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Topics - abit

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General Discussion / 2020-10-04 EUR and RUBLE force-settment disabled
« on: October 04, 2020, 01:28:52 pm »
In order to build up more supply, it is now not possible to force-settle EUR or RUBLE.

Margin calls still work fine as before.

As of writing, there are 4,364,631 BTS in collateral for bitEUR and 2,057,592 BTS for bitRUBLE. IMHO these two assets have potentials to develop better.

中文 (Chinese) / 2020年10月4日 老bitCNY参数调整
« on: October 04, 2020, 12:55:11 pm »
参数调整目的:争取恢复 bitCNY 锚定,缓解部分借款仓位抵押率过低的问题。

MCR从 165% 上调至 175% ,其他参数不变

ICR 245%
MCR 175%
MSSR 150%
MCFR 爆仓费 5%
强清价格偏移 2%
强清费率 1%
喂价 0.22 暂时保持不变

计算方法: 0.22/245% = 0.15/167% = 爆仓价 黑天鹅价 0.09

借款功能目前开放,债务上限 3500万 bitCNY

General Discussion / 2020-10-04 Old bitCNY parameters adjustment
« on: October 04, 2020, 12:53:47 pm »
to restore the peg of bitCNY in the long run and mitigate the issue that some debt positions' collateral is too low.

MCR has been increased from 165% to 175%.

Current parameters:

ICR 245%
MCR 175%
MSSR 150%
MCFR (Margin call fee rate) 5%
FSO (Force settlement price offset) 2%
FSFP (Force settlement fee percent) 1%

The median feed price is 0.22 CNY/BTS.
Note: the ICR value 245% for feed price 0.22 effectively means 167% if the market price is 0.15.

Borrowing has been enabled earlier. The maximum supply is limited to 35,000,000 bitCNY.

中文 (Chinese) / 2020年10月3日 老bitCNY参数调整
« on: October 03, 2020, 09:05:29 am »
2020年10月3日 老bitCNY参数调整

参数调整目的:争取恢复 bitCNY 锚定,缓解部分借款仓位抵押率过低的问题。

MCR从 160.8% 上调至 162.0% ,其他参数不变
更新:MCR上调到 163%
更新:MCR上调到 165%

ICR 245%
MCR 165.0%
MSSR 150%
MCFR 爆仓费 5%
强清价格偏移 2%
强清费率 1%
喂价 0.22 暂时保持不变

计算方法: 0.22/245% = 0.15/167% = 爆仓价黑天鹅价 0.09

借款功能目前开放,债务上限 3500万 bitCNY

General Discussion / 2020-10-03 Old bitCNY parameters adjustment
« on: October 03, 2020, 08:58:21 am »
2020-10-03 Old bitCNY parameters adjustment

to restore the peg of bitCNY in the long run and mitigate the issue that some debt positions' collateral is too low.

MCR has been increased from 160.8% to 162.0%.
UPDATE: MCR increased to 163%
UPDATE: MCR increased to 165%

Current parameters:

ICR 245%
MCR 165.0%
MSSR 150%
MCFR (Margin call fee rate) 5%
FSO (Force settlement price offset) 2%
FSFP (Force settlement fee percent) 1%

The median feed price is 0.22 CNY/BTS.
Note: the ICR value 245% for feed price 0.22 effectively means 167% if the market price is 0.15.

Borrowing has been enabled earlier. The maximum supply is limited to 35,000,000 bitCNY.

中文 (Chinese) / 2020-10-03 bitRUBLE参数调整
« on: October 03, 2020, 08:47:33 am »
为改善 bitRUBLE 市场流动性,参数调整如下:

最少喂价人 5 人
爆仓费 1%
强清费 1%


General Discussion / 2020-10-03 bitRUBLE parameters update
« on: October 03, 2020, 08:30:42 am »
In order to improve bitRUBLE market condition, following new parameters have been applied:

minimum feed producers 5
MCFR (margin call fee ratio) 1%
FSFP (force settlement fee percent) 1%

General Discussion / 2020-10-01 Old bitCNY parameters adjustment
« on: October 01, 2020, 04:43:32 pm »
Purpose: to restore the peg of bitCNY in the long run and mitigate the issue that some debt positions' collateral is too low.

The MCR parameter got updated the first time today, from 160% to 160.1% . Will update it again in the future, depending on market status.
Update: MCR has been increased to 160.8% .

Current parameters:

ICR 245%
MCR 160.8%
MSSR 150%
MCFR (Margin call fee rate) 5%
FSO (Force settlement price offset) 2%
FSFP (Force settlement fee percent) 1%

The median feed price is 0.22 CNY/BTS.
Note: the ICR value 245% for feed price 0.22 effectively means 167% if the market price is 0.15.

Borrowing has been enabled again. The maximum supply is limited to 35,000,000 bitCNY.

