for a while does not look good..I remember back in the days I decided to through some bts to solcert instead of stupid was that??

he's kind of active on telegram though

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Solcert or Solomon and nonsense as my friend @tonyk used to call it does not look very promising either.. I hope that does not end up being a scam updates from @SolomonSollarsNSense for a while does not look good..I remember back in the days I decided to through some bts to solcert instead of stupid was that??

Offline davidpbrown

Moonstone wallet was a scam?

Damn.. I was hoping to be surprised about MoonStone.. all that nonsense has left a bad impression of BitShares. Tis a pity.

I should have seen the signs.. too must hype and marketing from Dan/Stan/cowboys than genuine intent to follow through to completion but rather did not want to believe it :/

Still I like the tech and the idea but it's a long way back.. the first step back would be Moonstone honouring their commitment to moonfund holders.. but that does seem unlikely now.


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It's true.
most share holders are blind
Yea, me too!  8)

look at the followers of xeroc, almost 90% are inactive account. never use DEX.
I didn't know that I had to use the DEX in order to qualify to set a proxy or hold bts.

and some big share holder never vote or discuss.
How do you know that? do you know who are the owners of those accounts? for some reason they might want to keep their votes as reserves or whatever

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It's true.
most share holders are blind or unconcerned. it's very hard to change this, many people have to dump and leave.

look at the followers of xeroc, almost 90% are inactive account. never use DEX.

and some big share holder never vote or discuss.

the vote system are scam for some person in some sense.
I would rather say it's not scam, it's just stupid, it's just need more time to grow up.

Bitshares may not be a scam, but its a great platform for extracting value from shareholders.  4 proxies having the ability to control the entire system is insane.  Especially when the proxies can vote in their own workers at whatever pay they want.  Centralization.
You do realize that this is personally offensive? Have I not taken sufficient measures to balance the conflicting interest as worker and proxy? Do you at all realize how my worker is setup?
Also, by blaming the proxies, you are essentially blaming the shareholders that handed over their voting power to them. It's their freedom to do so and I they disagree with what I do/did, then they should remove their vote (which is what I asked them to do prior to voting for my own worker, btw).

I get that you are offended, but this isn't an attack on you.  I think you are an honest person who wants to see bitshares grow.  It's to point out how centralized the system is.  It's a basic design that is a huge flaw.  It allows the exchanges at anytime to take over and control the whole system.

It's a good thing that you informed your voters about this, but it still is a massive conflict of interest.  Voters set you as a proxy so that they don't have to follow every detail.  Whats the point of them setting you as a proxy and still having to follow along with day to day operations to see your disclaimer that you will be voting in your own worker?

Bottom line is 4 people control the system now, and if the exchanges wanted to, they could control everything.

Offline BunkerChainLabs-DataSecurityNode

I know most people here sweep this risks under the rug, but it's why bts isn't gaining new investors.

Is it? Fix this one thing and presto.. gain new investors?
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Offline yvv

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I have already voted, like many other people have, with my feet by dumping my bitshares. 

Congratulations, one of those 4 proxies got your stake.

This community is so weird, no one ever wants to hear the reasons why bitshares has plummeted in price and popularity.  People just want this to be an echo chamber on how great and cool things are.

This is DPOS dude, show your stake to be heard.
« Last Edit: March 03, 2017, 07:01:25 pm by yvv »

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Still by that logic it means that if I wanted to set Xeroc as my proxy I should follow all worker proposals, then see what Xeroc is voting for, then decide whether or not I should still have Xeroc as my proxy.  Why wouldn't I just vote for everything on my own instead of setting a proxy?  The whole point of a proxy is so that the shareholder isn't burdened with checking worker proposals constantly, and I'm sure many of the shareholders who have proxies set are not constantly checking what their proxy is doing.

Of course you need to follow what your proxy is doing, not every day, but at least once in a while. This is similar to electing a congressman, you need to follow the news in media to make sure that your delegate is doing what you expect him to do, and if he does not, you change your vote during next election. This way you don't need to make a vote on every single political issue every day. The difference between bitshares and real world political system is that in bitshares, if you think that it is easier for you to make every single vote on your own, hey, you are welcomed to do so.

Once again these are all things that people "should" be doing.  Just because someone "should" do something, doesn't mean they will do it.  People "should" take there bts off the exchanges, yet they don't.  So far we have seen the system centralize into 4 proxies (3 of which are chinese, and I believe controlled by the same person), so it's centralized between 2 parties.  Relying on what people "should" do is a mistake.  People are going to do what's easiest, not whats best.

What people "should" do is up to each person himself to decide. If community chose to trust to 4 proxies, this means that there are no more trustworthy members other than these 4. If you don't like how they vote, sorry dude, you are outvoted, this is how voting with stake works. If you don't like it, make your party, get your stake and change it.

