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General Discussion / Re: BitShares FAQ Video - [Community Theater]
« on: March 17, 2014, 10:20:17 am »
I met with unimercio for lunch yesterday, and we discussed releasing these in Spanish, Portuguese, and French, as well as English. We also have a native Russian speaker lurking around here.

We also talked about starting a BitShares Meetup group in Miami/Ft. Lauderdale.

I might be able to talk my wife into translating into hebrew and tagalog...

General Discussion / First Half of "What is a DAC?" script
« on: March 17, 2014, 09:22:06 am »
I am kind of busy this week and next working on a homework assignment on network upgrades.  Suffice it to say, I am going to be a little busy.  However, I have scrounged up enough time over the past few days to work on a script for a video on "What is a DAC?" 
Please feel free to review and change this script.  Thus far it only covers "Distributed" and "Autonomous", but as you will see toward the end the "Corporation" portion is coming. 

I am posting it below: 

To understand what a Distributed Autonomous Corporation is, we must first understand what makes it Distributed and Autonomous.  For this purpose, I have chosen a project called Project Phoenix…which was created by the Search for ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence Institute (SETI).  As the name implies, SETI was searching for extraterrestrial life under the precepts that any alien races with technology similar to ours would also leave a footprint similar to that which is left by our technology.  The footprint for which they were searching were a range of radio waves that are emitted by many of our technologies here on earth.
To scan for these footprints, Project Phoenix would need around the clock, powerful computation for every second of every day for years.  However, SETI was a non-profit corporation that relied heavily on donations from NASA and other government-funded programs.  Due to this bottle-neck in funding, large and expensive centrally controlled server farms they needed for the computation made it cost prohibitive by conventional means. 

From this conventional problem arose a rather unconventional solution.  This solution was one, if not the first, attempt to enlist individual citizens to donate a part of their Personal Computer’s (PC) computational power to collectively perform the same function as these costly, centralized server farms.  Thus it was Decentralized They asked science-lovers and geeks around the world to download a program that would effectively allow SETI to create their own Distributed version of the cost-prohibitive centralized server farms.  This program used their PC’s extra CPU cycles to search for the ET’s footprints. 

Once the code was written and compiled into a program, it could be downloaded by the Geeks who wished to help find ET, they only needed to start it to be a productive worker in the network.  This program continually ran until the user stopped it or an error occurred.  Because this continual production via computation required little to nothing else from the user, it can be called Autonomous.

Participation in these projects was extremely high, but the incentive structure relied heavily on people’s curiosity about the existence of Extraterrestrial Life.  This is wonderful when doing scientific research for popular movements like finding aliens, curing cancer and aids…etc, but the issue still remains that those who join the network are replacing the central computing infrastructure are paid nothing for their contributions. 

This brings us to the Corporation part of DAC.  Traditionally, a corporation offers investors and society value in the form of goods produced/sold and/or services rendered—or Value Produced.  The value of the corporation is quantified in terms of a designated number of units.  These units are in fiat currency, which is both directly and indirectly controlled by Central Authorities. 

Currently there are many different fiat currencies, but most of them are ultimately controlled by Centralized Banking structures who loan these pretty (yet “intrinsically” worthless) pieces of paper, at interest, to a nation’s population through that nation's treasury…this puts a nation’s people in constant debt to the Central Banks. 

for more on this topic, see Bill Still’s “Money Masters” at the link below:
Mike Maloney’s “Hidden Secrets of Money”:
For a short and sweet, entertaining explanation, “The American Dream”:

“Hint:  Central Banks make us debt slaves and are owned by private individuals and their families in an Oligarchical structure. If you are not part of their club, you are indirectly their slave.”


Please be honest with your criticisms and/or praise.  The Second portion is coming as soon as I can finish my project (hopefully far before the due date as I would prefer to work on the above) ;)

General Discussion / Re: Everybody chill out
« on: March 17, 2014, 09:09:25 am »
I3 *could* have released BTS X within 2 weeks or so with all features "ready". Then they would have "kept their word".