中文 (Chinese) / 2020年10月1日 老bitCNY参数调整
« on: October 01, 2020, 04:36:45 pm »
参数调整目的:恢复 bitCNY 锚定,缓解部分借款仓位抵押率过低的问题。

今天第一次调整MCR,从 160% 上调到 160.1% ,后续将根据市场情况继续调整。
更新:MCR已经上调至 160.8%

ICR 245%
MCR 160.8%
MSSR 150%
MCFR 爆仓费 5%
强清价格偏移 2%
强清费率 1%
喂价 0.22 暂时保持不变(245%的ICR结合0.22喂价,相当于价格0.15时要求167%的初始抵押率)

开放借款功能,债务上限 3500万 bitCNY

中文 (Chinese) / 老 BitCNY 参数已调整:MSSR 150%,ICR 225%
« on: September 30, 2020, 08:09:54 pm »

老 BitCNY 参数已调整:MSSR 150%,ICR 225%


后面将调整 MCR 。具体待定。

调整参数的目的:恢复 bitCNY 锚定。


General Discussion / Old BitCNY MSSR updated to 150%, ICR 225%
« on: September 30, 2020, 08:02:34 pm »
BitCNY MSSR updated to 150%, ICR 225%


MCR will be updated in the next days. Details to be decided. Won't announce in advance when adjusting.
Note: the MSSR and ICR values may be changed again if necessary.

The purpose of the adjustment is to restore the peg of bitCNY.

Debt position holders please adjust your collateral ratio in time.

中文 (Chinese) / BitUSD 已全局清算
« on: September 29, 2020, 11:07:56 pm »
块号 51889804 。

清算价 0.0345 USD/BTS



理事会已新建 7 个 bitasset 资产

1.3.5839 CNY1.0
1.3.5840 USD1.0
1.3.5841 EUR1.0
1.3.5842 BTC1.0
1.3.5843 SILVER1.0
1.3.5844 GOLD1.0
1.3.5866 RUB1.0

初始抵押率 ICR 175%
爆仓抵押率 MCR 175%
爆仓价偏移 MSSR 110%
强清价偏移 0%
强清延迟 24 小时
抵押资产 BTS

爆仓费 1%
强清费 1%
市场挂单成交费率 0.08%
市场吃单成交费率 0.12%
交易费引荐返佣 40%

最少喂价人 2 人。
1.2.183     hiquanta
1.2.738675  xbtsio-wallet
1.2.987999  zapata42-witness
1.2.1035733 syalon

* 发行人可将资产收回(强转),目前参数关闭(也就是说不可强转)
* 所有转账必须通过发行人审核同意,目前参数关闭(也就是说可以自由转账)
* 禁止强清,目前参数关闭(也就是说允许强清)
* 允许发行人进行全局强制清算,目前参数关闭(也就是不允许理事会主动发起全局清算)
* 禁止借款,目前参数关闭(也就是允许借款)
* 禁止调整供应量上限,目前CNY1.0参数关闭(也就是理事会可以调整CNY1.0供应量上限),其他资产参数开启(也就是理事会不可调整供应量上限)
* 调整ICR ,目前 ICR 固定 175%,理事会和喂价人都不能修改
* 调整MCR ,目前 MCR 固定 175%,理事会和喂价人都不能修改
* 调整MSSR ,目前 MSSR 固定 110%,理事会和喂价人都不能修改


General Discussion / BitAssets 1.0 reloaded (latest update 2021-09-28)
« on: September 29, 2020, 10:34:40 pm »
The committee has created 7 new bitassets on the chain:

1.3.5839 CNY1.0
1.3.5840 USD1.0
1.3.5841 EUR1.0
1.3.5842 BTC1.0
1.3.5843 SILVER1.0
1.3.5844 GOLD1.0
1.3.5866 RUB1.0

The objective of the assets is to be pegged to the corresponding assets outside of BitShares.

The assets came with the original parameters which will not change in the future:
ICR 175%
MCR 175%
MSSR 110%
force settlement offset 0%
force settlement delay 24 hours
backed by BTS

Fees (which goes to the asset owner, and the numbers may change in the future):
Margin call fee 1%
Force settlement fee 1%
Maker fee 0.08%
Taker fee 0.12%
Market fee sharing percent (to referral program) 40%

Price of the assets will not be fed by witnesses, but by a chosen group of oracle service providers. It will be paid service (details TBD). Anyone who have interest in providing price feeds please leave a message introducing yourself so we can discuss further.

Price feed policy:
* Feed the original, real, market trading prices.

Let's set sail again.

Following issuer permissions have been forfeited on the assets:
* override_authority
* transfer_restricted
* disable_force_settle
* global_settle
* lock_max_supply
* disable_new_supply
* disable_mcr_update
* disable_icr_update
* disable_mssr_update

Note: due to a human error, the maximum supply of bitCNY1.0 is not locked. Other parameters are locked properly.

General Discussion / BitUSD globally settled on block 51889804
« on: September 29, 2020, 08:40:22 pm »
Settlement price 0.0345 bitUSD per BTS.

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