I have some concerns for the superdac...
let's say in 3 months the superdac is 5 dacs merged, for example:
super dac=vote+x+dns+play+insurance so
super dac's value (market cap) = vote+x+dns+play+insurance value (market caps combined)
let's assume your efforts and the funds you spent for the super dac has this priority’s on developing the internal "futures":
40% efforts/time/funds to
vote futures
20% efforts/time/funds to
X futures
20% efforts/time/funds to
music futures
15% efforts/time/funds to
dns futures
5% effort/time/funds to
insurance futures
and I am a NEW potential investor and I want to invest on the bts superdac only because I think that the killer application/dac is the dns that is included there and in reality I
think that the other ones have no big potential.
Why should I invest $100 when I know that only $15 will go to the dns part of the project/superdac?
Is it possible for a new investor to "choose" somehow where the majority of his fund will go? Or will it depended only from the dev team?
Have you think about an option for example when somebody invest's on the superdac (with bts) that he can the same time vote where he wants the majority of his funds to go?
Imagine every bts holder can vote with his bts power where they want the devs to give more time/efforts/funds...
so if the majority of investors for example thinks the devs must give priority to the music integrated dac and secondly to the vote integrated dac they should be some how confident that gonna happen and it's not the exclusivity of bytemaster or toast or who ever decision ....