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Messages - kenCode

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General Discussion / Re: Bitshares price discussion
« on: March 21, 2017, 07:06:31 pm »
man @Thom that Medium article that you linked to on Dash is crazy. No privacy, massive premine, weird hybrid pow.. poor Amanda really took some heat too. damn

General Discussion / Re: Bitshares price discussion
« on: March 21, 2017, 10:27:41 am »

I am skeptical since BTS isn't really outperforming many currencies.  Dash and ETH are getting hundreds of millions of dollars pumped into them

It's not even logical for ETH and DASH to have that much of a pump considering how those technologies are being utilized in the real world.  Tell me, how many times have you used Dash and ETH in your daily life recently?

Exactly. There's lots of hype about why a coin is getting all the market cap, but the fact is, unless the general public starts regularly using that coin for something, then it's just a speculators playground for now.
BlockPay was released months ago and continues to get better and better each week, yet I only see frikn ONE merchant using it so far. If you want to actually use your favorite coin at a store, then people need to get off ass and go show BlockPay to that merchant. It's as easy as that. Just install it on a tablet, and show the merchant that with BlockPay, they can accept one or more digital currencies at zero cost. It's another path to profits. wtf
Dash is doing a great job and their community is starting to talk about BlockPay as well. What about the Ethereum and Bitcoin communities? No, they seem to have that arrogant "we will be the one chain to rule them all mentality". That ego will be their demise, I assure you.
If you want real adoption of your chain, then you should really take a look at BlockPay imo. Man, I am integrating BlockPay with everything now.. Card swipe machines, vending machines, various cash register systems, TV's, even IoT devices.
Pump-n-dumps might be fun for speculators, but the real world needs ways to use your coin.
BlockPay. Stealth. C-IPFS/meshnet. Echo.

General Discussion / Re: Marketing, Marketing, Marketing
« on: March 18, 2017, 02:14:58 pm »
First impressions are everything.
We must at least match what Polo offers first..margin, stop loss, etc. Dividends and Scheduled payments etc for the average Joe. Those things won't take that long to build. Before we waste even more money on ads, let me finish these last features first. Stealth should help the Marketer a bit too.
Never make a move too soon.

Tons of updates this week!

