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Messages - kenCode

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Tons of updates this week!
BlockPay related:
This week's work was mainly focused on adding support for a wider range of currencies as input values. To be able to do this without relying on a 3rd party API it was required to ask the bitshares network about the witness-provided data regarding real-world currencies. The input currency support is consequently limited to those currencies that do have a smartcoin counterpart. The list now includes 14 currencies.
A lot of work has been invested in improving the handling of the conversions and making sure no unneeded exchange rate requests were being performed.
The currency and country selection have been decoupled from each other. This required both visible UI changes, and adjustments in the code behind the scenes. For the UI part we now have a separate spinner displaying the list of supported currencies displaying currency name, currency symbol and a small country flag.
It is now also possible to mark the "None" option when selecting the desired UIA for Loyalty Points. When this happens, the Loyalty Points "ratio" section gets deactivated. This feature has not yet been included in the latest release, but it is already published in the repo and we will probably release this on the app store this weekend.
Some minor UI adjustments like specifying the correct length of the PIN number and shading pending app features have been completed. At first the app used 6 digit PIN numbers, then we switched to 8, now the app supports 6-unlimited digits for added security.
Work regarding the storage of market cap data in the local database was also initiated. This will enable us not only to store this data in a proper way by taking advantage of the relational database, but bandwidth utilization will also be lowered since we'll be requiring less frequent updates.
C-IPFS related:
This week, we attempted to add the connectivity encryption to C-IPFS. It did not go as well as we had hoped.
We implemented the handshake, and the GO version (go-ipfs) is sending their side of the negotiation, but it is not listening to our response yet. We believe it is something small, but have yet to figure out what it is. So the goal today is to get two C versions to talk to each other.
Ephemeral encryption implemented:
Encryption negotiation:
Testing and cleanup:
More commits:
This coming week, we will finish the connectivity encryption, and all things going as planned, have our first formal public Release of C-IPFS for linux published by end of day today too. Mac, Win, Android and RasPI release should follow shortly thereafter.
Android Smartcoins Wallet:
Smartcoins Wallet v1.5.8 download is here:
As mentioned before, we are now adding native support for Bitcoin, Litecoin, Dash, Dogecoin and Steem blockchains so that they can take advantage of the mobile wallet's Overdraft Protection (aka: Backup Asset), built-in coins Bridge, Loyalty Points, and eReceipts. These 5 additional chains will be integrated and Released (as probably v1.8.0) by May. Work done so far:
  • Created Seeds Accounts Database
  • Created Bitcoin Transaction Database
  • Create BIP39 seed
  • Create new Bitcoin Account
  • Load Bitcoin Account from DB
  • Import Bitcoin account from seed
  • Added cryptocoin core tables to SCWALL: seeds, general_accounts, general_orphan_keys, general_address, general_transactions, inputs_tx, outputs_tx
  • Added database queries to seeds and to general accounts
  • Added AccountSeed , class that permits seed exporting and importing
  • Added Seed Type BIP39 (Standrad Seed creation and importing)
  • Added Seed Type Brainkey (openledger)
  • Added General CryptoCoin Structure
  • Added Bitcoin Account, Manager, Address)
  • Changed the TabActivity to show the bitcoin balance (4)
  • Adding the fragment for no currency account (no bitcoin account)
  • Changed the mnemonic to add the master seed words to the end
  • Import 24 to 28 words (brainkey and bitcoin) and also the 12 to 16 words import (only brainkey)
  • Added Export new seeds (BIP39) and account to bin file
  • Added import new seeds (BIP39) and account from bin file
The work for the next week is:
  • Importing and exporting of private keys
  • Showing Bitcoin Balance
  • Showing Equivalent fiat Values
  • Follow BTC Transaction
  • Show Historical Balances
Getting the full nodes setup on the server this week, then:
  • Expand local database for contacts
  • Add new BTC/altcoin Contact
  • Share Contact Address
  • Import contacts
  • Create v10 QR Code support for reading eReceipt data, etc
We should have v1.5.9 ready by monday which includes many more ui fixes from the graphenej upgrade.
Stealth related:
More snark proof testing:
Snark gadget tests:
We are expanding the api a bit this weekend so that the UI connections can be made properly. Once the api is to a point where I feel comfortable with it and we make the initial connections to the UI, then I will invite the community to start hammering on it with me, see if we can break it. That is a few weeks off yet, but I will post about it here as soon as I can. Everything is looking great and right on schedule so far though.
Alfredo Garcia, Bitshares Core Dev update:
asset api added 2 functions: merged
added list of assets created by account to get_full_accounts api function: merged
Remove "no subscription warning" - researched:
Fixed in commit/a3cfa1055edb016d8d3b80258657862668f8598f#diff-37f216b941581cfd05361cdd1e765305
get_account_history in API-0 without login.
This was resolved in PR from elmato (code referenced by xeroc): merged
full_accounts needs list of assets created by that account
This was done and pull request is at: merged
full_accounts needs list of withdrawal permissions from and to that account merged
Now in progress:
Websocket “spamming too much data” issue
Resolving here:
waiting on elmato and sigve contributions
Find a way to reduce the amount of bytes that are sent and/or received over the internet. EVERY byte counts. (remember my vending machine conversation).
spamming issue above must come first
support multiple transfer ops in a single transaction if possible. xeroc (on telegram) already coded this for the peerplays project, so will work with him and acquire that code.
Don't print private keys in log on witness startup
api call to obtain an account's trad history for a specific asset-pair
Uninstall light client does not remove "personal info"
It's nice to see all of these issues being knocked out so fast.
Anyway, expect to see another release of both the Smartcoins Wallet and BlockPay in the next day or two, LOTS of great stuff coming your way.

