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Messages - davidpbrown

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General Discussion / Re: What can I do with my bitUSD?
« on: March 29, 2015, 12:56:56 pm »
Not yet.. but with the Bank of England looking seriously at digital GBP, I expect the context will change 6months+ from now. It's likely that BoE will back off owning the risk of hosting its own network. Other options like pegged assets such as BitShares offers will always be a good alternate to actual digital fiat.

The option that makes bitXYZ really useful, will be a debit card that can spend digital currency; and I suggested as much in my reply to the call for information. Whether that is at the point of sale or a sale ahead of time crediting the card in whatever currency that debit card company prefers, won't matter; what matters is method that makes digital currencies useful.. once one exists, it'll be trivial to offer the option to all.

What BitShares offers right now and will continue to offer in the future, is a real simple option to play the differences in markets. If you have more confidence in USD than BTS you move across to bitUSD and the inverse when you consider BTS will rise. So, right now you can use any BitShares asset to draw a profit from the volatility in BTS. I'm no expert at this but apparently there are already bots available to play the exchanges and the more options that are real world assets, the more likely BitShares will attract those who do understand the skill of playing markets.

So, 1. No, obviously not. 2. is a fallacy that ye olde banks will have a necessary place in the new world. Those old banks will need to evolve too and be more flexible, otherwise they will become redundant. The big money will be the service that offers the debit card for digital currencies.

General Discussion / Re: Is Bytemaster Satoshi??! :)
« on: March 28, 2015, 11:13:57 pm »
Reviving this old thread so we can come to a consensus on what the smallest unit of BTS is called.

Unimpressed with those above I just wondered Shard.. as in a glass like splinter of a Share.

Incidentally.. I expect the colour BitShares choose is a coincidence as it's a different spelling:
Larimar, also called "Stefilia's Stone", is a rare blue variety of pectolite found only in the Dominican Republic, in the Caribbean. Its coloration varies from white, light-blue, green-blue to deep blue.

Perhaps it doesn't matter what gets us orders of magnitude growth.

The idea of paying transactions fees for referrals, is as attractive as it is simple. It perhaps just needs to be limited and not excessive. The bigger reward should be seeing BitShares grow.

It's perhaps worth noting, any reward, whether it's from transaction fees or from a delegate, will have have the same effect on BTS value.. it's a dilution. Perhaps it's a small one but the math needs to be considered.

Transactions fees are not dilution.  They are the opposite of dilution.

How is it the opposite?.. Transaction fees that would be otherwise be burnt, are instead paid to the promoter; surely it's the same as paying out to a 100% delegate rather 3% delegate, in the sense that more BTS become available.

I think bringing new users is worth spending on but the balance has to be right and the timing too. If you're getting $1000 for $10 investment, it's worthwhile.


DevShares / Re: DevShares forked...
« on: March 28, 2015, 12:09:07 pm »
Checking mine for participation, I've just found it had crashed and restart then gave error:

Loading blockchain from: /home/devshares/.DevShares/chain
Loading config from file: /home/devshares/.DevShares/config.json
Using blockchain checkpoints from file: /home/devshares/.DevShares/checkpoints.json
------------ error --------------
10 assert_exception: Assert Exception
is_open(): Database is not open!
    th_a  level_map.hpp:344 create_batch

    th_a  cached_level_map.hpp:52 flush

    th_a  cached_level_map.hpp:28 close

    th_a  chain_database.cpp:1542 close

    th_a  chain_database.cpp:1488 open

    th_a  client.cpp:1347 open

First time I've seen a crash like that.

I could do with having a method to get email when the server falls over but haven't had time to figure that out.

Above looks fixed by running rebuild:
./devshares_client --rebuild-index

How much is a new user worth?

I think this is then a very important consideration that @bytemaster @stan and others need to consider carefully. The cost of marketing will follow from that. The method of compensation to whoever is doing the marketing is to my mind incidental.

So, my reaction to the idea of MLM, besides its reputation, is simply that it costs more because you not only need enough to attract the first level activity but you also need to compensate the ancestors. It might make sense but for the wider reaction to that relative to the value of a principal being communicated clearly.

Personally, I think that we are at a point where the voice of bytemaster has been more valuable than any marketing. I'm not knocking Max's effort, which are important but marketing is a tool; and that tool will work when there is natural traction. Take MaidSafe as example, their attraction right now is 100% idea and allusion to capability. When they launch they likely will explode without much effort from sales but a gentle push from marketing that gets the message out.

So, perhaps put effort to make the message simple.. Privacy; Freedom; Security, is taken my MaidSafe but Freedom; Flexibility; Confidence perhaps could be BitShares or any other that reflects the initial idea.

I've done sales before but I'm no expert marketeer; I just know what I value. BitShares is valuable and has great potential. So, I'm not against paying for new users but perhaps paying too little, might work best? Those who have voice and can bring large number will get a fair return on that? Perhaps a separate reward for the pros who evidence that they have brought volume=numbers*value..and perhaps that is only evidenced by the marketcap rising.. but the market cap will not rise, if we dilute too strong and get too focuses only on the numbers of users and not the value of BitShares.