BlockPay related:
Lots of work being done on the Settings screen this week and next. My goal is to have a 1-step setup. I'll upload some more this coming week so you guys can have a look but for right now the code is a mess while everything on that screen is being reorganized.
Another major thing that I am cleaning up is the way transactions and eReceipts are displayed. This will be updated this week as well and then I will get you guys another version release published on google play, probably on thursday or friday.
C-IPFS related:
Final cleanup being done now, efficiency improvements in the code, and also adding support for Coral, Bitswap and Cjdns. With the completion of C-IPFS, at least to the point where it is perfected for our needs, this allows us to begin the 2.0 Core for BlockPay and Carbon (the rebrand of the Smartcoins Wallet for v2.0).
Related commits:
Android Smartcoins Wallet:
Adding native support for 6 chains is not easy. Native Dash support and InstantSend is in progress now and into next week. This means we are almost done with 5 of the chains already. Just another couple weeks and they will be ready for our v1.7 release. Work finished this week:
  • Fix logged UI logic OR in imported account
  • Add Support for WIF Imported Account
  • Fix UI Problem with Upgrade account button in Settings
  • Export Bin for WIF Imported Account
  • Import backup bin logic for WIF only based accounts
  • Partial fix for instant update for Transaction
Related commits:
  • Testing Dash masternode api
  • Implement the Dash api library (Java)
  • Implement Dash coin logic
  • Changed the Balances screen to work with all coins
  • Add Dash Manager
  • Implemented Dogecoin and Litecoin networks into the java library
The masternodes server and other full nodes are running great, no problems so far. Network parameters are set. For Dash, we are using this lib as our main reference point:
Now that we have full, native Dash support in Carbon (Smartcoins Wallet 2.0), the only feature that needs to be finished up and thoroughly tested now is the InstantSend feature.
For the native Litecoin and Dogecoin support... We've had to change several things in the UI, but if we keep moving at this pace then we should be able to merge the develop branch in the next week for final testing (assuming the Dash InstantSend feature goes smoothly).
With these tasks finished, it looks like we'll be finishing 1 week ahead of schedule. Then, just two things left:
  • The Equivalent Value feature: This is the small fiat value that shows underneath of each of your crypto balances.
  • Contact sharing: This is done more or less but we have not had a chance to fully test it yet
Stealth related:
The new api is coming along nicely. No problems encountered, no bugs, no memory leaks or any problems communicating with the core. Seamless. This is week 3 of 6 for the api, and as each new function is built, the UI connections are being hooked in and tested. The 3-way switch too. Man I'm glad I thought of that as there was no easy way earlier to give the user so many options. We'll never get mass adoption if grandma can't use it.
Additional Stealth API related work: In the UI, we're OOP'ing both Stealth, and the Blinded transfers for ease of future use, and use by our mobile and Integrated BlockPay installs {Contacts-Accounts-Database-Transfer}. We also prepared the modes functions for future tri-state (Normal, Blinded, Stealth (3-way switch)) transactions {for Account creation & transfer screens}.
Alfredo Garcia, Bitshares Core Dev update: 
Failed is_valid for address in get_account_history closed
issue “Throw / catch specific exception in db.close()”
pull request: closed
Why is bitcoin being exported with the bin file backups? see the second code chunk nelson posted:,23798.msg302837.html#msg302837
@sigve Deposit keys are just addresses for withdrawal of OPEN.X assets, blocktrades has made use of the database to store them. DONE.
Need ability to poll for all holders of an asset closed
issue: “Get rid of fc::time_point::now()” closed
pull request:
Remove NTP time
Vikram didn't merge Alfredo’s exactly, but used it to merge another one here:
Lots of contributions to the BitShares StressTest; servers, code, consulting with other sysadmins, etc.
Preparing for the next stress test, evaluating p2p code now to make the next stress test blow through that 3300tps barrier.

General Discussion / Re: transfer data with graphene tech
« on: March 12, 2017, 03:46:29 pm »
@kenCode no idea what you just

The reason I am asking is because I find it unbelievable that people and corporations continue to share private data via dropbox and wetransfer etc after all these hacks..It would make much more sense to be able to do this in a decentralized, more private way and cryptocurrencies can also give the right incentive as well by obliging people that want to use this to buy the underlying token. I am sure that this can be done with graphene but i was wondering whether someone will do this from the graphene or bitshares team or whether someone else will do it before using ethereum or something else..

Well, our Stealth, C-IPFS and Echo projects will probably cover what you are asking for:,22576.msg303170.html#msg303170
But if you want decentralized encrypted email, based on merkle tech, well if the funding is found then I will probably build that too if there is a monetization possibility for it, or at least a Worker proposal that will cover the costs for me. Either way, I think the world would appreciate it..

In China , we cant visit in google.
Why not add apk in

Feel free to build it from src yourself, or download the Smartcoins Wallet from aptoide, yandex, alternativeto, slideme or f-droid (they should have it live by now).
If you meant the BlockPay apk, I really don't want to post the src for that just yet and give the competition an edge, at least not until it gets some traction first.
edit: belay my last on those alternative app stores. apparently, they disapprove any apps that include crashlytics. i want to keep crashlytics in our apps for just a couple more weeks until there are no more crashes reported. it helps us to more accurately determine the cause of the devices that crash (make, model, os version and so on).

General Discussion / Re: transfer data with graphene tech
« on: March 12, 2017, 02:32:58 pm »
I was wondering if it would be possible to use graphene tech to use cryptography and transfer privately data from one to another.  In other words replace dropbox, wetransfer, sugarsynch etc with something decentralized and private? @bytemaster @Stan @xeroc @kenCode

i prefer c-ipfs, no sense in bloating the bts chain (unless it's just a hashref or other simple string). c-ipfs also offers e2e encryption/secio, private repos and long term storage.
just curious, why do you ask? are you thinking of doing private messaging or email?

Thanks for all the hard work @kenCode, Christoph, and the whole blockpay team.

