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Messages - starspirit

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Muse/SoundDAC / Re: Community sentiment - cob screwed us?
« on: July 21, 2016, 08:43:08 am »
I'd hate to bring water to the mill but I'd like to respond to concerns.

This isn't or wasn't a scam. We aren't anonymous guys. Funds were spent where they appeared required.
And we were INVITED to "those fancy events" they didn't incur huge expenses. I almost regret sharing the pictures the events, but I don't (:
The project got industry attention. Delivery is what is missing.  Luckily Troopeers has started being demo'd. We'll soon have the metrics (users, income, eyeballs) required to move onto the next phase.

Ben is correct I'm not at the helm,  I initiated the project and a week later, Daniel introduced me to Eddie, PeerTracks CEO... possibly reptilian.

A brief update from Eddie then?

Muse/SoundDAC / Problem claiming MUSE from BTS 0.9.3c wallet export
« on: July 16, 2016, 06:21:35 am »

General Discussion / Re: Forget Smartcoins, how about Dreamcoins?
« on: June 23, 2016, 02:12:44 pm »
So let me get this straight:

-We create "Sumo" that has 1.05 the feed price of a basket of currencies
-Obviously there will be demand for this asset
-We need people to short it into existence, but the only reason to do that is to think that BTS will rise by greater than 5% per year vs the basket of currencies
-Since there is no reason to think bts will rise more than 10% each year since BTS isn't profitable and even BM has said increased network activity won't drive BTS market cap higher, no one will short it.
-We hope that a whale comes in and shorts a bunch of it?  Why would they do that?  Aside from the costs to enter the BTS ecosystem, they will be giving up 5% right off the bat.

Are we just hoping that speculators will see a whale investing in something and follow them?  Then we hope that enough people are coming into the system that the demand for BTS rises and outpaces the 5% premium on "sumo".  I have to be missing something because I can't see why anyone would ever short this product...

The theory is that if you start selling lots of dream coins you will need to buy lots of BTS to make them.  That will put buying pressure on the market which will cause the price to rise more than 5%.  Since you are leveraged 2x even a 5% gain would double your profits.  And the more coins you make the more the collateral in the earlier coins you made will be worth.

Thus the price of BTS becomes a more or less direct function of the demand for Dreamcoins.

This is a common but false belief. The best that we can say is that while there is latent demand for leverage from BTS bulls, an increase in Smartcoin supply helps to facilitate their bids by providing the leverage. But any increase in price depends on how many sellers the new higher price motivates in the market. In turn this depends on the perceived future return prospects envisioned by remaining marginal buyers and sellers of BTS, not any price at which historic transactions have already taken place. The BTS market will shift more with sentiment, not push from Smartcoin demand.

So no rational short would support this with other alternatives available to them. Of course, irrational shorts might!

This is a bit like saying that if only all producers in the economy gave great 2 for 1 deals to consumers, the economy would be buzzing with the increased consumer spend, and stock prices would go through the roof, more than compensating business owners for their income losses. Not really a viable model.

General Discussion / Re: At least BTS outlasted NuShares
« on: June 10, 2016, 11:43:28 am »
Smartcoins have potentially wide uses, but I don't think that fiat-pegged stable currency is the killer app, not least because the mainstream seems unlikely to trust their savings to "stable" pegged currencies backed by inherently volatile collateral (which Nubits has demonstrated so poignantly). In parallel as these pegged currencies flounder with poor demand, any non-pegged crypto that sees enough network effect build over time and wins the race toward mainstream usage will also see declining volatility as a result, in turn promoting increased usage, in a self-reinforcing cycle. Therefore the volatility that most people today see as a problem to be fixed ends up fixing itself as adoption grows. Bitcoin for example continues down that path and is now at new lows in rolling 1 year price volatility, and still probably heading up the early part of its S-curve of adoption. I'm not claiming that Bitcoin is the ultimate victor in the crypto-money competition, only that whatever the victor is will inevitably see volatility fall to levels on par with fiat currencies (and possibly less), although this may take a couple of decades.

I think bitUSD has been an amazing experiment, leading to other cool developments, but unfortunately is probably not the killer app people want it to be. At best it is a stepping stone whose window of opportunity is closing. The crypto creations of central banks when they come in the next few years will directly compete but with a stamp of authority that gives many people comfort. But then eventually pure decentralised global crypto-money will gain enough confidence to make all of these variations obsolete.

I feel the focus ought to be on realising the fuller potential of the Bitshares platform, and defining how the Bitshares technology can be made flexible and useful enough to masses of developers and entrepreneurs to do the job of building killer apps we can't yet imagine. This is Ethereum's promise and I hope Bitshares can carve its own niche in this landscape.

I for one would love to see the BitShares governance structure (versus others) debated in the broader community. So why not write a BitShares media piece to lead that discussion?

