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Messages - yidaidaxia

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AGS and PTS will be used to initialize all BTS chains each trading in a subset of assets. Therefore,
AGS and PTS is more valuable than owning a single BTS chain. They get you rights to all chains.

翻译的字面意思应该问题不大。但我有两个疑问,如果说是把AGS配置进区块链作为资产进行交易的话,那么如果克服AGS本身特点产生的不能交易的问题。另,如果理解" They get you rights to all chains."?AGS和PTS的价值当然比单个BTS有价值,但何谓"rights to all chains"呢?

一则大家协同工作,每人工作量小一些;二则避免有人同时翻译。这也是去中心化的一种实践 :D



 :D  :D


Keyhotee / Re: Keyhotee Founder ID Registration Process
« on: January 07, 2014, 05:34:35 pm »
BM, the image in your post is invalid now...

When you launch Keyhotee for the first time you will be presented with the Profile Creation Wizard, this wizard will walk you through creating your brain wallet from which all of your private keys can be derived.  It is very important that you remember the information you enter here because it is not saved anywhere after your master key has been generated from it.  If you ever need to regenerate your master key you will have to provide the exact same information the second time. 

After your profile has been created you can create your first Identity under this profile by going to the following menu.

Which will bring up this dialog:

The display name is irrelevant and can be anything you would like as it will only show up on your computer.  The keyhotee ID should be the name you requested from us.   The Founder Code should be the PTS or BTC address we gave you to fund your ID.  If you paid for your Keyhotee ID through some other method and need your assigned code please contact Stan at 

Your public key is deterministic given your profile and Keyhotee ID. 

If you enter a valid ID / Founder Code pair then the status should display the dollar value of your contribution as of December 25th, 2013.  Anything else will display an error. 

Whether or not there is an error you can still save the identity and share the public key with your friends who you would like to email until we launch the Keyhotee ID blockchain which will allow you to mine your ID and look up others by ID. 

To add a new contact click the New Contact button, enter a display name and their public key. 

At this point you should be able to send and receive emails using the system.   

We know there are a lot of bugs and things that need improved.  This is an alpha release which means it is not intended for anyone but those who can tolerate crashes and want to help fix things.  It will get much better over the next month or two as our guys work through the issues and refine the user experience.

Right now this system is using a dedicated centralized server in place of broadcast.  This means we can shut it down as necessary to make fixes.  Your email sent through this system may be more secure than other systems, but again this has not been through a security audit and there may be bugs. 

Download links will be posted here once we work through deployment issues.  More info coming soon.

Windows Download Link: or!WUk0xTIC!dqw_z3VbIagYlDA9Izur9Gmb-oxO_IMfMkErGGRPeHQ
If you would like to send me a message, add me as a contact with this public key: 7vdrPrn2ZXwg1bwT7YDnRVVqXorZp8DTU6TASJgDKpRhZz6Qfu
This will only work for alpha period and will not be my valid Keyhotee ID when we launch the official chain.

If you have problems registering or need to change your Keyhotee ID's Public Key, go to the Founder's Tab at the bottom of the page at  You can use the form provided there.


在我看来,Invictus Innovation公司(以下简称3I)与社区及公众之间有着非常好的信息分享与沟通。这份通讯月报是3I每个月都会出的一份月度开发进度及公司动态总结报告。虽然所有信息官方都已经通过论坛各个帖子在社区内进行了分享及讨论,但这份东西仍有益于关心3I公司产品进展的朋友查漏补缺,了解相关动态。另外,中文板块的朋友有些可能没有时间或不便于看英文原帖,所以我想中文翻译应该也有其价值。故此,我将周一发布的2014年1月月报做了翻译与大家分享。



Progress Report

Invictus innovations is pleased to announce a one-month slip in our Keyhotee release schedule.

Wait, what?