I have already voted, like many other people have, with my feet by dumping my bitshares.  This community is so weird, no one ever wants to hear the reasons why bitshares has plummeted in price and popularity.  People just want this to be an echo chamber on how great and cool things are.

The whole "deal with it, that's the way it was design and if you don't like it leave" argument is dumb.  People have dealt with it and left.
« Last Edit: March 03, 2017, 06:50:49 pm by lil_jay890 »

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Still by that logic it means that if I wanted to set Xeroc as my proxy I should follow all worker proposals, then see what Xeroc is voting for, then decide whether or not I should still have Xeroc as my proxy.  Why wouldn't I just vote for everything on my own instead of setting a proxy?  The whole point of a proxy is so that the shareholder isn't burdened with checking worker proposals constantly, and I'm sure many of the shareholders who have proxies set are not constantly checking what their proxy is doing.

Of course you need to follow what your proxy is doing, not every day, but at least once in a while. This is similar to electing a congressman, you need to follow the news in media to make sure that your delegate is doing what you expect him to do, and if he does not, you change your vote during next election. This way you don't need to make a vote on every single political issue every day. The difference between bitshares and real world political system is that in bitshares, if you think that it is easier for you to make every single vote on your own, hey, you are welcomed to do so.

Once again these are all things that people "should" be doing.  Just because someone "should" do something, doesn't mean they will do it.  People "should" take there bts off the exchanges, yet they don't.  So far we have seen the system centralize into 4 proxies (3 of which are chinese, and I believe controlled by the same person), so it's centralized between 2 parties.  Relying on what people "should" do is a mistake.  People are going to do what's easiest, not whats best.

What people "should" do is up to each person himself to decide. If community chose to trust to 4 proxies, this means that there are no more trustworthy members other than these 4. If you don't like how they vote, sorry dude, you are outvoted, this is how voting with stake works. If you don't like it, make your party, get your stake and change it.

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Still by that logic it means that if I wanted to set Xeroc as my proxy I should follow all worker proposals, then see what Xeroc is voting for, then decide whether or not I should still have Xeroc as my proxy.  Why wouldn't I just vote for everything on my own instead of setting a proxy?  The whole point of a proxy is so that the shareholder isn't burdened with checking worker proposals constantly, and I'm sure many of the shareholders who have proxies set are not constantly checking what their proxy is doing.

Of course you need to follow what your proxy is doing, not every day, but at least once in a while. This is similar to electing a congressman, you need to follow the news in media to make sure that your delegate is doing what you expect him to do, and if he does not, you change your vote during next election. This way you don't need to make a vote on every single political issue every day. The difference between bitshares and real world political system is that in bitshares, if you think that it is easier for you to make every single vote on your own, hey, you are welcomed to do so.

Once again these are all things that people "should" be doing.  Just because someone "should" do something, doesn't mean they will do it.  People "should" take there bts off the exchanges, yet they don't.  So far we have seen the system centralize into 4 proxies (3 of which are chinese, and I believe controlled by the same person), so it's centralized between 2 parties.  Relying on what people "should" do is a mistake.  People are going to do what's easiest, not whats best.

These 2 parties have massive influence over bts currently.  Comparing this to a congressman is misleading... congressman have little power in their own right.  One rogue congressman isn't going to destroy the US goverment.  In fact even if the president doesn't have ultimate authority.  The power that the proxy system allows to be concentrated is ludicrous and dangerous.

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Still by that logic it means that if I wanted to set Xeroc as my proxy I should follow all worker proposals, then see what Xeroc is voting for, then decide whether or not I should still have Xeroc as my proxy.  Why wouldn't I just vote for everything on my own instead of setting a proxy?  The whole point of a proxy is so that the shareholder isn't burdened with checking worker proposals constantly, and I'm sure many of the shareholders who have proxies set are not constantly checking what their proxy is doing.

Of course you need to follow what your proxy is doing, not every day, but at least once in a while. This is similar to electing a congressman, you need to follow the news in media to make sure that your delegate is doing what you expect him to do, and if he does not, you change your vote during next election. This way you don't need to make a vote on every single political issue every day. The difference between bitshares and real world political system is that in bitshares, if you think that it is easier for you to make every single vote on your own, hey, you are welcomed to do so.
« Last Edit: March 03, 2017, 05:01:30 pm by yvv »

Offline lil_jay890

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Whats the point of them setting you as a proxy and still having to follow along with day to day operations to see your disclaimer that you will be voting in your own worker?

Having to follow one person you trust is much easier than having to follow everyone and everything. How can someone vote for anything or anyone if he is completly clueless?

Bottom line is 4 people control the system now, and if the exchanges wanted to, they could control everything.
imo they don't control but they run the system and the stakeholders can remove the support at any time. Exchanges are only good at getting hacked anything else pays too little.

