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Messages - santaclause102

Pages: 1 ... 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 [155] 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 ... 166
General Discussion / Re: Bitcoin Miami Updates
« on: February 02, 2014, 12:54:40 am »

Haha we have a whole team in Poland :) Just imagined Dan (Notenstein) handling that team......

What was the bitcoin client update the mastercoin guy talked about? Info on that somewhere?

General Discussion / Re: Sensor DAC (Big Data)
« on: February 01, 2014, 06:52:34 pm »
Very nice! See from min 21 which is going into a similar direction (not that specific though)

General Discussion / Re: BitShares X Status Update
« on: February 01, 2014, 04:00:54 pm »
Today I updated the proof of stake processing / calculation for blocks.
I also updated checks for block time stamps.
I restored the nonce + target difficulty settings
I implemented the algorithm to adjust the difficulty based upon total CDD

To summarize the latest changes with proof of stake I can say this:
If there are no CDD by a block then the difficulty is 1 million times harder than the 'target'.
As the CDD by a block approaches 1/4 the expected average the difficulty approaches the 'target'.
A miner that has some of their own CDD that they do not broadcast can get a mining advantage by destroying some of their own CDD to reduce difficulty.  Of course all miners/owners have equal advantage here and thus this creates demand to consume at least 1/4 the average CDD per block.

Miners that don't own any shares must wait until enough transactions are broadcast before they can start mining effectively.

End result: on average enough CDD is destroyed every block to provide greater security than bitcoin provides every block and it is near impossible to produce significant chains in secret.

Because a mining advantage exists based upon how many shares you own, solo mining is more likely than pool mining.  For pool mining to be effective, everyone would have to transfer their money to the pool operator. 

I believe that NO ONE would be able to mine the chain continuously without at least 25% of the share supply because if you owned any less you would run out of CDD and mining difficulty would hit 1M times your hash power.   We can thus conclude that someone with 1% of the shares would be unable to create a chain in secret longer than a few days assuming they also had 51% of the hashing power.

Overall I conclude the chain is more secure than BTC by an order of magnitude even though only a small fraction of the fees 1% are paid to miners for their efforts.

What's the deal with mining? I tough you eliminated it (as opposed to what nxt does; see your post here and stakeholders would be miners (POS).

BitShares AGS / Reliable source for balance lookup?
« on: February 01, 2014, 03:45:20 pm »
I donated PTS at the 24., the 30. and the 31. of January but it doesn't show up when I look it up on


Is the mistake at agsexplorer or where they actually not received?

Checking BTC donation balances works on and on shows one other PTS donation I made,  doenst show any.

What's wrong?

General Discussion / Re: Estimated Price of 1 Bitshare
« on: February 01, 2014, 01:16:46 pm »
The camps seem like a realistic approach to me that reflects the ambiguity of reality perception but labeling it as a sure way to finally find "the truth" doesn't reflect this realism

No!  I continuously point out that has nothing to do with "the truth".  You quote that as if I said or "labeled" it as "the truth"? is only building and measuring for consensus, and for what people currently think they want, concisely, quantitatively, and in real time - nothing more.

Ok. So you mean truth less in the sense of "the truth" but more in a logical sense as "1" (as opposed to 0)... The first meaning is more common language the latter more scientific... I would emphasize though that some of the topics discussed are not those where only one perspective will remain.
Requiring people to use their real world identities also might have disadvantages and limitations but this way you could also let people prove that they are or are not associated with a lobby/interest group...Nontransparent lobbying is the biggest thread/disease for a democracy imo
I like your project! :)

Edit: Having looked at the topics... Regarding questions like "is Jesus the Son of God?" (if that is a question that is derived from the topic "Jesus is the Son of God"): The truth you will find there will be 1000 perspectives always depending on your assumptions and the perspective from which you ask this question. The stated goal here should be exchanging perspectives / understanding each other and not finding the truth because the question as such is as such that there can not be an answer to it.
Also questions often imply a lot of assumptions already...
Those questions have been debated in scientific and in non scientific arenas and probably millions of pages worth reading have been written about it. So I would see such a project not as a means to finally come to a conclusion but it can serve to organize debates better (and show who has which financial ties etc. in order to put things in perspective) and make them more accessibly. If applied right there might be a scientific use. Something like: Summarizing papers I have written that answer a question and then put a link on the respective canonizer sub-page referring to this link.

General Discussion / Re: Estimated Price of 1 Bitshare
« on: February 01, 2014, 12:37:39 pm »
The camps seem like a realistic approach to me that reflects the ambiguity of reality perception but labeling it as a sure way to finally find "the truth" doesn't reflect this realism

General Discussion / Re: Estimated Price of 1 Bitshare
« on: February 01, 2014, 10:56:12 am »
Haven't digged much into it... But what makes canonizer different from wikipedia?

General Discussion / Re: New Marketing Meme... +5%
« on: February 01, 2014, 10:50:49 am »
Dividends come from transaction fees.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

But just for bts, right?

And would those changes require a new chain each or can the then old chain be patched?

General Discussion / Re: New Marketing Meme... +5%
« on: February 01, 2014, 02:28:20 am »
Diversification is key, so they will be launched in simplest form first and move toward most complex.

0% requires no new code and is done today.
5% requires some tricky new code...
Variable % requires some very tricky new code...

So we will release them as we make progress.

Would those changes require a new chain each or can the then old chain be patched?

General Discussion / Re: BitShares X Status Update
« on: January 31, 2014, 06:41:52 pm »
ok :) Why not decentralize this and give a material incentive to the nodes to be nodes? Without an incentive the biggest stakeholders or those with non-material goals would run nodes. But the system itself doesn't guarantee that nodes are run.

BitShares AGS / Re: Checking AGS Balance
« on: January 31, 2014, 06:13:51 pm »
I also donated PTS at the 24., the 30. and the 31. of January but it doesn't show up when I look it up on


Is the mistake at agsexplorer or where they actually not received?

Checking BTC donation balances works on and on shows one PTS donation I made,  doenst show any.

General Discussion / Re: BitShares X Status Update
« on: January 31, 2014, 05:51:27 pm »
What is the benefit of being a node?

BitShares AGS / Re: Most Accurate AGS Status Website so far...
« on: January 31, 2014, 12:01:42 pm »
After, mate - sorry.

Looks like you sent the transaction 17 minutes before deadline. It took 24 minutes to confirm which is quite common (current bitcoin block interval is a little over 10 mins). Its a bit sad that the thread I created doesn't seem to have much effect

To repeat - everybody send at least 40 minutes in advance (for both BTC and PTS).

That's ok :) Works often enough :)

BitShares AGS / Re: Most Accurate AGS Status Website so far...
« on: January 31, 2014, 08:55:30 am » and are not always correct / on time, right? There is sometimes a lag / delay...

A small delay after its confirmed, yes.

Note that it takes only confirmed transactions. The time of first confirmation is considered the donation time.

Can you see whether this donation was taken as before or after 00:00 ?`

BitShares AGS / Re: Most Accurate AGS Status Website so far...
« on: January 31, 2014, 12:17:52 am » and are not always correct / on time, right? There is sometimes a lag / delay...

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