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Messages - cryptillionaire

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Technical Support / Re: where are all the OPEN.STEEM fees going?
« on: July 13, 2016, 01:01:05 pm »
So just to be clear, every transaction whether a UIA or Smartcoin has a network fee going to the bitshares network?  On cryptofresh I see smartcoins such as CNY have 0% market fee.
I believe smartcoin fees go towards witnesses, UIA fee fate is up to UIA issuer.

OpenLedger / Re: [ANN] CCEDK evolves: the Decentralized Conglomerate
« on: July 08, 2016, 09:07:59 pm »
Page at the bottom 'Services' section, each service's description is just "short description. short description..."

Its coming, this is why we still have put the site in beta.

We have already started the services though so feel free to ask)

all the best

Cool, what about services not related to an ICO?

I'm interested in integrating Gridcoin into your bridge/gateway so as to allow Gridcoin (own blockchain) -> open.gridcoin -> Gridcoin (MPA). I've applied but heard nothing back thus far (and the helpdesk is now down), sorry if I'm coming across as irritating but I've now created a gridcoin foundation expense poll on the matter:

Application form:

Super hyped about the entire bitshares plaform and the related projects, keep up the good work :)

OpenLedger / Re: [ANN] CCEDK evolves: the Decentralized Conglomerate
« on: July 08, 2016, 02:37:50 pm »
Page at the bottom 'Services' section, each service's description is just "short description. short description..."

General Discussion / Re: Buying contract services from BlockTrades
« on: July 07, 2016, 01:18:15 pm »
What software development services does blocktrades supply? Are you accepting applications for new cryptocurrencies to be added to your bridge/gateway service?

Would there be an advantage to distributing the market maker software to several thousand volunteers via an BOINC project? Could be one of the first commercial BOINC projects - users could donate funds (bts/bitassets) in order for the distributed market maker bots to provide liquidity to specific assets on the Bitshares platform. Volunteers could additionally be rewarded Gridcoin for their efforts if the project was whitelisted.

Or do you think that it wouldn't be secure? (volunteers would require bts/bitassets to 'market make'; preventing volunteers from stealing these funds whilst allowing the MM bot to operate may prove difficult).

Such an idea began to be discussed over at the Gridcoin forums:

OpenLedger / Re: Open tickets on CCEDK
« on: July 06, 2016, 12:01:20 am »
3 months without reply  :( : 12289947
Sorry to nag, but I've still yet to receive a response to my application.

I've created a thread regarding gridcoin's application:

On another note, the helpdesk is down? :S

Technical Support / Re: MPA creation questions
« on: June 22, 2016, 08:14:32 pm »
How do price feeds work for newly created market pegged assets? Do I need to approach the committee's or witnesses to get them to publish feeds or request support in price feed scripts (on github)?
You have three choices:
* let the witnesses,
* the committee-members, or
* a custom list of users
produce the price feed.
Ok, once an MPA is created (And allowed witnesses to provide feeds), how do you interact with the witnesses/committee for a price feed?

Thanks :)

Technical Support / Re: MPA creation questions
« on: June 22, 2016, 05:55:31 pm »
Thanks for responding, xeroc.

What is the max supply for an MPA? I seem to be limited to 10 million with a decimal precision of 8

I've only been able to find this in the documentation:

share_type max_supply
The maximum supply of this asset which may exist at any given time. This can be as large as GRAPHENE_MAX_SHARE_SUPPLY

I've been unable to find the value of GRAPHENE_MAX_SHARE_SUPPLY

Technical Support / MPA creation questions
« on: June 22, 2016, 04:05:02 pm »

I've got some questions regarding the creation of a new market pegged asset:

Is there a naming convention that I should follow for market pegged assets? Say I want to create a new MPA for an alt, would you call it 'altcoin' 'bitaltcoin' etc?

Think just calling it 'altcoin' would create confusion for users when requesting payment? Specifying bit<altcoin> emphasises that it's a different token from the actual altcoin.

How do price feeds work for newly created market pegged assets? Do I need to approach the committee's or witnesses to get them to publish feeds or request support in price feed scripts (on github)?

The minimum price feeds field - is that the quantity of sources of price data or just the quantity of witnesses/committees providing a price feed to the MPA?

If I don't enable market fees, do I need to cover the transaction fees with a fee pool that I pay to maintain? Or are the MPA's transactions 100% free?

General Discussion / Re: BitHalo / BlackHalo addition to BitShares
« on: June 21, 2016, 10:38:16 pm »
BitHalo and BlackHalo are not open source, if you can get source it's obfuscated.

Noticed that metaexchange is shutting down :(

OpenLedger / Re: Open tickets on CCEDK
« on: June 13, 2016, 11:56:34 am »
3 months without reply  :( : 12289947

General Discussion / Re: [Poll] On my Worker Proposal
« on: June 13, 2016, 11:06:33 am »
Getting a new crypto added to BTS is a bit of a nightmare - It costs 4BTC to get added on CCEDK/openledger for an open.<crypto> asset (filled out the application form for Gridcoin & heard nothing back for 3 months now), blocktrades/transwiser don't mention adding new cryptocurrencies to their system and metaexchange is unfortunately shutting down - gateway options are limited & my past experiences of paying to get added on exchanges (cryptsy, mintpal, etc) put me off having to pay to get added to a service somewhat.

We applied to BitSquare and got added instantly without payment, the entry to bitshares is difficult by comparison. A 2 way peg between blockchains instead of using gateways/bridges/middlemen would be amazing.

My (3 months out of date) application form for gridcoin for CCEDK:

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