BlockPay v1.5.4 released. Loyalty Points calculations updated, more connectivity improvements, minor UI improvements:

General Discussion / Re: how about to raise block reward?
« on: February 07, 2017, 05:46:06 pm »
Sorry @Thom I didn't know you were expecting a reply from me. You had stated your case, and I stated mine, so I figured there was no sense in me spending any more time in the discussion. Sorry man, was not trying to avoid you or anything, have just been very busy.

[As for raising Witness pay.. I am against it:
If there are Witnesses running a profitable business in expensive places like Canada and America, then it becomes very obvious that a Witness node can be run pretty much anywhere else on Earth at a profit too. Hence, no payraise is needed for Witnesses at this time.
If your business cannot turn a profit, that should not be the Stakeholder's problem.

You're kidding right? You seriously think the profits returned from a witness constitutes a business?
There is little profit.

For some people, running a Witness node is a business, and might even be their sole source of income. I am also trying to introduce people to Bitshares just like you. Referral program, run a Witness node, trading on the DEx, building a profitable company on the platform, etc.
If a business' profits are not large enough, then that business must find a way to make that venture more profitable. As for Witness nodes, there are awesome server providers in Slovakia, Poland, Brasil, Mexico and everywhere in between, so just shop around a bit. Make the node more profitable.
Paying our Witness node operators more, will not make them any more productive or efficient.
Please don't make their profitability issues the Bitshares Stakeholder's problem, that is not fair.

It seems I failed to make my self clear: For sure, I would love to see more active Witnesses, but given how much people have contributed in the past for free in their spare time, I oppose throwing money at witnesses for just being witnesses and not actually doing anything for the money they get except the "very basic" things. I'd rather see competition among witnesses and fresh blood.
It's not perse that I am against raising the pay, but, I would prefer them to show more efforts FIRST!

@Thom - I agree with you as well, this forum (ugly UI or not) is still very important. I actually find it quite difficult at times to keep up with all the chattiness going on in Telegram. It will suck valuable minutes from your day if you let it.
As for raising Witness pay.. I am against it:
If there are Witnesses running a profitable business in expensive places like Canada and America, then it becomes very obvious that a Witness node can be run pretty much anywhere else on Earth at a profit too. Hence, no payraise is needed for Witnesses at this time.
If your business cannot turn a profit, that should not be the Stakeholder's problem.