Yes, we know, slipping a product is always a Very Bad Thing. Unless you’ve got something better to show for it. We are nearly a year ahead of our envisioned schedule for bootstrapping the crypto-equityindustry. We’ll take that trade.

It’s a bit like drilling a well to water your chickens and finding the biggest new oil field on the planet.

Plans have to change. You need to adapt. We spent our first four months drilling that well. We’ve spent the next two months adapting to the gusher of oil. How are we doing? You be the judge.

“Innovations, nasty things, make you late for dinner.” — Bilbo Baggins
“创新,淘气的事,让你晚餐迟到”——比尔博 巴金斯 (译注:<魔戒>角色之一)

The scope of our undertaking is growing rapidly. Sometimes we have to insert unplanned tasks into our schedule that are, frankly, more important than the ones we had scheduled. For example:

It was more important to make sure ProtoShares (PTS) was a success when it took off faster than we could have imagined. ProtoShares were originally intended as a simple way to attract attention to BitShares, letting supporters start mining while it was still in development. Just a simple fork of theBitcoin library, a temporary piece of development scaffolding. — It became the unifying force for a new industry, reaching the top ten currencies in its first month. Keeping it on the launch rails quickly became a full time job. It was a task that wouldn’t wait.

ProtoShares made it clear that traditional mining was badly broken. The waste of resources was appalling and the little guy was increasingly disenfranchised by those able to throw unlimited processing power into the mix. How could a multitude of unmanned companies thrive if they were built on the premise that they must incinerate all their seed capital just to get started? How could they be competitive if they needed to continue burning profits just to provide security? Innovation was needed before launching our first DAC. It was a task that wouldn’t wait.

It was more important to nurture the amazing community that grew up around us overnight. Making ourselves available to that community takes up a lot of time. 21279 Posts in 1638 Topics by 2956 Members is a lot to read, not to mention the thousands of custom-crafted responses they required. But it was worth it! Building the decentralized community that will build the decentralization industry is Job One. It was a task that wouldn’t wait.

With a burgeoning community comes high expectations. Demand for better tools, for better documentation, for a more professional web site, for better customer service, and for stronger marketing initiatives. We could no longer afford the serial development approach we had planned for the first year. We needed to get multiple teams working in parallel and find a way to fund them. It was a task that wouldn’t wait.

We invented AngelShares (AGS). A new crowd funding strategy that we expect will revolutionize the crypto-equity industry and be quickly adopted by other developers. With AngelShares we are raising the funds necessary to put the foundation in place for the whole industry. New DACs will now be much easier to launch because of the head start our promotional campaigns and DAC development toolkit will give them. We can now grow the industry an order of magnitude faster. More DACs mean more value for the holders of PTS and AGS It was a task that wouldn’t wait.

Once AngelShares funding started rolling in, we needed to get people working on using it. Tasks and “Bountiful Bounties” needed to be defined along with the rules and support structure to manage them. Successful execution will encourage further investment. The surging backing behind PTS will increase its market value which will increase its purchasing power for more work to build out the infrastructure and ecosystem. Getting the bounties underway was a task that wouldn’t wait.
You get the idea. Keyhotee is very important and we now have a large, well-funded team working on it in parallel with everything else. That cost us a month. We think it was a good trade.

Innovations du Jour

We have been doing our development and sharing our evolving ideas transparently on the forum. However, in case you missed it, here is a summary of some of the most significant changes:

BitShares (BTS) will not be mined or use Proof of Work, it will use Consensus + Proof of Stake

Thus BTS will now pay 2x the dividend rate that the original spec called for.

Thus PTS holders stake in BTS will no longer be diluted by 45% due to mining rewards

Thus PTS holders benefit from ability to redirect capital previously wasted on mining.

BitAssets will receive a predictable, hardcoded 5% interest; shorts will pay a 5% borrowing cost.

Consensus algorithm means that confirmation times will be as quick as 30 seconds and no one node
can manipulate the market.

