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Topics - xeroc

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I would like to discuss a potential issue that mindphlux made me aware of today.

Let's assume
 - an exchange does not honor the upgrade to bts 2.0
 - a single delegate in bts1 is still active after the snapshot
 - arbitrage between 1.0 and 2.0 honoring exchanges happen
 - the price feeds incorporate both exchanges as source for the feed

then we may see a big problem when people selling their (arguable) worthless BTS1 tokens and arbitraging kills the other (BTS2) markets.
This may also lead to plenty of settlements and maybe even a black swan in BitShares 2.0 if we publish prices there directly.

Hence, I propose to NOT publish price feeds and delay this by 1 or 2 days until things settle down ..

What would be the consequences for open short positions? They can't settle for 2 days
What are the consequences for longs: none that I would be aware of
What are the consequences for arbitraging people: they lose money
What are the opportunities: get cheap BTS (in BTS2) from people arbitraging BTS1/BTS2


General Discussion / Integration Guide
« on: October 02, 2015, 11:15:01 am »
Hey there,

As some of you already know, I am currently writing some documentation. I would love some input with respect to the
Integration Guide here:

In the end, we should have this thing finished a few days before the launch.

Please tell me:
* what is missing
* what needs to be stated more clearly
* is everything correct?
* how can we assist exchanges and gateways more in order to get them integrate BitShares?
* any other input with that respect

Thanks for your input

General Discussion / Migration Guide for 1.0 to 2.0
« on: October 02, 2015, 11:13:07 am »
Hey there,

As some of you already know, I am currently writing some documentation. I would love some input with respect to the
Migration Guide here:

In the end, we should have this thing finished a few days before the launch.

Please tell me:
* what is missing
* what needs to be stated more clearly
* how the migration can be made easier for the people to understand
* is everything correct?

Thanks for your input


they also have DPOS in there:

...delegated PoS solves the “nothing at stake” problem and prevents short range attacks on the system.

Technical Support / Documentation Efforts (User Interface)
« on: October 01, 2015, 10:38:44 am »
Hey there,

@valzav wrote me earlier this week and asked for documentation support. He constructed a quite nice markdown scheme for the GUI that should support multiple languages already.

You can find the initial stuff located here:

I would like to encourage everyone to participate if possible to have a solid documentation within the User Interface at launch date.

The next two weeks is you chance to
a) support your favour blockchain project
b) get your name into the UI repository (via git)
c) earn some reputation

I have not yet asked BM to obvious, but I am confident that everyone participating in the documentation will earn some BROWNIE.PTS ..

Hey there,

The last few days I tried to come up with a solution for documentation of Graphene/BitShares2.0 and found 'sphinx', a quite nice too for documentation which also takes doxygen xml files to add the comments from the source code easily. The docs are written in 'resStructured Text' which is close to Markdown.

Since I cannot do all the documentation on my own (at least not in a timely manner) I would like to ask for assistance.

The current work is deployed at:

and the sources can be found at:

I also have started a skype group to discuss documentation in general.
Whoever feels fit to do little, medium or large-scale documentation is welcome to join and bring some high quality docs to life. I'll add you to the skype group if you desire.

I would like to encourage everyone to participate if possible to have a solid documentation within the User Interface at launch date.

The next two weeks is you chance to
a) support your favour blockchain project
b) get your name into the UI repository (via git)
c) earn some reputation

I have not yet asked BM to obvious, but I am confident that everyone participating in the documentation will earn some BROWNIE.PTS ..

//edit: talking about 'high-quality': I informed cass already about the quite ugly appearance of the docs and we will have a much nicer page hopefully soon.

 -- Fabian


It seems people in the bitcoin space dont even know bitshares has a dex ..

@bytemaster: how can we speed up the whitepaper process? Maybe have another talk about your suggestions?

what you need to do ...
1) open in a browser that has a javascript console ... i.e. firefox
2) open the javascript console
3) run:
Code: [Select]
aes_root = bts.ecc.Aes.fromSecret("PASSPHRASE")
The ENCRYPTED-BRAINKEY is a hex string that you can extract from your backup file (which is in JSON format). It is located below
Code: [Select]
"key": "encrypted_brainkey", as value

This will give you the decrypted brainwallet in hex ..
use any tool to convert the hex into string ..

