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Messages - tonyk

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Technical Support / Re: is the witness thing running under win?
« on: February 02, 2016, 05:25:29 pm »
I downloaded the latest official binary and tried the witness_node, as if I am a layman.  Surprisingly, I got the same result as you - ie the witness_node.exe seemed to be stuck.  The witness node output information seems to be changed.  It becomes quiet, possibly to be less spamy.

Here is what you can do:

1) Follow what xeldal advised:  make a shortcut with "C:\Program Files\BitShares 2\bin\witness_node.exe" --rpc-endpoint "" as the target.
Run this shortcut as Administrator

2) make a shortcut with "C:\Program Files\BitShares 2\bin\cli_wallet.exe" -H -s ws:// as the target.
Run this shortcut as Administrator

3) When the wallet runs, enter 'info' at the 'new' prompt.  You will get to see a number of stuff.  Look out for 'head_block_num'.  This number will be increasing even though the witness_node seems to be stuck with no new output from it.  But it is not stuck.  It is working quietly.

well, mine is indeed stuck...the head block number stays the same and matches the one from the pic above "head_block_num": 2821722,
I did not believe that running it from the shortcut will make a difference from doing the same from cmd but tried anyway.

Maybe yours is moving because it is indeed down loading blocks before that one # 2821722... or it is something with my whole setting and the witness_node.exe is fine..
Code: [Select]
  "head_block_num": 2821722,
  "head_block_id": "002b0e5a206413b5f17ee209705b51b3cb90fa4c",
  "head_block_age": "13 days old",
  "next_maintenance_time": "13 days ago",
  "chain_id": "4018d7844c78f6a6c41c6a552b898022310fc5dec06da467ee7905a8dad512c8"
  "participation": "100.00000000000000000",
  "active_witnesses": [
  "active_committee_members": [
locked >>> info
  "head_block_num": 2821722,
  "head_block_id": "002b0e5a206413b5f17ee209705b51b3cb90fa4c",
  "head_block_age": "13 days old",
  "next_maintenance_time": "13 days ago",
  "chain_id": "4018d7844c78f6a6c41c6a552b898022310fc5dec06da467ee7905a8dad512c8"
  "participation": "100.00000000000000000",
  "active_witnesses": [
  "active_committee_members": [
locked >>> info
  "head_block_num": 2821722,
  "head_block_id": "002b0e5a206413b5f17ee209705b51b3cb90fa4c",
  "head_block_age": "13 days old",
  "next_maintenance_time": "13 days ago",
  "chain_id": "4018d7844c78f6a6c41c6a552b898022310fc5dec06da467ee7905a8dad512c8"
  "participation": "100.00000000000000000",
  "active_witnesses": [
  "active_committee_members": [
locked >>> info
  "head_block_num": 2821722,
  "head_block_id": "002b0e5a206413b5f17ee209705b51b3cb90fa4c",
  "head_block_age": "13 days old",
  "next_maintenance_time": "13 days ago",
  "chain_id": "4018d7844c78f6a6c41c6a552b898022310fc5dec06da467ee7905a8dad512c8"
  "participation": "100.00000000000000000",
  "active_witnesses": [
  "active_committee_members": [
locked >>> info
  "head_block_num": 2821722,
  "head_block_id": "002b0e5a206413b5f17ee209705b51b3cb90fa4c",
  "head_block_age": "13 days old",
  "next_maintenance_time": "13 days ago",
  "chain_id": "4018d7844c78f6a6c41c6a552b898022310fc5dec06da467ee7905a8dad512c8"
  "participation": "100.00000000000000000",
  "active_witnesses": [
  "active_committee_members": [
locked >>>

unlocked >>> info
  "head_block_num": 2821722,
  "head_block_id": "002b0e5a206413b5f17ee209705b51b3cb90fa4c",
  "head_block_age": "13 days old",
  "next_maintenance_time": "13 days ago",
  "chain_id": "4018d7844c78f6a6c41c6a552b898022310fc5dec06da467ee7905a8dad512c8"
  "participation": "100.00000000000000000",
  "active_witnesses": [
  "active_committee_members": [
unlocked >>>

Technical Support / Re: is the witness thing running under win?
« on: February 02, 2016, 03:56:50 am »
The screenshot shows your node was able to perform an initial network communication with seeds but died off soon after (0 network IO).  So the question is why? Did it die off because it was blocked or did it encounter some logic errors?  Was it a network timeout because of too congested pipe/too small bandwidth?

