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Topics - abit

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Technical Support / Vesting balance doesn't vote?
« on: February 01, 2016, 10:15:24 am »
I think it doesn't.
If anybody happens to know more, please leave a message here.

General Discussion / Proposal - Permit non-LTMs to be referrers
« on: January 31, 2016, 01:05:04 pm »
Currently only LTMs can refer new users and earn referral income, which set a high barrier for attracting new users, and lead to bad PR. Imo we need to break this barrier, let non-LTMs be able to refer new users, which will be better PR. In the mean while, if needed, we can set other limitations, for example only LTMs can claim referral income.

//Edit: an option could be non-LTMs get less cash-back from referred users than LTMs.

do any of you recall one time BM mentioning possibly being able to change it so that not just LTM can gain from refers but regular users also?

To implement this, technically we need to:
* add a special vesting object to every non-LTM account, and
* add an operation or change current withdraw_vesting_operation so that only LTM can claim from this vesting object, and
* modify the fee split implementation so non-LTM referral income goes to this special vesting object


Stakeholder Proposals / Committee member: abit
« on: January 30, 2016, 05:09:49 pm »
When I was creating a committee member account, it's mainly for testing some features. Accidentally I was voted in as an active committee member on some day.

OK, let's just do it. Thanks for the people who trusted me.

My principles/habits:
* Try to keep the system secure
* Try to find a balance among things

I will vote for proposals which I think they're right.

If you don't agree with me, don't vote for me.


I hope that the system will become better and better.

General Discussion / Network problem now fixed, all nodes please update
« on: January 28, 2016, 11:36:17 pm »
All seed nodes, witnesses please update.

Code: [Select]
git checkout bitshares
git pull
make witness_node

Or new clone:
Code: [Select]
git clone
git submodule update --init --recursive
cmake .
make witness_node

=======original post==========
  head_block_num: 3,067,958
  head_block_age: 21 minutes ago

Code: [Select]
2016-01-28T23:15:09 th_a:invoke handle_block         handle_block ] Got block: #3067957 time: 2016-01-28T23:15:09 latency: 368 ms from
: delegate-1.lafona  irreversible: 3067935 (-22)                  application.cpp:496
2016-01-28T23:15:10 th_a:invoke handle_transaction   handle_transaction ] Got 1 transactions from network                       applic
2016-01-28T23:15:12 th_a:Witness Block Production block_production_loo ] Generated block #3067958 with timestamp 2016-01-28T23:15:12 a
t time 2016-01-28T23:15:12                        witness.cpp:185

Code: [Select]
2016-01-28T23:16:27 th_a:Witness Block Production block_production_loo ] Got exception while generating block:
3030007 insufficient_fee: insufficient fee
Insufficient Fee Paid
    th_a  evaluator.hpp:230 evaluate

    th_a  evaluator.cpp:46 start_evaluate

    th_a  db_block.cpp:653 apply_operation

    th_a  db_block.cpp:536 _apply_block

General Discussion / [WARNING] Fee Pool Attack Going On
« on: January 27, 2016, 08:48:50 am »
Dear UIA issuers:

Holders of your UIA is now attacking your feel pool by creating a sell order and then canceling it. Or say, sell your UIA back to you at the "face value" (the CER defined by you). Please consider set CER to somewhat lower than it's real value to avoid further attacks. The committee is voting on increasing fees for cancelling orders, but it needs time.


