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Messages - muse-umum

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中文 (Chinese) / Re: 代表是怎么生成块的?
« on: July 21, 2014, 02:12:04 am »

首先,非常感谢所有给我们投了票的朋友。We won't let you down.

受托人表现:从昨天深夜BTS X正式发布以来,除了曾短暂地跌出前101位外,我和熊熊以及Snail共同运营的4个受托人bts500, bts500usd, bts500rmb, bts500dao usd.bts500 cny.bts500, eur.bts500 and dac.bts500 已经稳定地持续运行超过24小时了。它们的表现都还不错,出块成功率全部达到了98%以上,其中bts500usd是100%,综合来看在目前排名前101的受托人里面处于较好的水平。


受托人收入:截至目前,4个受托人共获得约220个BTSX,除去运营成本以及回馈社区的那一部分外,我们的净利润是负数,但这没关系,我们从决定做受托人那时起就已经做好了亏本的准备 ;D ;D


1. 运行受托人的客户端尽量不要放大额资金,不要频繁地进行交易。
2. 关闭钱包或停止出块做简单的维护前,留意get_info命令下的wallet_next_block_production_time,建议除非逼不得已,不然不要在离下一次出块少于5分钟时间的情况下做维护。
3. 维护完成后记得检查钱包是否已解锁,wallet_unlocked_until时间是否足够长,是否已允许出块。
4. 如果连接的节点数比较少,可以试试手动添加官方的seed node以及其他客户端已经连上的节点。建议受托人看看黑鱼人的这个帖子
5. 谨慎考虑手续费销毁比例,目前我们的4个受托人的pay rate都是80%,也就是会销毁20%的手续费,英文论坛上已有人呼吁受托人调低pay rate,并得到了支持。

最后,再打个小广告,欢迎大家继续踊跃为我们的4个受托人投票:bts500, bts500usd, bts500rmb, bts500dao 投票认准bts500牌,谁投谁发财!


General Discussion / Re: Delegate vote swaps
« on: July 20, 2014, 06:41:32 pm »
Pay rate is an interesting topic.
The delegates that I and other two forum members are running destroy 20% of the fees for each, more over we will  give back 30% of the fees to the community.

Any suggestion ?

Our election post:

General Discussion / Re: Hey, BTSX delegates, come here.
« on: July 20, 2014, 06:27:30 pm »
liondani,  you are my hero.  Thank you very much!
I found my bts back.
I'll vote for you and xeroc!
Thanks again!

my pleasure  ;)

don't forget to set again:
wallet_delegate_set_block_production ALL true

if you want your delegate to produce blocks again in case they will upvote you  ...
If you have same problems in future same steps...   (backup > set delegates false > scan blockchain)

PS wallet export on 2 different usb sticks (is the minimum you can do to protect your self)

liondani. You have my vote!

you are already in my approved delegates list, you guys are the most active BTSers to promote the BitShares in China.  +5%


You all have my vote once I get back to my main wallet.

Thank you crazybit , Harvey and Daniel. We'll try to do our best.

you got my vote !!!  +5%

Thanks. You also got my vote !! Amazing, you destroy 50% of the fees.  +5% +5%

DAC 委托人 / Re: 受托人拉票贴
« on: July 20, 2014, 05:22:19 pm »

Hey Community,

With this post I am pleased to announce the four delegates bts500, bts500usd, bts500rmb, bts500dao usd.bts500  cny.bts500  eur.bts500  dac.bts500 run by me, @BTS熊 and @Snail together have been up for the election of delegates.
Edit: We've switched to our new delegates.

Who are we ?

All of us are the long-term BitShares supporters and also well recognized as the volunteers in Chinese community. We have been energetically participating in the promotion of BitShares in China:

@BTS熊: A hero member of BitSharesTalk forum. One of the most active BTSers in China. He introduces BitShares via a wide variety of SNS and explains the details of BitShares to the new comers passionately. The most well known non-official slogan 'BTS is fantastic, 500USD for each with no doubt.' (BTS好啊,500刀一个,妥妥地 )was also raised by him, it's just like some kind of viral AD of BTS 8). Actually, the names of our delegates come from this slogan:) :D 

@Snail: The creater of ( ). He collects all kinds of information of BitShares and has them updated on his site. It has become one essential site for those BTSers who can't read English to get the updates.  Click and have a look at it, it's really impressive.

Me? I AM one devoted BitShares follower who'll always be so. ;D

Why vote for us ?

1. We'll continue contributing our efforts in promoting BitShares. Translation, information update, education, communication, etc.. we'll try our best to deliver as much as we can.

2. 30% of our income will be paid back to the community, via promotion activities, donation, bounty, give away, advertisement, etc..  while all of which will be transparent. We'll make a public sheet recording all of them.

3. Our delegates destroy 20% of the fees as you can see we run them with pay rate 80%. It is another way of paying dividends to all of the shareholders.

4. We participated in every dry run in the past months; Our servers have been proven to be stable, reliable, and extendable; We promise we'll continue participating in the coming rounds of dry run; @alt is our consultant (It's our great honor).

How to vote for us?

In page Directory ---- Delegates, put bts500 in Filter, click the thumbs for bts500, bts500usd, bts500rmb, bts500dao.
Then make a transaction (you can transfer the funds to yourself.)


Updates 7/23/2014 11:50PM UTC+8

In the past a few days, bts500 team has achieved good performance in both the running of delegates and the promotion of BitShares in China.

Our four delegates bts500, bts500usd, bts500rmb and bts500dao have been running with high RELIABILITY, all of which are more than 98.4%. They are among the best ones in the top 101 delegates. Great thanks for all of you!

