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Messages - BTS007

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中文 (Chinese) / Re: BTS的底部显现,少点恶意做空
« on: March 22, 2016, 12:28:45 pm »

中文 (Chinese) / Re: bts每天工资增发量,
« on: March 21, 2016, 12:30:14 pm »

听说FOX在与 Google and Amazon联系,如果成功,将是个大利好。

BTS已经和微软建立战略合作伙伴关系,都涨过一波了  +5% +5% +5%
FOX:I will look into both Google and Amazon offerings.  If they have template-based deployment solutions similar to Azure, I should expect it will be relatively easy to adapt them.  I expect the Bash script to remain nearly unchanged.


中文 (Chinese) / Re: bts每天工资增发量,
« on: March 20, 2016, 11:52:11 am »

听说FOX在与 Google and Amazon联系,如果成功,将是个大利好。

中文 (Chinese) / 比特股有首席新闻发布员吗?
« on: March 13, 2016, 11:56:38 am »


中文 (Chinese) / Re: xeroc 有话说,他想申请区块链工人
« on: February 24, 2016, 01:59:08 pm »
 +5% +5% +5%

General Discussion / Re: Turning the page on fees - We need yield back!
« on: November 18, 2015, 02:46:46 am »
1,The general people do not know what about burning fees, they are only worry about the value of the BTS.

2, Nowadays the fee looks like high, because the value of the BTS is low. If a BTS was $2, none thought that the fee was high.

3, the rise in value of the BTS is a key to solve all problems at present.

from BM in: Workers / Re: Worker Proposal Review--18

So here is a question, what is the present value of a BitShares to be delivered in 2 years?  You must discount todays BTS price by risk and time value of money. Stated another way, how much additional BTS would we have to pay to convince someone to lock up their BTS liquidity for 2 years. Stated another way, how much BTS would be required as collateral for a USD loan payable in 2 years?

If we have a price of 21M BTS payable upon delivery, then we would have to charge much more for BTS payable in 2 years and might even go out of business if we are unable to finance the work.

What about the idea of to establish a BTS big shareholders’ club ?

1,Low prices will kill BTS, we have no much time to wait.

2,Not to advance is to go back.

3,Do not worry about the reward for big holders, because they have more risk than who has less BTS.

4,The club is open for everyone, and all is voluntary and fair.

5,Now there are about 30-50 persons with 5m BTS, if the plan will be implemented, there will be 100 persons with 5m BTS immediately, and the value of BTS will rise to 5-10 times.

6,As me, I am only 100000BTS now, if the plan will be implemented, I want to buy BTS to become a person with 5m BTS immediately.

7.the goal to set the members in observation period is what can reduce the frequent in and out of members.


Who can save the BTS?Only our own

if there were 200 members with 5 m BTS, the price of the BTS would be changed dramatically!

The rise in the price of BTS, is the best reward to  the most loyal holders with low priced BTS and make them bag holders.

So that if there are 200 members who has 5 m BTS, the price of the BTS would be changed dramatically!

The number of 1 m has accounted for 40% of 2.5 m .

 How much reward should be discussed.

I think  the reward could be  a little at beginning,for the BTS system operation no profits now .

Depend on others is inferior to rely on ourself.

1, I think the idea has two questions,
the first question is whether need to establish the big shareholders club,
the second question is how to set up.

2, I think People are only interested in BTS, Bitcny and Bitusd. Too much other BTS assets may influence BTS development, because for no liquid.

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