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Messages - Gentso1

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General Discussion / Re: Do we need a new logo?
« on: January 19, 2015, 02:07:11 pm »
Please don't change the logo......

We are still feeling the bite from the name change and confused message, that I feel like we are just starting to over come. A logo change will just add fuel to the confusion fire.

Technical Support / Re: Power failure while running wallet bts MIA
« on: January 19, 2015, 03:15:13 am »
wallet_regenerate_keys account-name 11000
I just read and started

I used 1050 instead 11000, The wallet said it was done but no funds. I then tried to check the market but it froze up so I had to end process. I restarted and bamm all is well.

Thanks for the help

Technical Support / [SOLVED] Power failure while running wallet bts MIA
« on: January 19, 2015, 02:29:08 am »
So I had a power failure while running the wallet. Sadly when I rebooted the wallet would not start (error 10001). No worries I have a back up json and copy of the wallet folder.

I re install but no BTS. I have a UIA That I purchased but the bts is gone. I had played with shorting for the first time about 2 days ago but I closed my position yesterday.

I do have a few transactions listed as unknown but judging from the date it was from playing with the shorting.

Any help to fix this would be great, thanks

General Discussion / Re: BTS Tracker for Mobile Phone, anyone?
« on: January 18, 2015, 10:55:18 pm »
Cryptonator has been my weapon of choice for this job.

Very cool. Your site is growing to become more and more useful everyday. Keep up the good work.

General Discussion / Re: Anybody have $20 Million?
« on: January 17, 2015, 10:51:38 pm »
no need to pump it .

After this Bitcoin bubble busted , the whole world sees how bubble works . Even if BTS X6 again , it will eventually go back to where it was if without massive adoption .

Without usefulness and sound structure , every hype will finally just a hype .

I think we should learn that lesson .

The only thing we should pump is the adoption of BitUSD .
About damn right ..
a big  +5% to that......

Technical Support / Re: Bought bitUSD, Paid BTS, Never Received bitUSD...
« on: January 15, 2015, 09:31:10 pm »
Were you using the console? It's hard to buy the fake bitusd unless you're trying.   We should totally block that asset though.

The only reason to have a asset named like this is to dupe users, How hard would it be to block this kinda stuff?

General Discussion / Re: Elevator Pitch for Different Markets
« on: January 15, 2015, 07:27:11 pm »
riverhead, methodx and myself have been working our pitch for the last few nights.

The focus, as always is the product bitUSD. The 5 points shown on

So we have 5 key points and a quick 1 line to explain each one

Price Stability-BitUSD is pegged to the value of real USD. That means 1 BitUSD today will be worth 1 real USD tomorrow, without issuing an IOU.
Better Anonymity-Since BitUSD uses stealth addresses by default, it's hard to spy on your balance or know what your shopping habits are.
Earn Interest-Unlike with brick & mortar banks, holding BitUSD in your wallet earns interest. Relax and let your money work for you.
No Counterparty Risk-There is no IOU with BitUSD. It's backed by 300% collateral on the worlds first decentralized exchange.
Blockchain Secure-BitUSD is built with the same innovation as Bitcoin. A publicly distributed ledger means nobody can "freeze" or confiscate your funds.

Keeping those the product in mind a question that is being asked  is, How is bitUSD made? For that we have

"BitUSD is shorted into existence by BTS holders and is 300% collateralized and blockchain sercured so there is no counterparty risk."

Pleas feel free to post idea's. This kinds quick high level over views are great tools for me.

Can we move the anonymity feature to the VERY end .. 1) it is no real anonymity .. 2) it's not an argument to invest .. 3) "easy" to achieve with most crypto and not a killer feature

2)I think it is a valid investment argument, people try to hide their money for the government all the time for a few different reasons.

1,3 I agree with. I am hopeful in the future 1 will be solved by the devs and their coding work as time goes on.

My question to you would be what can we replace that bullet with?

To anyone suggesting bitGLD, SLV etc......your right but, At this time I think their are too many steps for getting users to buy into them on a noticeable scale. If you can go from btc or even better fiat to bitLGD then I agree 100%

General Discussion / Re: Elevator Pitch for Different Markets
« on: January 15, 2015, 01:12:12 pm »
riverhead, methodx and myself have been working our pitch for the last few nights.

The focus, as always is the product bitUSD. The 5 points shown on

So we have 5 key points and a quick 1 line to explain each one

Price Stability-BitUSD is pegged to the value of real USD. That means 1 BitUSD today will be worth 1 real USD tomorrow, without issuing an IOU.
Better Anonymity-Since BitUSD uses stealth addresses by default, it's hard to spy on your balance or know what your shopping habits are.
Earn Interest-Unlike with brick & mortar banks, holding BitUSD in your wallet earns interest. Relax and let your money work for you.
No Counterparty Risk-There is no IOU with BitUSD. It's backed by 300% collateral on the worlds first decentralized exchange.
Blockchain Secure-BitUSD is built with the same innovation as Bitcoin. A publicly distributed ledger means nobody can "freeze" or confiscate your funds.

Keeping those the product in mind a question that is being asked  is, How is bitUSD made? For that we have

"BitUSD is shorted into existence by BTS holders and is 300% collateralized and blockchain sercured so there is no counterparty risk."

