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Topics - CryptoPrometheus

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General Discussion / How to attract Gateways?
« on: January 06, 2015, 08:55:06 am »
How can we convince existing exchanges to agree to become gateways to BTS once they realize that doing so will contribute to their own eventual demise?

Maybe I am giving them too much credit, and many will simply see BTS as yet another opportunity to collect transaction fees. Nevertheless, are there any legal entities besides crypto-exchanges that can we go after as potential gateways?

Like credit unions, money transmitters, banks even? Just brainstorming...

General Discussion / Dev Hangout at regular time tomorrow?
« on: December 18, 2014, 11:47:58 pm »
Has the dev hangout been permanently switched to 10am EST?

General Discussion / Red Ice Radio - Lets get Dan an Interview!
« on: December 04, 2014, 08:55:48 pm »
For those of you who have never heard of Red Ice, you are missing one of the most intelligent and controversial programs in the world.  Check out:

The host, Henrik Palmgren, has interviewed damm near every great truthseeker of the 21st century, and I think Dan Larimer would be a great candidate! Because he has a worldwide audience of millions, it would be absolutely awesome if we could bring Bitshares to his awareness. He does consider guest suggestions, so If you would like to help please send an email to, with "Gust Suggestion: Dan Larimer of Bitshares" or something similar as the subject, and in the body include as much information and links as you can.

I sent an email this afternoon, but I know they he gets a lot of emails so if we can fill a good chunk of the space for the next couple days, maybe we can get on his radar.

General Discussion / Vote For Nobody!
« on: December 04, 2014, 01:01:36 am »
You guys are gonna love this!   

I know I posted this in general, when perhaps it could have been better under random, but I think it really goes well with the current discussion around FMV, etc. A bit of comic relief....

General Discussion / Question about 4.24
« on: November 26, 2014, 07:09:29 pm »
I would like to install the latest client (4.24) for windows but there is only seems to be a 32 bit version.
Can I install the 32 bit update on top of my existing 64 bit version (4.23), or do I have to wait for a 64 bit version to be released?

Beyond Bitcoin [closed] / Dev hangout Today?
« on: October 31, 2014, 07:01:11 pm »
Hey guys, Sorry to bug you - does anybody have a raw copy of the dev hangout this morning? I tried to jump on for a few minutes but I missed most of it. Thanks!

General Discussion / Error parsing WIF private key?
« on: October 29, 2014, 06:53:59 pm »
I am trying to restore my wallet using the master key. The first wallet I had (back in July) I transferred a balance from bter. That wallet kept crashing but I managed to dumpprivkey (or whatever the command) and made a copy of the "master" wallet key. Then in September, I deleted the old wallet and installed the latest version, and was able to restore my balance by typing the key into the "import WIF Private Key" on the GUI. I didn't move the balance, but I did add additional funds to the account name from bter. A couple days ago, I decided to wipe my hard drive and re install windows, and install the newest version of BTSX. It is fully synched, but when I try to import the key using "import WIF Private key", I get the message "Error parsing WIF private key"

This is really nerve-wracking.... I hope someone knows of a solution  :)

Technical Support / Error parsing WIF private key?
« on: October 29, 2014, 06:40:57 pm »
I am trying to restore my wallet using the master key. The first wallet I had (back in July) I transferred a balance from bter. That wallet kept crashing but I managed to dumpprivkey (or whatever the command) and made a copy of the "master" wallet key. Then in September, I deleted the old wallet and installed the latest version, and was able to restore my balance by typing the key into the "import WIF Private Key" on the GUI. I didn't move the balance, but I did add additional funds to the account name from bter. A couple days ago, I decided to wipe my hard drive and re install windows, and install the newest version of BTSX. It is fully synched, but when I try to import the key using "import WIF Private key", I get the message "Error parsing WIF private key"

General Discussion / Be still, young Jedi
« on: October 19, 2014, 12:22:01 pm »
Bytemaster cannot serve two masters (pre. and post Feb 28 snapshot AGS). He cannot betray post snapshot donors by spending all of his time on BTSX. But BTSX obviously needs his full attention....What to do?

We now find ourselves with a dilemma, seeded in the infamous “original mistake” which accidentally solidified the core distribution of his most brilliant idea 4 months too early, and only ¼ way through the main funding drive. Fortunately, we now have an crisis/opportunity to 'course correct' this inauspicious division once and for all. Let us remain vigilant and cool headed as we chart the most sane course, perhaps even putting to the test some of the trust we have gained from one another.

There seems to be two “hot button” issues at this time. The first has apparently found general consensus that PTS and AGS should be combined and made liquid, albeit how and when are still up for debate. The second, and by far the most volatile, seems to revolve around the idea that dilution of BTSX is 'absolutely' needed at this time to fund further development. I am unaware that anyone close to the dev. team has said this outright, or has given explanation as to why all of the development funds have already been spent, but my suspicion is that this rumor of 'absolute need' evolved from the original dilemma of bytemaster's desire to be fair with the AGS (only using Jan 1- Feb 28 for BTSX). If this assumption is true, then I postulate that pressure for dilution might be lessened temporarily by finding a way for bytemaster to justify spending the post Feb. 28th AGS funds on BTSX without dishonoring the social contract.

One option he proposed is to absorb PTS and AGS through a one time BTSX dilution of  20% (based on the theory of their current market caps of approx. $5mil., $5mil., and $50 mil.). BTSX could be re-branded simply “Bitshares”, and then officially recommended as the 'grand proto-DAC' for future social-contractual obligations. There is a fatal flaw in this idea as it stands, namely that it would betray the relative value proposition of AGS and PTS and heavily skew all future DAC allocations towards  pre Feb. 28th snapshot holders. I will explain how this works in the next paragraph. If you already figured this out, skip to the following paragraph.

