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Messages - santaclause102

Pages: 1 ... 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 [162] 163 164 165 166
General Discussion / Re: The BitShares Brand
« on: January 15, 2014, 03:14:11 pm »
Stan,请注意中国这个巨大的新兴市场,这里有很多战略家和精英,请将中国的分公司提上日程,构建bitshares 全球布局。我们很多人持有pts ,还有ags .但和你们缺少沟通的平台。还有在中国的传统节日-春节,释放一些好消息,信心非常重要!持续的影响力是你们营销部门该思考的。

I am not sure if Stan can understand what you texted here. I would like to translate:

Please pay attention to Chinese huge new market, there are lots of strategist and elites in China. Could you please build a Chinese branch company and global layout of bitshares? We hold lots of PTS and AGS, but lack of communication platform in China. Moreover, it is very important to give people more confidence by issuing some good news during Chinese traditional new year - spring festival. You should pay more attention to the continuous influence of III company.
+1 for big picture and thinking globally

What I suggest you do is price in PTS and offer the option to pay bounties in BTC, converted at the time the bounty is awarded with say a 10-20% discount to the market price of PTS.

That will incentivize people to accept PTS but you'll still be able to say they're payable in Bitcoin without exposing yourself to any extreme price fluctuations between PTS and BTC

That could leave the impression (among the the masses) that I3 values PTS less than BTC by 20%.

I promoted the bounties:
Also I promoted them here:

Although I think it would be far more effective if someone "official" from the company (or at least is given an official permission to call him self HR manager or whatever) and doesn't require the developer/bounty hunter to confirm that I referred him (see links above). This way it looks a bit like another altcoin is looking for a dev. The negative comment on the Qt forum indicates that...

Tell me what you think. I can change something and/or delete it again... 

General Discussion / Re: Is it like you don't care about PTS?
« on: January 14, 2014, 05:54:02 pm »
lol, desperation.
this emotional thread so transparent to understand, i think its not about Invictus or Bts project only, its about current cryptoindustry in whole, many analysts alarmists think that in near 2-6 months S&P500 going to collapse very deeply. I mean it would be as bad as  in 2008. That prediction is influence negatively sentiment to BTC/USD rate.
BTC rate/sentiment affect whole cryptos, because altcoins are derivatives of bitcoins.
I think that in near term (1-12 months) prices to all cryptocurrencies awaits down trend, even with superb marketing like in nxt proj.
So...its good year for investments
imho my 2 cents ;)

how should a stock market crash effect crypto currencies in a negative way??

General Discussion / Re: Is it like you don't care about PTS?
« on: January 14, 2014, 05:33:27 pm »
哥们是中国人吧 行文完全是同胞风格;

赞! 需要快马加鞭让他们做事
When quoting english .. could you please also reply in english.. thx

I think the man starting the thread is a chinese guy!

I fully support this man!  we should spur those 3i guys to push forward the projects! with a serious team!

The OP had some suggestions content wise. He got a bit emotional but he made some suggestions that are very worth thinking about. Just saying "build a better team" or something is not very helpful. I am sure they are working there asses off. different perspectives from the community are helpful though. So be constructive!

BitShares PTS / Re: Protoshares V Bitshares on Facebook
« on: January 14, 2014, 12:26:51 pm »
there is a better logo that could be used fir the bitshares site

General Discussion / Re: Is it like you don't care about PTS?
« on: January 14, 2014, 11:51:20 am »
So for the most part the points the OP made come down to efficiency concerns.
From an entrepreneur's perspective your time/efficiency management has room for improvement, I agree. Labour division is key to efficiency.
1) The guys at nxt have 2 core developers doing nothing else around the cock but code. And 1-3 guys just doing announcements / PR / talking to the community / addressing concerns. Seems very efficient.
Dan, the energy you put in is remarkable! But you take care of every single issue here. This detracts   
2) I think bounties make sense to attract good developers. For tasks that just have to be done there are cheaper ways that also cost you less time, like hiring a professional to design a website or a graphic designer doing the infografik.

BitShares PTS / Re: GPU Mining and the market price of PTS
« on: January 14, 2014, 02:53:57 am »
Sure :) But there must be some hard fact like when the difficulty increases or something...

General Discussion / Re: The BitShares Brand
« on: January 14, 2014, 02:27:31 am »
What would be a better topic for texting / marketing suggestions?

To form an opinion on this it would be interesting to know about when the bitshares p2p exchange will come. It would make sense to combine the fiat/IOU exchange with the p2p exchange if  that is possible?

It might make more sense and less risk to just use Ripple, but having an alternative to Ripple would be ideal.

So with ripple you would need your bank (or whoever holds your IOU) to use ripple too. Right?