Tons of updates this week!
BlockPay related:
This week's work was mainly concentrated around one main task: which was to enable the sending of the final Loyalty Points to the customer. This feature is only available for mobile wallets that support the graphenej library (, because from all other forms of payment (like the Jaxx wallet) we can't assess who the customer is so that we can send them any Loyalty Points (hint hint!).
Anyways, in order for us to be able to detect the customer identity, it was required to expand the incoming funds detection mechanism. As it was being done, the app would just look for objects of type "account_balance_object" (Object id 2.5.x) from the subscription feed. But this object of course, only informs us about the value update of a given user's balance. No meaningful information about the origin of those funds is provided. To obtain this information, it was required that we looked also for "transaction_object" (Object id 2.7.x).
While introducing support for this additional object, it became clear that we needed a way to perform a sort of selective parsing of the data coming from the subscription feed.
The idea here is that because the stream of subscription objects contain a whole range of different objects, many of which we might not be interested in, instead of wasting CPU resources parsing ALL of them, it would be better to just look at their specific object ids, and then decide whether or not to perform a full object deserialization. This way we would basically be performing a very minimal deserialization on all objects, and then decide whether or not perform a full deserialization depending on whether we have at least one listener registered.
Most of this code was added to our graphenej library and introduced into the BlockPay app. And the work regarding this specific feature can be found here:
After successfully detecting incoming transactions and identifying the customer's bts account, some calculations are needed in order to decide how much (n) of the selected Loyalty Points tokens that we need to send to the customer. Most of the code for this feature was already present, but some corner cases had to be taken into consideration. For example, resetting the Loyalty Points "ratio" (ie: send n OBITS to customer after they have spent at least $n) back to zero, if the merchant decides to change his desired Loyalty Points token. This avoids the possibility of sending the wrong amount of Loyalty Points tokens to the customer if the merchant was to make that change in the settings screen.
Finally, the graphenej transaction broadcasting mechanism was used in place of the old one that relied on server components. Bandwidth can be very expensive, so less trips to the server is a good thing. This work can be found here:
Also there was still some Loyalty Points UIA list-duplication issues that were solved here:
BTS was added as an entry to the "Desired Smartcoin" list here:
A bug that displayed unsupported currencies was fixed here:
Also the initial work to add support for all fiat currencies that currently have an associated Smartcoin was started, but since it was not yet finished, I will publish its commits here next week.
Once the liquidity issues are solved and the Bridge fully supports it, we will be adding support for additional Smartcoins such as bitGBP, bitGold, bitSilver, bitMXN, etc soon too.
C-IPFS related:
C-IPFS is extremely important because it will serve as a Core for most of our apps, a more secure way of acquiring app assets, faster (and even offline) app asset downloading, as well as an automation mechanism for secure data backups. We made tons of great improvements this week that will see daylight by end of next week. We are now connecting to remote IPFS swarm peers, and beginning encryption negotiations. This step is crucial that it be right, as it simply won't work otherwise.
We found a few hiccups in a past merge of c-ipfs and c-libp2p so this has been fixed in this latest commit:
We began the buildout of secio, which is the encrypted way that ipfs swarm peers talk to each other:
