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Messages - BTSInvestor

Pages: [1] 2
Keyhotee / Re: Keyhotee Status Update
« on: January 04, 2014, 06:49:27 am »
i think the registration process can be treated as "mining",as the id creation process requires the POW hash computing. so the non-founder user also can create their profile in the alpha version, am i correct?

Keyhotee / Re: Keyhotee Status Update
« on: January 04, 2014, 04:26:39 am »
is the alpha version only for the keyhotee founder to generate the public key? can the non-founder mine the keyhotee id?

I would like to try. Where should i submit the doc?

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Just tried , interesting !

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Want to have a try.

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General Discussion / Questions about BitShares white paper
« on: January 01, 2014, 06:11:11 am »
I am aware that 3i is considering to use POS in BTS  instead of POW  which is original proposed solution in the published white paper,we all know that the POS mechanism is totally different with question is that will the 'mining' approach change affect the original system design, e.g. the original BTS mining dividends,if yes,is there any better solution to address this issue,recently,I also heard many people are talking about the change, people are nervous about the uncertain things,some people also think the new proposal solution is not a good choice. will 3i consider to publish a new system design specification or revised white paper?then we can have a better understanding for the coming system. Look forward to your reply.

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中文 (Chinese) / Re: 竞标Keyhotee ID , 用的交易所转账,求解
« on: December 30, 2013, 03:57:32 pm »

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coolspeed,would you please advise the link of the paper?i would like to take a look.

I've seen bytemaster's paper about T-POS, and I am curious about will the bts total money supply no longer to be 21 M , instead fixed at the total amount of PTS, since the POS does not need to pay hash power of mining anymore so there will be no extra "value" imported to bts network. The genesis share holders of bts don't want their shares diluted by inflation.

If so, let's come back to the original purpose of PTS. Is it still the eventual situation at most probability, for a DAC, where new comers can only obtain shares by buying from others, to win the copycats(DACs of forked ones) in the long run? I think the period of oppotunity window must be under consideration.

The same to DomainShares, AP DAC, or even keyhotee?(btw, if T-POS is the future, does keyhotee need mining?)

There is a bug in your mentioned site. i checked on the following site,the result was positive.


Earlier today there was only ~700 PTS sent to AngelShares PTS address PaNGELmZgzRQCKeEKM6ifgTqNkC4ceiAWw (link: But just now when I checked, it boosts to >1400!!!

And there are many donors have their donations DOUBLED! e.g. the first donor who contribute 500PTS with address PpsLSKnnANVrvCcRujjgSqTyN5GHFYghcN now has 500PTS x2 with exactly the same timestamp! What had happened? Why some users have their contributions doubled, some are not? Please provide explanation and proof  to us, so that we can continue trusting angelshares.

Look forward to any reply!

Keyhotee / Re: Redeeming Keyhotee ID & Angel Shares for Keyhotee Founders
« on: December 26, 2013, 08:04:51 am »
Does it mean the Alpha tester also can get a permanent keyhotee id?

We are preparing to launch the Alpha client for Keyhotee.  This client will allow you to create your Profile and identities.  Once you have created your Identity within the Keyhotee client you will send us your public key (copied from Keyhotee) and we will integrate that into the genesis block for your ID.

This public key will also allow you to claim the Angel Shares we have awarded all Keyhotee Founders.   

More details regarding this process will be posted here and on our website in the days ahead.  Once we have all public keys we can launch the genesis block.

BitShares PTS / Re: Status: 0/unconfirmed
« on: December 20, 2013, 02:15:34 am »
i sent out the PTS from my wallet few days ago. the confirmation speed also very slow.

BitShares PTS / Re: ★Giveaway I★ Claim your free PTS - rule inside
« on: December 17, 2013, 05:13:16 pm »

thanks in advance

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I'm in

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Technical Support / Re: how to setup the development workspace
« on: December 14, 2013, 02:56:56 pm »
I downloaded the master branch,and no such error in my workspace.

Build pass, but there are still some link errors like following, fc default branch is "phoenix", right?

error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: static unsigned int __cdecl boost::coroutines::detail::standard_stack_allocator::default_stacksize(void)" (?default_stacksize@standard_stack_allocator@detail@coroutines@boost@@SAIXZ)   E:\dev\vs11\BitShares\server\fc.lib(thread.obj)

error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: static unsigned int __cdecl boost::coroutines::detail::standard_stack_allocator::default_stacksize(void)" (?default_stacksize@standard_stack_allocator@detail@coroutines@boost@@SAIXZ)
referenced in function "public: __thiscall fc::context::context(void (__cdecl*)(int),class boost::coroutines::detail::standard_stack_allocator &,class fc::thread *)" (??0context@fc@@QAE@P6AXH@ZAAVstandard_stack_allocator@detail@coroutines@boost@@PAVthread@1@@Z)   E:\dev\vs11\BitShares\server\fc.lib(mutex.obj)

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Technical Support / Re: how to setup the development workspace
« on: December 13, 2013, 02:18:25 pm »
Thanks bytemaster, the workspace has been setup finally, starting my Bitshares journey. :) :) :)

Thanks devilfish, i have cloned the source code to my local pc before raising the questions here, and also took a glance on the source,but it is a little bit difficult to get the whole picture of the project if read the source code file by file, i think the faster way is to import the source into the IDE(e.g. vs2010), i searched in the internet,but can not find any useful guide to import the bitshares project into the IDE, maybe my direction is wrong,as i also do not know whether can import the bitshares source into the IDE.

Cmake will generate a Visual Studio project for you.  Read the CMake documentation if you have questions.

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