中文 (Chinese) / 对当前BTS系统的一些分析
« on: January 24, 2016, 11:14:32 am »


* 满仓的人,自然是希望价格涨;空仓的人,不好说
* 作为用户,自然希望手续费越低越好;作为股东,自然希望公司赚钱越多越好;作为合作伙伴,那是又爱又恨





* 总收支

第一个数字,也就是最大的数字,是“资金储备”,也就是系统一共还有多少资金用来“发工资”。现在是“收支一条线”,所有系统收到的手续费,都会归入这里,所有开支都从这里出,开支包括 witness 出块奖励和 worker 申请资金,目前每天开支上限是44.32万BTS,包括40万worker预算和4.32万witness预算。

可以看到总储备是一直在下降的。有人就会说了,每天增发了这么多?实际上,现在有个worker叫做 refund400K ,每天领出来的几十万BTS都烧掉了,并没有退回到储备池,导致总储备每天减少。这个worker其实是BM设错了。后来 xeroc 设了8个新的 worker ,其中4个refund100k,也就是每个worker领出来10万BTS退回储备池,4个burn100k也就是每个worker领出10万BTS来烧掉。个人倾向于支持新建的4个refund100k的worker。



* 收入

根据现在的费率表:每次新建账户系统得19BTS,每笔转账系统得6BTS,每笔成交系统得2BTS,每次调整仓位系统得0.2BTS,每次喂价系统得0.02BTS,可以推算出现在每天系统收入大约1900 BTS

- 适当推广,增加用户量/交易量
- 在用户可以忍受的前提下,适当增加手续费
- 适当降低手续费,刺激交易量提升,导致总收入提高
- 拓展其他交易的应用



* 支出

支出包括每天40万worker预算和4.32万witness预算。除去refund worker,现在每天实际支出为12.8万BTS

- 降低witness工资,比如降低每块奖励、延长出块间隔。需要权衡的是收入降低会不会影响到witness服务质量。
- 降低worker工资,比如减少开发工作量,降低工作单价。

* (负)利润

利润 = 收入 - 支出,目前系统每天利润是-12.6万BTS,也就是说现在BitShares系统每天亏损 12.6 万BTS

* 其他

另外还可以看看 committee-account 这个账户的余额 ,以及bitCNY等锚定资产的 fee pool 余额、积累手续费,比如 。这些都属于系统资产。不过这个对于收支分析来说意义不大,因为每次积累手续费增加,fee pool会相应减少并纳入总储备;fee pool 不够时可以用 worker 方式从总储备池申请资金补充资产 fee pool ,或者理事会把积累手续费提取出来,到市场上换成BTS补充到fee pool,这是一个循环。







中文 (Chinese) / 按百分比计算转账手续费功能,开发完成
« on: January 19, 2016, 04:32:00 pm »



1. 增加全局参数3个,由理事会控制
  * 百分比
  * 每次手续费上限
  * 每次手续费下限
2. 每个资产可以选择百分比收费模式或者固定值收费模式,由资产发行人控制
3. 手续费下限归系统所有,高于下限的部分归推荐人,不再按20%/80%方式分配
4. 按资产的core_exchange_rate将每笔转账的价值转换为BTS,进而计算百分比、判断上下限,确定收费多少



* 设置某资产转账手续费按百分比收取的命令:
Code: [Select]
update_asset MYASSET null {"max_supply": "1000000000000000","market_fee_percent": 0,"max_market_fee": "1000000000000000","issuer_permissions": 79,"flags": 0,"core_exchange_rate": {  "base": {    "amount": 100000,    "asset_id": "1.3.0"  },  "quote": {    "amount": 10000,    "asset_id": "1.3.1"  }},"whitelist_authorities": [],"blacklist_authorities": [],"whitelist_markets": [],"blacklist_markets": [],"description": "","extensions": [[1,{"transfer_fee_mode":"asset_transfer_fee_mode_percentage_simple"}]]  } true

* 设置某资产转账手续费按固定值收取的命令:
Code: [Select]
update_asset MYASSET null {"max_supply": "1000000000000000","market_fee_percent": 0,"max_market_fee": "1000000000000000","issuer_permissions": 79,"flags": 0,"core_exchange_rate": {  "base": {    "amount": 100000,    "asset_id": "1.3.0"  },  "quote": {    "amount": 10000,    "asset_id": "1.3.1"  }},"whitelist_authorities": [],"blacklist_authorities": [],"whitelist_markets": [],"blacklist_markets": [],"description": "","extensions": [[1,{"transfer_fee_mode":"asset_transfer_fee_mode_flat"}]]  } true