To know that:

1) Did you disable Firewall?   Disable it.  At least enable local port 1777

2) Do a 'netstat -a' to show the network socket state with seed nodes

3) Show the last 20 to 30 lines of p2p.log.  This gives an idea what the node was doing. Eg was it killing off some socket connections? And why?

" initial network communication with seeds but died off soon after (0 network IO). "
This is just a snapshot... it is very active on and off.

I can send you all the logs if you point me to where.

General Discussion / Re: poll for the "1 BTS for transfer" proposal
« on: February 02, 2016, 03:27:58 am »
But what about the situation when an affiliate / referrer (like bitcrab) wants to forgo his referral revenue entirely? Wouldn't it be fair if the company (or the BitShares network in our case) gave up its part of the revenue as well?

Isn't it a fair deal for everyone?

jakub... go ask Apple.. whoever actually

"Would you mind not making any profit at all, if I sell your product?"

Cause essentially the LTM-ship is paying for your product upfront, instead of gradually with normal fees.

and I do get the other side as well -  selling something ( the 20% prepaid fees) and paying the promoter 80% ( 4x the price of the product itself) as an incentive for him, is more than odd, some might call it Ponzi/scam whatever.
So do not interpret this as me being in the LTM camp at all.

I should probably analyze this whole thing now after 50 28 pages of discussion... but from my pov the fees are such a none issue, you cannot imagine.

Technical Support / Re: is the witness thing running under win?
« on: February 02, 2016, 02:10:45 am »
A lot of activity is going on...but the withness_node still stuck.

Technical Support / Re: is the witness thing running under win?
« on: February 01, 2016, 08:29:42 pm »
@tonky: could you please run the cli against your witness and execute "about" in the cli?

Code: [Select]
unlocked >>> about
  "client_version": "2.0.160128",
  "graphene_revision": "c1c37df31a5dab9beff5f169a00852b87b0d2039",
  "graphene_revision_age": "4 days ago",
  "fc_revision": "6495004302239ae0c775f05a0e78780c3b189502",
  "fc_revision_age": "16 weeks ago",
  "compile_date": "compiled on Jan 30 2016 at 15:34:20",
  "boost_version": "1.58",
  "openssl_version": "OpenSSL 1.0.1g 7 Apr 2014",
  "build": "win32 64-bit"
unlocked >>>

Code: [Select]
{'active_witnesses': ['1.6.1', '1.6.3', '1.6.4', '1.6.5', '1.6.6', '1.6.7', '1.6.8', '1.6.9', '1.6.10', '1.6.11', '1.6.12', '1.6.13', '1.6.14', '1.6.15', '1.6.16', '1.6.17', '1.6.18', '1.6.19', '1.6.20', '1.6.21', '1.6.22', '1.6.23', '1.6.24', '1.6.25', '1.6.26', '1.6.27', '1.6.28', '1.6.29', '1.6.32', '1.6.33', '1.6.34'], 'chain_id': '4018d7844c78f6a6c41c6a552b898022310fc5dec06da467ee7905a8dad512c8', 'head_block_id': '002b0e5a206413b5f17ee209705b51b3cb90fa4c', 'active_committee_members': ['1.5.0', '1.5.2', '1.5.4', '1.5.5', '1.5.6', '1.5.7', '1.5.8', '1.5.9', '1.5.10', '1.5.11', '1.5.1'], 'next_maintenance_time': '12 days ago', 'head_block_num': 2821722, 'head_block_age': '13 days old', 'participation': '100.00000000000000000'}

Also I get the feeling that if we forcefully remove the asset from our customers that don't settle and settle for them there would not be a huge demand for my service.  We are going for decentralized aren't we. 

Even if the asset issuer can exercise this control over the asset I don't think they should, and I don’t think we should advertise it.

I see no problem at all. When you buy you understand that your winning trades will be automatically paid to you 24h after the expiration date. Same goes for your now worth 0 ones - the useless tokens will be cleared from your account . BTW this applies to longs only, the global settlement does this job for the shorts automatically (I believe).
I also think it might be good (or needed* depending on the BTS implementation/protocol) to sign that transaction(to be paid) as well when entering your order.

* from alt's statement it seems it is not needed!. So a line in the description will do. Some thing like "Your trade will be auto settled for you in 24 h after expiration, by the asset creator." will suffice.

Technical Support / Re: is the witness thing running under win?
« on: January 31, 2016, 06:01:43 pm »
Stupid question maybe, but do you have enough disk space left?