We have identified a much simpler approach to implementing dividends

50% of first BTS money supply will be allocated to PTS holders

50% of first BTS money supply will be allocated to AGS holders.

Each BTS chain will support trading in about 16 assets

AGS and PTS will be used to initialize all BTS chains each trading in a subset of assets. Therefore,
AGS and PTS is more valuable than owning a single BTS chain. They get you rights to all chains.

At the rate AGS is being funded we will have $3 million per month to spend developing industry infrastructure and kick-starting new DACS. We are rapidly moving to accelerate the process.

If you were first attracted to our products because they had the unusual benefit of being backed by a funded company, imagine the impact of that company now being backed by an order of magnitude more resources! We are now poised for main engine ignition. Hold onto your hats.


By the time your read this, everyone should have already heard about AngelShares. Together with ProtoShares they constitute a powerful one-two punch for bootstrapping the crypto-equity industry. Like ProtoShares, AngelShares entitle you to a share of every derived DAC supported by Invictus and its collaborating developers. 10,000 of them are up for auction every day for the first 199 days of 2014.

Visit to learn all about them.

Keyhotee Founder IDs

There are about 340 official Keyhotee Founders who actually funded the IDs they registered. Their total donations, converted to USD on December 24 (BTC at $658.36 and PTS at $12.78) amounted to $71,484.34. We counted those donations as the first AngelShares auction, so Founder’s received about 1.8 AngelShares per ProtoShare donated. The remaining 199 auctions are for the public.
有大约340个正式的Keyhotee创始人为他们注册的ID进行了注资。他们所有的捐赠在2013年12月24日换算成美元(BTC单价658.36美元,PTS单价12.78美元),总计为71,484.34美元。我们将这些捐赠计为第一批AGS拍卖所得,所以注资者捐赠的每份PTS可以得到约1.8 AGS。其余的199次拍卖将公开进行。

This allocation will be imbedded into the standard DAC genesis block initializer that all honorable developers will be able to use when launching their DACs.

There is one more step for all Founders. Use the alpha release of Keyhotee to associate your selfgenerated public key with your Keyhotee Founder ID(s). If you don’t do this your ID-PublicKey pair can’t be enshrined be in the genesis block! You will need the wallet address we provided you for each ID in order to confirm that you are indeed the rightful owner of that ID. Keep the wallet file that Keyhotee generates. It holds the corresponding private key that you will need to wield your Keyhotee ID. You will have several weeks to get this done before the first public release of Keyhotee comes out. At that time, the genesis block will be laid for all time. One month late, but what does that matter when facing the remainder of all eternity you will have to use it? For help:
所有的创始人需要再完成一件事。使用Keyhotee的初始测试版把你的自生成公钥与你的Keyhotee创始人ID关联。如果你不这么做,你的ID-公钥对将无法被配置进创世区块。你需要用我们为每一个ID提供的钱包地址来确认你是该ID真正的拥有者。保存好Keyhotee生成的钱包文件。那里面有你使用你的Keyhotee ID所需要的相关私钥。在Keyhotee推出前,你仍有几个星期来完成此事。Keyhotee一经推出,创世区块将一直存在。为此我们还要等待一个月,但这段时间的等待是为了之后的长久持续使用。如需帮助请联系

Organizational Upgrades

Invictus is now in the process of scaling up its internal organization with new Division Managers for each of our product lines. This month we feature Brian Page, our new Director of Marketing.

Marketing Manager. Brian Page is a trends investor, entrepreneur, and marketing specialist with a passion for building the next great brand. His primary talent is the ability to craft a simple message that's relevant, consistent and recognizable. He takes pride in making the complex easy to understand and championing the revolutionary concepts of crypto-currencies, crypto-equities and decentralization. He's thrilled to be joining the Invictus team as its brand champion.
市场部经理。Brian Page是一个趋势投资者、企业家以及对于建立下一个伟大品牌富有激情的市场专家。他的首要专长是制造简单的、切题的、一贯的、易于识别的信息。他得意于把复杂的事物变得易于理解,维护密码学货币、密码学资产和去中心化等革命性的概念。他对于能加入3I团队并维护它的品牌十分激动。

We like to think that there is a guiding theory behind all that we do. A madness to our method, so to speak. This month’s featured article, Social Consensus and the Invisible Hand, presents the background reasoning behind our increasingly determined decentralization efforts.