* 修改相关全局参数:
Code: [Select]
            "fee": 2000000,
            "price_per_kbyte": 1000000,
            "min_fee": 600000,
            "max_fee": 30000000,
            "percentage": 100

* fee: 2000000 即20BTS,如果资产选择按固定值收费,每次转账收20BTS手续费
* price_per_kbyte: 这个不解释了
* min_fee: 600000 即6BTS,如果资产选择按百分比收费,这里可以设置一个下限,每次转账手续费最低6BTS
* max_fee: 3000000 即300BTS,如果资产选择按百分比收费,这里可以设置一个上限,每次转账手续费最高300BTS
* percentage: 100 就是1%,1000就是10%,如果资产选择按百分比收费,就是按这个百分比来算

General Discussion / Percentage based transfer fee [BSIP10] implemented
« on: January 19, 2016, 11:01:53 am »

The work for this implementation is not free. In order to have it applied on the live BitShares network, it needs to be funded in some way. Suggestions on how to fund it are appreciated. I ask for 10K$, or 3M BTS. Fair negotiations are acceptable.


Here is the BSIP document:

Feature briefs:
1. Added 3 global parameters which can be adjusted by the committee
  * the percentage
  * a per-transfer upper limit
  * a per-transfer lower limit
2. For each asset, the issuer can choose between flat fee mode and percentage based fee mode
3. Changed fee split schema between network and referral program: if the asset is in percentage based fee mode, the network gets an amount equals to the lower limit, referral program gets the rest.
4. Fee calculation is based on "core_exchange_rate" of the asset:
    fee = min(max(amount * CER * percentage, lower_limit), upper_limit)

Here is source code:

Future developments are planned. Schedule depends on funds.


Here listed some sample commands:

* To set an asset to charge percentage based transfer fees:
Code: [Select]
update_asset MYASSET null {"max_supply": "1000000000000000","market_fee_percent": 0,"max_market_fee": "1000000000000000","issuer_permissions": 79,"flags": 0,"core_exchange_rate": {  "base": {    "amount": 100000,    "asset_id": "1.3.0"  },  "quote": {    "amount": 10000,    "asset_id": "1.3.1"  }},"whitelist_authorities": [],"blacklist_authorities": [],"whitelist_markets": [],"blacklist_markets": [],"description": "","extensions": [[1,{"transfer_fee_mode":"asset_transfer_fee_mode_percentage_simple"}]]  } true

* To set an asset to charge flat transfer fees:
Code: [Select]
update_asset MYASSET null {"max_supply": "1000000000000000","market_fee_percent": 0,"max_market_fee": "1000000000000000","issuer_permissions": 79,"flags": 0,"core_exchange_rate": {  "base": {    "amount": 100000,    "asset_id": "1.3.0"  },  "quote": {    "amount": 10000,    "asset_id": "1.3.1"  }},"whitelist_authorities": [],"blacklist_authorities": [],"whitelist_markets": [],"blacklist_markets": [],"description": "","extensions": [[1,{"transfer_fee_mode":"asset_transfer_fee_mode_flat"}]]  } true

* To change global percentage fee parameters:
Code: [Select]
            "flat_fee": 2000000,
            "price_per_kbyte": 1000000,
            "percentage_min_fee": 600000,
            "percentage_max_fee": 30000000,
            "percentage": 100,
            "extensions": []
Explanation of above parameters:
* 45 is for a new operation "transfer_v2_operation". The original "transfer_operation" is incompatible
* flat_fee: 2000000 means 20 BTS of transfer fee for assets which selected flat transfer fee mode
* price_per_kbyte: no explanation
* percentage_min_fee: 600000 means 6 BTS of minimum transfer fee for assets which selected percentage fee mode
* percentage_max_fee: 3000000 means 300 BTS
* percentage: 100 means 1%
* extensions: a field for future extensions, leave it empty right now