193 G under win, 183 G under Linux

Update.... weird enough, stuck at exactly the same point under Ubuntu. [only difference it stuck a few blocks earlier 2821705..i.e 05 instead of 22

Granted I just ran it, then ran it with --replay-blockchain

At least this is the more supported OS so probably more people can help.

you can not reuse the symbols, after the issue settled the symbol.

hopefully this can be changed, i think this is really a needed markettyp and could be a unic feature for bitshares.

- would also be good to allow "numbers" as the names for symbols.

Love it. loved the idea of the SPORTS.NFLAFC/NFC tokens and now the Hillary / Trump tokens coming soon. im loving this stuff. its starting to make my mouth foam in anticipation...

as for resetting tokens i think there is a feature that enables the issuer to take them back at any time.  maybe that would help?

Aren't you curious what the OP said? It as well might have some anti-fuzzy stuff written all over it.

[for the casual readers fuzz has me on 'ignore' so he is totally unaware what the OP or  any other of  post of mine contains (supposedly). He is sleeping better that way, (or so he says). You should try it if you experiencing similar problems]

/ derailing my own thread

you can not reuse the symbols, after the issue settled the symbol.

hopefully this can be changed, i think this is really a needed markettyp and could be a unic feature for bitshares.

- would also be good to allow "numbers" as the names for symbols.

xeroc claimed in a post not more than 2 weeks old that he has found a way to reuse them. The possibility does not seem too unbelievable if all previous holders are paid out after settling the asset.

Technical Support / Re: !!! Stupid Questions Thread !!!
« on: January 31, 2016, 05:02:28 am »
I'll ask a stupid question:  This page makes no sense to me.

How do I redeem my Muse that I bought in the pre-sale from a Bitcoin core wallet?  i have spent hours and hours trying to figure this out and I am about to give up.

Have you tried importing the wif private key(s) (starts with 5)  from the BTC account you donated from, into the Muse client?
Just a wild guess here, not a true MUSE believer/holder...
[Maybe if you first claim them as NOTEs, in BTS 1.0 it wont work... I know I did for mine... and have to go through downgrades in order to get the wallet files, then the upgrades with a non running blockchain... to finally figure out I sold them as NOTES in BTS 1.0....:(]

Assuming in one week PM assets can be cleared to reuse. [some input and info from @xeroc  will be highly appreciated]

example is for BTC binary option series, but the same applies to every market (currency, index whatever)

The committee buys:
BTC_Monday1percent, BTC_Monday2percent, BTC_Monday3percent etc..
BTC_ Tuesday1percent, BTC_ Tuesday2percent, BTC_ Tuesday3percent

and so on for each day of the week

those are PM (aka binary option) assets, the backing asset is bitUSD.

The witnesses are set to be the one settling the asset. They publish once a day the price at close (the price is taken from whatever the contract states at time 3:00PM Eastern or whatever)
The contract is a call binary option with strike: 1% (2%, 3% as per the name of the asset) percent above yesterdays close..

SVK displays them in the GUY as real prices (using the last publish close price) , not percent above yesterday's close.(!!!Optional!!! and does the borrow sell in one step aka hides the borrow step  from GUI view)

You have the first BTS killer app (well maybe the first of many) . Overtaking over the binary option markets.

Some of you are ignoring that transfer does not mean only for money. It can include information, like messaging, communicating with iot, etc. High fees can remove these opportunities.

How about different (new?) operation for those... they do not fall under "asset transfer" category by most definitions, aren't they? (mostly you do not buy them/pay for them first, you just create the message, much like the memo field. A kB field and a small say 0.01BTS base/min fee.

I've been an advocate for this for some time, but for a different reason. We need a backstop (seller of last resort) for shorts while the market is not liquid.

Since squeeze protection kicks in after 10%, that means there is a "normally" operating market between 0-10%. Let the market do its thing within that range.

If you can't tighten the normal range of Smartcoins to <10%  then you don't have a product imo.

Nubits cost you less than a few percent to buy and sell, UpholdUSD too I assume, so if you have a short holding period the risk of either of those failing isn't enough to justify paying a much larger spread for BitUSD.

We either need to incentivize the shorts to come closer during these market conditions/adjust the collateral requirements/other.

I agree with your recent believe "If you can't tighten the normal range of Smartcoins to <10%  then you don't have a product" ( I do not agree that we should go to Nubits gimmicks if need be. but it not here nor there).

And it is simple - it starts from the head - If BM shorts his BTS positions at something ridiculously high... say 7x collateral ratio he will prove he believes the product as well as the price will no go THAT much south, he will show (not just say) that he will search of ways to not dilute whenever possible (some changes/work do take dilution worker proposals as they just do not generate fees by themselves). He will start proving BTS is not just a foundation with purpose of sponsoring his coding a new idea, seemingly every 2 weeks.