Pleas feel free to post idea's. This kinds quick high level over views are great tools for me.

General Discussion / Re: Marketing of assets fail
« on: January 14, 2015, 06:02:46 pm »
No I said it right, our public-facing content doesn't promote BTS so my point was why would they want to integrate BTS instead of bitassets.

What I am talking about has nothing to do with our content and has everything to do with the people that are presenting information to partners through email and skype, I should have been clear about that.

The mistake you are making is that the people we are speaking with are not going to taking the time to read up and educate themselves about us. We are one alt among a sea of crypto's. The folks we are talking to receive 10+ emails a day from coins. I wouldn't be surprised if the process is to go to CMC look at where they rank and compare that to 24hr volume and base how soon should we add them off that. 

As to your point of why would they want to integrate BTS and not the assets they don't. The problem is they don't know that. That's why the title of the thread is "Marketing of assets fail". The people that sit down after the reach out email with partners need to explain that BitUSD is what they want and why. The product should be presented in the reach out email and during the sit down. The fact that the bts is being added before bitUSD is why its a fail.The purpose is to identify the problem, and come up with solutions.

General Discussion / Re: Marketing of assets fail
« on: January 14, 2015, 03:36:22 pm »
Right, so who gave them BTS instead of bitassets to begin with? Our public-facing content doesn't really promote BTS bitAssets.
FIFY .. you can thank me later  :P

lol I didn't even notice that but I knew what he meant.

General Discussion / Re: Marketing of assets fail
« on: January 14, 2015, 03:21:38 pm »
They then confirmed that they are not but that they would seriously consider adding them in the future.This is a nice way of saying probably never.

You should just say "we weren't planning to support another BTS exchange, the utility is in the bitAssets".

At this point their mind is all ready made up. The battle is lost. This is a meeting to send out a joint marketing message. The Devs are all ready doing the coding. To fight it at this point would mean that you may not gain anything. Their only care is to take a piece of fill in the blank thats it, and their is a whole list of coins behind you.

The correct approach is to give them the product from the start not bts which is for investors. I got involved after the pitched happened and is thus why I feel its important to talk about what pitch we give and to whom.

General Discussion / Marketing of assets fail
« on: January 14, 2015, 02:46:32 pm »
I have been actively talking with partners for over a month now. Everything from crypto to crypto exchanges, gateways,merchants anyone who will listen. I have noticed that everyone wants to add bts but no one wants to add the assets.

Lets take a recent partner for example. When talking to the head of their marketing department they immediately asked what features make bitshares different then other crypto's. To be honest I was a bit taken back and this question prompted me to ask if they were adding any bitassets. They paused for a min and I could immediately tell they had no idea what I was talking about. They then confirmed that they are not but that they would seriously consider adding them in the future.This is a nice way of saying probably never.

I suppose the funniest part of the above is that nubits which has nushares and is comparable in this case, has nubits (their product/asset) listed for over a month. I am pretty sure they didn't even know nubits was a asset and tbh doesn't care. The fail is on our part and the presentation of our products or lack their of. You see the truth of the situation is this, these partner businesses don't have the time or will to research every alt beating down their door to be added. They (often times) will not list many pairings (bts, bitUSD,bitBTC,bitCNY) etc.... They expect that when we come to them, the asset or share that we promote or suggest right out of the gate is the one they are going to add simple as that.

How do we fix it? If you read the above and agree that their is a problem then you should now be asking that very question. The answer is surprisingly simple. DON'T TALK ABOUT BITSHARES TALK ABOUT THE PRODUCT. Bitshares is for investors and investors will find us IF we have a good product that is being used. We do have a good product, it is not being used. Who wants to invest in shares of a company if they have no one using their product? A open email, reach out to a partner should be along the lines of

Hi such and such I am blah from blah and I would like the opportunity to sit down and talk with you about bitUSD and what it can do for you. You then meet with them on skype and talk their ear off about the assets not the company.......or let gentso sit and talk their ear off, your call.

Am I beating a dead horse yet?

General Discussion / Re: Ads on bytemaster's blog
« on: January 14, 2015, 01:56:43 pm »
You need to take down the ads. Ads are good for monetizing when no other monetization method is more effective. Right now we have a few clear, valuable call-to-actions: get a bitshares account, buy bitshares, buy bitUSD, and sign up for the mailing list.

Anything else just distracts users away from these important goals, all while damaging the perceived value and credibility of you and bitshares on the whole.

I find "buy BitShares" to be a very unclear call to action. The clear call to actions are buy bitusd, use the decentralized exchange, and get hired by blockchain.  All lead to Download the client because you get the benefits of X.  The reason these are clear is that they can be explained by one "why".  Buy BitShares is a much more complicated explanation and is like "buy Bitcoin," which you most likely wouldn't recommend that anyone do...

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

So wait I can learn the advantages of a decentralized exchange, that only creates assets when proper collateral is provided AND find Asian love?

OMG I have to tell my wife about this. 

seriously though I was wondering what everyone was talking about because I have never seen the ad's because I run

General Discussion / Re: gateway needs feedback!
« on: January 14, 2015, 01:39:15 pm »
Very cool, I look forward to this.

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