* added a new database API: get_operation_fee, which will simply return minimum required fee for a given operation, and won't recursively calculate if the operation is a proposal (not like get_required_fees API)

* fee_schedule::set_fee() function is no longer compatible with transfer_operation, a new function set_fee_extended() is introduced. However, the new function is not designed to be used in client applications, it's recommended to use the new get_operation_fee API to get required fee, then set the fee to the operation.


If a 3rd-party application (for example apps of exchanges, bridges and etc) is monitoring activities of an account, when a transaction which contains transfer_v2_operation(id=45) arrives, it should be treated as same as transfer_operation(id=0).

(3rd-party applications should detect/handle "transfer_v2_operation" too if they detect/handle "transfer_operation".)

* Unable to apply percentage base fee mode to BTS

Due to lack of feedback from CNX, I don't know if it's the best way to implement BSIP10.
2016-01-21 Got in touch with CNX. No much feedback so far.
2016-01-25 Add extensions to fee parameter
2016-01-26 Made some changes on asset_update_operation: new_options can now have no CER or have an empty CER, in this case CER of asset_to_update won't change. Examples:
Code: [Select]
update_asset MYASSET null {"max_supply": "1000000000000000","market_fee_percent": 0,"max_market_fee": "1000000000000000","issuer_permissions": 79,"flags": 0,"whitelist_authorities": [],"blacklist_authorities": [],"whitelist_markets": [],"blacklist_markets": [],"description": "","extensions": [[1,{"transfer_fee_mode":"asset_transfer_fee_mode_percentage_simple"}]]  } true
update_asset MYASSET null {"max_supply": "1000000000000000","market_fee_percent": 0,"max_market_fee": "1000000000000000","issuer_permissions": 79,"flags": 0,"core_exchange_rate":{},"whitelist_authorities": [],"blacklist_authorities": [],"whitelist_markets": [],"blacklist_markets": [],"description": "","extensions": [[1,{"transfer_fee_mode":"asset_transfer_fee_mode_percentage_simple"}]]  } true

2016-02-12 Implemented a new operation, so the committee can change some options of the core asset (BTS), including:
  * percentage market fee / market fee cap
  * transfer fee mode
Code: [Select]
add_operation_to_builder_transaction 0 [46,{"fee":{"amount":50000000,"asset_id":"1.3.0"},"new_options":{"max_supply":"100000","market_fee_percent":10,"max_market_fee":"1000000000000000","issuer_permissions":0,"flags":0,"core_exchange_rate":{},"extensions":[[1,{"transfer_fee_mode":"asset_transfer_fee_mode_percentage_simple"}]]}}]

* Code is re-branched to be based on develop branch, operation_ids changed.
* Code is deeply refactored, parameter names of fee schedule changed.
* Links in this post updated.
* Added "API changes" section in this post
* Added "impacts to 3rd-party applicaitons" section in this post

Possible to make an AMI (Amazon Machine Image) of ubuntu with a witness_node pre-installed, so anyone who want to run witness_node on AWS can just clone it and start? Or on any other VPS providers? Better if there is a web-console to start/stop/change settings and etc.

Need to trust the image creator though.

Meta / Why no [new] icon on the main boards?
« on: January 13, 2016, 10:13:57 pm »
On the main page, I can see the [new] icon beside name of a sub-forum if there are new posts, for example "Witnesses", but no [new] icon on the main boards, for example "BitShares 2.0" or "General Discussion". Why?

Make voting as easy as possible! Think like you are a user.
If we really think voting is important, why not let our users know it better?