General Discussion / Re: The Benefits of Proof of Work [BLOG POST]
« on: January 09, 2016, 07:17:55 am »
I've been out of touch with this forum for some months, so I may have certain things incorrect or out of context. However, I feel I must express my concerns over this blog post concept, despite the disclaimers that this is just conceptual and not an idea for implementation (yet), so that hopefully others can offer me an alternative perspective.

I am concerned that any implementation of this blog post idea would detract significant value from BTS. I do not feel it would reward behaviour of any material value, that it would unfairly penalise smaller BTS experimenters.

There is a presumption that long term investors add value to liquidity demanders, but I feel this conflates the separate economic concepts of market liquidity and interest. I would offer a different view around each of these as follows:

In economics, the cost of demanding liquidity is the market spread. The provider of that liquidity is the market maker, who receives the spread. The hoarder has no part in this equation, and is not present in the market at all. As a result, BTS users need to source liquidity from other parties, and it is those parties that earn the spread return.

Regarding interest, interest is demanded by capital providers to accommodate time preference - that is, the preference, all else equal, to consume today rather than in the future. While its reasonable for parties willing to lend an asset to demand interest, interest is to be paid by the party borrowing that capital or good for current use. Interest is not paid by all holders of the asset to long term investors/lenders, because the service provided (use or consumption of the asset) is not a common good from which all parties have benefited. (I should add that simple hoarding of an asset does not add any utility or income on that asset to other owners, even if there is a marginal support for the price at the point of initial purchase by such investors, offset by the marginal pressure on price at the point such investors exit in order to realise their investment).

As a result, it's not clear to me why any owner of BTS would be willing to bear up to 15% dilution, paid to holders that are not clearly contributing any value back to them (ie. it's not clear what real work, for the common benefit, has been performed). This forces all owners to either lock away funds to avoid dilution, or to exit and not participate in the system at all. This would seem to repel potential users who may want to use BTS for everyday transactions (e.g. wages, services, purchase etc), smaller stakeholders wishing to experiment with BTS, as well as value-adders such as service providers, and market-makers.

Rather than reward those locking away funds, for whom there is no beneficiary, I'd focus on rewarding contributions to the network. While prima-facie it seems that running an army of computers around the world to solve exotic mathematical problems might be an unnecessary cost to secure a network, certainly a meaningful cost is required to secure the network whether that is PoW or PoS. I'd always thought that for PoS that is the strength of the governance structure that supports the selection and monitoring of the block producers. Greater investment in that governance structure creates higher barriers to attack. If there were a way to reward all the contributors to that governance structure, apart from just the block-producers themselves, that to me would seem to strengthen the overall network, and be a cost owners would be willing to bear.

Also, from the DAC perspective, there is value in work done to support the development and future utility of the network and BTS. That seemed to be the purpose of the introduction of initial dilution on BTS.

However, the blog post suggests rewarding for behaviour directed at neither of these outcomes, and may merely centralise ownership/control even further over time and away from many other stakeholders that have supported this project through using and experimenting with BTS. If the market perceives this the same way, I feel the negative impact on BTS would outweigh any perceived advantage seen from locking away a portion of the supply.

Technical Support / Re: Loading stalls for OpenLedger web wallet
« on: December 05, 2015, 05:46:19 am »
FYI devs - update on my OpenLedger loading problem.

I hadn't been into OpenLedger for quite a long time, and when I tried again recently, I found I was experiencing the original problem in Safari, where the page would just stall indefinitely with a "Loading..." message. Maybe I was lucky once or twice in the past when it did work, but generally I am having problems with this.

So finally I have given up on Safari, and used Chrome instead. This seems to have successfully imported the original keys from 0.9.3c, and I have been able to easily store a back-up wallet, whereas I could not get this to work successfully in Safari. Bottom line - OpenLedger is not stable in my Safari app, but looks robust in Chrome.

Muse/SoundDAC / Re: I'm having a problem opening the client
« on: November 01, 2015, 10:30:35 am »
Try this API address

This one seemed to work. Thanks.

Muse/SoundDAC / I'm having a problem opening the client
« on: October 31, 2015, 12:32:19 am »
Are there any installation instructions or Q&A? e.g. I downloaded the MAC client (.dmg file) from here...

When I try to open the application, it says "Application initialisation issues", and for the API connection shown it says "Connection Status: Not Connected", with a RETRY button that keeps giving me the same error. Wondering what to do.

Maybe now that there is a client and all, its worth having a folder to handle technical support issues.

Technical Support / Re: Loading stalls for OpenLedger web wallet
« on: October 25, 2015, 10:06:21 am »
Thanks guys, interesting my last attempt went straight in no problem - I will update on my experience here as I learn more.

Technical Support / Re: Loading stalls for OpenLedger web wallet
« on: October 23, 2015, 11:18:52 am »
The file would be called "default.bin" unless you gave your wallet an other name ..
I could find no such file, or any *.bin.