Social Consensus and the Invisible Hand

“In economics, the invisible hand of the market is a metaphor conceived by Adam Smith to describe the self-regulating behavior of the marketplace. Individuals can make profit, and maximize it without the need for government intervention. The exact phrase is used just three times in Smith's writings, but has come to capture his important claim that individuals' efforts
to maximize their own gains in a free market benefit society, even if the ambitious have no benevolent intentions.” - Wikipedia
“在经济领域,市场的无形之手是亚当斯密构建用来形容市场自我调节行为的比喻。无需政府干预,个体可以创造利润,并将其最大化。这个词在亚当斯密的文章里只出现了三次,但它被用来形容亚当斯密的这一主张,即自由市场中的个体努力将最大化他们的收益从而有益于社会,即使这些雄心勃勃的努力本身并无善意。” —— 维基百科

I wonder if that same invisible hand can do more than regulate a marketplace. I wonder if it can raise up an entire new industry of unmanned companies without any need for a centralized developer – no single point of failure, coercion, or corruption. Can a global community of autonomous, even anonymous, individuals each operating in their own self-interest and
complying the laws of their own jurisdictions create an entire new industry without the need for government oversight?
我想知道是否同样的无形之手可以比一个规制了的市场做的更多。我想知道是否它可以支撑起一整个无人操纵公司(DAC)的新产业,这样的公司对一个中心化的开发者没有任何需求 —— 没有单一点带来的失败、压迫或者腐败。一个自治的、甚至匿名的全球社区,其中的每个个体按他们自己各自的利益运作,遵从他们各自的法律权限,从而在无需政府监管的情况下创造出一整个新的产业。

I’m convinced it can.

Because of the growing regulatory jungle in most governments, it appears to be nearly impossible to engage in a complex undertaking without running afoul of many booby-trap regulations. Worse, such regulations are subject to the dynamically changing interpretations of individual persons in places of authority. In Innocence Is No Excuse we poked fun at this
situation, but it is not funny for anyone trying to fill the role of Prime Developer (a.k.a. “Designated Target”) in a global enterprise. We recommend that position be left unfilled.

Instead, let’s let the marketplace do that function! The domain of open source software development has already hinted that this is possible with the distributed development of cryptocurrencies. But each currency still seems to need a centralized Prime Developer to pull it all together – one that is still exposed to the whims of its own legal jurisdiction. As a community,
we need to work on that.

What if everyone just did whatever pieces they can legally do as individuals in their own jurisdictions? Some engage in motivational free speech. Some publish system architectures. Some write specs or snippets of software. Some assemble these snippets in various interesting ways. Some test and experiment with them. Some evaluate them certify that they meet their
specs. Some coordinate tasks. Some provide funds. Some suggest how funds ought to be used. Some act as escrow agents for those funds. Some emerge as leaders, trusted to make complex decisions based on their established expertise. Nobody is in charge but the Invisible Hand of the Marketplace.

Some of the evolutionary “by-products” of this primordial soup of activity get recognized by themarketplace as being good for something! Word spreads and the network effect kicks in. Soon those products are in widespread use. Then something better comes along and the process repeats. Natural selection determines the survival of the fittest - even if fitness is greatly aided by the efforts of a designer.
一些这种“原始汤”行为的进化副产品得到了市场认可,被认为对某些东西是有好处的。消息流传开来,网络效应产生。很快这些产品被广泛使用。然后一些更好的东西伴随而来,随后这个过程得到重复。自然选择决定适者生存 —— 即使设计者的努力对这种适应性提供了很大的帮助。

So the question is, how is any of this different than what we have now in the ProtoShares community? Isn’t that exactly how its been working? We are a collection of individuals, teams, and companies each doing what we know how under the constraints of the laws that apply to us. Locally, there are things we cannot do. But globally there is somebody somewhere who is legally able to do every single thing that must be done. And the invisible hand of the market will do the rest.

