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One of the major selling points of BTSX for me back in 2014 was the 5% (or x%) on 'anything' marketing (that and sharedrop theory). The idea that I could store MPAs/UIA in effectively my own bank and get better interest rates than that FIAT banks were offering was a powerful message that had me (and a lot of other users) sold.

I realise that in the migration from BTSX (BTS 0.x) to BTS 2.0 we removed 'socialized yield', however I believe that the removal of profit sharing though asset fee yields was a mistake.

The following quotes are from the above link.

Under BitShares the BitAsset holders receive a yield simply by holding BitUSD. This yield was between 1% and 5% APR on average. Unfortunately, yield harvesting can happen at any time by someone shorting to themselves to gain a very low risk return and undermining goal of encouraging people to buy and hold BitUSD. The yield was funded from transaction fees and by interest paid by shorts.

The funding of yield through fees was successful despite the fluctuating rates (1 - 5% APR AVG).

The issue was that users were able to 'yield harvest' by shorting to an alt account, effectively cheating the system.

An alternative distribution mechanism to paying interest by shorting is required.

Peerplays has the ability to distribute 'dividends' to users that hold the peerplays tokens, we should be doing something similar for tokens on the BTS DEX. Hopefully peerplays dividend/profit-sharing code is somewhat compatible with Bitshares (it's using graphene after all).

Relevant peerplays docs:

As we stated previously, undercharging for transactions is bad for business and BitShares was effectively earning nothing for all transactions of BitUSD because 100% of the income generated from fees was paid out to BitUSD holders as yield and nothing was left over to cover network expenses.

We now gather 20% of fees into the reserve pool (which also contains over 1 Billion BTS), which goes towards workers and witnesses.

80% of fees go towards the referral system.

I would propose that we re-evaluate the distribution of fees between the reserve pool, referral system and asset holders. We could burn through a chunk of the reserve pool, but this would be temporary as we would eventually need to reintroduce such fees to build the reserve pool back up. I think it's most fair to take a chunk of the fees from the referral system.

Infographic showing current BTS cashflow:

While Socialized Yield is broken, BitShares 2.0 offers a far better alternative: Collateralized Bonds. Collateralized Bonds enable arbitrary shorting between any two assets, guaranteed interest, and no risk of being force settled. This system privatizes the yield to individual bonds and the terms and leverage available can be far more flexible. In effect, BitUSD becomes cash and a Bond becomes a Certificate of Deposit.

The concept of "Collateralized Bonds" did not make it into Bitshares 2.0, so in effect we cut asset holders out of fee redistribution without providing a replacement source of income for holding assets on the Bitshares DEX. I believe this may be a reason why we had a downtrend when switching from 0.x to 2.0 (disregarding merge drama).

Does anyone have any further information on this collateralized bond market? I could only find the following:


Recent related threads:
"New Bitshares Dividend Idea",23706.0.html
"Dividend feature",21476.msg279498.html#msg279498
"Incentivize SmartCoin collateralization",23707.0.html


What do you think?  +5%

Best regards,

Content replicated:
Useful info:


Content mirrored:


I'm Customminer from the Gridcoin community, I've been a holder of BTS since BTSX days & have a very positive outlook on the future of Bitshares!

I have been paying attention to the recent Bitshares testnet stress-testing,23829.0.html which yielded a rate of approx 3k TX/s, it was mentioned in the 13th Bitshares hangout that a potential reason that we were limited to 3k TX/s was the lack of computing power at the disposal of the stress-test organizers - I believe that the BOINC & Gridcoin community can help!

BOINC is an open-source kit for volunteer distributed computing, it can distribute any kind of computing task and has between 250k & 560k active users (differing estimates depending on what site you go to.. it's difficult to guesstimate) & 4 million registered users in total. To put the scale of available computing power in perspective, team Gridcoin has 100k hosts at its disposal and currently only rewards 0.5% of the active BOINC community. The majority of the BOINC community contributes their resources entirely for free, those that crunch under team Gridcoin are rewarded GRC by the network on behalf of whitelisted projects (project owners pay nothing).

I spoke during episode 200 of the BeyondBitcoin hangout and the 14th Bitshares hangout Chris4210[/member]/bitshares-hangout-14-03-31-17] on this topic.

