Bitsharesx is not even close to being a finished or useable product and the core developer focus now goes to a new project?
I think you are a wise man... I also doubt anybody will listen... 
I think BitSharesX is amazing & looking pretty good especially after the next update where shorts compete on yield. BM has said he thinks this DAC could be as big as BTSX and Stan has said there may be some synergy between the two. Personally I'd probably recommend BM takes a bit of a break because I can't imagine all the work and time he must have put into BTSX in the last few months. However if he's passionate about getting stuck into another project that will probably also benefit BTSX, I say thanks and good luck! 
But btsx is not useable. There's no mobile wallet, there's no ability to integrate it with a POS system. Shorts paying interest is not going to add any value on its own, it will only make a difference if there is a reason to either buy bitUSD or go long btsx and currently there is no such reason. There must be trade inside the system for it to create any value.
The vote DAC being as big as btsx means nothing, because currently btsx is nothing. It has no actual users, only Chinese speculators and western true believers.
BTSX has the potential to become what everyone has thought bitcoin would become, the system that liberates mankind. But that will only happen if it is made to happen, and currently there are some crucial pieces missing before it will be ready for lift off.
I realize that dan and the team have already done a tremendous lot, but if they finish what they started they will earn the right to rest for the rest of their lives. Right now is really not the time to rest.
Oh yeah, I believe all of those things you mentioned are happening & I presume BM will be as involved as he needs to be. Again as I said in another thread, BM came up with BTSX, he knows how big it can be & he's put loads into it to make it a reality from just an idea. If he's working on something else, I'm sure he's confident he can handle both & that there are reasons for it.
Dan is incredibly smart but that doesn't mean he cannot make mistakes. In this case starting a new project is a huge mistake. Btsx doesn't even have a mobile wallet or the capability for pos integration. Every single cent of the current market cap is entirely speculative, all based on future expectations. There is not a single actual user. If those expectations fail to appear in a reasonable timeframe, the entire market cap will evaporate. If it turns out that the main person behind the entire thing now has his heart set on other things then patience will turn to panic. Btsx will die, and every other bitshares DAC will die alongside it.
Saying "I'm sure [...] there are reasons for it" literally means that you are unable to think of any reasons for it.
The CAP is not entirely speculative. BitAssets work, the peg works. I am a user, I own BitAssets.
If the banks collapsed tomorrow my BitAssets would still be fine without all the add-ons. So there is a lot of genuine value included in the current CAP.
I also often react to things and write and will continue to write my fair share of 'The sky is falling down' posts but the sky is not falling down, every single cent of it is not speculative, every single BitShares DAC will not die...
As for the reasons, yes you're right I'm not clear what they are, as not all has been revealed yet (& I'll probably disagree with some of them when they are) It took about 6 months but I have a lot of confidence in BM and so I don't always need to know all the details to be very comfortable about my position.