Maintaining "credibility" is possible but is a *worse option* than just pumping out 3 or 4 DACs real quick because they're at a point where it's possible now, even if it delays cash cow BTS X, especially since it makes it possible to release BTS X with much greater confidence

Wait just one sounds like you might have actual experience developing applications.  Thank you for making sense...

I would much rather see a solid finished product that actually adds long-term value as opposed to a product that rewards pump-and-dumpers who so love to destroy projects with their urge to get rich off the ecosystem and lay waste to its long-term value. 

Can't tell you how many times I would wait for a game to be finished (usually by Activision Blizzard products) and released, just to see the release date get pushed back 6 months at a time...multiple times!  But when the finished product comes out needing very little polish, the same people who bitched and complained about waiting, aching for that moment of release...finally got it and moaned in ecstacy (no sexual humor implied). 

It is much easier to change a critic's mind with a beautiful product released late than it is to change their minds about a project released too early with numerous bugs. 

General Discussion / Re: Comment on article
« on: March 17, 2014, 12:41:09 am »
maybe you didn't pay them enough for a mention...seems "conspiratorial", but human nature often is.  I mean, really, how do you miss BitShares and still cover all these others? 

It is really getting hard to believe that people are unaware of this project yet aware of the proof of concepts...Perhaps he doesn't own any. 

Maybe we should ask him how we can tip him in BitShares instead of Bitcoin?

Good conversation here...Enron seemed to be the canary in the coalmine to me, now we have the Transpacific Partnership coming. 

Let's see what adding this to the mix does!   and not too long after:

General Discussion / The Significance of What We Are Doing (A Tribute)
« on: March 16, 2014, 02:55:04 am »

For those who believe collusion to steal wealth is a "Conspiracy"...

There is far more beyond this, but this is how the war started.

*Back to homework*

General Discussion / Re: The Significance of what we are doing...
« on: March 16, 2014, 02:50:22 am »

Doesn't mining almost certainly centralize the issuance of tokens?  I mean, sure, anyone can "mine", but only a very few people will be able to do so profitably, and those people will not necessarily be dictated by their technical skills...but more by their connections to ASICs manufacturers.  And, if in the next 10-20 years the mining of all these tokens becomes centralized how is that system going to be any better for the common man than the current centrally-controlled one? I personally think it would be worse due to the fact that the necessary level of technical skills that would be required to fight against it would largely make this impossible.

The only way I can see mining as being worthwhile is if it utilizes something like the BOINC protocol, which makes the mining perform a task that serves to benefit all humanity (protein folding, searching for extraterrestrial life...etc)...but that still wouldn't fix the centralization issues. 

The reason for this is that even though you might have 30 different ASICs to choose from in order to mine the algo of your choice, it still is centralized to those 30 algos (unless we are looking at a world where a couple thousand algos and 10's of thousands of ASICs manufacturers exist).

Perhaps I am incorrect, but transactions as proof of stake seems to allow people to purchase tokens (or mine them through PTS--including multipool mining PTS), and as stake holders, automatically have the ability to largely overcome the centralization that would otherwise occur. Why?  because I could go work as a waiter somewhere and turn that proof of work (tips) into PTS through an exchange purchase, which gives a larger number of non-techies the ability to meaningfully contribute to the ecosystem. 

I understand that mining is a huge deal to people, but if we want this to become a BROADLY accepted tech, it has to be available to everyone interested in it.  Why would we ever want to change the Gatekeepers of the banking cartels to instead be mining cartels? 

Interested to hear responses.
It has no centralizing impact on bitshares just on the most profitable to mine coin and only at the moment it is profitable to mine it

thats why people mine altcoins mostly, to get more Bitcoin in the long run (or in my case Bitshares :))

Thanks for the explanation man.  Lately my time has been pretty divided between projects (the newborn infant project is proving quite time-consuming!) so it is a bit more difficult to keep up.

Still interested in if/how BOINC can be implemented though.

