Author Topic: Developer delegate: dev.bitsharesblocks  (Read 126789 times)

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Offline bytemaster

Can you display the result of "blockchain_get_account_wall" for accounts?

You can view an example with the "angel" account.
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Offline svk

I'm now in 113th place, thanks for all your support so far!

In case you missed it, I've started added translations to the site, French is currently available and Chinese will be added later today thanks to btswildpig.

I've also posted a bounty for more translations here:

Worker: dev.bitsharesblocks

Offline wasthatawolf

Just gave you my vote.

Would you consider creating a simple API that I can use to populate the price and feed statistics for BitUSD here:

I put this together using Google Sheets, updates every 5 minutes using data from coinmarketcap and scraped via Kimonolabs API (script can easily be modified to use a more stable API).

The Google Charts class is somewhat limited and won't allow creation of a Histogram chart via script.  I created two full sheet charts for histograms of the bid variance and ask variance from median feed price.  For up to date charts, you just need to modify the chart data to include the latest row.

I just need BTS/BitUSD median feed and current bid and ask prices.

Offline svk

Thanks a lot to everyone who voted so far! I'm still working on translations but took some time out yesterday to contribute to the wallet by adding some standardized information and by defining some delegate roles. This will hopefully show up in the next version of the wallet. More info with screenshots here:

I'm currently ranked 114th, just need a few more whales to vote now! ;)
Worker: dev.bitsharesblocks

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Offline Shentist

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i just voted for you with my available BTS balance, but as discussed earlier it would be make sense to allow the bitasset and the short asset balance to vote as well. in my eyes this is total contra productive, because the most involved people (i assume anyone of you are doing some trading) will get punished with none votes. for the long run this makes no sense at all, because the BTS are just in collateral and not sold. i hope this will fixed or considered to be fixed.

Offline svk

I just want to clarify that I want to decommission my old *.svk31 delegates and only run one delegate, in case anyone was wondering about that.

I've added some tracking of earnings to the individual delegate pages, for now you'll see how much a delegate has earned, how much they've paid in fees, and a time plot of their earnings. The time plot can be deceiving because I don't have a way of telling how much a delegate was paid at a certain time, the pay per block isn't included anywhere. For those who don't know how delegate pay works, you don't get paid directly to your account but need to withdraw your earnings manually. So what I can do is find any withdrawals a delegate has made, and how much they're currently owed, and then I plot those values. For delegates who regularly make withdrawals this is then fairly accurate, for delegates who haven't yet made any withdrawals it becomes a straight line from their first block to the current date.

Up next is translations, I started working on it yesterday and just need to finish all the English strings then I'll offer it up as small bounties to add some major languages.

Worker: dev.bitsharesblocks

Offline CalabiYau

Offline Overthetop

Voted, and thanks for your work!   +5%
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this is how you get a delegate seat!
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Offline svk

Thanks for all the support so far, I've got some votes already but I'm still only ranked nr 199 so keep 'em coming!

Yesterday I started looking into ways to familiarize myself with Github, and I figured a good way to do so was to contribute to the web wallet. After some back and forth with valzav I managed to make a pull request for two minor fixes: properly showing delegate ranks when filtering and nicer votes formatting.
Worker: dev.bitsharesblocks

Offline CLains

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Offline svk

hope this helps a bit to simplify the voting process directly out of forum

This is great, thank you! Another thing I always wanted was a badge of some sort for the official developers so that newcomers can recognize them, think that's possible? I think a lot of people might not realize that someone like drltc or valzav are part of the development team for example.
Worker: dev.bitsharesblocks

Offline wackou

 +5% you definitely have my vote, too
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