During my researches for the whitepapers I found this code:

It basically requires workers to publish
* work_begin_date;
* work_end_date;
* daily_pay;
* name;
* url;
for their proposal.
Do we really like them to put a URL into the blockchain? That would allow them to be flexible on the one hand but also give them the freedom to manipulate their proposal at any time.

An alternative would be to allow them to publish a digest (hash of text).
That would
* require them to publish the text that resolves to the digest
* force them to think extra about consequences before publishing a proposal
* prevent them from manipulating the text
* but removes any flexibility (i.e. if they encounter problems and need to change the description)
In the real world, we sign CONTRACTS and they do not change .. every ..

There is another alternative to educate the shareholders to agree on repository-hosted proposals (e.g. github) .. that way shareholders could implement notifications via hooks easily and don't need to parse some webpage with possibly dynamic menu bars etc ...

What are your thoughts?

General Discussion / Strucutre of Genesis Block
« on: September 07, 2015, 05:08:08 pm »
Hey there,

can we please discuss the structure of the genesis block, please? In particular,

I noticed that account names are sorted alphabetically, hence squatter accounts like a_______________ will have a low 'id' number while xeroc for obvious reasons will have a high id number. Hence, I propose to
a)  Have the keyhotee founders be the first names (sorted by their donation date) and
b) then add the other accounts corresponding to the account-ids in in BTS-0.9

Can we have a forum thread where people can have their accounts and subaccounts removed from the genesis prior to launch? I do have a set of subaccounts I would like to get rid of.

What else should we discuss when it comes to the construction of the genesis block of BTS2?

This is our last chance!

General Discussion / Graphene Real-Time
« on: September 06, 2015, 10:13:35 am »
Hey there,

I though I should open a distinct webpage for this:
It's still in early beta and may break at any moment!



Recent Changes:
 + fixed gauge chart
 + added name resolution for transfer operations
 + added middleware to reduce network load (and stay responsive at heavy load -- hopefully)

Feature requests go below :)

Stakeholder Proposals / [Delegate Proposal] payroll.delegate.xeroc
« on: July 16, 2015, 09:13:51 am »
Who I am:
My name is Fabian and I am a communications engineer from Germany looking for
an exciting new job. Most of you already know me and have an idea of my passion
for BitShares (active BTS member from the beginning) and my contributions to
the ecosystem and the community so far.

My current plans are as follows: When my contract with the university ends in
mid-August, I'd like to assist with growing the BitShares ecosystem and the
community. Going BitShares full-time comes with a lot of financial risk for me
as 100%-delegates currently get roughly $900 a month. Hence, I will not only
work for the BitShares ecosystem directly but am willing to take payed jobs in
this space as well. As long as this business stays mediocre profitable, I am
willing to stay for at least a years.

Now let's get to some hard facts.