Then the other 'mild tone strong believers, but do nothing when money are involved' will follow suite and short at 7x collateral.... then the crazy longs buying bitBTC at 10 - 15- 20% premium will just buy BTC instead of pumping the bitAssets' prices up, for no logical reasons.

It's that simple.... Nubits fake pegs will fail (or they will grow to true market approaches), but copying those just cause they have not wrong.

BTW I came of killer use case for bitUSD...available RIGHT NOW with a day or so of svk and xeroc's time...and got a zero response. Not a good sign for the above simple plan working...just saying.
BTW what's up? You are way over your limit of 888 posts.  ;)

  It's better to look at the referral program as an important, but add-on marketing feature.  If the issuer wants to use the referral program and thinks a membership model is worth having despite higher basic fees they will want to use Mode B or C.  I would like to use B or C for Bitcash with a privatized Smartcoin.    If I was a business going after a different market maybe Mode A would work better.  If I had outside capital or better marketing strategies Mode A might work better.  The committee can decide what is appropriate for USD/Eur Smartcoins.  Either way the network should charge the lowest fee to be sustainable and appeal to as many countries and businesses as possible and not really care which mode anyone chooses.  We can evaluate the active user growth for assets that use Mode A, B, C over time... (there will be many other factors that determine growth, but at least we'll have some data to refer to.)   Heck we should even have a friendly competition.   :P.  Either way the biggest concern for the network is active user growth and a flexible structure like this can satisfy all parties with limited compromise.
I do not quite get the logic here. users are users no matter who brought them to the system, they become user for each and every aspect of the system (like it or not) What is the fee structure of the assets of the entity that brought them here, is of little consequence as they can use other services.
I know theDEX and now you apparently are  planing to limit this freedom @JoeyD , but I do hope and believe you fail in that aspect of your plans.

I was about to make the same commentary.. a user is a user of the whole system and making decisions based on this fragmented outlooks is just operating on a faulty assumption.

If a merchant bring in 100,000 users he gets benefits, but because of the shared network, other merchants could also benefit from those users now using bitshares. So the merchant that paid nothing into the network is going to not only benefit from that merchant that brought the 100k users in, he is going to cheat him out of his % cut which he should be getting for bring that business to them.

This idea of fragmenting pieces of the network and the refer system to accommodate one crabby business is not only counter productive, but will have ongoing issues going forward. If they have no interest in shared network effect, they might as well fork.

Not sure I follow this.  Either mode A, B or C may generate more users (all things being equal and eliminating many other factors.)  No one knows which mode will get more active users.  It can be that low fees and no referral program brings in 1,000,000 users.  Then Mode A may be perceived to have brought more value.  If Mode B or C brings more users (ie. 2,000,000) it may indicate the referral program works well.  Without isolating other factors we may never know, but tracking active users provides one somewhat useful data point.  The proposal for three modes makes it fair to the network because the network will get the same fees no matter who brings them in.   Accommodating various modes and more businesses enhances network effect, it doesn't decrease it.   
There are no 3 modes on a system-wise level. There is just one - the lowest fee (A in your words). The rest is testing very uninformative alternatives - does people like paying more or less.

[edit] the only way to have the 3 modes at once is - the high fee business models trying to cut (or try to) their users out of the rest of the system. The negatives from that in all kind of aspects should be obvious.

Technical Support / Re: is the witness thing running under win?
« on: January 31, 2016, 02:06:59 am »
sorry for being somewhat slow with this...

ran the cube's exe.

same result. stuck at the same point - [blochchain ID and block#]

given up more or less on getting this thing working
When you're posting there is another hard fork. No exe file has been released so far. Perhaps you can try to compile by yourself. This guide:

yeeh... but thanks.
As I posted moments ago I did listen to today's mumble's recording.
 So... I do  think my internet cannot handle the 'requirements'*  to run a witness node...  :(

*700 empty blocks... to say nothing if an asshole or two overloads the blockchain with a transaction or 2 every 10,000 blocks...

What is your Internet bandwidth?

I faced similar issue recently during the hard fork - ie blockchain download stuck.   But when I added a working seed node. It started downloading. So all is well.
The recent hard fork caused the binary to be invalid.  I will upload a new binary if the devs have not done so by then.

Edit: Latest Win tools binary is uploaded here -
Add a valid seed to the command line arguments eg -s
CNX has released latest windows cli tools.
Cube: you didn't update the source/branch of your github repo to newest commit, it looks strange.

Still stuck at the same point as before. (not like Xeldal)
started with --replay-blockchain, btw.

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