+5% +5% +5%

well done +5% +5% +5%

Awesome update kenCode.

@kenCode Are -- are you a machine?? :o

Yes, I think he is a machine :)
Well done my friend, awesome report!

+5% +5% +5% +5% +5%

Thank you guys :)
BlockPay v1.5.9 released. In this version we cleaned up the settings screen quite a bit, removed more of the redundant stuff that just annoyed people. At the end of this coming week we will start cleaning up the Blocktrades screen too so that it is easier to get the app setup initially. Lots of cpu/mem/bandwidth and speed improvements in this release. Known issue: Transactions screen is disabled for now and still needs to be upgraded to our new graphenej library and it looks like hell imo.
ps: i hate to ask, but if you haven't done so already, can you please leave me 5-stars on the google play store? it really helps with exposure and promotions of the app. thank youuu!

Tons of updates this week!
BlockPay related:
A bug that made the app crash after selecting BTS as a Loyalty Points token has been fixed. Some unused string resources were also removed speeding the app up. A protection against a crash that seemed to be produced when no currency was being selected was put in place. And a small bug in the numerical keypad screen was fixed.
The hierarchy of views used to build the keypad view was using a deeply nested chain of linear layouts, which constitutes a sub-optimal design choice. Since some changes were required for this view anyways, it was decided to replace the set of nested linear layouts for a newer and more efficient component called ConstraintLayout ( With it is possible to design complex UI structures like the keypad view while keeping the view hierarchy relatively flat. These efficiency improvements make BlockPay run faster and more stable.
The QR code screen has been cleaned up and simplified.
The selected language was not using the required pointer in order to obtain the value from the shared resources. As a result, the app's default language was always being selected in some parts of the app, not all. This has also been fixed.
The Bridge has undergone some extensive upgrades too. We are hiding some tokens that were just cluttering up the settings screen. By showing less on the settings screen and automating more of the processes, like requiring the blockpay tokens for surety, it makes initial setup of the app much quicker and easier. We should have the new settings screen complete in less than 3 weeks which will really make the blockpay ambassadors and merchants happy. This will be the v1.7 release. Remember, my ultimate goal is to have a 1-step setup.
The numerical keypad was extended with the introduction of a "+" (plus) button, that will allow the merchant to enter a list of individual prices chained together. All the work relating to both the ConstraintLayout, some corner cases, and the introduction of the new "+" button have been finished. You will see these enhancements in the upcoming v1.5.9 release (most likely tonight or tomorrow).
Graphenej (
After some more research, it was finally possible to make the backup files generated using the graphenej library completely compatible with the web wallet and light clients. This .bin backup interoperability is now complete and will be published this week in both BlockPay v1.5.9 and the Smartcoins Wallet v1.5.14.
This week we also started to work on the support for direct-DEx operations. The first operation that was introduced was the limit_order_create_operation, with this commit having most of the new classes and tests. The binary serialization (required for the local tx signing procedure) is matching the serialized version of the operation produced by the cli_wallet tool, but the transaction built using this newly introduced operation is still being rejected by the network. Further tests, especially on the JSON serialization are required and should be completed this week as well.
C-IPFS related:
This week, we continued to work on tying the C-IPFS implementation to the IPFS swarm. There will probably be more commits before the end of the day, as this just about wraps it up.
The underlying c-libp2p was modified as follows..
secio protocol:
We then made the interface to streams a bit more generic:
c-ipfs was then modified to use the new code:
Additional c-libp2p work finished up:
Kademlia/DHT will finally be completed by tonight or tomorrow, just need to finish the callback work for returning search results.
Plans for the final week:
Lots of code cleanup now. Tidy up the comment lines, indenting and spaces, remove unused code/methods, and add efficiency wherever possible. Like I always say, every byte counts. Our v1.0.0 release will be for *nix systems and the RasPi3 first. Then the build for android the following week.
Android Smartcoins Wallet:
As you guys know, the Smartcoins Wallet is about to natively support 6 blockchains. Bitshares, Bitcoin, Dash, Litecoin, Dogecoin and Steem. In v1.7 our new streamlined Overdraft Protection feature (aka: "backup asset") will be upgraded to graphenej. In 2.0 (I'll upload a youtube vid for you guys this week I hope so that you can see the new ui/ux concepts in action) we add our c-ipfs and initial meshnet support and the rebrand of the wallet to "Carbon". Also, a big shoutout to @iHashFury for the suggestion (,22576.msg302196.html#msg302196)!
Work done this week:
  • Bitcoin support is done and tested (send/receive, balances, transactions, qr, import/backups, eReceipts, etc)
  • Change api to new server parameters
  • Testing of our altcoin fullnode servers (Dash was first, then Doge and Litecoin...)
  • Change contacts to use sqlite db
  • Changed contacts fragment, add and edit activity to work with BTC/alts