How I contributed so far:
  • Technical Support
  • Content creation (Wiki, documentation, forum, several webpage)
  • German translations (web_wallet/
  • Python-bitshares libraries (rpc, tools)
  • Pyhton tools for end users (coldstorage, offline voting, sharedrop, ...)
  • Python tools for delegates (feed scripts, switchover, slates, ...)
  • Technical assistance when setting up delegates (fuzzy, datasecuritynode, favdesu, ...)
  • IRC channel #bitshares@freenode (bribble bot/operator/moderator)
  • Subreddit /r/bitshares (content/design/moderation)
  • Proof reading of public and technical documentation and articles
  • Assistance with Conference Presentations
  • Technical Assistance for the creation of the info-gfx
What I'd like to Offer the BitShares Ecosystem:
  • Infrastructure:
    • Setup dedicated BitShares machines for (Seed nodes/Chain servers/Plain full nodes)
  • General Technical Support (in English or German)
  • Content Creation:
    • Use-cases with clear description
    • complete overhaul for BTS2.0
    • Assist with (Technical) Documents and Conference Presentations
  • Adoption/Media:
    • Continue maintaining of reddit (possibly also voat)
    • Technical Assistance for Service Integrations
  • Coding:
    • Python Scripts (users, witnesses, delegates, etc ...)
    • NodeJS/Angular coding (Watch coldstorage page, ...)
  • Assist web development where possible:
    • web framework for coldstorage monitoring and live updates
    • equivalent for BTS/BTS2
    • Block monitoring similar to and
  • Translation Service for the core products (German/English):
    • continuous updates for, web_wallet, graphene-ui
    • possibly translation of "bitshares 101"
What's the name of the delegate:
Where I will report regularily:
I will set up a dedicated webpage for this:
How do I plan to distinguish work and politics:
  • I will not run for global moderation or administrative rights in
  • Unless otherwise approved by the community, I will only moderate support-related subforums and the German subforum(s)
  • The payed delegate will not be included into the slate of delegate.xeroc -- ever
  • I'd like to create two distinct pages for, and payroll.delegate.xeroc
How I can be contacted:
  • bitsharestalk: xeroc
  • mail:
  • mail:
  • by other means: just drop me a line
What I'd like to have as a compensation:
  • Operating costs
    • Delegate registration fee (one-time)
    • Server operation costs and hosting
    • Infrastructure, licensing, co-working space, legal and financial consultation, and other business operating costs.
  • Payroll (xeroc)
    • capped at a typical salary for a full-time job
             (until then, I will sacrifice personal profit necessary as long as I can pay for operating costs, rent and food for as long as possible.
                This may require working for 3rd parties in addition to the BitShares ecosystem)
    • no personal carry-over, alternatives if income is higher:
      • donations to charity/bounties/...
      • burning BTS
      • reducing the pay rate, in case the price is expected to stay high (which I hope for)
  • Business-related traveling expenses (conferences, development meetings, etc..)
How I would like to run a delegate/worker:
  • Until BitShares 2.0 goes live:
    • Delegates should be run outside Germany (if possible outside Europe)
    • I will hand over the signing keys of the delegate
    • 3rd party runs a 100% delegate on my behalf
    • Delegate pay shall be maintained by the 3rd party
    • The 3rd party will require to reveal his identify and agree to receive a proper (e.g. monthly) bill
    • An anonymized version of the bills will be published together with the corresponding transaction ids
    • The 3rd party should agree on a fixed price for their own service in this setup, which will be payed separately
    • Proper price feeds are required
  • After BitShares 2.0 goes live:
         (details need to be discussed with tax attorney)
Remarks on working hours:
  • Once I have defended my PhD (I hope for late october), I will start working towards a self-employed business
  • At the moment this business is registered (I am hoping for Q1 in 2016) I can go full-time, officially
  • Until then, I am only permitted to work up to 15h/week, which translates to $50-60/h at current share price

Hoping for some exciting times and looking forward to working for BitShares -- The Decentralized Company

 -- Fabian

// edit: fixed link to bitsharesblocks

Update 20. July 2015:
 - Slate: 167dff3b0d8ad57291b265582db45315971cc8e0
 - PublicData: 21971346ada0c21c23b009f81d6248dd5709cb05

Update 21. July 2015:
 - Delegate is now maintained by truested forum member @cube
 - Handover to his machine was performed 21. July at 10:00 UTC+2
 - Location is China, feeds will be published as soon as the scripts are setup correctly
 - Delegate's pay will not be withdrawn until my business is registered successfully

Technical Support / Set of use-cases for BitShares 2.0
« on: July 06, 2015, 08:57:47 am »
As some of you noticed, I helped (a little) with the new page before I went on vacation. My plans back then have also been to prepare a more abstract list of features in terms of USE-cases.
Back then I couldn't finish them up in time and have them read through by someone else.
As the graphene project is now public I think I should ask the whole community for input.

I do have a rather low-tech description of use-cases and my current descriptions are "messy" at best. As I feel the list of use-cases should have a prominent place on the page we need them to be crystal clear and easy to understand.

This is what I have so far:
Use Cases

BitShares offers a unique set of on-chain features that allows for trust-less
and counterparty-risk free interaction. In the following, we want to give a
brief overview of applications and use-cases for the BitShares network.

## Exchange Foreign Currencies, Commodities and Indices

With BitAssets, a market-pegged derivative of a physical counterpart, e.g.
bitUSD or bitGOLD, the BitShares Decentralized Exchange (DEX) allows world-wide
trading of arbitrary market pairs. The DEX not only reflects classical FOREX
pair such as USD:EUR using the corresponding BitAssets, i.e. bitUSD:bitEUR, but
also allows trading of commodities like bitGOLD, bitSILVER, etc. against any
other asset. Furthermore, with privatized BitAssets, it is possible to trade
derivatives of indieces, such as Dow Jones, DAX, or Hang Seng,

## Stock Trading

Besides trading of the market-pegged BitAssets, BitShares also offers to issue
your own stock in the DEX at comparably low cost. These user-issued assets (UIA)
can fully comply with the regulations of most governments and offer additional
functionalities for issuer and investors.