It's perhaps worth noting, any reward, whether it's from transaction fees or from a delegate, will have have the same effect on BTS value.. it's a dilution. Perhaps it's a small one but the math needs to be considered.

The question perhaps then should be considered more simply as: how much is a new user worth?

The method of compensating for the action that brought them here, is a separate issue but also an interesting one to consider.

There are activities that contribute for zero cost.. the community; the communication of principal from those core to BitShares; those who give their time freely at meetups etc, those are valuable and will become more effective closer to 1.0.

Paying for new users is expensive. Don't mistake my posts here, we're all on the same side but we need to avoid making rash moves that we might regret or that are made too early. Is there more that can be done for free, before we start throwing BTS around to attract more users?

More core to the reality of BitShares then is where does it draw its strength from .. I would argue it's the potential, the idea - not the BTS that we can print for free. Which is why I have argued against the moves to hear less from bytemaster and other devs.. that voice from them is valuable in the same way as gifting BTS to promoters is rather than burning those BTS.

General Discussion / Re: Who here has a Blog?
« on: March 27, 2015, 05:02:29 pm »
Incidentally, I wonder posting more of what blogs there are to reddit might be worthwhile.. it seems /r/BitShares has 840 readers.

General Discussion / Re: Who here has a Blog?
« on: March 27, 2015, 03:05:53 pm »
Please give your opinions.

I don't follow blogs unless they are source like bytemaster and then rarely. I expect there are ones out there worth following but I tend to prefer looking to sites which cream the best of them and set pointers to the best articles. Unfortunately too often blogs are too often one amateur's opinion rehashing a better source.. hence the frequent curse of blogspam.

Just a comment that I find text colour contrast too hard to read. It's possible to remove the css of course but better that contrast is dark on light background or visa versa. looks interesting.

Last I saw of Ethereum was talk that they were burning through money and it seems that have a long way to go. If there are no hipcups with such ambitions, I will be very surprised. I always liked the proposal but never invested as seemed a stretch too far. Simple projects are struggling with the basics and Ethereum proponents that I've seen appear hellbent on confronting the establishment and kicking up a storm.. who needs laws etc. So, I've a mind to sit a watch that one and learn from it, expecting it'll evolve later perhaps by partnering with another effort like BitShares.

eDollar also reminds me of the comedy that is eMunie :D

Users can't dodge anything.  Transaction fees are the same whether you are referred by someone or not. the only difference is who gets them?  100% network or 40/60 network referrer.

It doesn't take much imagination to start a new wallet.

Lastly, I don't see why the reward for bringing new users could not be topped up from a delegate.. ...

It would be abused and people would bleed the system dry.

There's no reason it should be abused anymore than a delegate that doesn't perform. You put a pile of bananas in the middle of the room the monkeys will grab for them.. you could create a lot of excitement off the back of it. What's to lose? If it's clear the market cap isn't rising relative to the numbers of new accounts or if new accounts are making no transactions, then discount those. I don't know, there's no magic bullets, it's just a thought that marketing should create excitement on all levels in all directions. Giving a sense of opportunity beyond just getting new users might be useful too.. have a vote on which non-delegates have made the biggest contribution.. that could be a draw into them becoming a full delegate. 2ยข

So, .. pay from the transaction fee and not any overhead on new users; avoid the pyramid sharing of those fees for several generations or tiers; and pay a short term burst of real reward, rather than a long term commitment.  +5%

We seem to be moving away from MLM, which is a good..

I would suggest in promoting this, that the tone should be noting the principal motivation is all about promoting BitShares and attracting those who understand its potential and become active users themselves, rather than this being considered just "the next big thing" for marketeers to leech dry.

Again I'll suggest, I wonder a short burst reward will drive this as hard as any MLM motivation. A short perhaps 1 year - 18 months time limit, will avoid unanticipated regret via compounding complexity etc; and will avoid new users resenting payments to a point they might just opt to start a new account and dodge that.

Lastly, I don't see why the reward for bringing new users could not be topped up from a delegate.. obviously, we want to avoid too much dilution and rewarding false accounts but where it is clear accounts were real and actively turning over transaction fees, the promoter who brought them in could claim their reward relative to that, after a time. Afterall, delegates get their profit from the transactions, so I don't see why a delegate couldn't be assigned to support this effort and perhaps other marketing, whatever else is seen to be making a positive contribution - though I can't think of any better atm than attracting active users. Just need to find the right balance that makes the effort worthwhile and yet see the benefits flow into BitShares rather than simply into the pockets of ambitious marketing types who adopt BitShares only for that $"opportunity".

1. A fee to upgrade to earner status is important because it stops people signing up under themselves and abusing the system.  It is a must.

How it is possible to abuse the system, if the rewards follow directly and only from the transaction fees of those you introduce, surely those signing up themselves would see no reward? If there were bonuses against numbers of accounts, obviously that would not work. All rewards should follow from the real value added.

This then is a great introduction, which adds a bit more background to the through behind it..

The Story and Vision of MaidSafe  8)

There are some benefits that come with the multi-tiered approach.  When my potential income is augmented by the production of those I introduce, there is a natural incentive for me to then support those that I introduce(that also elect to upgrade).

erm.. I wonder you are missing the obvious.. your potential income is augmented - by the rise in real value of BitShares.

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