I try to encourage the development of new BOINC projects each month, join in the discussion:

The tools: (Outdated, needs uplifted to latest BOINC version)

The ideas:

Bitshares Testnet Load Generator!

It was mentioned in the last Bitshares hangout that the Bitshares testnet stress test may have been limited due to a lack of resources available for creating a larger transaction volume - what about distributing testnet load generating software out to a few thousand computers around the world via a BOINC project?

Such a project wouldn't be eligible for Gridcoin whitelist status (no GRC rewards) due to the bursty nature of stress testing (GRC needs continuous work availability).

You could easily distribute an UIA to your volunteers proportionally to their completed work by adding a Bitshares field to the BOINC signup page and user profile.

I'd imagine that for this idea, you would distribute a docker container which contained python dependencies, the testnet stress-test python script, and the bitshares client.

Once running on an user's machine, it would need to create a testnet user account, the project admin would send enough testnet BTS to each volunteer bitshares account, each account would register as lifetime (for less fees, but not neccessary),  then the main stress-test script would begin bombarding testnet with transactions.

The 3000+ TX/s rate achieved in the recent Bitshares testnet stress-test was great, but let's try to push it to 1 million + TX/s!

Relevant links:
Bitshares testnet stress-test thread :


Bitshares Full/API node distribution

Alongside the testnet load generator, you could distribute full node servers out to volunteers to supply additional network resources to the Bitshares network.

This would require the development of a proof-of-bandwidth credit mechanism (how to reward credit to users based on their full node availability/capacity/consumed-resources).

Since full-nodes are always required, this would make a Bitshares BOINC project eligible for Gridcoin whitelisting.

This would require setting minimum computer spec requirements, so not everyone would be able to participate unlike the load generator.


Machine Learning + BTS

You could distribute TensorFlow docker containers, and perform machine learning against data gathered from the BTS DEX.


Witness experiments

We currently have ~25 witnesses, down from 100 in the switch from BTS 1.0 to BTS 2.0, we could experiment with different quantities of witnesses in an automated manner to evaluate optimal quantities of witnesses.


Volunteer incentives!

The BOINC web server is programmed in PHP, you can easily add a Bitshares (and bitshares testnet) account field to the account signup page (and profile page), then expose said account name within the user statistics xml files (which is generated every 24hrs) then you can proportionally distribute an UIA on the BTS network to each BOINC volunteer proportionally to their contributed computation (RAC). Since these xml files are public, anyone could distribute their own UIA against your volunteers (new sharedrop vector!).

If there is a continuous availability of work units for volunteers, then the project would be eligible for Gridcoin whitelist status (the Gridcoin network would distribute rewards to your volunteers).


Do you have an idea for Bitshares which requires vast amount of distributed computing power? Please post your ideas in this thread!  +5%



General Discussion / Gridcoin's BTS Web Wallet Customisations!
« on: January 17, 2017, 10:16:02 am »

The Gridcoin community has begun customizing the Bitshares web wallet, prioritizing OPEN.GRC as a featured asset & main trading pair against many important BTS assets!

It only took a day of editing (and a day of messing with the build environment) to get this far. It's not a live wallet for the public, but still in development & open-source for anyone to run locally.

I might create a guide for setting up a similar build environment using Windows and Virtualbox if anyone's interested?

I hope to add in new drop-down menus to the right of 'Deposit/Withdraw', linking to the other web wallets (OpenLedger, FreedomLedger, BTSABC, etc) and to BOINC/BTS/Gridcoin community links. The *.JSX is a tad confusing though..

Some of the screenshots still show Open.BTC being used as the trading pair, this has been changed.



Back when the Gridcoin community was looking for a safe haven away from emerging Scrypt ASICS (when GRC was Scrypt POW based), I proposed that we should have switched to using DPOS (back in December 2014!).

Gridcoin ended up picking Blackcoin's POSv2 mechanism instead of Bitshares' DPOS mechanism, but I've begun restarting the discussion over at cryptocointalk.

We're needing to scale from 2k users to 560k+ users, our main scalability issue is the neural network - currently each windows user gathers user XML files (some 1-2GB in size) from each whitelisted BOINC project & extracts team gridcoin stats to form the neural network with (to base GRC rewards with).