## Decentralized World-wide Fund Raising

With BitShares, decentralized crowd funding never was easier. Technically the
process breaks down to as few as two steps: a) Create a new token that should
represent your project, and b) issue and sell your shares on the DEX. It's your
choice whether you want to sell them for bitUSD, bitEUR, or any other token and
you define the price for the share. The MOONFUND token of was among
the first crowd funding tokens to use BitShares.

## Bond Market

With bitUSD and bitGOLD, or any other market-pegged bitAsset, we have the unique
opportunity to offer trust-less Bonds on the blockchain with a world-wide
decentralized market to define the interest rates.

## Prediction and Information Markets

Prediction markets are quickly implemented with BitShares and the DEX. All that
is needed a proper prediction criteria in the description of a newly created
asset that anybody can issue by putting up collateral. The price of this asset
reflects the probability of an event to occur. Participants that have voted
correctly will be able to sell their shares back to the network at a higher
price and make a profit. This feature, in combination with the bitUSD, allows to
reimplement most binary prediction and information markets currently established
in a decentralized and trust-less manner.

## Investment Funds

In BitShares, it is possible to reflect most classical Fonds combining public
corporate accounts with an user-issued asset. In practise, a Fonds manager buys
a pool of stock on the blockchain and puts them in a publicly known corporate
account from which funds are only spendable by a set of linked accounts (similar
to Multi-Sig in Bitcoin). The manager can then create a new user-issued asset
and sell portions of their portfolio. The advantage for costumers obviously is,
that everyone can verify the funds stored in the Fonds and verify the portfolio
of their Fonds manager.

## Direct Debit Card and Recurring Payments

A debit card for bitUSD/bitEUR or any other bitasset is easily implemented using
the Recurring & Scheduled Payment functionalities of BitShares. Here, any
costumer can authorized a credit card issuer to withdraw up to a predefined
amount of bitUSD from your account in a defined period, e.g. $1k per month, or
$100 per week. With this, it also becomes possible for your landlord to obtain
your rent simply by allowing him to withdraw from your account once per month.

## Random Number Based Services

BitShares offers a decentralized source of entropy (randomness). As many
cryptographic services are based on good public entropy, with BitShares you now
have yet another verifiable and source of entropy.

Stuff that is not covered at all yet are features that can be built upon UIA .. like:

- initial public offers (IPOs)
- gift cards
- fan tokens (similar to baseball cards/BTS Music)
- members ship tokens
- ownership tracking
- authentication (bts login)

Other features that might result in applications:
 - threshold signatures (3rd party trusted-cold storage)
 - document verification

Who every can
  • come up with more use-cases or
  • add/improve descriptions
please feel free to post here!

General Discussion / Dan is doing the right thing .. again!
« on: June 29, 2015, 01:46:35 pm »
Everyone complaining about Dan's plans about cryptonomex should read through this reddit thread on the ethereum subreddit:

money quotes:
According to publicly available data, there are people who make 190k, 180k, 150k (all USD) and Vitalik's 137k Swiss Frank which is also about 150k USD. Presumably, the people making these salaries are the core developer founders, which I assume refers to Gavin, Jeff, Taylor, and Vitalik.
These salaries turn me off the entire project. IMO this shows they have very little faith in the actual 'product' itself.

They got big amounts of premine that will be worth millions if they succeed. In most start-ups (stop calling Ethereum a non-profit) the founders work on very low salary. Often in the 40-60K range. Just enough to support themselves and pour the rest into the actual project.

This sheds light on why Ethereum is struggling with funds. They literally splurge
The foundation is not a for-profit company you know. There's no business model. Ethereum is like the Apache Web Server, the Ethereum Foundation is like the Apache Foundation. Pretending it's a startup is ridiculous.

However, I think we should discuss again if and why the workers pay is/should be denoted in BTS or if it makes more sense to come up with a good scheme to pay them with bitassets ..


BitShares 2.0 Articles
Community Questions for the Development Team

Prior to the announcement, the BitShares community was asked to collect a set of their concerns that they would like
answered together with the announcement.

