The time to buy BTS will be when the holders finally realize that all they are doing is paying for the UIA issuers security and transfers via dilution.
BTS is operating at a loss every day via workers and witness's. Think of it as any other business, would you buy into a business that generates negative profits and hardly any revenue? There are lots of valuable companies out there that have negative profits, but large revenues... Amazon, Tesla, and Netflix come to mind. At some point in the future, they plan to turn that big revenue into profits which is why they have a high valuation. BTS has no revenue much less an idea on how to generate profits.
I've harped that fee's will need to be raised in order to generate the revenues and profits. If the focus is switched to providing forex traders with a stable platform with ample liquidity, they will be more than willing to pay fee's. The fee's could be percentage based or flat. But trying to get this community to pivot or agree on a direction is like turning around the Titanic.