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Messages - karnal

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I'm working on writing a series of articles aimed at less technical people, explaining bitshares.

The first article was well received,

Stay tuned, at least two should be out this week! I planned to write a bit over the weekend, but it was great weather, went out camping.

At the moment it does not appear to be possible to go from SteemUSD to BTC using blocktrades.

Is my memory fooling me, or the option was there some days ago?

Any ETA on it returning?


General Discussion / Re: STEEM hack discussion
« on: July 17, 2016, 10:55:38 am »
Here's my take on the hack, and possible solutions for the future:

General Discussion / Re: STEEM hack discussion
« on: July 17, 2016, 08:24:44 am »
Also, does someone know the EXACT nature of the attack?

Preferably with code to study?

I was out a day, could not find anything anywhere .. very likely I missed it.

General Discussion / Re: STEEM hack discussion
« on: July 17, 2016, 08:23:39 am »
Their centralized wallet got hacked after all this advertisement of advantages of decentralized blockchain. LMAO!

Yea I'm pretty shocked about that. I wouldn't have thought something like this was even possible.

Of course I never got around to changing my keys over the past couple days. Easy come easy go?  :-\

Also makes me wonder if our openledger wallets are exposed to the same risk...?

And wtf wasn't 2FA authentication set up by now? That would have probably saved a lot of headache.   ???

2FA is not so simple in blockchain.. it also creates a barrier to onboarding.. eg. you don't have 2FA in facebook.

on facebook i do not hold money! 2FA could work if you setup every account as a multi account end the second one is just for 2FA confirmation on your smartphone.
And who is going to do this confirmation?

Sent from my SM-P900 using Tapatalk

what i mean is, if you create an account you are creating 2 accounts at the same time on 2 machines. Like your desktop computer and on the smartphone an account just for 2FA without any other information, just for confirmation an transaction. You are creating 50/50 accounts and you are the sole owner of both accounts.

a simpler way would be google 2FA but it was said it would be not possible because of the decentraliced network. This point i do not get, because on the webwallet the wallet is already hosted on a website so it should be not a problem.

Without more information, this seems like security theatre - if both accounts will be accessed through a browser, both vulnerable to the same style of attack ..

Technical Support / Re: The case for bitGOLD and bitSILVER
« on: July 16, 2016, 07:22:06 am »
And to stay on topic, same reasoning for bitMetals, there are no storage fees, no demurrage (like DGX), and you get to keep the purchasing power of gold and silver.

This is, I feel, something we should push forward.

Make it become a thing that online merchants take bitGold and bitSilver.

We have the software now, all that's left is beginning making some calls and sending some emails.

Also. STEALTH STEALTH STEALTH. I cannot understate how essential it is.

And then add liquidity to bitSilver:bitFiatWhichOurMerchantsUseMoreOftenProbablyUSD so they can unload silver for USD as they please.
(and bitSilver:bitBTC)

We're close. I really think we are.

Technical Support / Re: The case for bitGOLD and bitSILVER
« on: July 16, 2016, 07:20:06 am »
Having this liquidity questions solved would enable so much.

With bitCAD, bitNZD, bitAUS, bitSEK, bitNOK and bitZAR we could begin catering to those domestic markets.

For capturing some of the forex market, providing liquidity in a few of the most common trading pairs (no idea what they are nowdays, should be easy to find out) would, I'm sure, bring a lot of investors in .. why pay $7 for trade when you can pay $.02 ?

Here's a thought: We should identify the major potential markets outside of EUR/USD/CNY (imo those three are the really obvious ones), and start writing material in the target languages about bitshares.

For getting funds into the Bitshares ecosystem, for now Bitcoin is a good choice .. ultimately I dream about a world-wide network of fiat onramps, so that someone from New Zealand doesn't have to send fiat anywhere else just to get started in the ecosystem.

At the moment it is very acceptable to do this through bitcoin, which is much better established.

To cut one conversion step for what will likely be a vaguely clueless newcomer without much crypto experience, we could aim liquidity efforts at BitBTC:bitFIAT markets instead of BTS:bitFIAT.

Think about it .. if we have liquidity, the backing learning material and the marketing, we can capture at least some of the forex market.

I know and have emailed in the past some big names in the forex/stocks/investing online investor community, could even perhaps get bitshares featured in a couple of podcasts related to investing (and that have nothing to do with crypto)

Take a look here.. these are pretty standard fees..

Bitshares can do a lot better.

For this we need: 1. Liquidity 2. STEALTH and 3. Stop-loss and Stop-profit (VERY IMPORTANT!)

Great text!! That is the way I have been talked about.

If anything should be added , please try to craft it more like a story. Pls avoid lecturing, in such a way you sound like you are selling me something.
Talk more about experiences, like I could feel your emotion. 

Great job!!

Note taken for future posts. I'm gonna go enjoy the outdoors today, tomorrow or early next week I plan to write something more. Some interesting ideas in the comments for what to tackle next.


General Discussion / Re: [STEEM] Slack invitation?
« on: July 16, 2016, 07:07:12 am »
Awesome - thanks for the update cass.

Depending on how well it is received, I would like to go more in depth about the different kinds of users and ideas to attract them in the next post.


General Discussion / Re: [STEEM] Slack invitation?
« on: July 15, 2016, 08:22:45 am »
Thanks buddy.

General Discussion / [STEEM] Slack invitation?
« on: July 15, 2016, 07:18:51 am »
It seems registration on steem slack (or is it slack steem? or steemy slacking? anyway..) is no longer possible unless the email address is on a few select domains.

Who do I contact to get in now?


General Discussion / Re: Finally a FIAT : BTS market with liquidity !
« on: July 14, 2016, 06:46:03 pm »
BitCNY:BTS has treated me well over the years  +5%

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