How many keys were in your wallet? I noticed it took a long time to load the website (30+ seconds) after importing a ton of keys, but it did finally load so that may not be your issue.
There were probably 6 or so balances that were imported. I've left it trying to load for substantial periods, e.g. 10 minutes plus, but it looks like it is encountering errors based on the console comments, although I have no experience with these. Next to each of the "can't load..." error comments in the error console that I provided above, it also says "Cross origin requests are only supported for HTTP" if that means anything useful.

Technical Support / Re: Loading stalls for OpenLedger web wallet
« on: October 23, 2015, 02:38:24 am »
When you see the Loading... Message can you open a console and see if there is any error?

I have heard of the backup download problem on Safari. I wonder did it download and just not notify you and you might find it saved on your computer?
I opened the error console and it showed this (I could paste more error detail, but as a non-techie, I'd have to be advised on how secure that is):

Syntax Error: Unexpected token ' , '
XMLHttpRequest cannot load safari-extension://com.evernote.safari..../en_us/messages.json
XMLHttpRequest cannot load safari-extension://com.evernote.safari..../en/messages.json

2 other things, this loaded fine in safari earlier in the week, so something is different between then and now. It also does successfully load on my Chrome browser, which I'd be happy to use going forward, but given I created the wallet and imported the keys in Safari originally, can I do this?

Regarding the key backup subsequently attempted from OpenLedger, I searched all my recent files and can't find anything resembling a new key file. What would it be called?


Technical Support / Loading stalls for OpenLedger web wallet
« on: October 22, 2015, 10:26:46 pm »
A few days ago I successfully set up an account in the OpenLedger web wallet and imported my keys.
Now when I go to the same link here... ... I only get a dark screen with the "Loading..." message, but it just sits there forever not doing anything.
What might have changed and how might I fix this?

Some facts that may or may not be relevant:
When I was last successfully in the wallet, I tried making a backup of the keys, which only appeared to open a new blank tab in the browser. I did not find any downloaded backup file.
It's possible that I did not properly log out on my last use.
I'm running OSX. I've tried loading several times, and rebooted my machine.
Not sure what else...



Thanks very much svk.  I've done these imports now, that all seemed to work well.

I also want to import the private key that I exported from the old web wallet. But in OpenLedger, when I try "Import Keys" and point to that file in the box where it asks for the BTS 1.0 Key Export File, it yields an error "JSON Parse Error: Unrecognized token '\' ". So I guess its a different format, and a different method for importing the old web wallet key?

Also, when I try to Create Backup, when I hit the Download button, it just seems to open a new blank tab on my browser (Safari) and I am unsure if it has actually downloaded anything...?


I don't know if this link helps...

About the backup downloading, you just need to check your Downloads folder, its a .bin file.

Hi folks. Anybody else have an answer to these?
Also, when I imported my keys into OpenLedger, it did not find or import the NOTES. I assume this is by design, and that when the MUSE chain is launched, it will find the NOTES on those keys?

You are right, its by design. When MUSE is out we will import the 0.9.3c export again.,18752.msg248250.html#msg248250
Thanks for the suggestions chryspano. Currently having another issue loading OpenLedger, will let you know it it goes once I sort this out. :-(

Please forgive the simple (stupid?) questions, I've not had the chance to keep up with the forum the last couple of months.

I had 4 different account names to now, 3 in my desktop client, and one in the online wallet, and I have exported keys now from both wallets (using 0.9.3c for the desktop client).
Now I want to put everything in the new web wallet, which I assume is OpenLedger.
The main thing I'm unsure about is whether I need to combine everything under a single account name, or whether I can retain the separate account names going forward.
In OpenLedger, to create an account, it is asking me for an account name. Should I choose one of my existing account names, and is that my only account going forward? Once I've created the account, and import my keys, will the token holdings then fall under separate account names in OpenLedger, or be combined?
I've seen this link, but it seems to presume I know these answers already. So please don't just sen me that link.

Since you already have account names that you want to keep you do not need to create a new account. Click on "Existing Account" instead, create a new wallet with a good password, then import the keys from your old accounts. That wallet will then contain those accounts, and they'll be separate. You can choose to import all balances from those accounts to a single account however, or not as you prefer.
Thanks very much svk.  I've done these imports now, that all seemed to work well.

I also want to import the private key that I exported from the old web wallet. But in OpenLedger, when I try "Import Keys" and point to that file in the box where it asks for the BTS 1.0 Key Export File, it yields an error "JSON Parse Error: Unrecognized token '\' ". So I guess its a different format, and a different method for importing the old web wallet key?

Also, when I try to Create Backup, when I hit the Download button, it just seems to open a new blank tab on my browser (Safari) and I am unsure if it has actually downloaded anything...?

Hi folks. Anybody else have an answer to these?
Also, when I imported my keys into OpenLedger, it did not find or import the NOTES. I assume this is by design, and that when the MUSE chain is launched, it will find the NOTES on those keys?

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