If we were to remove the team requirement, we could quite easily scale to 10's of thousands of users, but if we've got 10k+ (or 100k+) users all downloading these XML files, we'll be effectively DDOS'ing the projects. Several BOINC projects are based at universities or are home servers, not many could withstand this scenario.

If we had witnesses, they could gather the statistics to form the neural network instead of all users - drastically reducing the load our system places onto BOINC users.

We've been discussing this in the cryptocointalk thread and in the 9th/10th Gridcoin Community Hangouts (currently being edited, not live) - difficulties would lie in ensuring witnesses are providing identical neural network stats (punishing/catching witnesses deviating from legit stats) and in having witnesses pay BOINC users their owed rewards (rather than currently the case where end users are rewarded once they stake a block).

I'm open to discussing this in detail & would love to hear your thoughts on this idea.


Currently, the 'smartcoin' market pegged assets (MPA) (such as bitUSD, bitEURO, bitCNY, etc) which are managed by the BTS committee have several MPA permissions which are slightly concerning. None of these permissions are currently active, but they have not been surrendered (so a future committee could potentially implement them).

These permissions are:
  • white_list: Accounts must be white-listed in order to hold this asset
  • override_authority: Issuer may transfer asset back to himself
  • transfer_restricted: Require the issuer to be one party to every transfer
  • disable_confidential: Allow the asset to be used with confidential transactions

The 'GRIDCOIN' MPA was the first MPA to surrender the above permissions! (

I don't see any reason why the committee should maintain these inactive permissions, do you?

Related Steem thread:



In episode #173 of BeyondBitcoin ( I raised the following questions:

  • Should we increase the quantity of BTS witnesses?
  • Should we introduce witness vote degradation?

In BTSX we had 101+ witnesses, now we have 27 witnesses in BTS. Currently, witnesses earn approx $200/month. If in the future BTS increases significantly in value these positions will be earning more. The reason why I ask if we should increase the witness count is primarily because of the current witnesses slow reaction to implement price feeds.

Why I ask if we should introduce witness vote degradation:
  • Campaigning for these witnesses positions has become almost non existent at this point (no witnesses in beyondbitcoin hangouts asking for votes for example)
  • The witness sub-forum (,61.0.html) has become a ghost town (witness channel on steemit isn't populated with BTS witness posts).
  • Witnesses once voted in, unless their node degrades, are unlikely to be replaced by another prospective BTS witness. If we had voting degradation where after 'x' months your placed vote on a witness begins degrading over a period of 'y' months, we would see witnesses who actively campaign potentially becoming witnesses, replacing inactive BTS witnesses.
  • Getting current witnesses to implement price feeds for new MPAs is quite difficult, I have been actively campaigning for witnesses to publish price feeds for the 'GRIDCOIN' MPA (,22733.0.html). After 2.5 months and 3 BeyondBitcoin hangout appearances only 2 witnesses have published price feeds for the GRIDCOIN MPA. New witnesses may be more likely to interact with the BTS community.
  • By introducing voting degradation, we may increase regular participation in the voting system rather than a 'vote once and forget' mindset right now.

During episode #173, crypto.prometheus raised the issue of due to the current low network voting participation, perhaps an individual armed with $500k they could vote their own witnesses into power - whilst true, on the other hand if an attacker had significant funds they could likely convince an active witness to sell their account (since they only get $200/month, if someone comes along with $10k+ they may be very tempted to take the offer).

Thoughts? No official proposal has been created in the client, just an informal discussion at this point.

Matching Steem post:

Best regards,

General Discussion / Gridcoin
« on: September 13, 2016, 09:25:21 pm »

Gridcoin was the first block chain protocol that delivered a working algorithm that equally rewards and cryptographically proves solving BOINC (Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing) hosted work, which can be virtually any kind of distributed computing process (ASIC/GPU/CPU/Sensor/Etc).

BOINC is an open-source volunteer oriented computing grid that combines the processing power of all individual users for the purposes of scientific research. It's free, and harnesses the unused clock cycles from processors and graphics cards to attempt to cure cancer/aids/ebola/malaria, map the milkyway, crack enigma codes, etc.. (Whitelist: )

Gridcoin rewards BOINC computation using the Distributed Proof of Research (DPOR) reward mechanism, which is a combination of Proof of BOINC (POB) and Proof of Stake (POSv2).

Proof of Work (POW) consensus mechanisms are not utilised by the Gridcoin network, making the Gridcoin's consensus mechanism network far more energy efficient than existing POW cryptocurrencies.

Anyone can create a BOINC project & campaign to get whitelisted in the Gridcoin system. If you've got an idea for a distributed computing project, we can reward your users on your behalf. Gridcoin users have the capability to 'project-rain' onto projects as a form of tipping; project admins can easily distribute gridcoin rewards as a reward (or to facilitate a commercial BOINC project).

We've created an Marked Pegged Asset (MPA) on the Bitshares platform:

We're soon to have an OPEN.GRC (Openledger) to act as our bridge/gateway onto the Bitshares DEX!

Gridcoin links:
IRC: freenode #gridcoin #gridcoin-otc #gridcoin-sweden #gridcoin-german #gridcoin-irpg #gridcoin-games
Community Hangouts:
Gridresearchcorp: explorer:
Gridcoin pool:

Thoughts on the price?


What is Project Rain?

'Project Rain' is the practice of distributing crypto assets to BOINC users based on their verified BOINC computation; it was initially devised within the Gridcoin network and has been expanded to multiple cryptocurrencies and all BOINC teams through this BOINC project.

BOINC (Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing) is an open-source volunteer oriented computing grid that combines the processing power of all individual users for the purposes of scientific research.

Think of Project Rain as a massive new share-dropping vector that doesn't require your end-users to handle their wallet private keys nor require proof of IRL identity.

I discussed Project Rain in episode #172 of BeyondBitcoin:

Why would I 'Rain' an UIA upon BOINC users?
Similar to 'share dropping', Raining an UIA (or even a small % of the total supply) upon BOINC users both distributes your asset potentially further than an ICO or mining phase and purchases an user base with significant computing power at their disposal (Some BOINC users have thousands of cores and/or hundreds of GPUs).

There are approx 500k+ active BOINC users & 4 million+ registered users. There's serious potential to far exceed the scale of distribution that Auroracoin achieved.

Can I make a BOINC project?
You certainly can, anyone can create a BOINC project (there's no central authority behind BOINC project creation).
You could potentially 'rain' an UIA onto your volunteers/workers to encourage further computation or to assign voting weight for project decisions.

Have an idea for a project? Check out this steem thread (now frozen, damnit!):

What cryptocurrencies are supported?
Currently, 29 cryptocurrencies including Gridcoin, BTS, Peerplays, Heat Ledger & Steem are supported. More cryptocurrencies can be supported before launch if you request soon!

Here's a couple Steemit posts on Project Rain:

I'd love to hear your thoughts on 'Project Rain' and ideas of how you could utilize this functionality.

P.S. Attention of BTS witnesses!
BTS witnesses, please support the 'GRIDCOIN' MPA by publishing price feeds, please!,22733.msg298931.html#new


I'm running the latest Bitshares light GUI (version 2.0.160813).

I'm trying to change my MPA's variables, but the following variables can't go lower than 1%?

I can't put 0.01 directly into the field, it prevents it, I have to put 0.1 in then put the 0 before the 1 afterwards.

If I put 0.01 in, it results in '1', but if I put in 0.005 (0.5%) it results in 0.

Is this a glitch in the GUI? Can I get around this via CLI?


EDIT: I tried sumitting 0.005 for "PERCENT OFFSET OF FORCED SETTLEMENTS" despite it returning '0' in the confirmation page, and it returned an error "stack: TypeError: Illegal value: 0.5 (not an integer)".

Edit: I've misinterpreted the overview/confirmation page. 0.01 resulting in 1 isn't 1% but rather 0.01% so attempting to set 0.005 would have been 0.005%, still interesting the error popped up.


I've been trying to get the 'GRIDCOIN' MPA ( added to the python price feed script:

I've been unable to test the changes, I've run into several issues and am currently stuck at:

Can some witnesses please check out the above? Unfortunately the script doesn't support c-cex, is 2 feed sources sufficient?

Thanks for your time.

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