Assuming 2 million shares existed for each AGS and PTS, a minimum consensus allocation (10% each) 'guarantees'  1/ 20millionth allocation per share. If BTSX is diluted 20% to absorb AGS and PTS, they now have 1/6th the value proposition they once had, assuming BTSX is not diluted any further and manages to remain at the same price per share. So now when BTSX is snapshotted, the PTS or AGS holder will now receive 1/ 120millionth of the new DAC (per absorbed unit). Furthermore, this skews the relative allocation towards the original pre. Feb 28th snapshot holders. While there has been 10's of millions in trading volume since BTSX release, over 1/3 of the genesis shares are still unclaimed, so pre. Feb 28th AGS and PTS holders would be (unfairly) entitled to at least 1/3rd of the total proposed proto-dac.

It would be fine to re brand BTSX to just “bitshares”, but this blockchain should not totally replace AGS and PTS in the proposed manner. There is no reason, however,  that post Feb. 28th AGS and PTS holders cannot still be brought into the fold with a one time 20% dilution. There might not even be huge opposition form the pre-Feb 28thers, because naturally the entire AGS list would be allocated shares in the dilution, and all pre- 28th would be allocated additional shares for the trouble of welcoming their brethren from across the divide. Most might even be sympathetic to the cause..... I most certainly am. If this solves the short to medium term of fund shortage, then we might be able to explore the dilution debate in an atmosphere of less urgency, which would surely improve our chances of making the right decision. And who knows, in this crazy market what a few months might bring (come on, marketing!)

Anyways, I do apologize for the breach of protocol  I probably shouldn't have started a new thread for this, but I just wanted to sticky a reminder that things are never as bad as they seem.  :D

Beyond Bitcoin [closed] / New Dev hangout?
« on: October 12, 2014, 05:38:10 pm »
Hey guys,
Was there a BB dev hangout on the 10th?

General Discussion / Wallet Issues, Dear Lord
« on: August 27, 2014, 07:59:55 pm »
I am not sure where to begin...

I suppose the main purpose of this thread is to inquire as to where you guys are with the bug fixing? Version 0.4.8-a has been entirely unusable for me. Most of today I have spent working every trick I could dig out of the forum, to little avail.
After initially installing 0.4.8-a on top of 0.4.7 on my windows 7 machine, and the wallet refusing to connect to the network for 45 minutes, I decided to uninstall everything and freshly install 0.4.8-a. While the the wallet was re-indexing the blockchain, I imported my private key from the previous wallet, and so far so good.

The current very frustrating dilemma I am facing is the new wallet spontaneously crashing every 5-10 minutes. Every time it crashes, I cannot re-open the wallet, so I am forced to restart my computer in order for the program to launch again (maybe there is another way? I'm not super tech savvy). Anyways, once it is launched again, the blockchain resumes indexing at an agonizingly slow pace (still 29 days out at the moment), and then of course the wallet crashes 5 minutes later and so the process repeats.
I have read that others were experiencing crashes on the previous versions, but I never ran into this problem until now. Also, in all the previous versions I never had the wallet refuse to connect with the network (0 connections) like it did before I wiped and re-installed. I send the bug report each time it crashes, but please let me know if there is something more specific I might be able to send to you guys as I assume this issue might be effecting other people as well?

Anyways, I just thought I'd bring these issues to your guys attention, even though I know you are working hard and I am very appreciative of everything you have done so far.

The main reason I have even bothered spending so much time on this today is that I just bought some more BTSX on BTER and I wanted to move them locally as soon as possible, since I never know how safe they will be on the centralized exchanges (especially with BTERs recent NXT breach)

In any case, I am a patient man, so if you guys tell me you think you'll have a wallet upgrade in the next few days, I'll probably just wait for that rather then spending any more time messing with this one.


EDIT: I see that there is now an 0.4.8-b, but is there a windows version out yet? The version from the website is still the -a

Technical Support / Question about wallet upgrades
« on: August 22, 2014, 03:58:51 pm »
I am running the old version of the btsx wallet (0.4.4) on windows 7. I want to upgrade to 0.4.5.
If I simply install the new version on top of the old, Will I need to load all my keys/accounts etc. into the new wallet? I'm 99% sure of the answer to this question, but I want to double check because I have not yet backed up the wallet (I know, dumb mistake) and now I cannot get past the login screen because the wallet will not sync with the network because (I assume) the network has already been upgraded to 0.4.5? Anyways, since I haven't saved my keys, I should still be safe just installing the new version on top of the old, right?

Are the current versions of (win+mac) clients already equipped for the upcoming short/long functions with market pegged assets, or will there be an update to install to be *compliant* after the hard fork?

I have multiple BTSX wallets I am trying to set up for family members. Can I seed fund each wallet with funds from the previous wallet?

In other words, can funds be sent from a registered address to a public key, or is there some other process that needs to be done to transfer seed funds?

I tried to seed the wallets by posting multiple public keys on the "seed funds" thread, but I was politely asked "why I needed to register again?"  :)

General Discussion / HOW are wallets Deterministic?
« on: August 16, 2014, 12:08:10 pm »
Just trying to find some clarity on the so called "deterministic" nature of the wallet

If I enter a registered account name/handle and the appropriate passcode into ANY wallet terminal (assuming the terminal is secure and the blockchain is synched)
will I get access to my accounts?

In other words, If the *source* Windows/Mac/Ubuntu wallet software is installed on ANY operating system AND the blockchain is synched, AND I enter a registered account name/handle AND appropriate passcode to unlock wallet, will those actions result in access to said/stated registered account name/handle?

Links to any other relevent information I would be most grateful  :D


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