To make secio work, you first have to connect with multistream. So here is the multistream implementation:
There were a few longstanding incompatibilities with the GO version and C version, due to the way the peer ID was generated. Some adjustments were made and now the C version handles keys just like the GO version:
More c-ipfs and c-libp2p commits:
Implemented off-line (incomplete, need to save in local db) routing, is the most basic routing protocol, it doesn't need to communicate with other nodes, but proves that just as in the Go implementation the same calls in other modules can be made without knowing which protocol the structure has, will also be used as a skeleton for all other protocols, and we will be able to use multiple protocols or just those that are loaded.
Next week we will finish up with the c-ipfs encryption and p2p connectivity features. The first formal public Release of C-IPFS will then be posted here:
Android Smartcoins Wallet:
Smartcoins Wallet v1.5.8 was released today:
  • This version includes UI fixes, tighter integration with the new graphenej library and better performance.
  • Added support to pt-BR and pt-PT as distinct versions of pt which involved not only change the xml strings, but also a similar treatment the app already does for Chinese variations at SettingActivity and Helper class.
  • Changed the PIN dialog to be auto-submitted.
  • Previous PIN was hardcoded to 6 digits. It is now 6 to "unlimited" digits. Next week we are also adding a 10sec timer, so that if you switch apps or something you should not have to retype your PIN again. I found that kind of annoying.
  • Currently all dialogs of the app needed a refactor, because it is important to do dialog dismiss when the Activity they belong to pause or stop. Otherwise this may cause a memory leak. So we have to keep track of which dialog is open when the app is closed for example, dismiss the dialogs, and show them again, if they were visible before the termination. Memory leaks suck, so we wanted to add this support before that could ever happen.
  • Minor Changes: updated EULA, fixed some variables syntax, updated app version to v1.5.8, updated the 3min "Auto-close" feature so that it is enabled by default (in v1.5.9), updated LTM and "Delete Contact" dialogs to remove weird whitespace, and also updated/fixed some language translations (english and portuguese)
Known issues: I still have to clean up the eReceipts layout, and make the Transactions display work in real-time again. Will fix those things over the next couple days and release another update as v1.5.9. As always, never keep more funds in a wallet than you can afford to lose.
The relevant commits and open source for this work are here:
Stealth related:
Libsnark integration (for our new "trustless" setup algo) nearing completion:
Gadget and zero-knowledge proof fixes:
By tuesday of this coming week we will begin the libsnark integration with bitshares-core (graphene) and then we can start the connections of the api to the UI work we have been doing. Stealth transactions are gonna really blow the doors off of the competition. A Bitshares Stealth transaction means "unknown" sent n "unknown" to "unknown". True privacy.
Alfredo Garcia, Bitshares Core Dev update:
Alfredo has been kicking butt on the github issues, adding the new streamlined asset count, and holders code, fixing the indentation issues with ElMato and nathan, and starting on the "websocket spamming too much data" issue that even bytemaster wanted to fix months ago. That old issue should be fixed by end of next week as well. That issue is a big one too, because if you ever want to use a graphene app over mobile, you could be stuck with consuming around 200K per block and bandwidth is very expensive so this one is marked as High Priority.
PR 229 solves issue 101:
Chris4210 has updated the roadmap for Alfredo too so that I can keep his mountain of work rolling and never stops. I see lots of great stuff coming to Bitshares again.