Doesn't mining almost certainly centralize the issuance of tokens?  I mean, sure, anyone can "mine", but only a very few people will be able to do so profitably, and those people will not necessarily be dictated by their technical skills...but more by their connections to ASICs manufacturers.  And, if in the next 10-20 years the mining of all these tokens becomes centralized how is that system going to be any better for the common man than the current centrally-controlled one? I personally think it would be worse due to the fact that the necessary level of technical skills that would be required to fight against it would largely make this impossible.

The only way I can see mining as being worthwhile is if it utilizes something like the BOINC protocol, which makes the mining perform a task that serves to benefit all humanity (protein folding, searching for extraterrestrial life...etc)...but that still wouldn't fix the centralization issues. 

The reason for this is that even though you might have 30 different ASICs to choose from in order to mine the algo of your choice, it still is centralized to those 30 algos--unless we are looking at a world where a couple thousand algos and 10's of thousands of ASICs manufacturers exist.  Even with this, though, what is stopping ASIC manufacturers from colluding to centralize manufacturing into the hands of a few?

Perhaps I am incorrect, but transactions as proof of stake seems to allow people to purchase tokens (or mine them through PTS--including multipool mining PTS), and as stake holders, be paid for processing the tx's and getting rewarded in that way.  This seems far better as it gives anyone ability to largely overcome the centralization that would otherwise occur. Why?  because I could go work as a waiter somewhere and turn that proof of work (tips) into PTS through an exchange purchase, which gives a larger number of non-techies the ability to meaningfully contribute to the ecosystem. 

I understand that mining is a huge deal to people, but if we want this to become a BROADLY accepted tech, it has to be available to everyone interested in it.  Why would we ever want to change the Gatekeepers of the banking cartels to instead be mining cartels? 

Interested to hear responses.

General Discussion / Re: BitShares FAQ Video - [Community Theater]
« on: March 14, 2014, 10:25:05 pm »
does anyone know of good places to find free background music?  there have to be laws that keep us from using music not under creative commons...

still relatively new in this area and maybe asking the question will make this quicker.

Forking is not a bad idea if and when it is actually a step forward but when the post isn't even written well only idiots will be attracted to the fork.

I hate to say it, but the use of the word "idiots" made me laugh...

Marketplace / Re: WTB 500k MMC
« on: March 14, 2014, 04:59:47 am »
Sorry, I was trying to warn you to be careful, not others to be careful of you

We do have numerous access points, yet people still get duped so I just wanted to help protect your ~31 BTC

For those who think Bytemaster doesn't pay attention to your ideas...

It seems sometimes he takes the community's ideas and substantially improves them...

<asskissing> Wonderful job so far </asskissing>

Post your ideas to the Alternative DACs Section here:

Keep it up!  We need as much of that kind of kissing as we can get! you can see, I am liberal in both application of ass kissing and criticism so consider it well deserved. ;)

BitShares PTS / Re: Why Mine PTS
« on: March 14, 2014, 04:54:05 am »
Started Mining PTS a week before the 2/28 Snapshot. From everything I am reading why bother to mine the PTS now? It is definitely possible I am just reading bad information... but BTS X is replacing the PTS profit wise correct? Mining the PTS helps me to take "stock" in the DAC's that Invictus creates but where is the profit? Basically how do I get paid from having stock with these upcoming DAC's? New at this please explain in laymans terms :-[

This is the direct link to the video for the Insurance DAC they are planning:

This is the link to the forum post where he first posted the video (and a great thread to ask further questions regarding these DACs):

General Discussion / Re: Let's think about this
« on: March 14, 2014, 04:38:36 am »
There is a GUI being developed to interact with the market and put in bids/shorts for BitUSD. There are some screenshots floating around (looks quite promising). And yes after acquiring BitAssets you can send them on to a merchant's address for example.

Yep...Dom is a badass and he and his team are working on precisely this. 

There is a GUI being developed to interact with the market and put in bids/shorts for BitUSD. There are some screenshots floating around (looks quite promising). And yes after acquiring BitAssets you can send them on to a merchant's address for example.

It doesn't look promising but its a start. The GUI needs to be configurable. It needs to be skinnable and extensible.

now THAT is a wonderful idea...

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