from my point of view peertracks wants to uproot bitshares as bank. It seems unwieldy for them to embark on the path of creating a new bitUSD backed by their own company stock, unless, they think they can leave bitshares bitUSD behind in the dust. for them to beat bitshares bitUSD, the first step is to have a well capitalized stock so that many bitUSD can be shorted. And second to have superior incentive to buy their bitUSD. peertracks looks capable to meet both these criteria.
has it been considered for a DAC like music or vote or DNS, which may want to have a dollar token for unit of exchange, instead to printing new bitUSD against their newbie stock, to instead accept payment in user-issued bitUSD IOUS?
It's the same concept of bitstamp taking dollar deposits and issuing IOUS on the ripple ledger. this is transferring the dollar from the bank ledger to ripple ledger. A bitUSD/peertrack gateway would take deposits in bitshares bitUSD, issue IOUS on peertracks and correspondingly redeem / destroy those IOUS.
any BitUSD on a separate chain is a competing currency with bitshares bitUSD. we need to convince DACS to user our bitUSD not to create their own.