BlockPay v1.5.3 released. Updated Bridge communications, connectivity improvements.

BlockPay v1.5.2 released. More "Desired Smartcoin" choices being added, UI updates, Loyalty Points upgraded to the new graphenej library, more speed improvements. This version also includes all of the updates from our recent security audit. Since most of the underlying code has been upgraded now, it kind of messed up the UI a bit, so we are making it look nicer over the next few days and will release that update as v1.5.3.

Smartcoins Wallet for Android v1.5.7 released. This version includes UI fixes, more accurate equivalent fiat values displayed under each asset quantity, tighter integration with the graphenej library and better performance. As always, never keep more funds in a wallet than you can afford to lose.

Tons of updates this week!
BlockPay related:
BlockPay v1.5.1 has finally been published on the google play store, just got a bunch of UI work we want to do to it now and some other minor things that still need the graphenej integration (Loyalty Points for instance). Once Alfredo's latest graphene updates get committed by nathan, then BlockPay will run much faster and initial setup sync's up a lot faster then too.
We have totally removed all reliance on the cryptofresh api and wrote our own api's. I am not a fan of our apps having to rely on third-parties. Our recent security audits played a big part in this and have now all been upgraded successfully.
Today we are moving the Loyalty Points feature onto our new graphenej library, tomorrow we are adding direct DEx support, Sunday and Monday we are cleaning up the UI of the eReceipts, Tuesday and Wednesday we are moving the Transactions code onto graphenej as well and cleaning up the UI there, on Thursday we will start the redesign of the settings screen and initial app setup process so that merchant's can understand it better. As you add features to software, it can turn the UI into a cluster fuck so this redesign is imperative IMO.
I will try to upload BlockPay v1.5.2 for you guys by tomorrow (saturday) with some of the stuff mentioned above, especially UI work and the Loyalty Points feature.
C-IPFS related:
We're adding some features to the c-libp2p repo, and c-libp2p-routing at moment:
We also added code for message signing:
Need to complete the Kademlia DHT port, IPNS Publish feature, and implement Swarm so that we can implement the daemon for the Linux and Mac public Release which will be published as v1.0.0 in the next week or so here:
Android Smartcoins Wallet:
All security audits have been completed and integrated successfully. Our new graphenej lib can be audited here too if you like:
This week we are doing more UI work, adding direct DEx support into graphenej, and working on the additional chain support.
Stealth related:
More testing completed of our new "trustless" algo, will reveal more of that for you guys and on our testnet soon. Proof and verification implementation,  libsnark gadgets for notes, commitments and joinsplit transaction work:
Updated to the new bitshares-ui repo, added underlying functionality for wallets to be able to keep records of Stealth accounts. Not tested yet due to a bug in their latest bitshares-ui which doesn't allow account creation from LTM accounts.
Github work:
UI work has resumed and we will have more screenshots for you soon. Tonight we will begin the initial connections of the UI to graphene.
Alfredo Garcia, Bitshares Core Dev update:
As ordered, Alfredo began work on Monday, January 23rd. I got him rolling on outstanding github issues and graphene additions already:
1) Install and test asset api to the new bitshares-core ( project from the old cryptonomex ( repo. They have differences that were addressed to make the asset api work and the first function get_asset_holders_count.
Pull request:
2) add new function get_all_asset_holders that returns a vector of assets_ids:holder count.
3) corrected indents as per nathan request, changed counter loop function to use distance for efficiency.
4) github issue:
Created a public function that does the same as get_account_history_public but can be called without authentication.
At least 3 more github Issues will be fixed and PR'd early next week along with updated bitshares-core (graphene) code which will fix the "websocket spamming too much data" issue once and for all. There have been quite a few requests for a mobile-friendly version of our DEx and better bandwidth utilization for all mobile clients and wallets. Right now, each block consumes about 200K of your data plan, so once Alfredo fixes that too, we no longer have to worry about data consumption.
Keep an eye on the google play store, I will post quite a few more updates for our apps this week.

Carbon Wallet "C"

Why?  :P

A link to its graphene base!

ooooooooooo i like that one! +5%
we might butt heads with these guys though:

No, it's two different use cases and UI's entirely. Echo will use all of the core components that we have been building, but also include voice, video, chat and things that the Smartcoins Wallet just doesn't need.

The mobile wallet will get a new brand too, still tossing around different name ideas...
Smarty, Cirrus, Toke, Chainz, ..if you have ideas for the rebranding of Smartcoins Wallet, let me know. It will support 7 different chains and their tokens/assets. It also has a new material design, better UI/UX. Anyway, let me know..

call it cosmos

Actually, that's not bad.
Once we have a few more suggestions, I will tally up the votes and get the new app icon designed for it too.