General Discussion / Re: The BitShares Brand
« on: January 14, 2014, 01:17:52 am »
A marketing / branding strategy for PTS and maybe AGS:

A term that is widely known, among investors and as a metaphor also to a wider group of people, is "accelerator (company)" (with or without the term "company" or instead "accelerator share/stock/network").

I3 could make use of this term and its connotations in the way that "accelerator (company/share/network)" is maybe the best pre-DAC analogy for what I3 does for DACs with PTS. A similar term would be seed funding. For example: "PTS - the Bitshares Accelerator Network" or  "PTS - the Bitshares accelerator stock"... 

To form an opinion on this it would be interesting to know about when the bitshares p2p exchange will come. It would make sense to combine the fiat/IOU exchange with the p2p exchange if  that is possible? 

BitShares PTS / Re: GPU Mining and the market price of PTS
« on: January 13, 2014, 11:36:24 pm »
when will this tho "flooding" be over?  When will the difficulty rate rise rise?

I'll start with I know almost nothing...but...

wouldn't a model similar to localbitcoins be easier to implement and more pliable to a decentralised structure? it could provide a single platform but with multiple competing escrow services...

just a thought

is not a very efficient method to trade... 

I followed and invested in Scharmbeck which is now in testing. It provides WDC/Fiat. They raised money by giving out shares in the company.

If AGS fund is used for this initiative, we should get shares in the company.

Which is what we intend to do. 20% of the profits (same as with a new DAC where 20% are given to PTS/AGS owners) will be put in a DAC Development Fund. The fund will be controlled by 1 Invictus member and 1 trusted community member.

I was talking about a more direct stake at the individual level.

If we are doing a fundraiser with several companies (or a few individuals) that is very possible. But how will we accomplish this (without Invictus directly representing AGS investors) when most of the investors of the AGS fund are not clearly identified or willing to be identified? As a stakeholder you are required to sign all the required papers and eventually go to board-meetings/vote in decision.

I much rather prefer the 20% DAC Development Fund and perks (e.g. no trading fees, rewards, contests, bounties) and delegate part of the decision power to the community in a transparent and open way. Else our supposed agility and flexibility will be crippled by unnecessary formality and bureaucracy.

How exactly did Scharmbeck handle the fundraiser? I know that no Kickstarter company has ever handed over shares, instead they focused on compensating investors through gifts or privileges. That is what we want to do as well.

But I am definitely open for ideas and if a few individuals want to invest in this and join the company please approach me.
This is a complicated issue to decide on. My suggestion would be to tell everyone what the explicit (empirically countable) benefits will be and how much that would cost:

For example: Setting up a fiat - PTS exchange: Costs 100.000 USD acquired by the BTC raised through AGS. Benefits: x % of Dividends (see silent partner model below) in the company for AGS holders. The x depends on how much VC Funding is raised compared to the initial investment of I3/AGS.  Additional benefit: Rise in PTS price by an assumed xy.
Goal 2: Costs, benefits....
Goal 3: ...

A general advice is: Develop a core business model: Pain -> Solution + address Scalability + address Costs/Benefits.   
There are a lot of problems you address with your set of solutions. Adding complexity is adding insecurity and makes it harder for people here to decide. It might make sense to separate the goals a bit and say how much money is needed for the first one of which we can be sure that it will be achieved. Explicitly say how much money you want from the community for this and how much money comes from 3rd Party investors and how that will effect the benefits for the community.  This means I think every single one of your goals is legitimate and really worth following. The questions is just whether this is the most cost effective way? Doing nothing about the goals you promoted on the long term would be the worst though.

You could choose a silent partner structure which gives investors a right for dividends but no right to vote (at least that is possible in Germany).
Given the silent partner model. I see a bit of an issue with only giving AGS holders a stake in your company. Because PTS holders paid the price with a 40+% percent price drop by the creation of AGS. Only honoring AGS holders would ignore this and let the price drop further (until the PTS/USD exchange works)!
This means work out everything more explicitly.

Where do the other 80% go (you talked about a 20% fund....)?

This sounds like a lot of critique. But is its not. There will surely be a first PTS/Bitshares (sorry BEXshare would that be right here?) Exchange and we will need it. See it as a refinement of your idea. I like and appreciate the way you approach it!! Thanks for your contribution to the community!

BitShares PTS / Re: What is ProtoShares?
« on: January 12, 2014, 04:07:11 pm »
Uhm, how many protoshares will be produced?And when is the approximate date until all shares are mined? :D

There will be roughly 2 million. After that 1% inflation after 2 years.
There are 1.3 million mined up to now.
I am not sure but 99% should ROUGHLY be mined in the next 1-2 years.
Its is a logarithmic function....

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