Still by that logic it means that if I wanted to set Xeroc as my proxy I should follow all worker proposals, then see what Xeroc is voting for, then decide whether or not I should still have Xeroc as my proxy.  Why wouldn't I just vote for everything on my own instead of setting a proxy?  The whole point of a proxy is so that the shareholder isn't burdened with checking worker proposals constantly, and I'm sure many of the shareholders who have proxies set are not constantly checking what their proxy is doing.

Also, run and control are analogous terms.  And your point of exchanges are only good at being hacked proves my point about the risk they pose.  Even if the exchanges never have any intent of taking control and damaging bitshares, a hacker could "easily" hack the exchange and take control of the BTS and destroy the system.

I know most people here sweep this risks under the rug, but it's why bts isn't gaining new investors.


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Whats the point of them setting you as a proxy and still having to follow along with day to day operations to see your disclaimer that you will be voting in your own worker?

Having to follow one person you trust is much easier than having to follow everyone and everything. How can someone vote for anything or anyone if he is completly clueless?

Bottom line is 4 people control the system now, and if the exchanges wanted to, they could control everything.
imo they don't control but they run the system and the stakeholders can remove the support at any time. Exchanges are only good at getting hacked anything else pays too little.

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Bitshares may not be a scam, but its a great platform for extracting value from shareholders.  4 proxies having the ability to control the entire system is insane.  Especially when the proxies can vote in their own workers at whatever pay they want.  Centralization.
You do realize that this is personally offensive? Have I not taken sufficient measures to balance the conflicting interest as worker and proxy? Do you at all realize how my worker is setup?
Also, by blaming the proxies, you are essentially blaming the shareholders that handed over their voting power to them. It's their freedom to do so and I they disagree with what I do/did, then they should remove their vote (which is what I asked them to do prior to voting for my own worker, btw).

I get that you are offended, but this isn't an attack on you.  I think you are an honest person who wants to see bitshares grow.  It's to point out how centralized the system is.  It's a basic design that is a huge flaw.  It allows the exchanges at anytime to take over and control the whole system.

It's a good thing that you informed your voters about this, but it still is a massive conflict of interest.  Voters set you as a proxy so that they don't have to follow every detail.  Whats the point of them setting you as a proxy and still having to follow along with day to day operations to see your disclaimer that you will be voting in your own worker?

Bottom line is 4 people control the system now, and if the exchanges wanted to, they could control everything.

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I don't care how many scammers here,
I know Bitshares is not a scammer, that's enough.

Bitshares may not be a scam, but its a great platform for extracting value from shareholders.  4 proxies having the ability to control the entire system is insane.  Especially when the proxies can vote in their own workers at whatever pay they want.  Centralization.

BTS is centralized like this because it is small. There is nothing we can do about this at the moment.

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Bitshares may not be a scam, but its a great platform for extracting value from shareholders.  4 proxies having the ability to control the entire system is insane.  Especially when the proxies can vote in their own workers at whatever pay they want.  Centralization.
You do realize that this is personally offensive? Have I not taken sufficient measures to balance the conflicting interest as worker and proxy? Do you at all realize how my worker is setup?
Also, by blaming the proxies, you are essentially blaming the shareholders that handed over their voting power to them. It's their freedom to do so and I they disagree with what I do/did, then they should remove their vote (which is what I asked them to do prior to voting for my own worker, btw).

Offline lil_jay890

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I don't care how many scammers here,
I know Bitshares is not a scammer, that's enough.

Bitshares may not be a scam, but its a great platform for extracting value from shareholders.  4 proxies having the ability to control the entire system is insane.  Especially when the proxies can vote in their own workers at whatever pay they want.  Centralization.

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I don't care how many scammers here,
I know Bitshares is not a scammer, that's enough.

Offline Tuck Fheman

Starting from the premine, which is not 'debunked' as you say, but was very clear (with 2M coins mined in days)

To be clear, that's not a premine. That's a ninjamine, like STEEM. =)

Just because its highly priced now doesn't mean its not pure scam.

The price is lower now, is it less scammy now? =)

BTW, thanks for all the Monero stuff from long ago. You made me a nice sum of money with that tip. =)
« Last Edit: March 03, 2017, 10:16:23 am by Tuck Fheman » - The Largest Cryptocurrency Freeroll Poker Site in the World!

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steem and peerplays are fine, e-dinar is a ponzi.

Steem is mostly a scam to me.  The platform is interesting, but the distribution is total bullshit, and Dan release the mining code with an error on purpose so that people couldnt mine it.  Who else did that?  Oh yeah, the Dash dev. :D

The scheme to get people to lock up their steem for a year to prevent selling, or else they are slapped with high inflation, was purely a scam to inflate price. 