Tons of updates this week!
C-IPFS and BlockPay related:
We are just finishing up the c-libp2p and c-ipfs-routing components this week (eliminating reliance on http, ssl and dns is no easy task) and will have the first formal Release of C-IPFS for Linux and Mac published here by friday, january 27th:
So, with Storage and Routing completed and the first formal public Release of C-IPFS by end of next week, we can finally begin on the "2.0" architecture for BlockPay 2.0 as well as the Smartcoins Wallet 2.0 by end of next week. The mobile wallet will get a new brand too, still tossing around different name ideas... Smarty, Cirrus, Toke, Chainz, ..if you have ideas for the rebranding of Smartcoins Wallet, let me know. It will support 7 different chains and their tokens/assets. It also has a new material design, better UI/UX. Anyway, let me know..
Routing commits:
Since all of the Core components for 2.0 are near completion now, the upgrade procedure will not be that difficult, since the other libraries have already been published for you as well (like graphenej). Wallets developers should love that lib, it makes it insanely easy to make many different types of graphene-connected mobile wallets now for iOS, Android, Windows Phones, etc. I would love to see Jaxx add support for the Graphene chain now.....
Android Smartcoins Wallet and security audits:
Security audits have been completed and incorporated into our new graphenej library:
Smartcoins Wallet has been upgraded to the new architecture and has been published to google play. Lots of UI fixes (especially in the Transactions and Balances display) to come this week and will be published by end of next week as well.
During this process, we are also upgrading the architecture of BlockPay so that it runs a hell of a lot faster and stronger too. I have a debug apk you can play with if you like, but only bitUSD has been done so far. In the next few days I will publish it to google play once we have all the smartcoins working with this new lib (with direct DEx support in graphenej).
Upgrading the architecture of BlockPay to graphenej:
A huge waste of user's data transfer and battery usage was detected and fixed. This happened because even after the user leaves the app, the android system keeps its process running and its activities and resources are not automatically discarded, but instead kept around as the user might come back. The websocket connection to the witness node in this case was left open and receiving large amounts of data. This is also an issue that affected the Smartcoins Wallet so we fixed that as well.
Another outstanding issue with both apps is that once subscribed to events from the witness node, all sorts of events get broadcasted, essentially spamming the apps with unwanted notifications. This is is why this fix however important, is not reducing all the unused data transfer, just the unused data transfer that used to take place after the user left the app. Since apps can keep running in background for an unlimited amount of time, this was an important reduction of something that otherwise might have turned into an unbounded amount of traffic.
Of course this is not fixing the remaining issue yet with the unwanted notifications while the user is actively using the app, something that might be even more pronounced in the Smartcoins Wallet, since it might be consuming the limited 3G data transfer quota of the user. But in order to fully solve this problem, a modification in the witness code is required (it was not fully fixed in this old Issue:
Some of the relevant work for this Witness code update can be found at this commit: 3b081c428ec406de46e0f568484d8afeb91dd4d3
A new table called "balances" is used to keep track of the user's balances for every asset. The table is also dynamically updated from the notifications received via the websocket connection. Commit: 2f63eeb1d4b2cc417d1e81bfe00ba9cf6f90cdc7
The assets table has been updated in order to also track the information about the number of holders that each asset has. This is then used to filter the list of UIA and smartcoins, which was featuring a veeeery long list, including many inactive assets. The holders information is obtained from the cryptofresh API, but we now plan to request it directly from the witness node (commit: 5cd0c65d676274b51a88c37001700c8bbb6a5942) so that our software ultimately no longer relies on third parties.
A new table called "bridge_rates" is now used to keep track of not only the transfer rates between any two cryptos that the Bridge offers support for, but also the supported trading pairs. Commit: 706231122c0d2f0fba0938db20e0b8c40913962d
Aditional support for smartcoins and bitcoin input has been extended to all other cryptos supported by the bridge. The conversions can then be classified into 3 distinct categories:
  • Bitshares assets (no need for a Bridge)