  • Changed the Send screen to enable selecting BTC/alts Contacts
  • Create base Custom Network Parameters for altcoins
Most of the upgraded UI (for multi-chain support) is ready, the thing to note is the interface is implemented with a new line for each coin right now, but this basic UI will be replaced in v2.0.0 ("Carbon"). Also the send and receive screens had to be modified to adapt to the upcoming 2.0 UI (I'll post a youtube vid so you can see our progress on it in the next week or so).
Work coming this next week:
  • Figure out Dash InstantSend and get it finished
  • The code we had created for the original Contacts screen needs to be cleaned up now that multi-chain support has been added
  • The network parameters in bitcoinj are used to calculate all the transactions and the addresses, which is needed to use the api, so we standardized this to use each altcoin, which in turn makes the implementations much faster
  • Upgrade our fullnode servers to support the additional coins
  • Make sure all the chains we offer native support to can also take advantage of BlockPay Loyalty Points, Overdraft Protection, eReceipts and so on
  • Testing Litecoin
  • Testing Dogecoin
  • Test and bug fix the Bridge so that users can shift between coins when desired
Stealth related:
We're now into week 2 of 6 for the Stealth api creation. In the UI, I have also designed a "3-way switch" that allows you to just do a Normal, Blinded, or Stealth transaction simply by flipping an animated switch. This is a compact way for users to just flip the switch and sends funds however they like. I will try to get you guys some screen shots in the next couple weeks so that you can see it in action.
I also am adding an option in the wallet Settings where you can choose the default setting for that switch, so that you don't always have to remember to set your transaction to Stealth, or just Blinded mode, etc. If you have ever seen that "Propose" 2-way switch when you send funds, well, just imagine that as a 3-way switch on the Send screen. Grayed out for Normal, the switch turns yellow if you flip it to Blinded, and it turns red if you flip it to Stealth mode.
This 3-way switch also works nicely on mobile since it is so compact, colored, etc. BlockPay merchants and users alike want an easy way to use Stealth so I went with the k.i.s.s. method on this. The further we get on the Stealth api, the more UI hooks we can make. Lots of Stealth coding to show this week:
Besides the 3-way switch, we have also made huge progress on the database, account and contacts editor screens, and initial outlay for the automated backups feature using our c-ipfs implementation. Now that the encryption work is done, it's just down to the api and "trustless setup" algo (which we already have the plan for and will be relatively easy to implement and prove thanx to DPOS). More on that in week 6.
Lots of logic has been added this week too which prevents users from screwing anything up. Besides Chrome support, we are also writing the necessary code to make Stealth as portable as possible in different browsers and configurations such as Firefox and non-websql compatible browsers.
By the way, I don't know if you guys ever saw the original drawings that bytemaster did for Stealth when he used the "@" symbol for addresses. I use a lot of keyboard shortcuts and don't reach for my mouse much, so by having an easy way to access Stealth accounts and addresses by just typing that one character is a nice feature, so I have implemented that in the UI as well. You don't have to type it, as flipping the 3-way switch will do it for you, but I like having that option available. Not that reaching for my mouse is hard or anything..
Alfredo Garcia, Bitshares Core Dev update:
Alfredo has some monster updates done this past week. The segfault issue in the get_ticker api call has been fixed. The cause of the segfault has been found and removed but this led us to a new additional bug that was found in an api call get_trade_history used by get_ticker and get_24_volume calls.
Those new bugs found are being researched as we speak and we should have a solution for them as well in the coming week. In the process of a change in get_ticker and get_24_volume, calls to don't use get_trade_history or fix the get_trade_history function. So fixing this is definitely a priority too.
Regarding the "Socket spamming too much data." issue:
New commits from elmato in his branch:
We tested and setup a node for sigve to make the final tests before the merge. Everything is working great now so as long as our final tests work as expected, we will finally commit this one (hopefully by monday)
Regarding "Can operation_results please show the operation id(s) of all ops in the tx?" issue:
This one is now in progress.
Regarding "" issue:
This one is done as well and I will close it in the next 24 hours.
Here is a list of some of the other bitshares-core issues that Alfredo is tackling right now:
As for new features, I would like Alfredo to also work on Dividends, Black Swan prevention and recovery, advanced Trading functions to DEx (Margin Trading, Stop Loss, Trailing Stop etc.), selling/dumping a UIA that you no longer want, Worker proposal upgrade (as per Data and Jonny's ideas), Recurring and Scheduled Payments feature, make it so that FBA's don't always need a hardfork, and a lot more. If you have ideas for new features, please contact chris4210 since he maintains the Bitshares wishlist.
Over the weekend I will also publish more app updates to google play for both BlockPay and the Smartcoins Wallet so stay tuned if you want to see all the new stuff we've been working on. As usual, I will post the download links here for you guys too.