He didnt even tell the bitshares faithful about it in a legit way, he did it as a bullshit april fools joke.  The day I sold 80% of my BTS and stopped caring about bitshares was when I started making money in crypto lol. | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads

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Off the top of my head, here are a few:

Businesses: Transwiser has not been a scam. Blocktrades has not been a scam. MetaExchange has not been a scam.  OpenLedger has not been a scam (although some of its ICOs could be).

Workers: Svk, myself, Xeroc, cass, and others have run worker proposals that have not been scams.

At least we will never reach 100% rate of scams.  :) Good to see you posting, Ander!

Yup there were some legit people at least. :)

And am I posting now, or just trolling.  Feels like trolling. :D | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads

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BTS blockchain shouldve hired Amanda, lol.  Dash scam is doing great. with her pumping it.

Agree on the Amanda part, but why do you say "Dash scam"?

Is there some new "scam" info I'm unaware of or is this about the long ago debunked "pre-mine" stuff?

Because its 100% pure scam?  Starting from the premine, which is not 'debunked' as you say, but was very clear (with 2M coins mined in days), and also because everyone with any technical knowledge knows its crypto is highly suspect.  And mixing will never actually provide privacy.

Fluffypony's video which was linked in this thread outlines it well.

Just because its highly priced now doesn't mean its not pure scam. | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads

Offline Chronos

Off the top of my head, here are a few:

Businesses: Transwiser has not been a scam. Blocktrades has not been a scam. MetaExchange has not been a scam.  OpenLedger has not been a scam (although some of its ICOs could be).

Workers: Svk, myself, Xeroc, cass, and others have run worker proposals that have not been scams.

At least we will never reach 100% rate of scams.  :) Good to see you posting, Ander!

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CryptoScam #4 - Dash (w/ Fluffy Pony)

its not always good to listen to people, its like Dem against everybody is right all are wrong, only the future will tell , Jesus promised to come back after 2K years we still talk about it..tons of ppl even every day, to him, and ???

LOL @ scammer Jesus...


...who knows, maybe he will come back...this summer.

 :P :P :P

« Last Edit: March 02, 2017, 06:26:19 pm by nomoreheroes7 »

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CryptoScam #4 - Dash (w/ Fluffy Pony)

its not always good to listen to people, its like Dem against everybody is right all are wrong, only the future will tell , Jesus promised to come back after 2K years we still talk about it..tons of ppl even every day, to him, and ???
« Last Edit: March 02, 2017, 05:45:32 pm by mea123 »

Offline BunkerChainLabs-DataSecurityNode

Dash is a house of cards...

anyways, most of the scam left already.

OL is def not a scam, as well as the 7+ underlying projects.

from a graphene point of view...

steem and peerplays are fine, e-dinar is a ponzi.

I'd say bitshares has a better legit/scam ratio than Ethereum ICOs.

that sounds like it would make a great comparison chart post on steem.. just say'en :)
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Offline JonnyB

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I run the @bitshares twitter handle

Offline Tuck Fheman - The Largest Cryptocurrency Freeroll Poker Site in the World!

Offline konelectric

Dash is a house of cards...

anyways, most of the scam left already.

OL is def not a scam, as well as the 7+ underlying projects.

from a graphene point of view...

steem and peerplays are fine, e-dinar is a ponzi.

I'd say bitshares has a better legit/scam ratio than Ethereum ICOs.

Tweeter: Konelectric. Steemit: Konelectric. Youtube: Patrick Konshak. Success Council: Yourship. Mumble: Yourship or Konelectric.

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Dash is a house of cards...

anyways, most of the scam left already.

OL is def not a scam, as well as the 7+ underlying projects.

from a graphene point of view...

steem and peerplays are fine, e-dinar is a ponzi.

I'd say bitshares has a better legit/scam ratio than Ethereum ICOs.
« Last Edit: March 02, 2017, 11:44:14 am by fav »

Offline Tuck Fheman

BTS blockchain shouldve hired Amanda, lol.  Dash scam is doing great. with her pumping it.

Agree on the Amanda part, but why do you say "Dash scam"?

Is there some new "scam" info I'm unaware of or is this about the long ago debunked "pre-mine" stuff? - The Largest Cryptocurrency Freeroll Poker Site in the World!

Offline MarkoPaasila

But the tech is awesome, and the get-rich-quick types have probably mostly left. Those who are left are high quality people. Let's focus on what we have.

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BTS blockchain shouldve hired Amanda, lol.  Dash scam is doing great. with her pumping it. | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads

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Lets see.  Those BANX guys were a ponzi scam.  Muse never released anything and looks like a scam.  Moonstone wallet was a scam?  Did Play ever release anything?  Probably a scam.

Heck, even Dan left to make a new coin with a scammy distribution where he owns most of it.

What was wrong with bitshares that it attracted al lteh scammers back in 2014, lol. | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads