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Messages - crypto4ever

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General Discussion / Re: BitShares unplanned maintenance
« on: July 10, 2017, 02:45:43 pm »
And we use advertise everywhere that a decentralized network can not halt...

Hope this issue will be tracked down and fixed.

That's not true. Show me where it says "it cannot halt".  It says that your funds cannot be stolen since you hold the keys.  The chain is full of encryption. This is still true.

It's probably nothing more than an inode or disk problem. Who knows. We'll find out soon.

Yes of course this issue will be tracked down and fixed. It's obviously their #1 priority.

General Discussion / Re: Bitshares price discussion
« on: July 10, 2017, 04:58:40 am »
Stan posted an article at I just read.   He mentioned that Poloniex is having (or had) problems with BTS transfers and STEEM transfers.

A lot of value is following through Poloniex. I have no idea what is up with them.  Anyone else know?

I think Poloniex is a contributing factor to what we're seeing at with all currencies they carry.

Here's a quote:
This week, for example, Poloniex shut down withdrawals of BitShares and Steem blaming it on the developers of those blockchains. No other exchange had such troubles. What exactly was Poloniex doing behind the scenes with your money?

no need to request bans here - we do not ban based on different opinions.

Oh great. So if I used my account to explain how much I think fav is a pedophile (which is a difference of opinion) that wouldn't be crossing the line?

Disclaimer: I do not think fav is a pedophile. I'm simply using an awful example of that at some point... to keep discussions on track and we not wildy attack one another in public, there has to be some sort of reasonable expectation of what is acceptable, and what isn't...

See, as long as two people are hashing things out in public.. on this forum, and there are no rules "for difference of opinion" it means anything goes, includes wild accusations, whether it be your religious beliefs, your skin color, your sexual preference (aka pedophilia) ...

Come on.. at some point, we need to put up certain boundaries and keep on topic and not cross lines..

TWO people holding their face to the fire over real issues is important. I agree. But let's not allow Stan's religious beliefs to be a topic of discussion.  He shouldn't have to explain that to us, or defend it. It's his own private and personal belief and has no bearing on what we're talking about...

Do I really need to point out the obvious? sigh...

Allow me to make my footnote a little more readable:

Any investor that uses his private cryptokeys to transfer funds, the onus is on him, before he does that... Buyer beware, and do you own due diligence.  No one is responsible for the decisions you make but yourself when you invest in something. That's common sense.

He is not calling Stan's religious beliefs into question but making light hearted joke.
No censorship please we are not government  ;)

Light, hearted joke?  If Stan was Jamaican, and he made a light hearted joke about his blackness.... at what point does a "light hearted joke" cross the line?

The mere fact that he pulled Stan's christianity into the discussion, light hearted or not.. was wrong.

Up until now, yes, I agree, I was enjoying the banter and the forensic analysis of the offer from Matt Trainer..  But at some point, this became severely personal, and attack on Stan's character, his religion, and everyone was standing around watching this bloody fight. It's not right, and I refuse to watch the gore without saying something.

This is interesting, let's see what Samupaha had to say in March 2015:

so only way to go forward is through trial and error. It is always easy to say afterwards that "we should have done things differently" but at the time of making those decisions, it's impossible to know what is the optimal way.

I'm actually quite impressed how well the developers have handled difficult decisions. Of course it will always give some distress to investors when plans are changed on the fly, but in the long run it is propably the only way to make sure that the end product will be great.

Let's see what Samupaha says June 2017:

Do those people deserve to lose their money who will buy into a scam because of you? Are you willing to admit that you were wrong and pay them back from your own pocket?

I really can't understand your thinking. You seem to be a nice guy but your business actions are confusing. I remember that you have claimed to be a devout christian. Is this just a conspiracy to make people poor so they can get to heaven

I suggest Samupaha has turned into a troll and a bully and should have his account suspended.  He's obviously trying to blame people for his own personal investment decisions and calling Stan's religious beliefs into question is crossing the line.  This should not be tolerated.

Footnote: Any investor that uses his private cryptokeys to transfer funds, the onus is on him, before he does that... Buyer beware, and do you own due diligence.  No one is responsible for the decisions you make but yourself when you invest in something. That's common sense.


Sunny King will be attending the BeyondBitcoin mumble tomorrow, Friday August 19th  (10am EST / 7am PST)

Steemit post with details here:

I'm not sure where to post this, so forum moderator please move if necessary.

Yes, this could be good.

Let me give you an example. Today, intelliguy and stellabelle on steemit released a week long collaboration called the steemit glossary here:

(Original version: $15.84 as of current, writing this post)

Due to the "Edit bug" getting in the way of penalizing for spam, the first 4 edits to the post caused the rewards to drop dramatically. (I'm still trying to figure out where to get the exact figure)

What's worse, is that this user jennykidd stole it within minutes of realizing its value, and the stolen version is making more than the original article.  This user even removed the "who authored the post" right out of the article and reposted it:

(Stolen version: $31.37)

This is a prime example of where steemit whales can help fix a problem to deter theft of content before it gets worse.

Edit:  Apparently the thief finally got downvoted before it was too late. Took a lot of effort letting people know though.

I am going to speak openly and honestly.

Steem and Bitshares have nothing to do with one another. "YET"

Steem is testing its ground, and it is doing very well.  While it seems this is a great time to get a synergy going...

There is "only" 18,000 users on the system as of this post.  That's 0.00001% of the internet population.

This is NOT the time to introduce them to bitshares, while they are growing exponentially.  Allow the userbase to grow 100X and then put effort forth.

So all of you (and me) BTS holders, knowing what Bitshares can do... need to wait.  Don't cloud the growth of steem pushing something like us forward.

Many of them don't even know what Bitcoin is (until now) and now we want to promote Bitshares?

Timing is everything... Bitshares isn't going anywhere, and neither is steem..  Use timing in your favor.


I like this idea... But to be honest the blockchain is something that means something to developers and the science behind how it works. Consumers don't care.  I think I'm contradicting myself with my submissions, but they were purposely done to get others to "do bettter". :)

Consumers know they use their phone, and that's what is important.

Showing a standard Wifi Symbol, with the word "blockpos" over it, might be enough.  The wifi signal is quite well known and popular, and means it is electronic and goes through the air.

(Even if technically we're scanning codes with a camera, or using NFC. The logo can be technically wrong, as long as it
shows the consumer that you can do a phone payment)

...and since phones keep changing designs, I don't know if you would want a picture of a cell phone.  That's why I suggest
a wifi signal as part of the logo. That's pretty standard these days.

Even look at this logo from Mastercard:

Or even these:

Come on people, help me stop posting this trash. :)   Get out your image editor and try something.

At least this might energize his logo developer with ideas..

I'm a terrible graphic designer, but I feel this might encourage someone who can do better, to do better. :)

Can happen to any poorly written smart contact anywhere.

That's a fair statement with 2 exceptions:

1. Over $50 Million U.S. dollars was "stolen" in this event.  This is a terribly big deal.


2. Smart contracts are still new, and so is the language and structure.  I wouldn't recommend heavily investing in anything like this until the technology is proven and better understood.

Which means:

Caution, caution, caution.

General Discussion / >$50 USD Million worth of ETH stolen by DAO bug?
« on: June 18, 2016, 01:27:52 am »

So smart contracts on the ETH blockchain can have these things happen to them?

An attack has been found and exploited in the DAO, and the attacker is currently in the process of draining the ether...


What version of the Bitshares wallet client are you using, and are you synced up properly?

I don't think you can open the wallet and issue commands instantly.

I didn't know we have an office ..

Yes, this is the office. (grin)

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