How does the invisible hand enforce a Social Consensus?

Google defines a Social Contract as “an implicit agreement among the members of a society to cooperate for social benefits.” This is the meaning we have always intended, but because the term “contract” invites undeserved scrutiny by wily regulators in many jurisdictions. We prefer the term Social Consensus. Social Consensus is the market force behind the invisible hand. It’s
why RedShares will succeed and BlueShares will fail.

RedShares vs. BlueShares? Yes. Suppose somebody works hard to develop a new DAC she calls RedShares. She coordinates with the global community. Earns their trust and respect. Funds people to help her. Publishes papers. Sponsors web forums. Gives away all her intellectual property. Teaches others how to use it. Creates a valuable new currency and gives it away. Then hands it all to the community in an open source software library with just one request: When RedShares are launched, 10% of its money supply are to be issued to holders of her first currency because that’s what she promised them and that is what made them valuable to everyone.

Then suppose a pirate grabs her open source code, eliminates the part that keeps her promise, and releases BlueShares that same day. Which will succeed in the marketplace?

Well, it all depends upon how the two are perceived by several market forces. In the absence of any other factors the market will adopt the two coins 50/50 (presuming that the same number of people like the colors red and blue.). If she has taken the time to build a consensus that her RedShares are fairly implemented, there will be a bias in her direction. If there is a perception that they have not, there will be a bias against her. There will also be a bias against BlueShares if they are perceived as pirated software with no added value. There may be other arbitrary biases like country of origin or other group affinities. The two will settle into some split of the market share where they may reside in permanent asymmetrical competition like Microsoft and Apple.

Now let’s add the network effect! As long as the value to the user doesn’t depend on how much market share the two have, nothing need change. But, suppose the two represent something like ownership in a stock exchange. A slight difference in popularity gives one a slightly deeper market, which translates into a slightly bigger difference in popularity in a self-reinforcing
feedback loop. This difference also translates into higher earnings, which translates into higher demand for the stock, which translates into higher expectations for that stock to go up -- in another self-reinforcing feedback loop. The invisible hand of the market has picked a winner! It just took a slight initial bias.

The Role of “Conductor”

Leading a decentralized open source software project is about engineering that bias – engineering it so that the invisible hand selects your vision. You can’t really call yourself the Prime Developer; you don’t have that kind of control. You are closer to a “facilitator”, better yet, a free-lance orchestra conductor sending signals and gestures to a world of independent
performers. If they are motivated to follow your signals, your vision will begin to take shape from their efforts. But even that has limitations. You might be able to motivate them to contribute some free time using the feeble power of your ideas and vision. But to get their full commitment you need to meet people’s needs for a living wage.
领导一个区中心化开源软件项目和去工程设计这种偏向有关 —— 工程设计这个软件以使得“无形的手”选择你的愿景。你不能真正把自己称为首席开发者,你没有那样的掌控力。你的角色和一个“服务商”有点接近,可是稍好一些,就像一个自由发挥的管弦乐队指挥向一个独立演奏家们的世界发送各种信号和手势。如果他们被你的信号所激励,他们的努力将帮助你的愿景开始成型。但即便这一点仍有限制,你也许可以用你的主意和愿景的微弱力量激发他们贡献一些空余时间,但要得到他们完全的投入,你需要满足人们生活所必须薪酬需求。