Hardforks can be a pain in the arse for everyone, but there are plenty of other pending issues that will require a hardfork as well, so adding yet another doesn't seem like such a big deal anymore since it would add so many nice new features and fixes to bitshares-core:

General Discussion / Re: Bitshares price discussion
« on: March 04, 2017, 08:53:59 am »
Just by creating a huge announcement of the Stealth feature implementation marketcap should double.

I haven't really heard much on that lately; is there any timeframe?

I always post weekly updates about BitShares Munich projects here:,22576.0.html

Tons of updates this week!

BlockPay related:
The main novelty this week has been the redesign of the Loyalty Points UI in the Settings screen. Instead of displaying a huge list of all of the UIA's that could potentially be used as Loyalty Points, we now have just a text box that uses an autocomplete mechanism in order to present the user with a list of potential UIA candidates. This has the advantage of leaving us with a much cleaner and simple-looking interface, while having access to even more UIA's than we had displayed before. This is because in order to have a list of a more reasonable size (there are more than a thousand UIAs!), we were filtering out UIA's with low usage/holders. The database is finally used as the true source of the data backing the list of suggestions that get displayed as you are typing.
Since we don't need to filter out the list of UIA's based on the number of holders each one of them has, this data doesn't have to be loaded at the initial setup either. Since this procedure was responsible for a considerable amount of time spent at this phase, the database setup step is now visibly faster. It was quite a bit of work removing unneeded procedures, but the result is a more responsive app, easier to setup, and consumes less bandwidth overall.
After selecting the proper UIA as a Loyalty Points reward token, we also now check the user's balance and warn the merchant if there's a zero balance for that specific UIA.
Graphenej ( - The library has been updated in order to support multiple operations in a single transaction. With this update, we also did some restructuring of the architecture of the classes that represent transactions and operations. More specifically, the factory pattern is now applied operation-wide instead of being done at the level of the transaction. This makes more sense now that we can bundle together a bunch of operations into a single transaction, which of course ends up charging the customer a bit less in network fees and consuming less bandwidth since less trips to a server are needed.
C-IPFS related:
This week, we worked on file transfer and secure connections. The file transfer works, but it is not the "normal" way to do it, as we have yet to join a swarm. Once secure connections are working, joining the swarm will be the next step. Here are the commits for the week:
Handling the different messages for data transfer in libp2p:
Moving closer to secure connections using the ipfs secio protocol:
Kademlia is almost functional, we just need to implement the search and then add it to the core. CJDNS will be plugged in as well for our meshnet/openwrt stuff (will talk about this more later). In the coming week, we're working hard to get secio finished, then link it to the swarm. With that done, many of the underlying functions will exist to handle the basic needs of our first public C-IPFS release. Less than 2 weeks away now, which means we get to start on BlockPay 2.0 features (employee tracking, brand new UI/UX, Bridge work, some offline abilities, and at least 20 more Integrations (besides Odoo, Tetra OS, hotel/gas chains, etc)).
Android Smartcoins Wallet:
Some bugs that were detected and reported by crashlytics over the weekend were promptly fixed. The first one had to do with the lack of a UI element (a button) in the PIN dialog, and its solution can be found here ( Another one had to do with the selection of a "backup asset" (Overdraft Protection) on the settings screen. We are building directDEx support for this feature now. Support for further operations that handle market orders is required from the graphenej library in order to re-enable this feature. So in the meantime, in order to avoid crashes due to an nonexistent feature, we just deactivated it in the UI for now. This work can be found here:
And finally, a bug that may prevent users from registering new accounts was promptly fixed in a patch that was quickly released yesterday to all users. This fix can be found here:
WIF key support is another feature that is about 95% done right now, but we just want to test it a bit more and make sure it works perfectly with the bin file backups etc too. Once testing of the new WIF import/export feature is complete, I will publish a version update on google play as usual.
Stealth related:
We finally got all the crypto working this week! The api is now being created which will connect our UI work to the core. From that point, we are finishing up conversion of that zcash Rust code I mentioned into C++ so that it works more natively with the bitshares-core.
If we keep moving at this pace, I hope to have the first Stealth testnet online for public testing in less than 6 weeks. This will include the new core, the api with functional UI, and conversion of most of the Rust code for our "trustless setup" algo.
I know 6 weeks sounds like an eternity, but I want this to be done right. The UI/UX has to be perfect too, or else we will never get any mass adoption. First impressions are everything.
Alfredo Garcia, Bitshares Core Dev update:
Alfredo is kickin butt and takin names! It's hard to keep up with him, but I will summarize some of what he has fixed this past week:
CLI wallet issue:
Tested and closed.
Same as 93. Removed note requested by abitmore in pull request: merged.
api call to obtain an account's trade history for a specific asset-pair
Added function. pull request merged
Research of current seed nodes.
Forum post:,23715.0.html
Pull request with the last updated seed nodes info:
Final updated in commit:
Requested more info in github. theoreticalbts is not in the bts team anymore but waiting reply from someone else.
Talked with vikram if no reply, issue will probably be closed.
Tested and closed. the bug is not happening in the current version.
Added feature to cli wallet to be the same as rpc call, this is with start and end time arguments.
Pull request: merged
This request is very old, most of them not needed anymore, we spoke with the issue initiator (Sigve) and decided to close the issue.
Like I mentioned in my last posts, we are implementing a lot of speed and UI improvements into BlockPay this coming week, so I might not want to publish a version upgrade till the end of the week this time, as it is some very large chunks of code that I will need to sift through. Like what? Transactions display, eReceipts redesign, fixing bin file importing on web wallets from mobile, and many different code improvements and tighter integration with our graphenej lib so that less trips to a server are needed. Not sure if I mentioned this or not, but we are installing BlockPay onto vending machines too, and those vending machine owners pay (on average) $1 per MB. So, cpu/mem and especially bandwidth utilization is a very major concern. Every byte counts as I always say. Let's do it right the first time.
edit: updated Project Leads in Jira

General Discussion / Re: Testing Stealth UI
« on: March 02, 2017, 07:04:37 pm »

Smartcoins Wallet v1.5.13 released.
Storing more in the local database now, means less trips to a server, means less bandwidth used by the device :)
As always, never store more in a wallet than you can afford to lose.
Google Play:
Open source:
You should see v1.5.13 appear on F-Droid, Aptoide, Yandex, SlideMe and AlternativeTo app stores in the next few days too.

BlockPay v1.5.8 released.
More speed improvements and UI cleanup in this release.
In v1.5.9 we will be doing some hardcore speed improvements, so it might take a week or so till I release v1.5.9.

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