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在持续前进而后又下线了一段时间之后, 在和Cass一起付出许多小时之下, 我很高兴地宣布: (重装上阵!)已经上线了! 新的网站更为简洁, 更加聚焦在我们的核心业务, 更优雅也更易懂. 我希望你们会喜欢.

而我还要说, Cass不只是我所见过最努力的人, 在你所见的成果背后他也是非常聪颖的艺术家以及设计师. 同时他也克服了某些私人领域中极为困难的状况, 才能够如此牺牲地将工作快速完成. 谢谢你CASS! 衷心感谢你.

感谢bytemaster和市场行销人员进行了长时间的会议来深入探讨这个问题: 什么是比特股? 为此我一再地询问在VA投入于此的开发者们. 感谢大伙. 后续的工作还有很多, 但是这个网站让我们首度看到了一个更新, 更有意义, 更高相关性以及更有目的的比特股.

请不要客气, 请大家帮忙找出编辑上的缺失或是任何我们忽略的东西. 并且请提供建设性的批评, 我们会十分感激. 在未来几周之内, 网站将会增加更多页面, 因此目前所呈现的是核心而非全貌. 请享受!


原作者: MktDirector

中文 (Chinese) / Re: 关于AGS资金必须在今年底花完的事
« on: November 19, 2014, 12:52:16 pm »

AGS资金里面还有美元、BitUSD和BTS 。这些部分,是来自PTS 228快照衍生出来的价值,根据美国税法,是属于资本增值,可以跟资本损失进行抵扣(收到的时候6000元的比特币,现在损失了4000元,这部分是抵扣)。所以这些就不用花了。


中文 (Chinese) / Re: 求助:版块BTS Delegates翻译工作
« on: November 19, 2014, 11:29:40 am »




General Discussion / Re: The new site is coming soon!
« on: November 19, 2014, 10:24:32 am »
hey ... thx xeroc for you kind words! And i have to say sry for not getting site done in expected time frame ... but i'll finish it today...
love you~
finally we can make some noise.

i'll give my best ... and then we'll fill in more content later on .. IMO problem on current content is .. that so much has changed last weeks!
So we have to completely rework documentation, FAQ etc... IMO any thoughts!?

put out a bounty for content  :P

中文 (Chinese) / Re: 比特股有担保交易功能么?
« on: November 18, 2014, 09:36:19 am »


General Discussion / Re: What valuable thing 3I did recently?
« on: November 17, 2014, 06:08:41 pm »
Is it possible to create futures trading inside Bitshares?

Yes blockchain already supports it even though the wallet doesn't expose it

what kind of futures model are we talking about ?

General Discussion / Re: How?
« on: November 17, 2014, 03:11:07 pm »
You don't know what you're talking about .....


wow , mark this moment   :P :P

中文 (Chinese) / Re: 关于AGS资金必须在今年底花完的事
« on: November 17, 2014, 02:07:47 pm »


Was 100% Delegate pay 50 BTS per block? At 10 seconds block, that is 6 blocks per minute. 6*60 per hour, 6*60*24 per day, 6*60*24*30=259200 BTS per month. So pay is 50 BTS per block, times 259200 = 12 960 000 BTS. Then we divide this by 101? To get 128316 BTS a month per Delegate.

Delegate Income per month at 100% for different market caps:

$2279 at 35 million, (low-pay fulltime job)
$4558 at 70 million,
$6837 at 105 million, (high-pay fulltime job)
$22790 at 350 million,
$45580 at 700 million,  (3 high pay employees + $250k expenses a year)
$683700 at 10.5 billion..

Very possible I made some error here. Just trying to get an overview.

Free market decide the pay rate .
If BTS is one trillion market cap now , you think shareholders would let toast have 100% payrate ?  1 % is more than enough .

General Discussion / Re: How?
« on: November 17, 2014, 01:49:49 pm »

I have a question.
How is A86 valuable for this project of yours, BM?

He suggested shorts competing by collateral (which was insane idea by itself, thanks the market god it was abandoned ) as a coincidence of it included the shorts not being able to sell below the feed and introducing the highly unnecessary feed prices...

Introducing the price feed (and other rules for the shorts) cut the rapid improvement on the then BTSX price... it not only cut its growth but it made it fall significantly...

But if you do not believe the above, as no one is supposed to believe in the markets as the ultimate judge. How much lower is the current bitUSD price compared to the 1:1 ratio (i.e. the ideal peg)... at least the same percentage, in my view... well a bit (aka like 2x) lower...


You don't know what you're talking about .....
Every coin that touched by major speculators would fall significantly after pumped significantly .
That's just the nature of the market . Bitcoin had this issue every year .

Oh , I see where you are wrong .
There will not be 101 100% delegates .
By my est , there will only be 10-25 delegates who can have 100% payrate .
More than that , shareholders won't approve .
At this point , it's not even that easy to get all the developers to get a 100% delegate seat .

My calculations assume worst case, yes.

If there comes to a point that 101 delegates successfully vote in with 100% payrate , then it means the value of the system is big enough , the numbers you are talking about will no longer apply .

But the reality is , most of the delegates can only get 3% payrate . The shareholders would be foolish to vote in 101 full paid delegates just to let them dump on the market without making significant value for the system .

The order book can only see 30 lists  ? So I don't know all .

From current price to 0.0131USD , there are around 70000 USD worth of CNY buy orders .

And once the price is low enough , more people would want to buy , so the order book is not equal to reality .

So, that would be roughly 330 BTC worth of slippage. Or $700 / month at 100% pay.

Oh , I see where you are wrong .
There will not be 101 100% delegates .
By my est , there will only be 10-25 delegates who can have 100% payrate .
More than that , shareholders won't approve .
At this point , it's not even that easy to get all the developers to get a 100% delegate seat .

You can find the best trading pair to obtain the best fiat or BTC value .

You can go to the     BTS:CNY pair , there you can get a lot of CNY .

What is the total order book bid depth in CNY?

The order book can only see 30 lists  ? So I don't know all .

From current price to 0.0131USD , there are around 70000 USD worth of CNY buy orders .

And once the price is low enough , more people would want to buy , so the order book is not equal to reality .

You can find the best trading pair to obtain the best fiat or BTC value .

You can go to the     BTS:CNY pair , there you can get a lot of CNY .

Then , you can buy BTC with the CNY , and take the BTC to your wallet to do whatever you want (sell it on other exchange for USD maybe).

1 CNY often = 6.1  USD .

Of course , as for the delegates , we encourage them not to sell at least for a couple of months until the market depth is deeper than now .

Yes CNY is by far the best Government Issued-National currency.

Sorry about the mix up . It should be 1USD = 6.1CNY

You can find the best trading pair to obtain the best fiat or BTC value .

You can go to the     BTS:CNY pair , there you can get a lot of CNY .

Then , you can buy BTC with the CNY , and take the BTC to your wallet to do whatever you want (sell it on other exchange for USD maybe).

1 USD often = 6.1  CNY .

Of course , as for the delegates , we encourage them not to sell at least for a couple of months until the market depth is deeper than now .

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