But where do you get that cash? Unless you are independently wealthy, you must motivate those who do have cash to donate some of their wealth to the cause. What can you offer such patrons in return? You could form a company and give them some of your stock, but alas, you won’t have any profits to share with them. You plan to give all you do away — lest you become a target of regulation and force for centralization yourself.
但是你从哪里得到现金?除非你自己就很富有,你必须激励那些有现金的人用他们的部分财富对这个项目进行捐赠。对这些资助人你能提供什么回报?你可以组织一个公司并给他们一些你的股票,但是你讲不会有任何收益能分享给他们。你计划付出你所做的一切 —— 免得你成为某个法规的目标并且迫使你自己中心化。

Even if you did have profits to share, many jurisdictions won’t allow small investors to participate without a rigorous process of “going public.” By the time you’ve done that, you’ve become a Big Business. Too Big to Quit if coerced by The Powers That Be. True, new crowd funding laws are emerging that (graciously) permit small investors to participate in a limited way to raise limited amounts – if you are willing to submit to unlimited centralized control.
即使你有收益可以分享,如果不经过严格的“上市”程序,很多地方的法律仍不会允许小投资者参与其中。而当你完成这些程序,你已经成为一个“大生意”了,大到有了足够大的力量以至于不会退出。是的,新的公募法律开始(和蔼地)许可小投资者在限定方式里用限定的资金量参与其中 —— 如果你愿意服从无限制的中心化控制。

But what if through your free speech signals you were able to cause funding to flow from patrons to performers? And what if other signals motivated those performers to independently create something of value to the patrons? And what if still more signals biased the market toward embracing that something. Why, I think the invisible hand of the market just might cause that something to appear, all without centralized control and all without violating the laws of any individual’s jurisdiction!

Of course, such “conductors” can only arise where the right to free speech is not infringed. If such a place still exists, then all else is possible! That, of course, remains to be seen.

So what are the characteristics of an effective conductor? You must be trusted, respected and capable of motivating the reliable exchange of value between patrons and performers. If you can do that, then you can bias the invisible hand to favor one open source solution over another. And once that slight bias is in place, the network effect takes over and the invisible hand will pick the intended solution. By letting go of the need to be “in control”, you have facilitated the creation
of free exchange of value in the marketplace with nothing but free speech and a good reputation.

And that should make all the difference.

Thanks for your interest and support.

Stan Larimer, President
Stan Larimer, 3I公司主席

Keyhotee / Re: Keyhotee Founder ID Registration Process
« on: January 04, 2014, 05:24:00 pm »


Keyhotee / Re: Keyhotee Founder ID Registration Process
« on: January 04, 2014, 11:10:05 am »
Thanks for update. What if one person own two Keyhotee IDs, is it OK if he use the same identity?

This actually raised another question in my mind. If I have another persons information, what's stopping me from posing as someone else through Keyhotee? I mean like if I had my friends License and Passport/Social Insurance number and created a Keyhotee ID under his name? This would be easily done since you are aloud to have multiple identities.

No worry about this. The personal info. is just for strengthen your brain wallet security, will not be shared to anyone else, it's just in your wallet data. No one can see it and you could not show it to anyone, and even you could show it means nothing... In my mind, the Keyhotee ID is a new identity of everyone, no direct relationship to the real world identity and any other identities(e.g. ID on this forum) in the Keyhotee system itself.

Keyhotee / Re: Keyhotee Founder ID Registration Process
« on: January 04, 2014, 11:02:28 am »
When you launch Keyhotee for the first time you will be presented with the Profile Creation Wizard, this wizard will walk you through creating your brain wallet from which all of your private keys can be derived.  It is very important that you remember the information you enter here because it is not saved anywhere after your master key has been generated from it.  If you ever need to regenerate your master key you will have to provide the exact same information the second time. 

After your profile has been created you can create your first Identity under this profile by going to the following menu.

Which will bring up this dialog:

The display name is irrelevant and can be anything you would like as it will only show up on your computer.  The keyhotee ID should be the name you requested from us.   The Founder Code should be the PTS or BTC address we gave you to fund your ID.  If you paid for your Keyhotee ID through some other method and need your assigned code please contact Stan. 

Your public key is deterministic given your profile and Keyhotee ID. 

If you enter a valid ID / Founder Code pair then the status should display the dollar value of your contribution as of December 25th, 2013.  Anything else will display an error. 

Whether or not there is an error you can still save the identity and share the public key with your friends who you would like to email until we launch the Keyhotee ID blockchain which will allow you to mine your ID and look up others by ID. 

To add a new contact click the New Contact button, enter a display name and their public key. 

At this point you should be able to send and receive emails using the system.   

We know there are a lot of bugs and things that need improved.  This is an alpha release which means it is not intended for anyone but those who can tolerate crashes and want to help fix things.  It will get much better over the next month or two as our guys work through the issues and refine the user experience.

Right now this system is using a dedicated centralized server in place of broadcast.  This means we can shut it down as necessary to make fixes.  Your email sent through this system may be more secure than other systems, but again this has not been through a security audit and there may be bugs. 

Download links will be posted here once we work through deployment issues.  More info coming soon.

Thank you. I've translated this to Chinese forum. Waiting for the update!

中文 (Chinese) / Re: [翻译贴] Keyhotee创始人ID注册流程
« on: January 04, 2014, 10:46:47 am »
谢谢楼主的工作! :)





When you launch Keyhotee for the first time you will be presented with the Profile Creation Wizard, this wizard will walk you through creating your brain wallet from which all of your private keys can be derived.  It is very important that you remember the information you enter here because it is not saved anywhere after your master key has been generated from it.  If you ever need to regenerate your master key you will have to provide the exact same information the second time. 
——译注:这个页面上的操作就是创建Keyhotee钱包即秘钥池的过程,要点是一定要把这里输入的所有信息牢牢记下来,需要反复核对,然后拿纸抄写下来,多保存几份。从安全角度讲这个过程最好是离线的,并在一个“完全干净”(无木马)的电脑上完成。按原文意思理解,该钱包的主秘钥即秘钥池将由这个页面上的信息一次性生成。而"登录密码(Login Password)"是每次启动Keyhotee时需要输入的密码,估计将来每次发送数字资产的时候也要用到。

"first name" - 名字
"middle name" - 中间名,没有的话可以不填,我也建议别填,防止以后找回的时候忘记自己填了什么
"last name" - 姓
"date-of-birth" - 生日
"passport #" - 护照号,没有的话建议填身份证号
“lincense #” - 美国主要指驾照号,有护照号已经在上面填过的可以在这里填身份证号,反正国内身份证号和驾照号是一样的。或者这里不填也行,反正别乱填。
"brain wallet key" - 脑钱包密钥,实际是用来生成私钥池的信息的一部分。需要填写32位数字或字母,建议如果填自己弄的无意义遍码的话一定要抄下来多保存几份,如果填的是有意义的信息,那么一定不要太简单易破解。我还是建议用随机生成的密码,客户端的生成随机密码那个按键由于是测试版目前不可用,随机码具体怎么弄请自己百度下。再提醒下,请一定抄写正确且多保留几份。
"login password" - 每次使用keyhotte的时候的登录密码,至少8位数字或字母组合,建议也一定设地复杂不易破解但也不能遗忘或弄丢。
"repeat password" - 重复确认登录密码设置

After your profile has been created you can create your first Identity under this profile by going to the following menu.
——译注:意料之中的,这意味着一个Keyhotee钱包下将创建多个不同的Keyhotee ID(个人认为应该没有上限),实际是一个公私秘钥对对应一个Keyhotee ID。

Which will bring up this dialog:
点击“新账号(New Identity)”之后,你将看到这个对话框:
——译注:这个页面实际上就是Keyhotee ID创建、注册页面

