The cost to you and profit to me from sponsorship will be negligible but it enables me to bring value to a platform I have an obligation to support (LTBN), provide additional content, educate the public, and support your service and platform.
Thanks for serving batting practice fastballs right down the middle for me.
I do not have to explain my point anymore, your post does good enough job for me!
After the above 'Thank you s', here is my proposal
The guy wants a delegate or a few to support the ad spot. I do not think this is necessary or beneficial, in the long run. Here is my suggestion:
A well established member of the community (I propose Xeroc, for both having Counterparty account and LTBCs , and being a person deserving utmost trust and respect) to publishe his BTC/Counterparty address and all willing members of the Bitshares community to send all their (pretty worthless in my mind) LTBCoins for the purpose of purchasing those ad spot(s).
I will be first to send all of mine - I do not know if I have 700 or 3000 of those, but I commit them for this kind of advertisement before I even check.
Good idea - Let's not put any real money in their system, let's pay them with their own 'factory-issued' useless tokens!
I have found about 13K of those sitting in one of my accounts. I will send them to the donation address, as soon as the address is published.