1. Make a "Vote" link on the top of GUI, like this:
Dashboard | Explore | Trade | Transfer | Vote!

2. Put something better than this on the top of voting page:
"Since you own a LARGE amount of stake of the system/company, your opinion is VERY IMPORTANT. Your voting will improve/secure the system and make your stake more valuable. If you don't vote, others/attackers may vote against what you want, thus your stake may become less valuable."

3. Make the GUI of voting page simpler
[IMPORTANT] The order of roles/voting options are important, show the most important role/voting option on the top.
[IMPORTANT] Don't use tabs, Use DIV's with a "hide details/show details" button

4. show more attractive description of the roles, for example
* Committee member: committee members make important decisions to maker the system work better / more secure / more valuable.
    [BETTER] show a link "More info" to a document page in a new window.
    [IMPORTANT] show a button "Become a committee member!". It's very simple, just one click then you can become a committee member, right? And the cost is as cheap as 2 BTS, far far less than a transfer.
** Make a list of active committee members, sort by number of votes for her
** Make a list of inactive committee members or all committee memebers, sort by activity, the one who updated their votes most recently shows on the top. And an option to sort by weight.
** Use list view instead of card view.
** show the opinions of each committee member in the list. use different color to indicate. for example <green>1.4.10 <red>1.4.11 <grey>1.4.12, and a link on each item to the detailed proposal page, and a small tip show short description when mouse in stopped on it.
** Make a "support" button on every member, shows whether you supports him, able to change your decision by one-click

* Make a list of active committee proposals, with a button to support/decline if the user is a committee member, or a link "become a committee member to make decision" if the user is not a committee member

* Witnesses: witnesses are contributors that sign blocks, like the miners in Bitcoin. A witness earn 1.5 BTS for every block she signed.
    [IMPORTANT] show a link "More info" to a document page.
    [IMPORTANT] show a button "Become a witness!", link to a "how to" page

* Paid contributors/contributions/workers: we pay for "some good word here" contributors/contributions.
** show a link "Become a paid contributor!"
** show a list of current paid contributors, what they are doing or want to do, how much their got paid, etc
** Make a "support" button on every contributor, shows whether you supports him, able to change your decision by one-click

* Proxies: proxies are [soem attractive words here]
**  a link "Become a proxy",
** show a list of top proxies

[To be continued]

中文 (Chinese) / 今天从Telegram群看到的一些消息
« on: January 08, 2016, 03:02:00 am »


ccedk的宣传文章的德语版和意大利语版是论坛的 Chris4210X 帮忙翻译的(收费10000bts),结果被发现是机器翻译的,18623.msg239291.html#msg239291
(注: Chris4210X 就是现在正在推广 OPENPOS 和新版手机钱包的那位)


中文 (Chinese) / CASS申请worker了
« on: January 03, 2016, 11:52:54 pm »
CASS申请worker了,现在得票数不少。参考 ,是这个worker
Graphic Design / UI/UX Design / Web Development (1.14.28)



Why do you still have bytemaster or angle as proxy?
Why are you still voting for STEALTH and/or voting against refund400k?
Why are you not voting?
You're helping BM with his dictatorship.

If you don't like what BM did in these days, please vote against STEALTH and vote for refund400k TODAY.

Now we only have the choice of STEALTH or NOTHING.
After STEALTH is approved, we'll have next choice of WHATEVER WE DON'T LIKE or NOTHING.

If you don't vote with your stake now, you'll have to vote with your feet some day.

@jakub BM/CNX has already showed that they wouldn't bring anything else for you to vote, why not present your opinion by voting against current choice?

@theredpill please don't only vote against STEALTH, please vote for refund400k as well.

@bitcrab @Harvey @ebit where are you?

@clayop I know you're busy these days, but please take a look here.

General Discussion / Committee members, please vote for proposal 1.10.45
« on: December 30, 2015, 02:36:29 pm »,20793.0.html
This proposal (if it is approved) will create 8 workers:

- 4x 100k BTS refund
- 4x 100k BTS burn

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