The display name is irrelevant and can be anything you would like as it will only show up on your computer.  The keyhotee ID should be the name you requested from us.   The Founder Code should be the PTS or BTC address we gave you to fund your ID.  If you paid for your Keyhotee ID through some other method and need your assigned code please contact Stan. 
显示名(displan name)只在你的电脑上显示,可以任意设置。
——译注:"display name"是供你自己备注信息,最大作用是可以给你联系清单里的联系人备注一个名字来帮助你记住他是谁,因为很多人在论坛、QQ、微博、常用邮箱、Keyhotee里用不一样的ID名,有了这个标注可以帮你记住对方是谁。
Keyhotee账号(Keyhotee ID)应输入你从我们(3I公司)这里申请的名字。创始人代码(Founder Code)应输入我们(3I公司)先前给你的用于申请你账号时的PTS或BTC注资地址。如果你使用其他方法注资了你的Keyhotee ID,那么请联系Stan,我们将会分配一个创始人代码给你。

Your public key is deterministic given your profile and Keyhotee ID. 
你的公钥地址(public key)对应于与你的注册资料和Keyhotte ID
——译注:这里的意思应该是输入“Display Name”, "Keyhotee ID", "founder Code"之后,点击右侧的"Register"完成注册后,将生成一个公钥地址(实际应该是从之前完成脑钱包创建后生成的公钥池中取出一个),该地址将会和这里注册的Keyhotee ID绑定。

If you enter a valid ID / Founder Code pair then the status should display the dollar value of your contribution as of December 25th, 2013.  Anything else will display an error. 

Whether or not there is an error you can still save the identity and share the public key with your friends who you would like to email until we launch the Keyhotee ID blockchain which will allow you to mine your ID and look up others by ID. 
无论是否有问题,你都可以保存你的账号并将你的公钥告诉你愿与之收发邮件的小伙伴们,而在我们启动了Keyhotee ID块链的之后,你将可以"挖掘"出你自己的ID并且可以按ID查找其他人。
——译注:从这里的信息看,Keyhotee Founder ID拥有者之外的人应该也可以注册ID并使用测试版。或者说非Keyhotee Founder ID也能被注册使用。当然,一,不能和Keyhotee Founder ID重复;二,目前并没有区块链,所以这些是临时ID,将来正式版启用后需要通过"挖矿(mine)"重新抢注。

To add a new contact click the New Contact button, enter a display name and their public key. 
点击新联系人按钮(New Contact button),输入一个显示名和相应的公钥地址,你可以添加一个新的联系人,

At this point you should be able to send and receive emails using the system.   

We know there are a lot of bugs and things that need improved.  This is an alpha release which means it is not intended for anyone but those who can tolerate crashes and want to help fix things.  It will get much better over the next month or two as our guys work through the issues and refine the user experience.

Right now this system is using a dedicated centralized server in place of broadcast.  This means we can shut it down as necessary to make fixes.  Your email sent through this system may be more secure than other systems, but again this has not been through a security audit and there may be bugs. 
——译注:上面两段很重要,大家非常有必要提醒自己这只是个初步测试版,发生任何问题都是正常的,关键的是及时发现问题与解决问题。不要期待过高,太多抱怨也没必要,更不要因为测试版问题导致的币价波动影响心情。建议下载体验的同志都做好当测试员的心理准备。 :)

Download links will be posted here once we work through deployment issues.  More info coming soon.
——译注:期待—— 现在已经发布啦!去原页面链接下载吧

We will be releasing a lot of alpha software in the weeks/months ahead.  If you want to be an early tester with code that is very likely to break then follow this thread.  We will let you know of alpha releases that are not ready for general users.

Support! I'm in!



如题。了解到BTS/PTS后很看好并支持之。今天从交易平台入了些PTS,并下载了PTS钱包。完成安装后显示"数据同步中",”落后三周前“,并且右下角几乎一直显示"o active connection(s) to ProtoShares network",偶尔会显示有"1 connection"但更新进度条前面一直写着“No block resource available...”。



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