@Snail has written several step-by-step tutorials which can be found here:
He described the following parts in details: how to download the wallets, how to run the wallets, how to create accounts, how to import BTC/PTS wallets/private keys, how to transfer funds, how to register, how to vote, how to backup wallets, etc.. They are the only tutorials written in Chinese so far. Most of the newbies will be pointed to these tutorials, especially the ones who can't read English.

I have also written a tutorial describing how to run a delegate and will put it on tomorrow.

During these days, all of us were busy trying to introduce and explain this new product in our forum, weibo, QQ group chat, etc. Hope our work helps.

As suggested by bytemaster , we've set up our new delegates usd.bts500 cny.bts500, eur.bts500 and dac.bts500 . They are already in the standby delegates list. We may bring down the bts500* and put the new ones up if our community figures out the sub-accounts will do better for our network.

Again, thanks for everyone who has voted for us. We are preparing the first give-back to the community as we promised. Stay turned.

Update 7/24/2014 00:30 AM UTC+8

Our new delegates usd.bts500, cny.bts500, eur.bts500 and dac.bts500 have been up up up .

PLEASE VOTE FOR US ! We won't let you down!

Updates 08/05/2014 10:20AM UTC+8

We were planning our first pay-back activity which was supposed to be impressive. But unfortunately a strong earthquake hit China’s Yunnan province, killing hundreds of people and injuring thousands,   We thought we can do something.

Then bts500 team decided to cancel the pay-back activity and donate all of our income, 6,373 BTSX, collected by the *bts500* delegates in the past two weeks to the sufferers.  We donated  through the social public welfare project initiated by, the well known crypto currency exchange, together with Eternal Spring, the first non-profit organization that accepts crypto currency as donations in China. The donation page:  BTC38 and Eternal Spring have promised they will make everything transparent, we’ll also supervise this.

新手入门 / Re: 比特股之家系列新手教程!!
« on: July 20, 2014, 02:01:12 pm »

How can you tell who has voted for you ?
What if they remove their votes then ?

DAC 委托人 / Re: 受托人拉票贴
« on: July 19, 2014, 10:46:47 pm »


1.导入pts后 为了安全 是不是新建账户 然后自己转账到新账户
2. 是不是要注册?注册为delegate?
3. 你让我点赞 我有啥好处? :D :D
4. 我这个量 是不是可以做受托人 其实也就是1/1000而已

1. 最好是这样。
2. 如果要做受托人,则必须注册;当然也可以只注册,不做受托人。
3. 实话实说,我们没法直接给你好处,原因就是DPOS里对投票的设计使得这种行为在密码学上不可能。但我们几个都是社区的热心肠,会一如既往地为社区服务;同时我们受托人会销毁20%的手续费,这相当于是给全体持有者分红了;我们还承诺拿出30%的收入支持社区的发展。
4. 你是问是否可以确保一定做受托人吗?这个量不可以,至少要51%才可以确保一直做受托人。

目前对受托人不感兴趣 已投兄台

谢谢。熊熊欠你肥皂一块 ;D ;D 8) 8)


1.导入pts后 为了安全 是不是新建账户 然后自己转账到新账户
2. 是不是要注册?注册为delegate?
3. 你让我点赞 我有啥好处? :D :D
4. 我这个量 是不是可以做受托人 其实也就是1/1000而已

1. 最好是这样。
2. 如果要做受托人,则必须注册;当然也可以只注册,不做受托人。
3. 实话实说,我们没法直接给你好处,原因就是DPOS里对投票的设计使得这种行为在密码学上不可能。但我们几个都是社区的热心肠,会一如既往地为社区服务;同时我们受托人会销毁20%的手续费,这相当于是给全体持有者分红了;我们还承诺拿出30%的收入支持社区的发展。
4. 你是问是否可以确保一定做受托人吗?这个量不可以,至少要51%才可以确保一直做受托人。



account 页面,点自己的账户名,会找到一个advanced, 然后点import wallet, 输入你PTS钱包的路径,输入你pts钱包的密码,就可以导入了。导入之后,上面会立即显示你拥有的BTSX数量。

谢谢 2百万到账  要不要砸盘? :D

第一次看选项 以为都是btc导入

多谢 again

土豪要不要考虑一下给我们投个票 8) 8)? 我们注册了4个受托人,名字分别是bts500, bts500usd, bts500rmb, bts500dao

在Directory--Delegates页面中,输入 bts500,即可看到这4个受托人,猛地给他们依次点赞,点赞成功后图标会变成实心; 然后再自己给自己转一笔账(当然你要转给别人也行),就完成了投票的过程。

中文 (Chinese) / Re: Bitshares X正式发布
« on: July 19, 2014, 05:35:10 pm »



1. 每个受托人在注册时有一个选项是关于手续费销毁比例的,这个销毁的手续费就相当于给所有的持股人分红了(总数变少了,每人持有XTS的比例就增多了)。我们当然也会设置一个合理的销毁比例。

2. 在DPOS里,你没法看到谁给你投了票,也没法在密码学上保证别人给你投了之后不把票撤走。换句话说,贿选是没意义的,除非把筹码交出来专门保管,确保票一直投给那个受托人(类似于拉个基金来运作)。我们会把三成的手续费收入通过多种方式来回馈社区,这一部分是全部公开透明的。这样子预期在很长一段时间我们可能会亏本,但是作为脑残粉我们还是愿意做受托人。

3. 我们3个人会一如既往从多个方面继续为社区服务:宣传,翻译,信息更新,答疑,为新人普及等等。

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