  • Bridge-supported using a single conversion
  • Bridge-supported using a 2-step conversion
Up till last week, we already had support for conversions 1 and 2. The third case is required because for some cryptocurrencies, there are no direct trading pairs with the user's desired smartcoin. For these cases, which amount to the large majority of pairs, we need to ask for an initial conversion to BTS, and only then convert that BTS into the desired smartcoin.
The ideal solution would be to just use the DEx for this second conversion, but since the graphenej library is currently lacking support for trade operations, we decided to just use the bridge a second time for now. In the short term however, the direct DEx support will be a priority. This work can be mostly found here: 66125491fb2eec6fb2df337666f8735b07512198
After a conversion has been initiated, the expected balance change is calculated and the app signals the success of the transaction only after the desired balance change has been detected. This verification was not being done before and thus it was very easy to scam the merchant by sending any amount of BTS. This has been fixed here: ec8e2d681ed3eeda4d481e68d07a39f6160fa347
A number of other bug fixes and small improvements have also been performed on the apps. An outstanding issue was also detected with the bitEUR conversion. Since the Blocktrades bridge doesn't support direct trading between BTS and bitEUR, the 2-step conversion strategy described above is not enough to obtain bitEUR. So for now the app is not supporting bitEUR as a final smartcoin because of this bridge limitation. This is another important reason to add the direct DEx support this coming week.
Stealth related:
Regarding our new "trustless" setup algo, the original zcash multiparty trust setup was written in Rust. So, we are converting the Rust to C++ for direct graphene integration. The core functionality of this algo will be done in just a few more days, and then the interfaces and objects can be finished up this coming week for all of the UI connections. I also want this packaged up so that other graphene-based wallets can easily take advantage of Stealth, so modularity has been a high priority.
Automated Stealth transaction backups to c-ipfs can be started by end of next week too since the first formal Release of c-ipfs will be published then:
Additional work being performed:
Code cleanup, join split implementation, verification, proofs, libsnark integration, commits:
Graphene-UI work can now resume on friday, january 27th so that Stealth actually looks nice too. A simple, logical UI/UX for this is imperative.
Alfredo Garcia, Bitshares Core Dev update:
As I stated in the Worker Proposal, I will be posting updates on his work here each week too.
He is voted in now and his 6-month job technically starts on Monday, January 23rd.
I already got him rolling though on "get_asset_holders_count" and "get_all_assets_holder_count". This is a bolt-on for @ElMato (Matias') asset api. It takes as parameter an asset id just as "get_asset_holders" original function created by him but it returns just an integer with the number of asset holders.
So, using it with wscat:
Code: [Select]
> {"id":1, "method":"call", "params":[2,"get_asset_holders_count",["1.3.0"]]}
< {"id":1,"result":0}
> {"id":1, "method":"call", "params":[2,"get_asset_holders_count",["1.3.0"]]}
< {"id":1,"result":1}
> {"id":1, "method":"call", "params":[2,"get_asset_holders_count",["1.3.0"]]}
< {"id":1,"result":2}

The first call returns 0 and there was no user created in the node, we had an additional window running with the client wallet. The second call is with user nathan created as the cookbook ( returns 1. The third call is with user nathan and following the cookbook there is an additional user called "my-account" where we transfer some of the nathan funds. This call returns 2. Nice and clean, minimal bytes transmitted.
By the way, the 7 chains that the mobile wallet will support will require me to add one more expert, so I'm getting him up to speed this week too. Our 2.0 apps are gonna seriously kick ass.

The Referral program needs to be fixed for sure.
Personally, I prefer to get paid in BTS, then I can spend it on whatever I want on our DEx.
Also, centralized exchanges are more apt to support BTS, before they will support an illiquid smartcoin.
If everyone could start making easy money by posting about Bitshares and getting people signed up, I think you would start to see the BTS price going up as money starts to flow in.
Bitshares needs marketing more than anything right now, as the masses don't even know that we even exist yet. Give Joe Sixpack an easy way to make money and we do not need a Marketing Department or "Worker" for such a job. Free advertising is a win-win for all of us. Get paid to post!

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