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Messages - CalabiYau

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Deutsch (German) / Re: BTSwolf ist online
« on: March 23, 2015, 02:50:33 pm »
 +5% PM sent  :)

the thread title: Cryptocurrency "The Alt-ernative" (Second Edition) VOTE

The pole question: Which cryptocurrency do you want in the book?

The post text: "I vote for BitShares + 1"

Looks like similar posts were deleted from that thread.

Edit: incorrect display of the quoted post text.

confirmed, my 2 last posts regarding bitshares => deleted

General Discussion / Re: Let's show power of our community #10
« on: March 18, 2015, 08:19:14 am »

General Discussion / Re: Alternative GUI for BitShares
« on: March 17, 2015, 07:45:51 pm »
like the style, well done !  +5%

I wish I could host my delegate that reliably ..

How is "backup" working in your setup?

NVM - not everybody has the time to babysit the servers  ;) 
Backup is a client running on a second machine, so it`s always possible to (manually : -) switch in case of
updates and whatever errors. Internet backup is performed by tethering over mobile.

Great job, great spirit, thank you guys.  +5%

Status update: 

The calabiyau "Swiss-delegate-node" produced

>20`000 blocks - reliability 99.36 %  (pay 3%)

Thank you for your votes.

Looking forward to the next 10k.....

General Discussion / Re: What going on?
« on: March 16, 2015, 08:05:13 am »
@btswildpig - thank you for this intercultural insight  :)   @fudsters - patience is a virtue  ;)

Technical Support / Re: v0.6.2 won't sync
« on: March 06, 2015, 12:57:31 pm »
Every time I tried to sync via WLAN a new version => fail, for whatever reason. Wire connection always worked well.
If the chain is synced, switching back to WLAN => no issues.

Stakeholder Proposals / Re: Some price feeds are off several percent
« on: March 03, 2015, 06:56:14 pm »
Thx, looking into this.

General Discussion / Re: The BitShares Online Web Wallet is ready...
« on: February 25, 2015, 07:58:14 pm »
Cool stuff, really !

If we are going to raise millions for something.. it's not going to be to buy out someone else right now.. that money is better spent in the development of our own ecosystem. I use the word 'development' in the largest sense of the word too.. from marketing to coding.

How about betting on your own horse that has a running chance instead of wanting to put your money behind the one with the broken leg?

Love the enthusiasm about the opportunity..  +5% I just think it's misdirected.. our enthusiasm should be getting translated into well targeted messaging and invites to the rest of the world welcoming them to decentralization.


We're on right track IMO!

Yes it's depressing sometime to to see this prices!

But from what i can see:

We've a really transparent western marketing channel, very fruitful as i find!

We're are making UX/UI progess in right direction, light weight wallets are on the way, Crowdfunding platform is on the way,
we're developing a mobile wallet for the masses in parallel ... Gateways, Bridges , Shopping card plugins etc. p. p.

…so finally … i really don't understand …why to give up hope..
on community level we're more and more working effective together!


Technical Support / Re: Missing BitGold (solved)
« on: February 04, 2015, 04:34:11 pm »
Thank you xeroc,

- wallet_regenerate_keys ACCOUNT-NAME 50000

did the magic.  BitGold appeared.  :)

No I hold my breath and try to settle the rest....

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