1.How fast is BitShares 2.0 really going to be (in TPS)?

   BitShares 2.0 will be capable of handling over 100.000 (100k) transaction per second on commodity hardware with
   parallel architectural optimizations in mind. You can find more about how the performance improvement has been
   achieved in the corresponding technology page
   The measurement parameters and a discussion is given in a separate blog article.

2.Will we see approval voting for hard forks?

   Yes. In BitShares 2.0, not even the core developers will be able to modify the protocol at will. Hard forks will only
   be accepted by the protocol with BTS holder approval.

3.Will there be a referral system available at launch?

   Yes. And you can earn up to $80 per user (per lifetime) referred.

4.Are Turing complete scripts/applications on the roadmap?

   We are considering Turing complete models which are economically viable.  There are several ideas about this around
   the office, and we plan to try some of them out in due course.

5.Will the separated Worker/Delegate/Signer proposal be implemented in time?

   Yes. In BitShares 2.0 we will see workers, who grow and development the ecosystem, block signers (called witnesses)
   to ensure block chain security, and delegates which define the variable settings of the
   block chain, such as block interval, price feeds, and more.  Any changes to the variable settings have an
   approval period, ensuring that BTS holders have the final say in the chain parameters.

6.What has been done to stabilize the user interface and make it user friendly/more responsive?

   A lot has been done to this regard. Mainly, the full client has been separated into a lightweight client which
   connects to a set of trusted servers, and an optional core client that handles the full block chain and P2P
   networking. Furthermore, the lightweight client has been rewritten to employ next generation web technologies
   (websockets, react.js,...) to ensure a highly responsive interface.

7.Can we expect a fast, professional GUI experience within this year?

   Absolutely! With the move to react.js and websockets, the user interface will be much more responsive, stable and
   professional looking.

8.Will the new client be more resource efficient?

   In BitShares 2.0, communications with the core client are handled with the websockets protocol. Thus the core client
   could be either run on a separated machine, or by some else entirely on a trust-less basis. The BitShares network
   will be entirely accessible via web browser, either hosted locally or by a third party service provider similar to (with private keys being stored locally only!). This also makes the access to the BitShares network
   TOR compatible if required.

9.Have there been any ideas to increase voting participation (e.g. cold storage voting, simplified voting procedure)?

   Besides cold storage voting which will be available in BitShares 2.0 too, the block chain supports transfer of voting
   power to someone else without risking funds. Furthermore, with BitShares 2.0 the BitShares funds do not need to be
   moved entirely to vote with your full stake, which simplifies the voting process to a single "Apply" button press.

10.Will we see relative orders in the decentralized exchange?

    There is no plan to add relative orders, as part of the effort to reduce dependence on the price feed long-term.

11.Will I be able to use bitUSD as collateral to short a bitAssets?

    Yes. BitShares 2.0 goes even further and offers a far better alternative: Collateralized Bonds. Collateralized Bonds
    enable arbitrary shorting between any two assets, guaranteed interest, and no risk of being force settled.   This
    system privatizes the yield to individual bonds and the terms and leverage available can be far more flexible.  In
    effect, BitUSD becomes cash and a Bond becomes a Certificate of Deposit.

12.Will we be able to close short orders using the collateral?

    Users will be able to adjust their margin call price to trigger an early margin call, which will close out your
    short position.

13.How can KYC and AML be acknowledged in BitShares such that it does not affect BTS holders?

    KYC/AML are supported for user-issued assets, but not BTS, thus it does not affect BTS holders, but only users who
    wish to hold a restricted token.  Businesses that run on top of BitShares and issue their own UIA (user issued asset),
    such as gateways and merchants, will have tools to help their UIA comply with their local KYC, AML and CTF regulations.
    These tools will only affect users who own such UIA's.

14.What has been done to attract more 3rd party developers?

    The API has been improved significantly to allow fast and reliable integration via websockets and push
    notifications! Furthermore, a lot of effort has been taken for proper documentation.

15.What measures have been taken to ensure that newly written code does not introduce many bugs or reveal hidden design assumptions that are no longer valid?

    While it's impossible to guarantee any code is bug-free, we have been writing unit tests, integration tests, and
    regression tests with every new feature implemented. Our tests currently exercise around 90% of the code, and we're
    going to be increasing that number before launch.

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